Source code for tiled.adapters.excel

from typing import Any

import dask.dataframe
import pandas

from ..adapters.mapping import MapAdapter
from .dataframe import DataFrameAdapter

[docs] class ExcelAdapter(MapAdapter): """ """ @classmethod def from_file(cls, file: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "ExcelAdapter": """ Read the sheets in an Excel file. This maps the Excel file, which may contain one of more spreadsheets, onto a tree of tabular structures. Examples -------- Given a file object >>> file = open("path/to/excel_file.xlsx") >>> ExcelAdapter.from_file(file) Given a pandas.ExcelFile object >>> import pandas >>> filepath = "path/to/excel_file.xlsx" >>> ef = pandas.ExcelFile(filepath) >>> ExcelAdapter.from_file(ef) Parameters ---------- file : kwargs : Returns ------- """ if isinstance(file, pandas.ExcelFile): excel_file = file else: excel_file = pandas.ExcelFile(file) mapping = {} for sheet_name in excel_file.sheet_names: ddf = dask.dataframe.from_pandas( excel_file.parse(sheet_name), npartitions=1, # TODO Be smarter about this. ) mapping[sheet_name] = DataFrameAdapter.from_dask_dataframe(ddf) return cls(mapping, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_uri(cls, data_uri: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "ExcelAdapter": """ Read the sheets in an Excel file. This maps the Excel file, which may contain one of more spreadsheets, onto a tree of tabular structures. Examples -------- Given a file path >>> ExcelAdapter.from_file("path/to/excel_file.xlsx") Parameters ---------- data_uri : kwargs : Returns ------- """ file = pandas.ExcelFile(data_uri) return cls.from_file(file)