Source code for tiled.config

This module handles server configuration.

See for client configuration.
import copy
import os
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import lru_cache
from pathlib import Path

import jsonschema

from .adapters.mapping import MapAdapter
from .media_type_registration import (
    compression_registry as default_compression_registry,
from .media_type_registration import (
    serialization_registry as default_serialization_registry,
from .query_registration import query_registry as default_query_registry
from .utils import import_object, parse, prepend_to_sys_path
from .validation_registration import validation_registry as default_validation_registry

def schema():
    "Load the schema for service-side configuration."
    import yaml

    here = Path(__file__).parent.absolute()
    schema_path = here / "config_schemas" / "service_configuration.yml"
    with open(schema_path, "r") as file:
        return yaml.safe_load(file)

[docs] def construct_build_app_kwargs( config, *, source_filepath=None, query_registry=None, compression_registry=None, serialization_registry=None, validation_registry=None, ): """ Given parsed configuration, construct arguments for build_app(...). The parameters query_registry, compression_registry, and serialization_registry are used by the tests to inject separate registry instances. By default, the singleton global instances of these registries and used (and modified). """ config = copy.deepcopy(config) # Avoid mutating input. startup_tasks = [] shutdown_tasks = [] background_tasks = [] if query_registry is None: query_registry = default_query_registry if serialization_registry is None: serialization_registry = default_serialization_registry if compression_registry is None: compression_registry = default_compression_registry if validation_registry is None: validation_registry = default_validation_registry sys_path_additions = [] if source_filepath: if os.path.isdir(source_filepath): directory = source_filepath else: directory = os.path.dirname(source_filepath) sys_path_additions.append(directory) with prepend_to_sys_path(*sys_path_additions): auth_spec = config.get("authentication", {}) or {} for age in ["refresh_token_max_age", "session_max_age", "access_token_max_age"]: if age in auth_spec: auth_spec[age] = timedelta(seconds=auth_spec[age]) root_access_control = config.get("access_control", {}) or {} auth_aliases = {} # TODO Enable entrypoint as alias for authenticator_class? providers = list(auth_spec.get("providers", [])) provider_names = [p["provider"] for p in providers] if len(set(provider_names)) != len(provider_names): raise ValueError( "The names given for 'provider' must be unique. " f"Found duplicates in {providers}" ) for i, authenticator in enumerate(providers): import_path = auth_aliases.get( authenticator["authenticator"], authenticator["authenticator"] ) authenticator_class = import_object(import_path, accept_live_object=True) authenticator = authenticator_class(**authenticator.get("args", {})) # Replace "package.module:Object" with live instance. auth_spec["providers"][i]["authenticator"] = authenticator if root_access_control.get("access_policy") is not None: root_policy_import_path = root_access_control["access_policy"] root_policy_class = import_object( root_policy_import_path, accept_live_object=True ) root_access_policy = root_policy_class( **root_access_control.get("args", {}) ) else: root_access_policy = None # TODO Enable entrypoint to extend aliases? tree_aliases = { "catalog": "tiled.catalog:from_uri", } trees = {} for item in config.get("trees", []): access_control = item.get("access_control", {}) or {} if access_control.get("access_policy") is not None: policy_import_path = access_control["access_policy"] policy_class = import_object( policy_import_path, accept_live_object=True ) access_policy = policy_class(**access_control.get("args", {})) else: access_policy = None segments = tuple(segment for segment in item["path"].split("/") if segment) tree_spec = item["tree"] if isinstance(tree_spec, str) and tree_spec == "files": raise Exception( """The way that tiled serves files has changed. See documentation section "Serve a Directory of Files".""" ) import_path = tree_aliases.get(tree_spec, tree_spec) obj = import_object(import_path, accept_live_object=True) if (("args" in item) or ("access_policy" in item)) and (not callable(obj)): raise ValueError( f"Object imported from {import_path} cannot take args. " "It is not callable." ) if callable(obj): # Interpret obj as a tree *factory*. args = {} args.update(item.get("args", {})) if access_policy is not None: args["access_policy"] = access_policy tree = obj(**args) else: # Interpret obj as a tree *instance*. if access_policy is not None: raise ValueError( f"Cannot apply access_policy to object {obj} which is already instantiated." ) tree = obj if segments in trees: raise ValueError(f"The path {'/'.join(segments)} was specified twice.") trees[segments] = tree startup_tasks.extend(getattr(tree, "startup_tasks", [])) shutdown_tasks.extend(getattr(tree, "shutdown_tasks", [])) background_tasks.extend(getattr(tree, "background_tasks", [])) if not len(trees): raise ValueError("Configuration contains no trees") if list(trees) == [()]: # Simple case: there is one tree, served at the root path /. root_tree = tree if root_access_policy is not None: tree.access_policy = root_access_policy else: # There are one or more tree(s) to be served at # sub-paths. Merged them into one root MapAdapter. # Map path segments to dicts containing Adapters at that path. root_mapping = {} index = {(): root_mapping} include_routers = [] for segments, tree in trees.items(): for i in range(len(segments)): if segments[:i] not in index: mapping = {} index[segments[:i]] = mapping parent = index[segments[: i - 1]] parent[segments[i - 1]] = MapAdapter(mapping) index[segments[:-1]][segments[-1]] = tree # Collect any custom routers. routers = getattr(tree, "include_routers", []) for router in routers: if router not in include_routers: include_routers.append(router) root_tree = MapAdapter(root_mapping, access_policy=root_access_policy) root_tree.include_routers.extend(include_routers) server_settings = {} if root_path := config.get("root_path", ""): server_settings["root_path"] = root_path server_settings["allow_origins"] = config.get("allow_origins") server_settings["response_bytesize_limit"] = config.get( "response_bytesize_limit" ) server_settings["database"] = config.get("database", {}) server_settings["reject_undeclared_specs"] = config.get( "reject_undeclared_specs" ) server_settings["expose_raw_assets"] = config.get("expose_raw_assets") server_settings["metrics"] = config.get("metrics", {}) for structure_family, values in config.get("media_types", {}).items(): for media_type, import_path in values.items(): serializer = import_object(import_path, accept_live_object=True) serialization_registry.register( structure_family, media_type, serializer ) for ext, media_type in config.get("file_extensions", {}).items(): serialization_registry.register_alias(ext, media_type) for item in config.get("specs", []): if "validator" in item: validator = import_object(item["validator"]) else: # no-op validator = _no_op_validator validation_registry.register(item["spec"], validator) # TODO Make compression_registry extensible via configuration. return { "tree": root_tree, "authentication": auth_spec, "server_settings": server_settings, "query_registry": query_registry, "serialization_registry": serialization_registry, "compression_registry": compression_registry, "validation_registry": validation_registry, "tasks": { "startup": startup_tasks, "shutdown": shutdown_tasks, "background": background_tasks, }, }
def merge(configs): merged = {"trees": []} # These variables are used to produce error messages that point # to the relevant config file(s). authentication_config_source = None access_control_config_source = None uvicorn_config_source = None metrics_config_source = None database_config_source = None response_bytesize_limit_config_source = None allow_origins = [] media_types = defaultdict(dict) specs = [] reject_undeclared_specs_source = None file_extensions = {} paths = {} # map each item's path to config file that specified it for filepath, config in configs.items(): for structure_family, values in config.get("media_types", {}).items(): media_types[structure_family].update(values) file_extensions.update(config.get("file_extensions", {})) allow_origins.extend(config.get("allow_origins", [])) if "access_control" in config: if "access_control" in merged: raise ConfigError( "access_control can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {access_control_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) access_control_config_source = filepath merged["access_control"] = config["access_control"] if "authentication" in config: if "authentication" in merged: raise ConfigError( "authentication can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {authentication_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) authentication_config_source = filepath merged["authentication"] = config["authentication"] if "uvicorn" in config: if "uvicorn" in merged: raise ConfigError( "uvicorn can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {uvicorn_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) uvicorn_config_source = filepath merged["uvicorn"] = config["uvicorn"] if "object_cache" in config: warnings.warn( "The object cache has been removed. " "The config of the object cache no longer has any effect." ) if "response_bytesize_limit" in config: if "response_bytesize_limit" in merged: raise ConfigError( "response_bytesize_limit can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {response_bytesize_limit_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) response_bytesize_limit_config_source = filepath merged["response_bytesize_limit"] = config["response_bytesize_limit"] if "metrics" in config: if "metrics" in merged: raise ConfigError( "metrics can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {metrics_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) metrics_config_source = filepath merged["metrics"] = config["metrics"] if "database" in config: if "database" in merged: raise ConfigError( "database configuration can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {database_config_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) database_config_source = filepath merged["database"] = config["database"] if "reject_undeclared_specs" in config: if "reject_undeclared_specs" in merged: raise ConfigError( "'reject_undeclared_specs' can only be specified in one file. " f"It was found in both {reject_undeclared_specs_source} and " f"{filepath}" ) reject_undeclared_specs_source = filepath merged["reject_undeclared_specs"] = config["reject_undeclared_specs"] for item in config.get("trees", []): if item["path"] in paths: msg = "A given path may be only be specified once." "The path {item['path']} was found twice in " if filepath == paths[item["path"]]: msg += f"{filepath}." else: msg += f"{filepath} and {paths[item['path']]}." raise ConfigError(msg) paths[item["path"]] = filepath merged["trees"].append(item) specs.extend(config.get("specs", [])) merged["media_types"] = dict(media_types) # convert from defaultdict merged["file_extensions"] = file_extensions merged["allow_origins"] = allow_origins merged["specs"] = specs return merged
[docs] def parse_configs(config_path): """ Parse configuration file or directory of configuration files. If a directory is given, any files not ending in `.yml` or `.yaml` are ignored. Therefore, the directory may also contain a README file and supporting Python scripts with custom objects. """ if isinstance(config_path, str): config_path = Path(config_path) if config_path.is_file(): filepaths = [config_path] elif config_path.is_dir(): filepaths = [ fn for fn in config_path.iterdir() if fn.suffix in (".yml", ".yaml") ] elif not config_path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"The config path {config_path!s} doesn't exist.") else: assert False, "It should be impossible to reach this line." parsed_configs = {} # The sorting here is just to make the order of the results deterministic. # There is *not* any sorting-based precedence applied. for filepath in sorted(filepaths): # Ignore hidden files and .py files. if ([-1].startswith(".") or filepath.suffix == ".py" or[-1] == "__pycache__" ): continue with open(filepath) as file: config = parse(file) try: jsonschema.validate(instance=config, schema=schema()) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: msg = err.args[0] raise ConfigError( f"ValidationError while parsing configuration file {filepath}: {msg}" ) from err parsed_configs[filepath] = config merged_config = merge(parsed_configs) return merged_config
class ConfigError(ValueError): pass def _no_op_validator(*args, **kwargs): return None