Source code for

import asyncio
import collections
import logging
import os
import secrets
import sys
import urllib.parse
import warnings
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from functools import lru_cache, partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List

import anyio
import packaging.version
import yaml
from asgi_correlation_id import CorrelationIdMiddleware, correlation_id
from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, HTTPException, Request, Response, Security
from fastapi.exception_handlers import http_exception_handler
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.openapi.utils import get_openapi
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates
from starlette.responses import FileResponse
from starlette.status import (

from ..authenticators import Mode
from ..config import construct_build_app_kwargs
from ..media_type_registration import (
    compression_registry as default_compression_registry,
from ..utils import SHARE_TILED_PATH, Conflicts, UnsupportedQueryType
from ..validation_registration import validation_registry as default_validation_registry
from . import schemas
from .authentication import get_current_principal
from .compression import CompressionMiddleware
from .core import PatchedStreamingResponse
from .dependencies import (
from .router import distinct, patch_route_signature, router, search
from .settings import get_settings
from .utils import (


MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_CLIENT_VERSION = packaging.version.parse("0.1.0a104")

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()

def custom_openapi(app):
    The app's openapi method will be monkey-patched with this.

    This is the approach the documentation recommends.
    from .. import __version__

    if app.openapi_schema:
        return app.openapi_schema
    # Customize heading.
    openapi_schema = get_openapi(
        description="Structured data access service",
    # Insert refreshUrl.
    ]["refreshUrl"] = "token/refresh"
    app.openapi_schema = openapi_schema
    return app.openapi_schema

[docs] def build_app( tree, authentication=None, server_settings=None, query_registry=None, serialization_registry=None, compression_registry=None, validation_registry=None, tasks=None, scalable=False, ): """ Serve a Tree Parameters ---------- tree : Tree authentication: dict, optional Dict of authentication configuration. authenticators: list, optional List of authenticator classes (one per support identity provider) server_settings: dict, optional Dict of other server configuration. """ authentication = authentication or {} authenticators = { spec["provider"]: spec["authenticator"] for spec in authentication.get("providers", []) } server_settings = server_settings or {} query_registry = query_registry or get_query_registry() compression_registry = compression_registry or default_compression_registry validation_registry = validation_registry or default_validation_registry tasks = tasks or {} tasks.setdefault("startup", []) tasks.setdefault("background", []) tasks.setdefault("shutdown", []) # The tasks are collected at config-parsing time off of the sub-trees. # Collect the tasks off the root tree here, so that it works when # a single tree is passed to build_app(...) directly, as happens in the tests. tasks["startup"].extend(getattr(tree, "startup_tasks", [])) tasks["background"].extend(getattr(tree, "background_tasks", [])) tasks["shutdown"].extend(getattr(tree, "shutdown_tasks", [])) if scalable: if authentication.get("providers"): # Even if the deployment allows public, anonymous access, secret # keys are needed to generate JWTs for any users that do log in. if not ( ("secret_keys" in authentication) or ("TILED_SERVER_SECRET_KEYS" in os.environ) ): raise UnscalableConfig( """ In a scaled (multi-process) deployment, when Tiled is configured with an Authenticator, secret keys must be provided via configuration like authentication: secret_keys: - SECRET ... or via the environment variable TILED_SERVER_SECRET_KEYS.""", ) # Multi-user authentication requires a database. We cannot fall # back to the default of an in-memory SQLite database in a # horizontally scaled deployment. if not server_settings.get("database", {}).get("uri"): raise UnscalableConfig( """ In a scaled (multi-process) deployment, when Tiled is configured with an Authenticator, a persistent database must be provided via configuration like database: uri: sqlite+aiosqlite:////path/to/database.sqlite """ ) else: # No authentication provider is configured, so no secret keys are # needed, but a single-user API key must be set. if not ( ("single_user_api_key" in authentication) or ("TILED_SINGLE_USER_API_KEY" in os.environ) ): raise UnscalableConfig( """ In a scaled (multi-process) deployment, when Tiled is configured for single-user access (i.e. without an Authenticator) a single-user API key must be provided via configuration like authentication: single_user_api_key: SECRET ... or via the environment variable TILED_SINGLE_USER_API_KEY.""", ) # If we reach here, the no configuration problems were found. @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(app: FastAPI): "Manage lifespan events for each event loop that the app runs in" await startup_event() yield await shutdown_event() app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) if SHARE_TILED_PATH: # If the distribution includes static assets, serve UI routes. @app.get("/ui/{path:path}") async def ui(path): response = await lookup_file(path) return response async def lookup_file(path, try_app=True): if not path: path = "index.html" full_path = Path(SHARE_TILED_PATH, "ui", path) try: stat_result = await anyio.to_thread.run_sync(os.stat, full_path) except PermissionError: raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED) except FileNotFoundError: # This may be a URL that has meaning to the client-side application, # such as /ui//metadata/a/b/c. # Serve index.html and let the client-side application sort it out. if try_app: response = await lookup_file("index.html", try_app=False) return response raise HTTPException(status_code=HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) except OSError: raise return FileResponse( full_path, stat_result=stat_result, method="GET", status_code=HTTP_200_OK, ) app.mount( "/static", StaticFiles(directory=Path(SHARE_TILED_PATH, "static")), name="ui", ) templates = Jinja2Templates(Path(SHARE_TILED_PATH, "templates")) @app.get("/", response_class=HTMLResponse) async def index( request: Request, # This dependency is here because it runs the code that moves # API key from the query parameter to a cookie (if it is valid). principal=Security(get_current_principal, scopes=[]), ): return templates.TemplateResponse( "index.html", { "request": request, # This is used to construct the link to the React UI. "root_url": get_root_url(request), # If defined, this adds a Binder link to the page. "binder_link": os.getenv("TILED_BINDER_LINK"), }, ) TILED_UI_SETTINGS = os.getenv("TILED_UI_SETTINGS") if TILED_UI_SETTINGS is None: TILED_UI_SETTINGS = Path( SHARE_TILED_PATH, "static", "default_ui_settings.yml" ) if TILED_UI_SETTINGS != "": # If "", the settings are being served some other way, such as by # nginx, perhaps because the API is served from a sub-path of this netloc. # The settings are YAML-formatted because that is more readable and supports # comments. But they are served as JSON because that is easy to deal with # on the client side. ui_settings = yaml.safe_load(Path(TILED_UI_SETTINGS).read_text()) if root_path := server_settings.get("root_path", ""): ui_settings["api_url"] = f"{root_path}{ui_settings['api_url']}" @app.get("/tiled-ui-settings") async def tiled_ui_settings(): return ui_settings @app.exception_handler(Conflicts) async def conflicts_exception_handler(request: Request, exc: Conflicts): message = exc.args[0] return JSONResponse(status_code=HTTP_409_CONFLICT, content={"detail": message}) @app.exception_handler(UnsupportedQueryType) async def unsupported_query_type_exception_handler( request: Request, exc: UnsupportedQueryType ): query_type = exc.args[0] return JSONResponse( status_code=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, content={ "detail": f"The query type {query_type!r} is not supported on this node." }, ) # This list will be mutated when settings are processed at app startup. app.state.allow_origins = [] app.add_middleware( CORSMiddleware, allow_origins=app.state.allow_origins, allow_credentials=True, allow_methods=["*"], allow_headers=["*"], # If we restrict the allowed_headers in future, remember to include # exemptions for these, related to asgi_correlation_id. # allow_headers=["X-Requested-With", "X-Tiled-Request-ID"], expose_headers=["X-Tiled-Request-ID"], ) @app.exception_handler(Exception) async def unhandled_exception_handler( request: Request, exc: Exception ) -> JSONResponse: return await http_exception_handler( request, HTTPException( HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal server error", headers={"X-Tiled-Request-ID": correlation_id.get() or ""}, ), ) app.include_router(router, prefix="/api/v1") # The Tree and Authenticator have the opportunity to add custom routes to # the server here. (Just for example, a Tree of BlueskyRuns uses this # hook to add a /documents route.) This has to be done before dependency_overrides # are processed, so we cannot just inject this configuration via Depends. for custom_router in getattr(tree, "include_routers", []): app.include_router(custom_router, prefix="/api/v1") if authentication.get("providers", []): # Delay this imports to avoid delaying startup with the SQL and cryptography # imports if they are not needed. from .authentication import ( base_authentication_router, build_auth_code_route, build_device_code_authorize_route, build_device_code_token_route, build_device_code_user_code_form_route, build_device_code_user_code_submit_route, build_handle_credentials_route, oauth2_scheme, ) # For the OpenAPI schema, inject a OAuth2PasswordBearer URL. first_provider = authentication["providers"][0]["provider"] oauth2_scheme.model.flows.password.tokenUrl = ( f"/api/v1/auth/provider/{first_provider}/token" ) # Authenticators provide Router(s) for their particular flow. # Collect them in the authentication_router. authentication_router = APIRouter() # This adds the universal routes like /session/refresh and /session/revoke. # Below we will add routes specific to our authentication providers. authentication_router.include_router(base_authentication_router) for spec in authentication["providers"]: provider = spec["provider"] authenticator = spec["authenticator"] mode = authenticator.mode if mode == Mode.password:"/provider/{provider}/token")( build_handle_credentials_route(authenticator, provider) ) elif mode == Mode.external: # Client starts here to create a PendingSession."/provider/{provider}/authorize")( build_device_code_authorize_route(authenticator, provider) ) # External OAuth redirects here with code, presenting form for user code. authentication_router.get(f"/provider/{provider}/device_code")( build_device_code_user_code_form_route(authenticator, provider) ) # User code and auth code are submitted here."/provider/{provider}/device_code")( build_device_code_user_code_submit_route(authenticator, provider) ) # Client polls here for token."/provider/{provider}/token")( build_device_code_token_route(authenticator, provider) ) # Normal code flow end point for web UIs authentication_router.get(f"/provider/{provider}/code")( build_auth_code_route(authenticator, provider) ) #"/provider/{provider}/code")( # build_auth_code_route(authenticator, provider) # ) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown authentication mode {mode}") for custom_router in getattr(authenticator, "include_routers", []): authentication_router.include_router( custom_router, prefix=f"/provider/{provider}" ) # And add this authentication_router itself to the app. app.include_router(authentication_router, prefix="/api/v1/auth") # The /search route is defined after import time so that the user has the # opporunity to register custom query types before startup. app.get( "/api/v1/search/{path:path}", response_model=schemas.Response[ List[schemas.Resource[schemas.NodeAttributes, dict, dict]], schemas.PaginationLinks, dict, ], )(patch_route_signature(search, query_registry)) app.get( "/api/v1/distinct/{path:path}", response_model=schemas.GetDistinctResponse, )(patch_route_signature(distinct, query_registry)) @lru_cache(1) def override_get_authenticators(): return authenticators @lru_cache(1) def override_get_root_tree(): return tree @lru_cache(1) def override_get_settings(): settings = get_settings() for item in [ "allow_anonymous_access", "secret_keys", "single_user_api_key", "access_token_max_age", "refresh_token_max_age", "session_max_age", ]: if authentication.get(item) is not None: setattr(settings, item, authentication[item]) if authentication.get("single_user_api_key") is not None: settings.single_user_api_key_generated = False for item in [ "allow_origins", "response_bytesize_limit", "reject_undeclared_specs", "expose_raw_assets", ]: if server_settings.get(item) is not None: setattr(settings, item, server_settings[item]) database = server_settings.get("database", {}) if database.get("uri"): settings.database_uri = database["uri"] if database.get("pool_size"): settings.database_pool_size = database["pool_size"] if database.get("pool_pre_ping"): settings.database_pool_pre_ping = database["pool_pre_ping"] if database.get("max_overflow"): settings.database_max_overflow = database["max_overflow"] if database.get("init_if_not_exists"): settings.database_init_if_not_exists = database["init_if_not_exists"] if authentication.get("providers"): # If we support authentication providers, we need a database, so if one is # not set, use a SQLite database in memory. Horizontally scaled deployments # must specify a persistent database. settings.database_uri = settings.database_uri or "sqlite+aiosqlite://" return settings async def startup_event(): from .. import __version__"Tiled version {__version__}") # Validate the single-user API key. settings = app.dependency_overrides[get_settings]() single_user_api_key = settings.single_user_api_key API_KEY_MSG = """ Here are two ways to generate a good API key: # With openssl: openssl rand -hex 32 # With Python: python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))" """ if single_user_api_key is not None: if not single_user_api_key: raise ValueError( """ The single-user API key is set to an empty value. Perhaps the environment variable TILED_SINGLE_USER_API_KEY is set to an empty string. """ + API_KEY_MSG ) if not single_user_api_key.isalnum(): raise ValueError( """ The API key must only contain alphanumeric characters. We enforce this because pasting other characters into a URL, as in ?api_key=..., can result in confusing behavior due to ambiguous encodings. """ + API_KEY_MSG ) # Run startup tasks collected from trees (adapters). for task in tasks.get("startup", []): await task() # Stash these to cancel this on shutdown. app.state.tasks = [] # Trees and Authenticators can run tasks in the background. background_tasks = [] background_tasks.extend(tasks.get("background_tasks", [])) for authenticator in authenticators: background_tasks.extend(getattr(authenticator, "background_tasks", [])) for task in background_tasks or []: asyncio_task = asyncio.create_task(task()) app.state.tasks.append(asyncio_task) app.state.allow_origins.extend(settings.allow_origins) # Expose the root_tree here to make it easier to access it from tests, # in usages like: # app.state.root_tree = app.dependency_overrides[get_root_tree]() if settings.database_uri is not None: from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import AsyncSession from ..alembic_utils import ( DatabaseUpgradeNeeded, UninitializedDatabase, check_database, ) from ..authn_database import orm from ..authn_database.connection_pool import open_database_connection_pool from ..authn_database.core import ( ALL_REVISIONS, REQUIRED_REVISION, initialize_database, make_admin_by_identity, purge_expired, ) # This creates a connection pool and stashes it in a module-global # registry, keyed on database_settings, where can be retrieved by # the Dependency get_database_session. engine = open_database_connection_pool(settings.database_settings) if not engine.url.database: # Special-case for in-memory SQLite: Because it is transient we can # skip over anything related to migrations. await initialize_database(engine)"Transient in-memory database initialized.") else: redacted_url = engine.url._replace(password="[redacted]") try: await check_database(engine, REQUIRED_REVISION, ALL_REVISIONS) except UninitializedDatabase: if settings.database_init_if_not_exists: # The alembic stamping can only be does synchronously. # The cleanest option available is to start a subprocess # because SQLite is allergic to threads. import subprocess # TODO Check if catalog exists. [ sys.executable, "-m", "tiled", "admin", "initialize-database", str(engine.url), ], capture_output=True, check=True, ) else: print( f""" No database found at {redacted_url} To create one, run: tiled admin init-database {redacted_url} """, file=sys.stderr, ) raise except DatabaseUpgradeNeeded as err: print( f""" The database used by Tiled to store authentication-related information was created using an older version of Tiled. It needs to be upgraded to work with this version of Tiled. Back up the database, and then run: tiled admin upgrade-database {redacted_url} """, file=sys.stderr, ) raise err from None else:"Connected to existing database at {redacted_url}.") for admin in authentication.get("tiled_admins", []): f"Ensuring that principal with identity {admin} has role 'admin'" ) async with AsyncSession( engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as session: await make_admin_by_identity( session, identity_provider=admin["provider"], id=admin["id"], ) async def purge_expired_sessions_and_api_keys(): PURGE_INTERVAL = 600 # seconds while True: async with AsyncSession( engine, autoflush=False, expire_on_commit=False ) as db_session: num_expired_sessions = await purge_expired( db_session, orm.Session ) if num_expired_sessions: f"Purged {num_expired_sessions} expired Sessions from the database." ) num_expired_api_keys = await purge_expired( db_session, orm.APIKey ) if num_expired_api_keys: f"Purged {num_expired_api_keys} expired API keys from the database." ) await asyncio.sleep(PURGE_INTERVAL) app.state.tasks.append( asyncio.create_task(purge_expired_sessions_and_api_keys()) ) async def shutdown_event(): # Run shutdown tasks collected from trees (adapters). for task in tasks.get("shutdown", []): await task() settings = app.dependency_overrides[get_settings]() if settings.database_uri is not None: from ..authn_database.connection_pool import close_database_connection_pool for task in app.state.tasks: task.cancel() await close_database_connection_pool(settings.database_settings) app.add_middleware( CompressionMiddleware, compression_registry=compression_registry, minimum_size=1000, ) @app.middleware("http") async def double_submit_cookie_csrf_protection(request: Request, call_next): # csrf_cookie = request.cookies.get(CSRF_COOKIE_NAME) if (request.method not in SAFE_METHODS) and set(request.cookies).intersection( SENSITIVE_COOKIES ): if not csrf_cookie: return Response( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, content="Expected tiled_csrf_token cookie", ) # Get the token from the Header or (if not there) the query parameter. csrf_token = request.headers.get(CSRF_HEADER_NAME) if csrf_token is None: parsed_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(request.url.query) csrf_token = parsed_query.get(CSRF_QUERY_PARAMETER) if not csrf_token: return Response( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, content=f"Expected {CSRF_QUERY_PARAMETER} query parameter or {CSRF_HEADER_NAME} header", ) # Securely compare the token with the cookie. if not secrets.compare_digest(csrf_token, csrf_cookie): return Response( status_code=HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN, content="Double-submit CSRF tokens do not match", ) response = await call_next(request) response.__class__ = PatchedStreamingResponse # tolerate memoryview if not csrf_cookie: response.set_cookie( key=CSRF_COOKIE_NAME, value=secrets.token_urlsafe(32), httponly=True, samesite="lax", ) return response @app.middleware("http") async def client_compatibility_check(request: Request, call_next): user_agent = request.headers.get("user-agent", "") if user_agent.startswith("python-tiled/"): agent, _, raw_version = user_agent.partition("/") try: parsed_version = packaging.version.parse(raw_version) except Exception as caught_exception: invalid_version_message = ( f"Python Tiled client version is reported as {raw_version}. " "This cannot be parsed as a valid version." ) logger.warning(invalid_version_message) if isinstance(caught_exception, packaging.version.InvalidVersion): warnings.warn(invalid_version_message) else: if (not parsed_version.is_devrelease) and ( parsed_version < MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_CLIENT_VERSION ): return JSONResponse( status_code=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST, content={ "detail": ( f"Python Tiled client reports version {parsed_version}. " f"Version {MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_PYTHON_CLIENT_VERSION} or higher " "is needed to communicate with this Tiled server." ), }, ) response = await call_next(request) response.__class__ = PatchedStreamingResponse # tolerate memoryview return response @app.middleware("http") async def set_cookies(request: Request, call_next): "This enables dependencies to inject cookies that they want to be set." # Create some Request state, to be (possibly) populated by dependencies. request.state.cookies_to_set = [] response = await call_next(request) response.__class__ = PatchedStreamingResponse # tolerate memoryview for params in request.state.cookies_to_set: params.setdefault("httponly", True) params.setdefault("samesite", "lax") response.set_cookie(**params) return response app.openapi = partial(custom_openapi, app) app.dependency_overrides[get_authenticators] = override_get_authenticators app.dependency_overrides[get_root_tree] = override_get_root_tree app.dependency_overrides[get_settings] = override_get_settings if query_registry is not None: @lru_cache(1) def override_get_query_registry(): return query_registry app.dependency_overrides[get_query_registry] = override_get_query_registry if serialization_registry is not None: @lru_cache(1) def override_get_serialization_registry(): return serialization_registry app.dependency_overrides[ get_serialization_registry ] = override_get_serialization_registry if validation_registry is not None: @lru_cache(1) def override_get_validation_registry(): return validation_registry app.dependency_overrides[ get_validation_registry ] = override_get_validation_registry @app.middleware("http") async def capture_metrics(request: Request, call_next): """ Place metrics in Server-Timing header, in accordance with HTTP spec. """ # # # This information seems safe to share because the user can easily # estimate it based on request/response time, but if we add more detailed # information here we should keep in mind security concerns and perhaps # only include this for certain users. # Initialize a dict that routes and dependencies can stash metrics in. metrics = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)) request.state.metrics = metrics # Record the overall application time. with record_timing(metrics, "app"): response = await call_next(request) response.__class__ = PatchedStreamingResponse # tolerate memoryview # Server-Timing specifies times should be in milliseconds. # Prometheus specifies times should be in seconds. # Therefore, we store as seconds and convert to ms for Server-Timing here. # That is what the factor of 1000 below is doing. response.headers["Server-Timing"] = ", ".join( f"{key};" + ";".join( ( f"{metric}={value * 1000:.1f}" if metric == "dur" else f"{metric}={value:.1f}" ) for metric, value in metrics_.items() ) for key, metrics_ in metrics.items() ) return response metrics_config = server_settings.get("metrics", {}) if metrics_config.get("prometheus", True): # PROMETHEUS_MULTIRPOC_DIR puts prometheus_client in multiprocess mode # (for e.g. gunicorn) which uses a directory of memory-mapped files. # If that environment variable is set, check that the directory exists # and is writable. prometheus_multiproc_dir = os.getenv("PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR", None) if prometheus_multiproc_dir: if not Path(prometheus_multiproc_dir).is_dir(): raise ValueError( "prometheus enabled and PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR is set but " f"({prometheus_multiproc_dir}) is not a directory" ) if not os.access(prometheus_multiproc_dir, os.W_OK): raise ValueError( "prometheus enabled and PROMETHEUS_MULTIPROC_DIR is set but " f"({prometheus_multiproc_dir}) is not writable" ) from . import metrics app.include_router(metrics.router, prefix="/api/v1") @app.middleware("http") async def capture_metrics_prometheus(request: Request, call_next): try: response = await call_next(request) except Exception: # Make an ephemeral response solely for 'capture_request_metrics'. # It will only be used in the 'finally' clean-up block. only_for_metrics = Response(status_code=HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) response = only_for_metrics # Now re-raise the exception so that the server can generate and # send an appropriate response to the client. raise finally: response.__class__ = PatchedStreamingResponse # tolerate memoryview metrics.capture_request_metrics(request, response) # This is a *real* response (i.e., not the 'only_for_metrics' response). # An exception above would have triggered an early exit. return response app.add_middleware( CorrelationIdMiddleware, header_name="X-Tiled-Request-ID", generator=lambda: secrets.token_hex(8), ) return app
[docs] def build_app_from_config(config, source_filepath=None, scalable=False): "Convenience function that calls build_app(...) given config as dict." kwargs = construct_build_app_kwargs(config, source_filepath=source_filepath) return build_app(scalable=scalable, **kwargs)
def app_factory(): """ Return an ASGI app instance. Use a configuration file at the path specified by the environment variable TILED_CONFIG or, if unset, at the default path "./config.yml". This is intended to be used for horizontal deployment (using gunicorn, for example) where only a module and instance or factory can be specified. """ config_path = os.getenv("TILED_CONFIG", "config.yml")"Using configuration from {Path(config_path).absolute()}") from ..config import construct_build_app_kwargs, parse_configs parsed_config = parse_configs(config_path) # This config was already validated when it was parsed. Do not re-validate. kwargs = construct_build_app_kwargs(parsed_config, source_filepath=config_path) web_app = build_app(**kwargs) uvicorn_config = parsed_config.get("uvicorn", {}) print_admin_api_key_if_generated( web_app, host=uvicorn_config.get("host"), port=uvicorn_config.get("port") ) return web_app def __getattr__(name): """ This supports by creating app on demand. """ if name == "app": try: return app_factory() except Exception as err: raise Exception("Failed to create app.") from err raise AttributeError(name) def print_admin_api_key_if_generated( web_app: FastAPI, host: str, port: int, force: bool = False ): "Print message to stderr with API key if server-generated (or force=True)." host = host or "" port = port or 8000 settings = web_app.dependency_overrides.get(get_settings, get_settings)() authenticators = web_app.dependency_overrides.get( get_authenticators, get_authenticators )() if settings.allow_anonymous_access: print( """ Tiled server is running in "public" mode, permitting open, anonymous access for reading. Any data that is not specifically controlled with an access policy will be visible to anyone who can connect to this server. """, file=sys.stderr, ) if (not authenticators) and (force or settings.single_user_api_key_generated): print( f""" Navigate a web browser or connect a Tiled client to: http://{host}:{port}?api_key={settings.single_user_api_key} """, file=sys.stderr, ) if settings.allow_anonymous_access: print( """ Because this server is public, the '?api_key=...' portion of the URL is needed only for _writing_ data (if applicable). """, file=sys.stderr, ) class UnscalableConfig(Exception): pass