# Writing Data ```{warning} This is a highly experimental feature, recently introduced and included for evaluation by early users. At this time we do not recommend using it for anything important. ``` In this tutorial we will start Tiled in a mode where the client can write (upload) data for later retrieving, search, or sharing. To start, we'll launch catalog backed by a _temporary directory_. This is great for exploring. Then, we'll see how to start one with _persistent_ data, useful for actual work. ## Quickstart: Launch temporary catalog ```bash tiled serve catalog --temp ``` You'll see output that includes something like: ```bash Navigate a web browser or connect a Tiled client to: ``` where the code after `?api_key=` is a randomly-generated secret that will be different each time you start the server. (Later, you may want to look at the top of the section {doc}`../explanations/security` for how to control this.) Now, in a Python interpreter, connect, with the Python client. Copy/paste in the full URL. ```python from tiled.client import from_uri client = from_uri("") ``` where `...` will be whatever secret was printed at server startup above. ## Write data Write array and tabular data. ```python # Write simple Python list (which gets converted to numpy.array). >>> client.write_array([1, 2, 3], metadata={"color": "red", "barcode": 10}) # Write an array. >>> import numpy >>> client.write_array(numpy.array([4, 5, 6]), metadata={"color": "blue", "barcode": 11}) # Write a table (DataFrame). >>> import pandas >>> client.write_dataframe(pandas.DataFrame({"x": [1, 2, 3], "y": [4, 5, 6]}), metadata={"color": "green", "barcode": 12}) ``` Search to find the data again. ```py >>> from tiled.queries import Key >>> client.search(Key("color") == "green").values().first() ``` Read the data. ```py >>> client.search(Key("color") == "green").values().first().read() x y 0 1 4 1 2 5 2 3 6 ``` ## Launch catalog with persistent data First, we initialize a file which Tiled will use as a database. ```bash tiled catalog init catalog.db ``` This creates a [SQLite][] file, `catalog.db`. It can be named anything you like and placed in any directory you like. It will contain the metadata and pointers to data files. ```bash tiled serve catalog catalog.db --write data/ ``` Now proceed as above. Unlike with `--temp`, the catalog will persist across server restarts and can be used by multiple servers running in parallel, in a scaled deployment. [SQLite]: https://www.sqlite.org/index.html