import copy
import inspect
import sys
import threading
import time as ttime
import uuid
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypedDict, Union
import msgpack
import numpy as np
import tiled
import tiled.client.container
from bluesky_kafka import Publisher, RemoteDispatcher
from bluesky_queueserver_api import BPlan
from bluesky_queueserver_api.api_threads import API_Threads_Mixin
from event_model import compose_run
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
from xkcdpass import xkcd_password as xp
from ..adjudicators.msg import DEFAULT_NAME as ADJUDICATOR_STREAM_NAME
from ..adjudicators.msg import AdjudicatorMsg, Suggestion
from ..server import register_variable, start_task
from ..typing import BlueskyRunLike
logger = getLogger("bluesky_adaptive.agents")
PASSWORD_LIST = xp.generate_wordlist(wordfile=xp.locate_wordfile(), min_length=3, max_length=6)
class AgentConsumer(RemoteDispatcher):
def __init__(
"""Dispatch documents from Kafka to bluesky callbacks, modified for agent usage.
This allows subscribing the dispatcher to an on-stop protocol for agents to be told about
new Bluesky runs. It also provides an interface to trigger changes to the agent using the same
Kafka topics.
topics : list
List of topics as strings such as ["topic-1", "topic-2"]
bootstrap_servers : str
Comma-delimited list of Kafka server addresses as a string such as ``''``
group_id : str
Required string identifier for Kafka Consumer group
agent : Agent
Instance of the agent to send directives to. Must be set to send directives.
consumer_config : dict
Override default configuration or specify additional configuration
options to confluent_kafka.Consumer.
polling_duration : float
Time in seconds to wait for a message before running function work_while_waiting.
Default is 0.05.
deserializer : function, optional
optional function to deserialize data. Default is msgpack.loads.
super().__init__(topics, bootstrap_servers, group_id, consumer_config, polling_duration, deserializer)
self._agent = agent
def _agent_action(self, topic, doc):
"""Exposes agent methods via the kafka topic.
This allows bluesky plans, or adjudicators to interface with agent hyperparameters or settings.
topic : str
the Kafka topic of the message containing name and doc
doc : dict
agent document expecting
'action': 'method_name',
'args': [arg1,arg2,...],
'kwargs': {kwarg1:val1, kwarg2:val2}
continue_polling : bool
action = doc["action"]
args = doc["args"]
kwargs = doc["kwargs"]
getattr(self._agent, action)(*args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError as e:
f"Unavailable action sent to agent {self._agent.instance_name} on topic: {topic}\n" f"{e}"
except TypeError as e:
f"Type error for {action} sent to agent {self._agent.instance_name} on topic: {topic}\n"
f"Are you sure your args and kwargs were appropriate?\n"
f"Args received: {args}\n"
f"Kwargs received: {kwargs}\n"
f"Expected signature: {inspect.signature(getattr(self.agent, action))}\n"
return True
def process_document(self, consumer, topic, name, doc):
Processes bluesky documents.
Sends bluesky document to RemoteDispatcher.process(name, doc)
If this method returns False the BlueskyConsumer will break out of the
polling loop.
topic : str
the Kafka topic of the message containing name and doc
name : str
bluesky document name: `start`, `descriptor`, `event`, etc.
doc : dict
bluesky document
continue_polling : bool
return False to break out of the polling loop, return True to continue polling
if name == self._agent.instance_name:
return self._agent_action(topic, doc)
return super().process_document(consumer, topic, name, doc)
def set_agent(self, agent):
self._agent = agent
class DataKeys(TypedDict):
dtype: str
dtype_str: str
dtype_descr: list
shape: list
def infer_data_keys(doc: dict) -> DataKeys:
data_keys = dict()
_bad_iterables = (str, bytes, dict)
_type_map = {
"number": (float, np.floating, complex),
"array": (np.ndarray, list, tuple),
"string": (str,),
"integer": (int, np.integer),
for key, val in doc.items():
if isinstance(val, Iterable) and not isinstance(val, _bad_iterables):
dtype = "array"
for json_type, py_types in _type_map.items():
if isinstance(val, py_types):
dtype = json_type
raise TypeError()
arr_val = np.asanyarray(val)
arr_dtype = arr_val.dtype
data_keys[key] = dict(
return data_keys
class Agent(ABC):
"""Abstract base class for a single plan agent. These agents should consume data, decide where to measure next,
and execute a single type of plan (something akin to move and count).
Alternatively, these agents can be used for soley reporting.
Base agent sets up a kafka subscription to listen to new stop documents, a catalog to read for experiments,
a catalog to write agent status to, a kafka publisher to write agent documents to,
and a manager API for the queue-server. Each time a stop document is read,
the respective BlueskyRun is unpacked by the ``unpack_run`` method into an independent and dependent variable,
and told to the agent by the ``tell`` method.
Children of Agent should implment the following, through direct inheritence or mixin classes:
Experiment specific:
- measurement_plan
- unpack_run
Agent specific:
- tell
- ask
- report (optional)
- name (optional)
kafka_consumer : AgentConsumer
Consumer (subscriber) of Kafka Bluesky documents. It should be subcribed to the sources of
Bluesky stop documents that will trigger ``tell``.
AgentConsumer is a child class of bluesky_kafka.RemoteDispatcher that enables
kafka messages to trigger agent directives.
kafka_producer : Optional[Publisher]
Bluesky Kafka publisher to produce document stream of agent actions for optional Adjudicator.
tiled_data_node : tiled.client.container.Container
Tiled node to serve as source of data (BlueskyRuns) for the agent.
tiled_agent_node : tiled.client.container.Container
Tiled node to serve as storage for the agent documents.
qserver : bluesky_queueserver_api.api_threads.API_Threads_Mixin
Object to manage communication with Queue Server
agent_run_suffix : Optional[str], optional
Agent name suffix for the instance, by default generated using 2 hyphen separated words from xkcdpass.
metadata : Optional[dict], optional
Optional extra metadata to add to agent start document, by default {}
ask_on_tell : bool, optional
Whether to ask for new points every time an agent is told about new data.
To create a truly passive agent, it is best to implement an ``ask`` as a method that does nothing.
To create an agent that only suggests new points periodically or on another trigger, ``ask_on_tell``
should be set to False.
By default True
Can be adjusted using ``enable_continuous_suggesting`` and ``disable_continuous_suggesting``.
direct_to_queue : Optional[bool], optional
Whether the agent suggestions will be placed directly on the queue. If false,
the suggestions will be sent to a Kafka topic for an Adjudicator to process.
By default True
Can be adjusted using ``enable_direct_to_queue`` and ``disable_direct_to_queue``.
report_on_tell : bool, optional
Whether to create a report every time an agent is told about new data.
By default False.
Can be adjusted using ``enable_continuous_reporting`` and ``disable_continuous_reporting``.
default_report_kwargs : Optional[dict], optional
Default kwargs for calling the ``report`` method, by default None
queue_add_position : Optional[Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]], optional
Starting postion to add to the queue if adding directly to the queue, by default "back".
endstation_key : Optional[str]
Optional string that is needed for Adjudicator functionality. This keys the qserver API instance to
a particular endstation. This way child Agents can maintain multiple queues for different unit operations.
For example, this could be a beamline three letter acronym or other distinct key.
def __init__(
kafka_consumer: AgentConsumer,
tiled_data_node: tiled.client.container.Container,
tiled_agent_node: tiled.client.container.Container,
qserver: API_Threads_Mixin,
kafka_producer: Optional[Publisher],
agent_run_suffix: Optional[str] = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
ask_on_tell: Optional[bool] = True,
direct_to_queue: Optional[bool] = True,
report_on_tell: Optional[bool] = False,
default_report_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None,
queue_add_position: Optional[Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]] = None,
endstation_key: Optional[str] = "",
logger.debug("Initializing agent.")
self.kafka_consumer = kafka_consumer
self.kafka_producer = kafka_producer
logger.debug("Kafka set up successfully.")
self.exp_catalog = tiled_data_node"Reading data from catalog: {self.exp_catalog}")
self.agent_catalog = tiled_agent_node"Writing data to catalog: {self.agent_catalog}")
self.metadata = metadata or {}
self.instance_name = (
if agent_run_suffix
else f"{}-{xp.generate_xkcdpassword(PASSWORD_LIST, numwords=2, delimiter='-')}"
self.metadata["agent_name"] = self.instance_name
self._ask_on_tell = ask_on_tell
self._report_on_tell = report_on_tell
self.default_report_kwargs = {} if default_report_kwargs is None else default_report_kwargs
self._compose_run_bundle = None
self._compose_descriptor_bundles = dict()
self.re_manager = qserver
self.endstation_key = endstation_key
self._queue_add_position = "back" if queue_add_position is None else queue_add_position
self._direct_to_queue = direct_to_queue
self.default_plan_md = dict(agent_name=self.instance_name, agent_class=str(type(self)))
self.tell_cache = list()
except RuntimeError as e:
logger.warning(f"Agent server unable to make registrations. Continuing regardless of\n {e}")
self._kafka_thread = None
def measurement_plan(self, point: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[str, List, dict]:
"""Fetch the string name of a registered plan, as well as the positional and keyword
arguments to pass that plan.
Args/Kwargs is a common place to transform relative into absolute motor coords, or
other device specific parameters.
point : ArrayLike
Next point to measure using a given plan
plan_name : str
plan_args : List
List of arguments to pass to plan from a point to measure.
plan_kwargs : dict
Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass the plan, from a point to measure.
def unpack_run(run: BlueskyRunLike) -> Tuple[Union[float, ArrayLike], Union[float, ArrayLike]]:
Consume a Bluesky run from tiled and emit the relevant x and y for the agent.
run : BlueskyRun
independent_var :
The independent variable of the measurement
dependent_var :
The measured data, processed for relevance
def tell(self, x, y) -> Dict[str, ArrayLike]:
Tell the agent about some new data
x :
Independent variable for data observed
y :
Dependent variable for data observed
Dictionary to be unpacked or added to a document
def ask(self, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Sequence[Dict[str, ArrayLike]], Sequence[ArrayLike]]:
Ask the agent for a new batch of points to measure.
batch_size : int
Number of new points to measure
docs : Sequence[dict]
Documents of key metadata from the ask approach for each point in next_points.
Must be length of batch size.
next_points : Sequence
Sequence of independent variables of length batch size
def report(self, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, ArrayLike]:
Create a report given the data observed by the agent.
This could be potentially implemented in the base class to write document stream.
Additional functionality for converting the report dict into an image or formatted report is
the duty of the child class.
raise NotImplementedError
def tell_many(self, xs, ys) -> Sequence[Dict[str, List]]:
Tell the agent about some new data. It is likely that there is a more efficient approach to
handling multiple observations for an agent. The default behavior is to iterate over all
observations and call the ``tell`` method.
xs : list, array
Array of independent variables for observations
ys : list, array
Array of dependent variables for observations
tell_emits = []
for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
tell_emits.append(self.tell(x, y))
return tell_emits
def queue_add_position(self) -> Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]:
return self._queue_add_position
def queue_add_position(self, position: Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]):
self._queue_add_position = position
def update_priority(self, position: Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]):
"""Convenience method to update the priority of a direct to queue agent
position : Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]
Position in priority for queue.
self.queue_add_position = position
def ask_on_tell(self) -> bool:
return self._ask_on_tell
def ask_on_tell(self, flag: bool):
self._ask_on_tell = flag
def report_on_tell(self) -> bool:
return self._report_on_tell
def report_on_tell(self, flag: bool):
self._report_on_tell = flag
def enable_continuous_reporting(self):
"""Enable agent to report each time it receives data."""
self.report_on_tell = True
def disable_continuous_reporting(self):
"""Disable agent to report each time it receives data."""
self.report_on_tell = False
def enable_continuous_suggesting(self):
"""Enable agent to suggest new points to the queue each time it receives data."""
self.ask_on_tell = True
def disable_continuous_suggesting(self):
"""Disable agent to suggest new points to the queue each time it receives data."""
self.ask_on_tell = False
def enable_direct_to_queue(self):
self._direct_to_queue = True
def disable_direct_to_queue(self):
self._direct_to_queue = False
def name(self) -> str:
"""Short string name"""
return "agent"
def build_from_argparse(cls, parser: ArgumentParser, **kwargs):
args = parser.parse_args()
_kwargs = vars(args)
return cls.__init__(**_kwargs)
def constructor_argparser(cls) -> ArgumentParser:
"""Convenience method to put all arguments into a parser"""
parser = ArgumentParser(description=cls.__doc__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument("--kafka-group-id", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--kafka-bootstrap-servers", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--kafka-consumer-config", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--kafka-producer-config", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--publisher-topic", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--subscription-topics", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--data-profile-name", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--agent-profile-name", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--qserver-host", required=True)
parser.add_argument("--qserver-api-key", required=True)
return parser
def _write_event(self, stream, doc, uid=None):
"""Add event to builder as event page, and publish to catalog"""
if not doc:"No doc presented to write_event for stream {stream}")
if stream not in self._compose_descriptor_bundles:
data_keys = infer_data_keys(doc)
self._compose_descriptor_bundles[stream] = self._compose_run_bundle.compose_descriptor(
name=stream, data_keys=data_keys
self.agent_catalog.v1.insert("descriptor", self._compose_descriptor_bundles[stream].descriptor_doc)
t = ttime.time()
event_doc = self._compose_descriptor_bundles[stream].compose_event(
data=doc, timestamps={k: t for k in doc}, uid=uid
self.agent_catalog.v1.insert("event", event_doc)
return event_doc["uid"]
def _add_to_queue(
position: Optional[Union[int, Literal["front", "back"]]] = None,
plan_factory: Optional[Callable] = None,
Adds a single set of points to the queue as bluesky plans
next_points : Iterable
New points to measure
uid : str
re_manager : Optional[bluesky_queueserver_api.api_threads.API_Threads_Mixin]
Defaults to self.re_manager
position : Optional[Union[int, Literal['front', 'back']]]
Defaults to self.queue_add_position
plan_factory : Optional[Callable]
Function to generate plans from points. Defaults to self.measurement_plan.
Callable should return a tuple of (plan_name, args, kwargs)
for point in next_points:
plan_factory = plan_factory or self.measurement_plan
plan_name, args, kwargs = self.measurement_plan(point)
kwargs.setdefault("md", {})
kwargs["md"]["agent_ask_uid"] = uid
plan = BPlan(
if re_manager is None:
re_manager = self.re_manager
r = re_manager.item_add(plan, pos=self.queue_add_position if position is None else position)
logger.debug(f"Sent http-server request for point {point}\n." f"Received reponse: {r}")
def _check_queue_and_start(self):
If the queue runs out of plans, it will stop.
That is, adding a plan to an empty queue will not run the plan.
This will not be an issue when there are many agents adding plans to a queue.
Giving agents the autonomy to start the queue is a risk that will be mitigated by
only allowing the beamline scientists to open and close the environment.
A queue cannot be started in a closed environment.
status = self.re_manager.status(reload=True)
if (
status["items_in_queue"] == 1
and status["worker_environment_exists"] is True
and status["manager_state"] == "idle"
self.re_manager.queue_start()"Agent is starting an idle queue with exactly 1 item.")
def _ask_and_write_events(
self, batch_size: int, ask_method: Optional[Callable] = None, stream_name: Optional[str] = "ask"
"""Private ask method for consistency across calls and changes to docs streams.
batch_size : int
Size of batch passed to ask
ask_method : Optional[Callable]
self.ask, or self.subject_ask, or some target ask function.
Defaults to self.ask
stream_name : Optional[str]
Name for ask stream corresponding to `ask_method`. 'ask', 'subject_ask', or other.
Defaults to 'ask'
next_points : list
Next points to be sent to adjudicator or queue
uid : str
if ask_method is None:
ask_method = self.ask
docs, next_points = ask_method(batch_size)
uid = str(uuid.uuid4())
for batch_idx, (doc, next_point) in enumerate(zip(docs, next_points)):
doc["suggestion"] = next_point
doc["batch_idx"] = batch_idx
doc["batch_size"] = len(next_points)
self._write_event(stream_name, doc, uid=f"{uid}/{batch_idx}")
return next_points, uid
def add_suggestions_to_queue(self, batch_size: int):
"""Calls ask, adds suggestions to queue, and writes out events.
This will create one event for each suggestion.
next_points, uid = self._ask_and_write_events(batch_size)"Issued ask and adding to the queue. {uid}")
self._add_to_queue(next_points, uid)
self._check_queue_and_start() # TODO: remove this and encourage updated qserver functionality
def _create_suggestion_list(self, points: Sequence, uid: str, measurement_plan: Optional[Callable] = None):
"""Create suggestions for adjudicator"""
suggestions = []
for point in points:
plan_name, args, kwargs = (
self.measurement_plan(point) if measurement_plan is None else measurement_plan(point)
kwargs.setdefault("md", {})
kwargs["md"]["agent_ask_uid"] = uid
return suggestions
def generate_suggestions_for_adjudicator(self, batch_size: int):
"""Calls ask, sends suggestions to adjudicator, and writes out events.
This will create one event for each suggestion."""
next_points, uid = self._ask_and_write_events(batch_size)"Issued ask and sending to the adjudicator. {uid}")
suggestions = self._create_suggestion_list(next_points, uid)
msg = AdjudicatorMsg(
suggestions={self.endstation_key: suggestions},
self.kafka_producer(ADJUDICATOR_STREAM_NAME, msg.dict())
def generate_report(self, **kwargs):
doc =**kwargs)
uid = self._write_event("report", doc)"Issued report request and writing event. {uid}")
def trigger_condition(uid) -> bool:
return True
def _tell(self, uid):
"""Private tell to encapsulate the processing of a uid.
This allows the user tell to just consume an independent and dependent variable.
uid : str
Unique key to grab from Tiled.
run = self.exp_catalog[uid]
independent_variable, dependent_variable = self.unpack_run(run)
except KeyError as e:
logger.warning(f"Ignoring key error in unpack for data {uid}:\n {e}")
logger.debug("Telling agent about some new data.")
doc = self.tell(independent_variable, dependent_variable)
doc["exp_uid"] = uid
self._write_event("tell", doc)
def _on_stop_router(self, name, doc):
"""Document router that runs each time a stop document is seen."""
if name != "stop":
uid = doc["run_start"]
if not self.trigger_condition(uid):
f"New data detected, but trigger condition not met. The agent will ignore this start doc: {uid}"
# Tell"New data detected, telling the agent about this start doc: {uid}")
# Report
if self.report_on_tell:
# Ask
if self.ask_on_tell:
if self._direct_to_queue:
def tell_agent_by_uid(self, uids: Iterable):
"""Give an agent an iterable of uids to learn from.
This is an optional behavior for priming an agent without a complete restart.""""Telling agent list of uids")
for uid in uids:"Telling agent about start document{uid}")
def start(self, ask_at_start=False):
"""Starts kakfka listener in background thread
ask_at_start : bool, optional
Whether to ask for a suggestion immediately, by default False
logger.debug("Issuing Agent start document and starting to listen to Kafka")
self._compose_run_bundle = compose_run(metadata=self.metadata)
self.agent_catalog.v1.insert("start", self._compose_run_bundle.start_doc)"Agent name={self._compose_run_bundle.start_doc['agent_name']}")"Agent start document uuid={self._compose_run_bundle.start_doc['uid']}")
if ask_at_start:
self._kafka_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.kafka_consumer.start, name="agent-loop", daemon=True)
def stop(self, exit_status="success", reason=""):
logger.debug("Attempting agent stop.")
stop_doc = self._compose_run_bundle.compose_stop(exit_status=exit_status, reason=reason)
self.agent_catalog.v1.insert("stop", stop_doc)
f"Stopped agent with exit status {exit_status.upper()}"
f"{(' for reason: ' + reason) if reason else '.'}"
def close_and_restart(self, *, clear_tell_cache=False, retell_all=False, reason=""):
"""Utility for closing and restarting an agent with the same name.
This is primarily for methods that change the hyperparameters of an agent on the fly,
but in doing so may change the shape/nature of the agent document stream. This will
keep the documents consistent between hyperparameters as individual BlueskyRuns.
clear_tell_cache : bool, optional
Clears the cache of data the agent has been told about, by default False.
This is useful for a clean slate.
retell_all : bool, optional
Resets the cache and tells the agent about all previous data, by default False.
This can be useful if the agent has not retained knowledge from previous tells.
reason : str, optional
Reason for closing and restarting the agent, to be recorded to logs, by default ""
self.stop(reason=f"Close and Restart: {reason}")
if clear_tell_cache:
self.tell_cache = list()
elif retell_all:
uids = copy.copy(self.tell_cache)
self.tell_cache = list()
def signal_handler(self, signal, frame):
self.stop(exit_status="abort", reason="forced exit ctrl+c")
def _register_property(self, name: str, property_name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper to register property to bluesky-adaptive server instead of attribute or variable.
name : str
Name by which the variable is accessible through the REST API. The PV name is generated by converting
the variable names to upper-case letters. The name does not need to match the actual name of
the variable used in the code. The name should be selected so that it could be conveniently used
in the API.
property_name : Optional[str]
The name of a class property, by default the same name used in the REST API.
[kwargs.pop(key, None) for key in ("getter", "setter")] # Cannot pass getter/setter
property_name = name if property_name is None else property_name
getter=lambda: getattr(self.__class__, property_name).fget(self),
setter=lambda x: getattr(self.__class__, property_name).fset(self, x),
def _register_method(self, name, method_name=None, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper to register generic method to bluesky-adaptive server instead of attribute or variable.
To call the method, pass the setter a json with of form:
{value: [[args,],
This is a temporary solution that makes use of only the setter API and not a dedicated interface.
This will be deprecated in the future.
name : str
Name by which the variable is accessible through the REST API. The PV name is generated by converting
the variable names to upper-case letters. The name does not need to match the actual name of
the variable used in the code. The name should be selected so that it could be conveniently used
in the API.
method_name : Optional[str]
The name of the method, by default the same name used in the REST API.
[kwargs.pop(key, None) for key in ("getter", "setter")] # Cannot pass getter/setter
method_name = name if method_name is None else method_name
if not isinstance(getattr(self, method_name), Callable):
raise TypeError(f"Method {method_name} must be a callable function.")
register_variable(name, setter=lambda value: start_task(getattr(self, method_name)(*value[0], **value[1])))
def server_registrations(self) -> None:
Method to generate all server registrations during agent initialization.
This method can be used in subclasses, to override or extend the default registrations.
self._register_property("queue_add_position", pv_type="str")
self._register_property("ask_on_tell", pv_type="bool")
self._register_property("report_on_tell", pv_type="bool")
def qserver_from_host_and_key(host: str, key: str):
"""Convenience method to prouduce RE Manager object to manage communication with Queue Server.
This is one of several paradigms for communication, albeit a common one.
See bluesky_queueserver_api documentation for more details.
host : str
URI for host of HTTP Server
key : str
Authorization key for HTTP Server API
qserver : bluesky_queueserver_api.api_threads.API_Threads_Mixin
from bluesky_queueserver_api.http import REManagerAPI
qserver = REManagerAPI(http_server_uri=host)
return qserver
def from_config_kwargs(
kafka_group_id: str,
kafka_bootstrap_servers: str,
kafka_consumer_config: dict,
kafka_producer_config: dict,
publisher_topic: str,
subscripion_topics: List[str],
data_profile_name: str,
agent_profile_name: str,
qserver_host: str,
qserver_api_key: str,
"""Convenience method for producing an Agent from keyword arguments describing the
Kafka, Tiled, and Qserver setup.
Assumes tiled is loaded from profile, and the REManagerAPI is based on the http api.
kafka_group_id : str
Required string identifier for the consumer's Kafka Consumer group.
kafka_bootstrap_servers : str
Comma-delimited list of Kafka server addresses as a string
such as ``'broker1:9092,broker2:9092,'``
kafka_consumer_config : dict
Override default configuration or specify additional configuration
options to confluent_kafka.Consumer.
kafka_producer_config : dict
Override default configuration or specify additional configuration
options to confluent_kafka.Producer.
publisher_topic : str
Existing topic to publish agent documents to.
subscripion_topics : List[str]
List of existing_topics as strings such as ["topic-1", "topic-2"]. These should be
the sources of the Bluesky stop documents that trigger ``tell`` and agent directives.
data_profile_name : str
Tiled profile name to serve as source of data (BlueskyRuns) for the agent.
agent_profile_name : str
Tiled profile name to serve as storage for the agent documents.
qserver_host : str
Host to POST requests to. Something akin to 'http://localhost:60610'
qserver_api_key : str
Key for API security.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments for init
from bluesky_queueserver_api.http import REManagerAPI
from tiled.client import from_profile
kafka_consumer = AgentConsumer(
kafka_producer = Publisher(
tiled_data_node = from_profile(data_profile_name)
tiled_agent_node = from_profile(agent_profile_name)
re_manager = REManagerAPI(http_server_uri=qserver_host)
if "metadata" in kwargs:
dict(tiled_data_profile=data_profile_name, tiled_agent_profile=agent_profile_name)
return cls.__init__(
class MonarchSubjectAgent(Agent, ABC):
# Drive a beamline. On stop doc check. By default manual trigger.
def __init__(
subject_qserver: API_Threads_Mixin,
subject_kafka_producer: Optional[Publisher] = None,
subject_endstation_key: Optional[str] = "",
"""Abstract base class for a MonarchSubject agent. These agents only consume documents from one
(Monarch) source, and can dictate the behavior of a different (Subject) queue.
This can be useful in a multimodal measurement where
one measurement is very fast and the other is very slow: after some amount of data collection on the fast
measurement, the agent can dictate that the slow measurement probe what it considers as interesting. The
agent maintains the functionality of a regular Agent, and adds plans to the Monarch queue.
By default, the Subject is only directed when manually triggered by the agent server or by
a kafka directive. If an automated approach to asking the subject is required,
``subject_ask_condition`` must be overriden. This is commonly done by using a wall-clock interval,
and/or a model confidence trigger.
Children of MonarchSubjectAgent must implment the following, through direct inheritence or mixin classes:
Experiment specific:
- measurement_plan
- unpack_run
- subject_measurement_plan
Agent specific:
- tell
- ask
- subject_ask
- report (optional)
- name (optional)
subject_qserver : API_Threads_Mixin
Object to manage communication with the Subject Queue Server
subject_kafka_producer : Optional[Publisher]
Bluesky Kafka publisher to produce document stream of agent actions to Adjudicators
subject_endstation_key : Optional[str]
Optional string that is needed for Adjudicator functionality. This keys the qserver API instance to
a particular endstation. This way child Agents can maintain multiple queues for different unit ops.
For example, this could be a beamline three letter acronym or other distinct key.
self.subject_re_manager = subject_qserver
self.subject_kafka_producer = subject_kafka_producer
self.subject_endstation_key = subject_endstation_key
def subject_measurement_plan(self, point: ArrayLike) -> Tuple[str, List, dict]:
"""Details for subject plan.
Fetch the string name of a registered plan, as well as the positional and keyword
arguments to pass that plan.
Args/Kwargs is a common place to transform relative into absolute motor coords, or
other device specific parameters.
point : ArrayLike
Next point to measure using a given plan
plan_name : str
plan_args : List
List of arguments to pass to plan from a point to measure.
plan_kwargs : dict
Dictionary of keyword arguments to pass the plan, from a point to measure.
def subject_ask(self, batch_size: int) -> Tuple[Sequence[Dict[str, ArrayLike]], Sequence[ArrayLike]]:
Ask the agent for a new batch of points to measure on the subject queue.
batch_size : int
Number of new points to measure
docs : Sequence[dict]
Documents of key metadata from the ask approach for each point in next_points.
Must be length of batch size.
next_points : Sequence[ArrayLike]
Sequence of independent variables of length batch size
def subject_ask_condition(self):
"""Option to build in a trigger method that is run on using the document router subcription.
return False
def add_suggestions_to_subject_queue(self, batch_size: int):
"""Calls ask, adds suggestions to queue, and writes out event"""
next_points, uid = self._ask_and_write_events(batch_size, self.subject_ask, "subject_ask")"Issued ask to subject and adding to the queue. {uid}")
def _on_stop_router(self, name, doc):
ret = super()._on_stop_router(name, doc)
if name != "stop":
return ret
if self.subject_ask_condition():
if self._direct_to_queue:
raise NotImplementedError
def generate_suggestions_for_adjudicator(self, batch_size: int):
next_points, uid = self._ask_and_write_events(batch_size, self.subject_ask, "subject_ask")"Issued subject ask and sending to the adjudicator. {uid}")
suggestions = self._create_suggestion_list(next_points, uid, self.subject_measurement_plan)
msg = AdjudicatorMsg(
suggestions={self.subject_endstation_key: suggestions},
self.subject_kafka_producer(ADJUDICATOR_STREAM_NAME, msg.dict())
def server_registrations(self) -> None: