
bluesky_adaptive.per_event.adaptive_plan(dets, first_point, *, to_recommender, from_recommender, md=None, take_reading=None)[source]#

Execute an adaptive scan using an per event-run recommendation engine.

The communication pattern here is that there is 1 recommendation for each Event that is generate


The detector to read at each point. The dependent keys that the recommendation engine is looking for must be provided by these devices.

first_pointDict[Settable, Any]

The first point of the scan. The motors that will be scanned are extracted from the keys. The independent keys that the recommendation engine is looking for / returning must be provided by these devices.

to_recommenderCallable[document_name: str, document: dict]

This is the callback that will be registered to the RunEngine.

The expected contract is for each event it will place either a dict mapping independent variable to recommended value or None.

This plan will either move to the new position and take data if the value is a dict or end the run if None


The consumer side of the Queue that the recommendation engine is putting the recommendations onto.

mddict[str, Any], optional

Any extra meta-data to put in the Start document

take_readingplan, optional

function to do the actual acquisition

def take_reading(dets, name='primary'):
     yield from ...

Callable[List[OphydObj], Optional[str]] -> Generator[Msg], optional

Defaults to bluesky.plan_stubs.trigger_and_read