Lockstep Agent Tutorial#

This tutorial depends on starting the Bluesky stack in a pod as shown in Getting Started Tutorial. The tutorial covers:

Start BSUI#

Firstly, we need to start an ipython session in the same environment as our experiment stack. Assuming you have cloned the bluesky-pods repository and started the pod as shown in the Getting Started Tutorial, we can start the BSUI by running the following command in the same terminal as the pod:

cd bluesky-pods/compose/acq-pod
bash launch_bluesky.sh

Explore the devices available#


Will list a set of python objects that are available in the current session. Some of these are directly from the Bluesky tutorials, such as RE, motor, random_walk. We can inspect the devices of interest by just typing their name in the ipython session.

In [1]: RE
Out[1]: <bluesky.run_engine.RunEngine at 0xffff95c10200>

In [2]: motor
Out[2]: SynAxisNoPosition(prefix='', name='motor', read_attrs=['readback', 'setpoint'], configuration_attrs=['velocity', 'acceleration'])

In [3]: random_walk
Out[3]: RandomWalk(prefix='random_walk:', name='random_walk', read_attrs=['x'], configuration_attrs=['dt'])

In [4]: det
Out[5]: DetWithCountTime(prefix='', name='det', read_attrs=['intensity', 'count_time'], configuration_attrs=[])

Standard Plan#

We can start by using these devices and our RunEngine to run a standard plan.

RE(scan([det], motor, -1, 1, 10))

This wasn’t very interesting, since this detector only produces a fixed value. Let’s grab a random detector from Ophyd Simulated Devices with multiple signals.

from ophyd.sim import ABDetector
ab_det = ABDetector(name="ab_det")
ab_det.read() # To get a feeling for the signals available
RE(scan([ab_det], motor, -1, 1, 10))

If you have X11 forwarding enabled, you should see a plot of the random data produced by the scan. (The “ab_det_a” data against the motor value since only the “a” signal is “hinted”).

Inspecting the data model#

A lockstep agent needs to be aware of the keys that it will be receiving from the detector. Without diving into the bluesky document model, we can infer this information from the data at storage time. Let’s run a fresh scan inspect our most recent BlueskyRun.

RE(scan([ab_det], motor, -1, 1, 10))
run = db[-1]

> <xarray.Dataset> Size: 400B
> Dimensions:         (time: 10)
> Coordinates:
>   * time            (time) float64 80B 1.712e+09 1.712e+09 ... 1.712e+09
> Data variables:
>     motor           (time) float64 80B -1.0 -0.7778 -0.5556 ... 0.7778 1.0
>     motor_setpoint  (time) float64 80B -1.0 -0.7778 -0.5556 ... 0.7778 1.0
>     ab_det_a        (time) float64 80B 0.4206 0.2793 0.8471 ... 0.695 0.6514
>     ab_det_b        (time) float64 80B 0.1539 0.8972 0.4957 ... 0.3888 0.05702

Assuming our independent variable is our motor position, we can see it is keyed by 'motor'. Let’s use the ‘a’ signal of our detector as our dependent variable, keyed by 'ab_det_a'.

Building a Lockstep Agent#

Now we can build a reccomendation agent that will suggest the next motor position based on the most recent data. For this initial application we will build a per-event agent that suggests either -1 or 1 based on the most recent data. Since our detector is random, we will move to -1 if the most recent detector signal was less than 0.5, and to 1 otherwise.

class Agent:
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_value = None
    def tell(self, x, y):
        self.last_value = y

    def tell_many(self, xs, ys):
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
            self.tell(x, y)

    def ask(self, batch_size=1):
        if self.last_value is None:
            return 0
        return [-1] if self.last_value < 0.5 else [1]
agent = Agent()

We then need to build this agent into an adaptive plan. We give this a timeout of five measurements, and run the plan.

from bluesky_adaptive.per_event import adaptive_plan, recommender_factory
recommender, queue = recommender_factory(agent, independent_keys=["motor"], dependent_keys=["ab_det_a"], max_count=5)
plan = adaptive_plan([ab_det], {motor: 0.0}, to_recommender=recommender, from_recommender=queue)

Your terminal output should be a LiveTable that shows the motor position and the ‘a’ signal of the detector. If the previous value of ‘a’ was less than 0.5, the motor should move to -1 in the next step, and to 1 otherwise. The LivePlot should hold a series of zig-zags as the motor moves back and forth between -1 and 1.

Adding comlpexity with multiple signals#

This agent is very simple, and only uses the ‘a’ signal of the detector. Let’s add another independent variable, and another dependent variable to our agent. First we can do a deterministic scan over the motor and motor3 (using motor3 for the Hinted ophyd object). We’ll also make the ab_det_b signal hinted so it shows up in our plots and tables.

from bluesky.plans import grid_scan
from ophyd import Kind
ab_det.b.kind = Kind.hinted
RE(grid_scan([ab_det], motor, -1, 1, 5, motor3, -1, 1, 5))

This will produce a grid scan and randomly colored heat map in the LivePlot. Now we can use an agent that expects the motor and motor3 signals, and suggests the next motor and motor3 position based on the ab_det_a and ab_det_b signals. In this context x and y will be arrays shaped (2,), and the next suggestion will be an array shaped (2,).

from numpy.random import uniform
class Agent2D:
    def __init__(self):
        self.last_values = None
    def tell(self, x, y):
        self.last_values = y

    def tell_many(self, xs, ys):
        for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
            self.tell(x, y)

    def ask(self, batch_size=1):
        if self.last_values is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Agent should be primed with first plan")   
        if self.last_values[0] > self.last_values[1]:
            next_point = [uniform(-1, 0), uniform(-1, 0)]
            next_point = [uniform(0, 1), uniform(0, 1)]
        return next_point
agent2d = Agent2D()

This agent will suggest a random point in the lower left quadrant if the last ‘a’ signal was greater than the last ‘b’ signal, and a random point in the upper right quadrant otherwise. Building the reccomender and running the plan is almost the same as before, but with more specified keys.

recommender, queue = recommender_factory(agent2d, independent_keys=["motor", "motor3"], dependent_keys=["ab_det_a", "ab_det_b"], max_count=20)
plan = adaptive_plan([ab_det], {motor: -1.0, motor3: -1.0}, to_recommender=recommender, from_recommender=queue)

This should give a LiveTable with strictly positive or negative motor positions, and a LivePlot that shows the motor positions in the upper right and lower left quadrants.