Source code for bluesky_darkframes

import collections
import copy
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import time
import uuid
import warnings

import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
import bluesky.preprocessors
import event_model
import numpy as np
from bluesky.utils import short_uid
from frozendict import frozendict
from ophyd import Device

from ._version import get_versions

__version__ = get_versions()["version"]
del get_versions

logger = logging.getLogger("bluesky.darkframes")

[docs]class SnapshotDevice(Device): """ A mock Device that stashes a snapshot of another Device for later reading Parameters ---------- device: Device """ def __init__(self, device): super().__init__(, parent=device.parent) self._describe = device.describe() self._describe_configuration = device.describe_configuration() self._read = self._read_configuration = device.read_configuration() self._read_attrs = list(self._read) self._configuration_attrs = list(self._read_configuration) if hasattr(device, "collect_asset_docs"): self._asset_docs_cache = list(device.collect_asset_docs()) else: self._asset_docs_cache = [] self._assets_collected = False def __repr__(self): return f"<SnapshotDevice of {}>" def read(self): return self._read def read_configuration(self): return self._read_configuration @property def configuration_attrs(self): return self._configuration_attrs @property def read_attrs(self): return self._read_attrs def describe(self): return self._describe def describe_configuration(self): return self._describe_configuration def collect_asset_docs(self): if self._assets_collected: yield from [] else: self._assets_collected = True yield from self._asset_docs_cache def stage(self): self._assets_collected = False return super().stage() def unstage(self): self._remake_docs() return super().unstage() def _remake_docs(self): """ Avoid re-emitting documents with the same unique identifiers. - Make shallow copies of Resource and Datum docs with new unique identifiers. - Update the return value of read() with the new datum_ids. """ resources = {} # map old uid to new uid new_asset_docs_cache = [] for name, doc in self._asset_docs_cache: if name == "resource": new_uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) resources[doc["uid"]] = new_uid new_doc = doc.copy() new_doc["uid"] = new_uid new_asset_docs_cache.append((name, new_doc)) elif name == "datum": new_doc = doc.copy() old_resource_uid = doc["resource"] new_resource_uid = resources[old_resource_uid] new_doc["resource"] = new_resource_uid # Some existing code in other libraries looks for the # {resource_uid}/{integer} pattern in Event documents and uses that # to take a fast path. The changes to Datum proposed in # # would make this less fragile. old_datum_id = doc["datum_id"] if old_datum_id.startswith(f"{old_resource_uid}/"): _, suffix = old_datum_id.split("/", 1) new_datum_id = f"{new_resource_uid}/{suffix}" else: new_datum_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) new_doc["datum_id"] = new_datum_id new_asset_docs_cache.append((name, new_doc)) # Update the return value of read() to replace the old datum_id # with the new one. for k, v in list(self._read.items()): if v["value"] == old_datum_id: self._read[k]["value"] = new_datum_id else: raise BlueskyDarkframesValueError(f"Unexpected name {name}") self._asset_docs_cache = new_asset_docs_cache
class _SnapshotShell: # This enables us to hot-swap Snapshot instances in the middle of a Run. # We hand this object to the RunEngine, so it sees one consistent # instance throughout the Run. def __init__(self): self.__snapshot = None def set_snaphsot(self, snapshot): self.__snapshot = snapshot def get_snapshot(self): return self.__snapshot def describe(self): return self.__snapshot.describe() def describe_configuration(self): return self.__snapshot.describe_configuration() def read(self): return def read_configuration(self): return self.__snapshot.read_configuration() def trigger(self): return self.__snapshot.trigger() @property def name(self): return def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.__snapshot, key) GROUP_PREFIX = "bluesky-darkframes-trigger"
[docs]class DarkFramePreprocessor: """ A plan preprocessor that ensures each Run records a dark frame. Specifically this adds a new Event stream, named 'dark' by default. It inserts one Event with a reading that contains a 'dark' frame. The same reading may be used across multiple runs, depending on the rules for when a dark frame is taken. Parameters ---------- dark_plan: callable Expected siganture: ``dark_plan(detector) -> snapshot_device`` The old signature ``dark_plan() -> snapshot_device`` is accepted but will issue a warning. detector: Device max_age: float Time after which a fresh dark frame should be acquired locked_signals: Iterable, optional Any changes to these signals invalidate the current dark frame and prompt us to take a new one. Typical examples would be exposure time or gain, anything that changes the expected dark frame. limit: integer or None, optional Number of dark frames to cache. If None, do not limit. stream_name: string, optional Event stream name for dark frames. Default is 'dark'. """ def __init__(self, *, dark_plan, detector, max_age, locked_signals=None, limit=None, stream_name="dark"): self._dark_plan = dark_plan if not inspect.signature(dark_plan).parameters: warnings.warn( f"The dark_plan {dark_plan} is now expected to accept the " f"detector as an argument. A dark_plan that accepts no " f"arguments is still supported, but it may not be supported " f"in future releases." ) self._partialed_dark_plan = dark_plan else: self._partialed_dark_plan = functools.partial(dark_plan, detector) self._detector = detector self.max_age = max_age # The signals have to have unique names for this to work. names = [ for signal in locked_signals or ()] if len(names) != len(set(names)): raise BlueskyDarkframesValueError( f"The signals in locked_signals need to have unique names. The names given were: {names}" ) self._locked_signals = tuple(locked_signals or ()) self._limit = limit self.stream_name = stream_name # Map state to (creation_time, snapshot). self._cache = collections.OrderedDict() self._current_snapshot = _SnapshotShell() self._force_read_before_next_event = True self._latch = False self._disabled = False @property def detector(self): return self._detector @property def dark_plan(self): return self._dark_plan @property def locked_signals(self): return self._locked_signals @property def cache(self): """ A read-only view of the cached dark frames. Each key is a frozendict mapping each of the names of the ``locked_signals`` (if any) to its value at the time the dark frame was taken. Each value has the structure ``(creation_time, snapshot)`` where creation_time is the UNIX epoch time that the dark frame was taken and snapshot is a :class:`SnapshotDevice` instance. The cache is ordered. When an item is accessed, it is moved to the front. If ``limit`` is set, items will be removed from the end as needed to abide by the limit. Whenver the cache is updated or accessed, any items whose ``creation_time`` is more than ``max_age`` seconds ago are culled. """ return self._cache
[docs] def add_snapshot(self, snapshot, state=None): """ Add a darkframe. Parameters ---------- snapshot: SnapshotDevice state: dict, optional Mapping each of the names of the locked_signals (if any) to its value when the snapshot was taken. When snapshots are accessed via ``get_snapshot(state)``, the states will be compared via ``==``. """ logger.debug("Captured snapshot for state %r", state) state = state or {} self._evict_old_entries() if self._limit is not None and len(self._cache) >= self._limit: self._cache.popitem() self._cache[frozendict(state)] = (time.monotonic(), snapshot)
def _evict_old_entries(self): now = time.monotonic() for key, (creation_time, _snapshot) in list(self._cache.items()): if now - creation_time > self.max_age: logger.debug("Evicted old snapshot for state %r", key) # Too old. Evict from cache. del self._cache[key]
[docs] def get_snapshot(self, state): """ Access a darkframe. Parameters ---------- state: dict Mapping each of the names of the locked_signals (if any) to its value. """ self._evict_old_entries() key = frozendict(state) try: creation_time, snapshot = self._cache[key] except KeyError as err: raise NoMatchingSnapshot( f"No Snapshot matches the state {state}. Perhaps there *was* " f"match but it has aged out of the cache." ) from err else: self._cache.move_to_end(key, last=False) return snapshot
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear all cached darkframes. """ self._cache.clear()
[docs] def __call__(self, plan): """ Preprocessor: Takes in a plan and creates a modified plan. This inserts messages to add extra readings to the plan. First, it decides whether it needs to trigger the detector to get a fresh reading or whether it can use a cached reading. """ self._latch = False if self._disabled:"%r is disabled, will act as a no-op", self) return (yield from plan) def insert_dark_frame(force_read, msg=None): # Acquire a fresh Snapshot if we need one, or retrieve a cached one. state = {} for signal in self.locked_signals: reading = yield from # Restructure # {'data_key': {'value': <value>, 'timestamp': <timestamp>}, ...} # into (('data_key', <value>) ...). values_only = tuple((k, v["value"]) for k, v in reading.items()) state[] = values_only try: snapshot = self.get_snapshot(state) except NoMatchingSnapshot: # If we are here, we either haven't taken a reading when the # locked_signals were in this state, or the last such reading # we took has aged out of the cache. We have to trigger the # hardware and get a fresh snapshot."Taking a new %r reading for state=%r", self.stream_name, state) snapshot = yield from self._partialed_dark_plan() self.add_snapshot(snapshot, state) # If the Snapshot is the same as the one we most recently inserted, # then we don't need to create a new Event. The previous Event # still holds. snapshot_changed = snapshot is not self._current_snapshot.get_snapshot() if snapshot_changed or force_read:"Creating a %r Event for state=%r", self.stream_name, state) self._current_snapshot.set_snaphsot(snapshot) # Read the Snapshot. This does not actually trigger hardware, # but it goes through all the bluesky steps to generate new # Event. # The reason we handle self._current_snapshot here instead of # snapshot itself is the bluesky RunEngine notices if you give # it a different object than you had given it earlier. Thus, # bluesky will always see the "Device" self._current_snapshot # here, and it will be satisfied. yield from bps.stage(self._current_snapshot) yield from trigger_and_read( [self._current_snapshot], name=self.stream_name, group=short_uid(GROUP_PREFIX) ) yield from bps.unstage(self._current_snapshot) self._latch = False if msg is not None: return (yield msg) def maybe_insert_dark_frame(msg): # * Is this a 'trigger' message? # * Does it refer to the detector that this preprocessor cares about? # * Is it *not* from another DarkFramePreprocessor. (There can be # multiple nested DarkFramePreprocessors watching the same detector # by applying different dark_plans / recording Events in different # streams.) if ( msg.command == "trigger" and msg.obj is self.detector and not msg.kwargs["group"].startswith(GROUP_PREFIX) and not self._latch ): force_read = self._force_read_before_next_event self._force_read_before_next_event = False self._latch = True # prevents infinite recursion return insert_dark_frame(force_read=force_read, msg=msg), None elif msg.command == "open_run": # Make sure we get a new Event because we have just started a # new Run. self._force_read_before_next_event = True return None, None else: return None, None return (yield from bluesky.preprocessors.plan_mutator(plan, maybe_insert_dark_frame))
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {len(self.cache)} snapshots cached>"
[docs] def disable(self): """ Make this preprocessor a no-op. See Also -------- :meth:`DarkFramePreprocessor.enable` """ self._disabled = True
[docs] def enable(self): """ Counterpart to ``diasble()``. See Also -------- :meth:`DarkFramePreprocessor.disable` """ self._disabled = False
[docs]class DarkSubtraction(event_model.DocumentRouter): """Document router to do in-place background subtraction. Expects that the events are filled. The values in `(light_stream_name, field)` are replaced with :: np.clip(light - np.clip(dark - pedestal, 0), 0) Adds the key f'{self.field}_is_background_subtracted' to the 'light_stream_name' stream and a configuration key for the pedestal value. .. warning This mutates the document stream in-place! Parameters ---------- field : str The name of the field to do the background subtraction on. This field must contain the light-field values in the 'light-stream' and the background images in the 'dark-stream' light_stream_name : str, optional The stream that contains the exposed images that need to be background subtracted. defaults to 'primary' dark_stream_name : str, optional The stream that contains the background dark images. defaults to 'dark' pedestal : int, optional Pedestal to add to the data to make sure subtracted result does not fall below 0. This is actually pre subtracted from the dark frame for efficiency. Defaults to 100. """ def __init__(self, field, light_stream_name="primary", dark_stream_name="dark", pedestal=100): self.field = field self.light_stream_name = light_stream_name self.dark_stream_name = dark_stream_name self.light_descriptor = None self.dark_descriptor = None self.dark_frame = None self.pedestal = pedestal def descriptor(self, doc): if doc["name"] == self.light_stream_name: self.light_descriptor = doc["uid"] # add flag that we did the background subtraction doc = copy.deepcopy(dict(doc)) doc["data_keys"][f"{self.field}_is_background_subtracted"] = { "source": "DarkSubtraction", "dtype": "number", "shape": [], "precsion": 0, "object_name": f"{self.field}_DarkSubtraction", } doc["configuration"][f"{self.field}_DarkSubtraction"] = { "data": {"pedestal": self.pedestal}, "timestamps": {"pedestal": time.time()}, "data_keys": { "pedestal": { "source": "DarkSubtraction", "dtype": "number", "shape": [], "precsion": 0, } }, } doc["object_keys"][f"{self.field}_DarkSubtraction"] = [f"{self.field}_is_background_subtracted"] elif doc["name"] == self.dark_stream_name: self.dark_descriptor = doc["uid"] return doc def event_page(self, doc): if doc["descriptor"] == self.dark_descriptor: (self.dark_frame,) = np.asarray(doc["data"][self.field]) self.dark_frame -= self.pedestal np.clip(self.dark_frame, a_min=0, a_max=None, out=self.dark_frame) elif doc["descriptor"] == self.light_descriptor: if self.dark_frame is None: raise NoDarkFrame( "DarkSubtraction has not received a 'dark' Event yet, so it has nothing to subtract." ) doc = copy.deepcopy(dict(doc)) light = np.asarray(doc["data"][self.field]) subtracted = self.subtract(light, self.dark_frame) doc["data"][self.field] = subtracted doc["data"][f"{self.field}_is_background_subtracted"] = [True] doc["timestamps"][f"{self.field}_is_background_subtracted"] = [time.time()] return doc def subtract(self, light, dark): return np.clip(light - dark, a_min=0, a_max=None).astype(light.dtype)
class BlueskyDarkframesException(Exception): ... class BlueskyDarkframesValueError(ValueError, BlueskyDarkframesException): ... class NoDarkFrame(RuntimeError, BlueskyDarkframesException): ... class NoMatchingSnapshot(KeyError, BlueskyDarkframesException): ... # Vendored from bluesky.plan_stubs, added `group` parameter def trigger_and_read(devices, name="primary", group=None): """ Trigger and read a list of detectors and bundle readings into one Event. Parameters ---------- devices : iterable devices to trigger (if they have a trigger method) and then read name : string, optional event stream name, a convenient human-friendly identifier; default name is 'primary' group : string (or any hashable object), optional identifier used by 'trigger' and 'wait' Yields ------ msg : Msg messages to 'trigger', 'wait' and 'read' """ # If devices is empty, don't emit 'create'/'save' messages. if not devices: yield from bps.null() devices = bps.separate_devices(devices) # remove redundant entries rewindable = bps.all_safe_rewind(devices) # if devices can be re-triggered def inner_trigger_and_read(): nonlocal group if group is None: group = short_uid("trigger") no_wait = True for obj in devices: if hasattr(obj, "trigger"): no_wait = False yield from bps.trigger(obj, group=group) # Skip 'wait' if none of the devices implemented a trigger method. if not no_wait: yield from bps.wait(group=group) yield from bps.create(name) ret = {} # collect and return readings to give plan access to them for obj in devices: reading = yield from if reading is not None: ret.update(reading) yield from return ret from bluesky.preprocessors import rewindable_wrapper return (yield from rewindable_wrapper(inner_trigger_and_read(), rewindable))