Source code for bluesky_httpserver.authenticators

import asyncio
import functools
import logging
import re
import secrets
from import Iterable

from fastapi import APIRouter, Request
from jose import JWTError, jwk, jwt
from starlette.responses import RedirectResponse

from .authentication import Mode
from .utils import modules_available

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DummyAuthenticator:
    For test and demo purposes only!

    Accept any username and any password.


    mode = Mode.password

    async def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str):
        return username

[docs]class DictionaryAuthenticator: """ For test and demo purposes only! Check passwords from a dictionary of usernames mapped to passwords. Parameters ---------- users_to_passwords: dict(str, str) Mapping of usernames to passwords. """ mode = Mode.password configuration_schema = """ $schema": type: object additionalProperties: false properties: users_to_password: type: object description: | Mapping usernames to password. Environment variable expansion should be used to avoid placing passwords directly in configuration. """
[docs] def __init__(self, users_to_passwords): self._users_to_passwords = users_to_passwords
async def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str): true_password = self._users_to_passwords.get(username) if not true_password: # Username is not valid. return if secrets.compare_digest(true_password, password): return username
class PAMAuthenticator: mode = Mode.password configuration_schema = """ $schema": type: object additionalProperties: false properties: service: type: string description: PAM service. Default is 'login'. """ def __init__(self, service="login"): if not modules_available("pamela"): raise ModuleNotFoundError("This PAMAuthenticator requires the module 'pamela' to be installed.") self.service = service # TODO Try to open a PAM session. async def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str): import pamela try: pamela.authenticate(username, password, service=self.service) except pamela.PAMError: # Authentication failed. return else: return username class OIDCAuthenticator: mode = Mode.external configuration_schema = """ $schema": type: object additionalProperties: false properties: client_id: type: string client_secret: type: string redirect_uri: type: string token_uri: type: string authorization_endpoint: type: string public_keys: type: array item: type: object properties: - alg: type: string - e type: string - kid type: string - kty type: string - n type: string - use type: string required: - alg - e - kid - kty - n - use """ def __init__( self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, public_keys, token_uri, authorization_endpoint, confirmation_message, ): self.client_id = client_id self.client_secret = client_secret self.confirmation_message = confirmation_message self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.public_keys = public_keys self.token_uri = token_uri self.authorization_endpoint = authorization_endpoint.format(client_id=client_id, redirect_uri=redirect_uri) async def authenticate(self, request): code = request.query_params["code"] response = await exchange_code(self.token_uri, code, self.client_id, self.client_secret, self.redirect_uri) response_body = response.json() if response.is_error: logger.error("Authentication error: %r", response_body) return None response_body = response.json() id_token = response_body["id_token"] access_token = response_body["access_token"] # Match the kid in id_token to a key in the list of public_keys. key = find_key(id_token, self.public_keys) try: verified_body = jwt.decode(id_token, key, access_token=access_token, audience=self.client_id) except JWTError: logger.exception( "Authentication error. Unverified token: %r", jwt.get_unverified_claims(id_token), ) return None return verified_body["sub"] class KeyNotFoundError(Exception): pass def find_key(token, keys): """ Find a key from the configured keys based on the kid claim of the token Parameters ---------- token : token to search for the kid from keys: list of keys Raises ------ KeyNotFoundError: returned if the token does not have a kid claim Returns ------ key: found key object """ unverified = jwt.get_unverified_header(token) kid = unverified.get("kid") if not kid: raise KeyNotFoundError("No 'kid' in token") for key in keys: if key["kid"] == kid: return jwk.construct(key) return KeyNotFoundError(f"Token specifies {kid} but we have {[k['kid'] for k in keys]}") async def exchange_code(token_uri, auth_code, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri): """Method that talks to an IdP to exchange a code for an access_token and/or id_token Args: token_url ([type]): [description] auth_code ([type]): [description] """ if not modules_available("httpx"): raise ModuleNotFoundError("This authenticator requires 'httpx'. (pip install httpx)") import httpx response = url=token_uri, data={ "grant_type": "authorization_code", "client_id": client_id, "redirect_uri": redirect_uri, "code": auth_code, "client_secret": client_secret, }, ) return response class SAMLAuthenticator: mode = Mode.external def __init__( self, saml_settings, # See EXAMPLE_SAML_SETTINGS below. attribute_name, # which SAML attribute to use as 'id' for Idenity confirmation_message=None, ): self.saml_settings = saml_settings self.attribute_name = attribute_name self.confirmation_message = confirmation_message self.authorization_endpoint = "/login" router = APIRouter() if not modules_available("onelogin"): # The PyPI package name is 'python3-saml' # but it imports as 'onelogin'. # raise ModuleNotFoundError("This SAMLAuthenticator requires 'python3-saml' to be installed.") from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth @router.get("/login") async def saml_login(request: Request): req = await prepare_saml_from_fastapi_request(request) auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, self.saml_settings) # saml_settings = auth.get_settings() # metadata = saml_settings.get_sp_metadata() # errors = saml_settings.validate_metadata(metadata) # if len(errors) == 0: # print(metadata) # else: # print("Error found on Metadata: %s" % (', '.join(errors))) callback_url = auth.login() response = RedirectResponse(url=callback_url) return response self.include_routers = [router] async def authenticate(self, request): if not modules_available("onelogin"): raise ModuleNotFoundError("This SAMLAuthenticator requires the module 'oneline' to be installed.") from onelogin.saml2.auth import OneLogin_Saml2_Auth req = await prepare_saml_from_fastapi_request(request, True) auth = OneLogin_Saml2_Auth(req, self.saml_settings) auth.process_response() # Process IdP response errors = auth.get_errors() # This method receives an array with the errors if errors: raise Exception( "Error when processing SAML Response: %s %s" % (", ".join(errors), auth.get_last_error_reason()) ) if auth.is_authenticated(): # Return a string that the Identity can use as id. attribute_as_list = auth.get_attributes()[self.attribute_name] # Confused in what situation this would have more than one item.... assert len(attribute_as_list) == 1 return attribute_as_list[0] else: return None async def prepare_saml_from_fastapi_request(request, debug=False): form_data = await request.form() rv = { "http_host":, "server_port": request.url.port, "script_name": request.url.path, "post_data": {}, "get_data": {}, # Advanced request options # "https": "", # "request_uri": "", # "query_string": "", # "validate_signature_from_qs": False, # "lowercase_urlencoding": False } if request.query_params: rv["get_data"] = (request.query_params,) if "SAMLResponse" in form_data: SAMLResponse = form_data["SAMLResponse"] rv["post_data"]["SAMLResponse"] = SAMLResponse if "RelayState" in form_data: RelayState = form_data["RelayState"] rv["post_data"]["RelayState"] = RelayState return rv
[docs]class LDAPAuthenticator: """ LDAP authenticator. The authenticator code is based on The parameter ``use_tls`` was added for convenience of testing. Parameters ---------- server_address: str or list(str) Address(es) of the LDAP server(s) to contact. A string value may represent a single server, a list of strings may represent one or more servers. If a server address includes port, then the value of ``server_port`` is ignored, otherwise ``server_port`` or the default port is used to access the server. Could be an IP address or hostname. server_port: int or None Port on which to contact the LDAP server. Default port is used if ``None``. Defaults to ``636`` if ``use_ssl`` is set, ``389`` otherwise. use_ssl: boolean Use SSL to communicate with the LDAP server. Deprecated in version 3 of LDAP. Your LDAP server must be configured to support this, however. use_tls: boolean Enable/disable TLS if ``use_ssl`` is False. By default TLS is enabled. It should not be disabled in production systems. connect_timeout: float Timeout used for connecting to the LDAP server. Default: 5. receive_timeout: float Timeout used for communication with the LDAP server, e.g. this timeout is used to wait for completion of 2FA. For smooth operation it should probably exceed timeout set at LDAP server. Default: 60. bind_dn_template: list or str Template from which to construct the full dn when authenticating to LDAP. ``{username}`` is replaced with the actual username used to log in. If your LDAP is set in such a way that the userdn can not be formed from a template, but must be looked up with an attribute (such as uid or ``sAMAccountName``), please see ``lookup_dn``. It might be particularly relevant for ActiveDirectory installs. Unicode Example: .. code-block:: "uid={username},ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org" List Example: .. code-block:: [ "uid={username},ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org", "uid={username},ou=Developers,dc=wikimedia,dc=org" ] allowed_groups: list or None List of LDAP group DNs that users could be members of to be granted access. If a user is in any one of the listed groups, then that user is granted access. Membership is tested by fetching info about each group and looking for the User's dn to be a value of one of `member` or `uniqueMember`, *or* if the username being used to log in with is value of the `uid`. Set to an empty list or None to allow all users that have an LDAP account to log in, without performing any group membership checks. valid_username_regex: str Regex for validating usernames - those that do not match this regex will be rejected. This is primarily used as a measure against LDAP injection, which has fatal security considerations. The default works for most LDAP installations, but some users might need to modify it to fit their custom installs. If you are modifying it, be sure to understand the implications of allowing additional characters in usernames and what that means for LDAP injection issues. See for an overview of LDAP injection. lookup_dn: boolean Form user's DN by looking up an entry from directory By default, LDAPAuthenticator finds the user's DN by using `bind_dn_template`. However, in some installations, the user's DN does not contain the username, and hence needs to be looked up. You can set this to True and then use ``user_search_base`` and ``user_attribute`` to accomplish this. user_search_base: str Base for looking up user accounts in the directory, if `lookup_dn` is set to True. LDAPAuthenticator will search all objects matching under this base where the `user_attribute` is set to the current username to form the userdn. For example, if all users objects existed under the base ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org, and the username users use is set with the attribute `uid`, you can use the following config: .. code-block:: c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn = True c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_filter = '({login_attr}={login})' c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_user = 'ldap_search_user_technical_account' c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_search_password = 'secret' c.LDAPAuthenticator.user_search_base = 'ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org' c.LDAPAuthenticator.user_attribute = 'sAMAccountName' c.LDAPAuthenticator.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute = 'cn' c.LDAPAuthenticator.bind_dn_template = '{username}' user_attribute: str Attribute containing user's name, if ``lookup_dn`` is set to True. See ``user_search_base`` for info on how this attribute is used. For most LDAP servers, this is uid. For Active Directory, it is sAMAccountName. lookup_dn_search_filter: str or None How to query LDAP for user name lookup, if ``lookup_dn`` is set to True. lookup_dn_search_user: str or None Technical account for user lookup, if ``lookup_dn`` is set to True. If both lookup_dn_search_user and lookup_dn_search_password are None, then anonymous LDAP query will be done. lookup_dn_search_password: str or None Technical account for user lookup, if ``lookup_dn`` is set to True. lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute: str or None Attribute containing user's name needed for building DN string, if ``lookup_dn`` is set to True. See ``user_search_base`` for info on how this attribute is used. For most LDAP servers, this is username. For Active Directory, it is cn. escape_userdn: boolean If set to True, escape special chars in userdn when authenticating in LDAP. On some LDAP servers, when userdn contains chars like '(', ')', '\' authentication may fail when those chars are not escaped. search_filter: str LDAP3 Search Filter whose results are allowed access attributes: list or None List of attributes to be searched auth_state_attributes: list or None List of attributes to be returned in auth_state for a user use_lookup_dn_username: boolean If set to true uses the ``lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute`` attribute as username instead of the supplied one. This can be useful in an heterogeneous environment, when supplying a UNIX username to authenticate against AD. Examples -------- Using the authenticator class (the code runs in ``asyncio`` loop): .. code-block:: from bluesky_httpserver.authenticators import LDAPAuthenticator authenticator = LDAPAuthenticator( "localhost", 1389, bind_dn_template="cn={username},ou=users,dc=example,dc=org", use_tls=False ) await authenticator.authenticate("user01", "password1") await authenticator.authenticate("user02", "password2") Simple example of a config file (e.g. ``config_ldap.yml``): .. code-block:: uvicorn: host: localhost port: 60610 authentication: providers: - provider: ldap_local authenticator: bluesky_httpserver.authenticators:LDAPAuthenticator args: server_address: localhost server_port: 1389 bind_dn_template: "cn={username},ou=users,dc=example,dc=org" use_tls: false use_ssl: false tiled_admins: - provider: ldap_local id: user02 """ mode = Mode.password
[docs] def __init__( self, server_address, server_port=None, *, use_ssl=False, use_tls=True, connect_timeout=5, receive_timeout=60, bind_dn_template=None, allowed_groups=None, valid_username_regex=r"^[a-z][.a-z0-9_-]*$", lookup_dn=False, user_search_base=None, user_attribute=None, lookup_dn_search_filter="({login_attr}={login})", lookup_dn_search_user=None, lookup_dn_search_password=None, lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute=None, escape_userdn=False, search_filter="", attributes=None, auth_state_attributes=None, use_lookup_dn_username=True, ): self.use_ssl = use_ssl self.use_tls = use_tls self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self.receive_timeout = receive_timeout self.bind_dn_template = bind_dn_template self.allowed_groups = allowed_groups self.valid_username_regex = valid_username_regex self.lookup_dn = lookup_dn self.user_search_base = user_search_base self.user_attribute = user_attribute self.lookup_dn_search_filter = lookup_dn_search_filter self.lookup_dn_search_user = lookup_dn_search_user self.lookup_dn_search_password = lookup_dn_search_password self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute = lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute self.escape_userdn = escape_userdn self.search_filter = search_filter self.attributes = attributes if attributes else [] self.auth_state_attributes = auth_state_attributes if auth_state_attributes else [] self.use_lookup_dn_username = use_lookup_dn_username if isinstance(server_address, str): server_address_list = [server_address] elif isinstance(server_address, Iterable): server_address_list = list(server_address) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported type of `server_address` (list): server_address={server_address} " f"type(server_address)={type(server_address)}" ) if not server_address_list: raise ValueError("No servers are specified: 'server_address' is an empty list") self.server_address_list = server_address_list self.server_port = server_port if server_port is not None else self._server_port_default()
def _server_port_default(self): if self.use_ssl: return 636 # default SSL port for LDAP else: return 389 # default plaintext port for LDAP async def resolve_username(self, username_supplied_by_user): import ldap3 search_dn = self.lookup_dn_search_user if self.escape_userdn: search_dn = ldap3.utils.conv.escape_filter_chars(search_dn) conn = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor( None, self.get_connection, search_dn, self.lookup_dn_search_password ) is_bound = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, conn.bind) if not is_bound: msg = "Failed to connect to LDAP server with search user '{search_dn}'" self.log.warning(msg.format(search_dn=search_dn)) return (None, None) search_filter = self.lookup_dn_search_filter.format( login_attr=self.user_attribute, login=username_supplied_by_user ) msg = "\n".join( [ "Looking up user with:", " search_base = '{search_base}'", " search_filter = '{search_filter}'", " attributes = '{attributes}'", ] ) logger.debug( msg.format( search_base=self.user_search_base, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=self.user_attribute, ) ) search_func = functools.partial(, search_base=self.user_search_base, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=[self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute], ) await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, search_func) response = conn.response if len(response) == 0 or "attributes" not in response[0].keys(): msg = "No entry found for user '{username}' " "when looking up attribute '{attribute}'" logger.warning(msg.format(username=username_supplied_by_user, attribute=self.user_attribute)) return (None, None) user_dn = response[0]["attributes"][self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute] if isinstance(user_dn, list): if len(user_dn) == 0: return (None, None) elif len(user_dn) == 1: user_dn = user_dn[0] else: msg = ( "A lookup of the username '{username}' returned a list " "of entries for the attribute '{attribute}'. Only the " "first among these ('{first_entry}') was used. The other " "entries ({other_entries}) were ignored." ) logger.warning( msg.format( username=username_supplied_by_user, attribute=self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute, first_entry=user_dn[0], other_entries=", ".join(user_dn[1:]), ) ) user_dn = user_dn[0] return (user_dn, response[0]["dn"]) def get_connection(self, userdn, password): import ldap3 # NOTE: setting 'acitve=False' essentially disables exclusion of inactive servers from the pool. # It probably does not matter if the pool contains only one server, but it could have implications # when there are multiple servers in the pool. It is not clear what those implications are. # But using the default 'activate=True' results in the thread being blocked indefinitely # at the step of creating 'ldap3.Connection' regardless of timeouts in case all the servers are # inactive (e.g. the pool has one server and it is unaccessible), which is unacceptable. # Further investigation may be needed in the future. server_pool = ldap3.ServerPool(None, ldap3.RANDOM, active=False) for address in self.server_address_list: if".+:\d+", address): # Port is found in the address address_split = address.split(":") server_addr = ":".join(address_split[:-1]) server_port = int(address_split[-1]) else: # Use the default port server_addr = address server_port = self.server_port server = ldap3.Server( server_addr, port=server_port, use_ssl=self.use_ssl, connect_timeout=self.connect_timeout ) server_pool.add(server) auto_bind_no_ssl = ldap3.AUTO_BIND_TLS_BEFORE_BIND if self.use_tls else ldap3.AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS auto_bind = ldap3.AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS if self.use_ssl else auto_bind_no_ssl conn = ldap3.Connection( server_pool, user=userdn, password=password, auto_bind=auto_bind, receive_timeout=self.receive_timeout ) return conn async def get_user_attributes(self, conn, userdn): attrs = {} if self.auth_state_attributes: search_func = functools.partial(, userdn, "(objectClass=*)", attributes=self.auth_state_attributes ) found = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, search_func) if found: attrs = conn.entries[0].entry_attributes_as_dict return attrs async def authenticate(self, username: str, password: str): import ldap3 username_saved = username # Save the user name passed as a parameter # Protect against invalid usernames as well as LDAP injection attacks if not re.match(self.valid_username_regex, username): logger.warning( "username:%s Illegal characters in username, must match regex %s", username, self.valid_username_regex, ) return None # No empty passwords! if password is None or password.strip() == "": logger.warning("username:%s Login denied for blank password", username) return None # bind_dn_template should be of type List[str] bind_dn_template = self.bind_dn_template if isinstance(bind_dn_template, str): bind_dn_template = [bind_dn_template] # sanity check if not self.lookup_dn and not bind_dn_template: logger.warning("Login not allowed, please configure 'lookup_dn' or 'bind_dn_template'.") return None if self.lookup_dn: username, resolved_dn = await self.resolve_username(username) if not username: return None if str(self.lookup_dn_user_dn_attribute).upper() == "CN": # Only escape commas if the lookup attribute is CN username = re.subn(r"([^\\]),", r"\1\,", username)[0] if not bind_dn_template: bind_dn_template = [resolved_dn] is_bound = False for dn in bind_dn_template: if not dn: logger.warning("Ignoring blank 'bind_dn_template' entry!") continue userdn = dn.format(username=username) if self.escape_userdn: userdn = ldap3.utils.conv.escape_filter_chars(userdn) msg = "Attempting to bind {username} with {userdn}" logger.debug(msg.format(username=username, userdn=userdn)) msg = "Status of user bind {username} with {userdn} : {is_bound}" try: conn = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor( None, self.get_connection, userdn, password ) except ldap3.core.exceptions.LDAPBindError as exc: is_bound = False msg += "\n{exc_type}: {exc_msg}".format( exc_type=exc.__class__.__name__, exc_msg=exc.args[0] if exc.args else "", ) else: if conn.bound: is_bound = True else: is_bound = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, conn.bind) msg = msg.format(username=username, userdn=userdn, is_bound=is_bound) logger.debug(msg) if is_bound: break if not is_bound: msg = "Invalid password for user '{username}'" logger.warning(msg.format(username=username)) return None if self.search_filter: search_filter = self.search_filter.format(userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username) search_func = functools.partial(, search_base=self.user_search_base, search_scope=ldap3.SUBTREE, search_filter=search_filter, attributes=self.attributes, ) await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, search_func) n_users = len(conn.response) if n_users == 0: msg = "User with '{userattr}={username}' not found in directory" logger.warning(msg.format(userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username)) return None if n_users > 1: msg = "Duplicate users found! " "{n_users} users found with '{userattr}={username}'" logger.warning(msg.format(userattr=self.user_attribute, username=username, n_users=n_users)) return None if self.allowed_groups: logger.debug("username:%s Using dn %s", username, userdn) found = False for group in self.allowed_groups: group_filter = "(|" "(member={userdn})" "(uniqueMember={userdn})" "(memberUid={uid})" ")" group_filter = group_filter.format(userdn=userdn, uid=username) group_attributes = ["member", "uniqueMember", "memberUid"] search_func = functools.partial(, group, search_scope=ldap3.BASE, search_filter=group_filter, attributes=group_attributes, ) found = await asyncio.get_running_loop().run_in_executor(None, search_func) if found: break if not found: # If we reach here, then none of the groups matched msg = "username:{username} User not in any of the allowed groups" logger.warning(msg.format(username=username)) return None if not self.use_lookup_dn_username: username = username_saved user_info = await self.get_user_attributes(conn, userdn) if user_info: logger.debug("username:%s attributes:%s", username, user_info) return {"name": username, "auth_state": user_info} return username