Source code for bluesky_queueserver_api.api_base

import copy
import getpass
import os
import secrets
import time as ttime
from import Iterable, Mapping
from pathlib import Path

from ._defaults import default_user_group, default_user_name
from .comm_base import RequestParameterError
from .item import BItem

class WaitTimeoutError(TimeoutError): ...

class WaitCancelError(TimeoutError): ...

[docs]class WaitMonitor: """ Creates ``monitor`` object for ``wait_...`` operations, such as ``wait_for_idle``. The object may be used to stop the operation from another thread or asynchronous task. Examples -------- The examples illustrate how to use ``WaitMonitor`` object to cancel wait operations. Synchronous code (0MQ or HTTP): .. code-block:: python # Synchronous code from bluesky_queueserver_api import Wait Monitor from bluesky_queueserver_api.zmq import REManagerAPI() # Same for HTTP import time import threading RM = REManagerAPI() monitor = WaitMonitor() def wait_re_manager_idle(): try: print("Waiting ...") RM.wait_for_idle(monitor=monitor) except RM.WaitCancelError: print("Cancelled.") except RM.WaitTimeoutError: print("Timeout.") print("RE Manager is idle") # Wait until RE Manager is in 'idle' state in a background thread thread = threading.Thread(target=wait_re_manager_idle) thread.start() # Cancel wait after 2 seconds from main thread time.sleep(2) monitor.cancel() thread.join() RM.close() Asynchronous code example (0MQ or HTTP): .. code-block:: python # Asynchronous code import asyncio from bluesky_queueserver_api import Wait Monitor from bluesky_queueserver_api.zmq.aio import REManagerAPI() # Same for HTTP import time async def testing(): RM = REManagerAPI() monitor = WaitMonitor() async def wait_re_manager_idle(): try: print("Waiting ...") await RM.wait_for_idle(monitor=monitor) except RM.WaitCancelError: print("Cancelled.") except RM.WaitTimeoutError: print("Timeout.") print("RE Manager is idle") # Wait until RE Manager is in 'idle' state in a background task asyncio.create_task(wait_re_manager_idle()) # Cancel wait after 2 seconds from main thread await asyncio.sleep(2) monitor.cancel() await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # Let the task to complete await RM.close() """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._time_start = 0 self._timeout = 0 self._cancel_callbacks = [] self._wait_cancelled = False
@property def time_start(self): """ Time when the operation started (seconds). """ return self._time_start @property def time_elapsed(self): """ Time since the operation started (seconds). """ return ttime.time() - self.time_start @property def timeout(self): """ Timeout (seconds). """ return self._timeout
[docs] def set_timeout(self, timeout): """ Modify timeout for the current operation (seconds). """ self._timeout = timeout
[docs] def add_cancel_callback(self, cancel_callback): """ Each callbacks is called only once before the operation is cancelled. Callback function should accept no parameters. """ self._cancel_callbacks.append(cancel_callback)
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancel the currently running operation. A monitor may be cancelled only once per lifecycle. """ for cb in self._cancel_callbacks: try: cb() except Exception: pass self._cancel_callbacks = [] self._wait_cancelled = True
@property def is_cancelled(self): """ Checks if the monitor was cancelled. The operation is either completed or about to be completed. """ return self._wait_cancelled
class API_Base: WaitTimeoutError = WaitTimeoutError WaitCancelError = WaitCancelError def __init__(self, *, status_expiration_period, status_polling_period): self._status_expiration_period = status_expiration_period # seconds self._status_polling_period = status_polling_period # seconds self._status_timestamp = None self._status_current = None self._status_exception = None self._user = default_user_name # Meaningful user name should be set in application code. self._user_group = default_user_group self._current_plan_queue = [] self._current_running_item = {} self._current_plan_queue_uid = None self._current_plan_history = [] self._current_plan_history_uid = None self._current_plans_allowed = {} self._current_plans_allowed_uid = None self._current_devices_allowed = {} self._current_devices_allowed_uid = None self._current_plans_existing = {} self._current_plans_existing_uid = None self._current_devices_existing = {} self._current_devices_existing_uid = None self._current_run_list = [] self._current_run_list_uid = None self._current_lock_info = {} self._current_lock_info_uid = None self._lock_key = None self._default_lock_key_path = os.path.join(Path.home(), ".config", "qserver", "default_lock_key.txt") self._enable_locked_api = False def _check_name(self, name, name_in_msg): if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError(f"{name_in_msg} {name!r} is not a string: type {type(name)!r}") if not name: raise ValueError(f"{name_in_msg} is an empty string.") @property def user(self): """ Get and set the default user name. The default value is used if user name is not passed explicitly as an API parameter (for API calls that require user name). User name is ignored by the HTTP version of API, since HTTP server is expected to manage user names. """ return self._user @user.setter def user(self, user): self._check_name(user, "User name") self._user = user @property def user_group(self): """ Get and set the default user group name. The default value is used if the group name is not passed explicitly as an API parameter (for API calls that require user group name). The group name is ignored by the HTTP version of API, since HTTP server is expected to manage user information including names of user group. """ return self._user_group @user_group.setter def user_group(self, user_group): self._check_name(user_group, "User group name") self._user_group = user_group def set_user_name_to_login_name(self): """ Set the default user name to 'login name'. Login name the current user of the workstation is used. User name is ignored by the HTTP version of the API. """ self.user = getpass.getuser() def _clear_status_timestamp(self): """ Clearing status timestamp causes status to be reloaded from the server next time it is requested. """ self._status_timestamp = None def _get_user_group_for_allowed_plans_devices(self, *, user_group): """ Returns ``user_group`` used by ``plans_allowed`` and ``devices_allowed`` API. """ if self._add_request_param: user_group = user_group if user_group else self._user_group else: user_group = "http" # Arbitrary group names, since it is not sent in the request return user_group def _request_params_add_user_info(self, request_params, *, user, user_group): if self._pass_user_info: request_params["user"] = user if user else self._user request_params["user_group"] = user_group if user_group else self._user_group def _add_request_param(self, request_params, name, value): """ Add parameter to dictionary ``request_params`` if value is not ``None``. """ if value is not None: request_params[name] = value def _add_lock_key(self, request_params, lock_key): """ Add lock key to ``request_params`` if lock key is not ``None``. If ``lock_key`` is None, then try to use the 'current' lock key. If the passed and 'current' lock key is None, then do not add the key. """ self._validate_lock_key(lock_key) if not lock_key and self._enable_locked_api: lock_key = self._lock_key if lock_key: request_params["lock_key"] = lock_key def _prepare_item_add(self, *, item, pos, before_uid, after_uid, user, user_group, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_add`` operation. """ if not isinstance(item, BItem) and not isinstance(item, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect item type {type(item)!r}. Expected type: 'BItem' or 'dict'") item = item.to_dict() if isinstance(item, BItem) else dict(item).copy() request_params = {"item": item} self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos", pos) self._add_request_param(request_params, "before_uid", before_uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "after_uid", after_uid) self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=user_group) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_add_batch(self, *, items, pos, before_uid, after_uid, user, user_group, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_add_batch`` operation. """ if not isinstance(items, Iterable): raise TypeError(f"Parameter ``items`` must be iterable: type(items)={type(items)!r}") for n, item in enumerate(items): if not isinstance(item, BItem) and not isinstance(item, Mapping): raise TypeError( f"Incorrect type {type(item)!r} if item #{n} ({item!r}). Expected type: 'BItem' or 'dict'" ) items = [_.to_dict() if isinstance(_, BItem) else dict(_).copy() for _ in items] request_params = {"items": items} self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos", pos) self._add_request_param(request_params, "before_uid", before_uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "after_uid", after_uid) self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=user_group) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_update(self, *, item, replace, user, user_group, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_update`` operation. """ if not isinstance(item, BItem) and not isinstance(item, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect item type {type(item)!r}. Expected type: 'BItem' or 'dict'") item = item.to_dict() if isinstance(item, BItem) else dict(item).copy() request_params = {"item": item} self._add_request_param(request_params, "replace", replace) self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=user_group) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_move(self, *, pos, uid, pos_dest, before_uid, after_uid, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_add`` operation. """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos", pos) self._add_request_param(request_params, "uid", uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos_dest", pos_dest) self._add_request_param(request_params, "before_uid", before_uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "after_uid", after_uid) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_move_batch(self, *, uids, pos_dest, before_uid, after_uid, reorder, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_add`` operation. """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "uids", uids) self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos_dest", pos_dest) self._add_request_param(request_params, "before_uid", before_uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "after_uid", after_uid) self._add_request_param(request_params, "reorder", reorder) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_get(self, *, pos, uid): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_get`` and ``item_remove`` operation """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos", pos) self._add_request_param(request_params, "uid", uid) return request_params def _prepare_item_remove(self, *, pos, uid, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_get`` and ``item_remove`` operation """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "pos", pos) self._add_request_param(request_params, "uid", uid) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_remove_batch(self, *, uids, ignore_missing, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_remove_batch`` operation """ request_params = {"uids": uids} self._add_request_param(request_params, "ignore_missing", ignore_missing) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_item_execute(self, *, item, user, user_group, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``item_execute`` operation. """ if not isinstance(item, BItem) and not isinstance(item, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect item type {type(item)!r}. Expected type: 'BItem' or 'dict'") item = item.to_dict() if isinstance(item, BItem) else dict(item).copy() request_params = {"item": item} self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=user_group) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_history_clear(self, *, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``history_clear`` """ request_params = {} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_queue_clear(self, *, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``queue_clear`` """ request_params = {} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_queue_autostart(self, *, enable, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``queue_autostart``. """ request_params = {"enable": bool(enable)} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_queue_mode_set(self, **kwargs): """ Prepare parameters for ``queue_mode_set`` operation. """ lock_key = kwargs.pop("lock_key", None) if "mode" in kwargs: request_params = {"mode": kwargs["mode"]} else: request_params = {"mode": kwargs} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _process_response_queue_get(self, response): """ ``queue_get``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_plan_queue = copy.deepcopy(response["items"]) self._current_running_item = copy.deepcopy(response["running_item"]) self._current_plan_queue_uid = copy.deepcopy(response["plan_queue_uid"]) def _generate_response_queue_get(self): """ ``queue_get``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "plan_queue_uid": self._current_plan_queue_uid, "running_item": copy.deepcopy(self._current_running_item), "items": copy.deepcopy(self._current_plan_queue), } return response def _process_response_history_get(self, response): """ ``history_get``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_plan_history = copy.deepcopy(response["items"]) self._current_plan_history_uid = copy.deepcopy(response["plan_history_uid"]) def _generate_response_history_get(self): """ ``history_get``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "plan_history_uid": self._current_plan_history_uid, "items": copy.deepcopy(self._current_plan_history), } return response def _prepare_plans_devices_allowed(self, *, user_group): """ Prepare parameters for ``plans_allowed`` and ``devices_allowed`` operation. """ request_params = {} self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=None, user_group=user_group) # User name should not be includedin the request if "user" in request_params: del request_params["user"] return request_params def _invalidate_plans_allowed_cache(self): self._current_plans_allowed.clear() def _process_response_plans_allowed(self, response, *, user_group): """ ``plans_allowed``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: if response["plans_allowed_uid"] != self._current_plans_allowed_uid: self._invalidate_plans_allowed_cache() self._current_plans_allowed_uid = response["plans_allowed_uid"] self._current_plans_allowed[user_group] = copy.deepcopy(response["plans_allowed"]) def _generate_response_plans_allowed(self, *, user_group): """ ``plans_allowed``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "plans_allowed_uid": self._current_plans_allowed_uid, "plans_allowed": copy.deepcopy(self._current_plans_allowed[user_group]), } return response def _invalidate_devices_allowed_cache(self): self._current_devices_allowed.clear() def _process_response_devices_allowed(self, response, *, user_group): """ ``devices_allowed``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: if response["devices_allowed_uid"] != self._current_devices_allowed_uid: self._invalidate_devices_allowed_cache() self._current_devices_allowed_uid = response["devices_allowed_uid"] self._current_devices_allowed[user_group] = copy.deepcopy(response["devices_allowed"]) def _generate_response_devices_allowed(self, *, user_group): """ ``devices_allowed``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "devices_allowed_uid": self._current_devices_allowed_uid, "devices_allowed": copy.deepcopy(self._current_devices_allowed[user_group]), } return response def _process_response_plans_existing(self, response): """ ``plans_existing``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_plans_existing = copy.deepcopy(response["plans_existing"]) self._current_plans_existing_uid = response["plans_existing_uid"] def _generate_response_plans_existing(self): """ ``plans_existing``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "plans_existing_uid": self._current_plans_existing_uid, "plans_existing": copy.deepcopy(self._current_plans_existing), } return response def _process_response_devices_existing(self, response): """ ``devices_existing``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_devices_existing = copy.deepcopy(response["devices_existing"]) self._current_devices_existing_uid = response["devices_existing_uid"] def _generate_response_devices_existing(self): """ ``devices_existing``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "devices_existing_uid": self._current_devices_existing_uid, "devices_existing": copy.deepcopy(self._current_devices_existing), } return response def _prepare_permissions_reload(self, *, restore_plans_devices, restore_permissions, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``permissions_reload`` """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "restore_plans_devices", restore_plans_devices) self._add_request_param(request_params, "restore_permissions", restore_permissions) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_permissions_set(self, *, user_group_permissions, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``permissions_set`` """ request_params = {"user_group_permissions": user_group_permissions} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_environment_control(self, *, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for generic API for environment control which accepts only 'lock_key'`` """ request_params = {} self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_environment_update(self, *, run_in_background, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``environment_update`` """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "run_in_background", run_in_background) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_script_upload(self, *, script, update_lists, update_re, run_in_background, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``script_upload`` """ request_params = {"script": script} self._add_request_param(request_params, "update_lists", update_lists) self._add_request_param(request_params, "update_re", update_re) self._add_request_param(request_params, "run_in_background", run_in_background) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_function_execute(self, *, item, run_in_background, user, user_group, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``script_upload`` """ if not isinstance(item, BItem) and not isinstance(item, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Incorrect item type {type(item)!r}. Expected type: 'BItem' or 'dict'") item = item.to_dict() if isinstance(item, BItem) else dict(item).copy() request_params = {"item": item} self._add_request_param(request_params, "run_in_background", run_in_background) self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=user_group) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_task_status(self, *, task_uid): """ Prepare parameters for ``task_status`` """ if isinstance(task_uid, str): # A string should remain a string. task_uid_prepared = task_uid elif isinstance(task_uid, Iterable): # Status of multiple tasks can be fetched from the manager per a single request. # Iterable may be a tuple, a set etc, but it is best to convert it to a list. task_uid_prepared = list(task_uid) else: raise RequestParameterError( f"Invalid type of parameter 'task_uid' ({type(task_uid)}). String or iterable (list) is expected." ) request_params = {"task_uid": task_uid_prepared} return request_params def _prepare_task_result(self, *, task_uid): """ Prepare parameters for ``task_result`` """ if not isinstance(task_uid, str): # Only a result of a single task can be fetched per request. raise RequestParameterError( f"Invalid type of parameter 'task_uid' ({type(task_uid)}). String is expected." ) request_params = {"task_uid": task_uid} return request_params def _verify_options_re_runs(self, option): """ Options for ``re_runs`` API is processed locally, so verify that the option value is supported. """ allowed_options = (None, "active", "open", "closed") if option not in allowed_options: raise IndexError(f"Unsupported option {option!r}. Supported options: {allowed_options}") def _process_response_re_runs(self, response, *, option): """ ``re_runs``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_run_list = copy.deepcopy(response["run_list"]) self._current_run_list_uid = response["run_list_uid"] response["run_list"] = self._select_re_runs_items(option=option) return response def _select_re_runs_items(self, *, option): """ ``re_runs``: select runs from the full list based on the option. """ if option == "open": run_list = [_ for _ in self._current_run_list if _["is_open"]] elif option == "closed": run_list = [_ for _ in self._current_run_list if not _["is_open"]] else: run_list = copy.deepcopy(self._current_run_list) return run_list def _generate_response_re_runs(self, *, option): """ ``re_runs``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "run_list_uid": self._current_run_list_uid, "run_list": self._select_re_runs_items(option=option), } return response def _prepare_re_pause(self, *, option, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``re_pause`` operation """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "option", option) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _prepare_wait_for_completed_task(self, *, task_uid): """ Preprocessing parameters for ``wait_for_completed_task``. """ params = self._prepare_task_status(task_uid=task_uid) task_uid = params["task_uid"] if not task_uid: # At this point, 'task_uid' is a string or a list. msg_type = "string" if isinstance(task_uid, str) else "list" raise RequestParameterError( f"Invalid value of parameter 'task_uid': task UID must be a non-empty {msg_type}" ) return task_uid def _pick_completed_tasks(self, task_status_reply, *, treat_not_found_as_completed): """ Returns a dictionary of completed tasks based on reply retured by ``task_status`` API. The dictionary maps task UID to the status. Status may be 'completed' or 'not_found' (if ``treat_not_found_as_completed`` is ``True``). Parameters ---------- task_status_reply: dict Dictionary returned by ``REManagerAPI.task_status`` API. It is assumed, that the API call was successful. treat_not_found_as_completed: boolean The tasks with status 'not_found' are treated as 'completed' if ``True``. Typically 'not_found' means that the task was completed and then expired and deleted from the list of active tasks, so this assumption is valid in most cases. Returns ------- dict(str: str) Dictionary that maps task UIDs to its status (``'completed'`` or ``'not_found'``). The dictionary may be empty if there are no completed tasks. """ completed_status_vals = ["completed"] if treat_not_found_as_completed: completed_status_vals.append("not_found") task_uids = task_status_reply["task_uid"] task_status = task_status_reply["status"] if (task_uids is None) or (task_status is None): return {} elif isinstance(task_uids, str): return {task_uids: task_status} if task_status in completed_status_vals else [] elif isinstance(task_uids, list): return {_: task_status[_] for _ in task_uids if task_status[_] in completed_status_vals} else: return {} def _prepare_kernel_interrupt(self, *, interrupt_task, interrupt_plan, lock_key): """ Prepare parameters for ``kernel_interrupt`` """ request_params = {} self._add_request_param(request_params, "interrupt_task", interrupt_task) self._add_request_param(request_params, "interrupt_plan", interrupt_plan) self._add_lock_key(request_params, lock_key) return request_params def _validate_lock_key(self, lock_key): # lock key may be a non-empty string or None if not (lock_key is None): if not isinstance(lock_key, str) or not lock_key: raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'lock_key' must be non-empty string or None: lock_key={lock_key!r}") def _prepare_lock(self, *, environment, queue, lock_key, note, user): # Lock key may be None. Use self.lock_key in this case. self._validate_lock_key(lock_key) if not lock_key: lock_key = self.lock_key if not lock_key: raise RuntimeError("Failed to format the 'lock' request: Lock key is not set") if not isinstance(note, (str, type(None))): raise ValueError(f"Parameter 'note' must be a string or None: note={note!r}") environment, queue = bool(environment), bool(queue) request_params = {} if environment: request_params["environment"] = environment if queue: request_params["queue"] = queue request_params["lock_key"] = lock_key self._request_params_add_user_info(request_params, user=user, user_group=None) if "user_group" in request_params: del request_params["user_group"] if note: request_params["note"] = note return request_params def _prepare_unlock(self, *, lock_key): # Lock key may be None. Use self.lock_key in this case. self._validate_lock_key(lock_key) if not lock_key: lock_key = self.lock_key if not lock_key: raise RuntimeError("Failed to format the 'unlock' request: Lock key is not set") return {"lock_key": lock_key} def _prepare_lock_info(self, *, lock_key): # Lock key may be None. self._validate_lock_key(lock_key) return {"lock_key": lock_key} def _process_response_lock_info(self, response): """ ``lock_info``: process response """ if response["success"] is True: self._current_lock_info = copy.deepcopy(response["lock_info"]) self._current_lock_info_uid = copy.deepcopy(response["lock_info_uid"]) def _generate_response_lock_info(self): """ ``lock_info``: generate response based on cached data """ response = { "success": True, "msg": "", "lock_info_uid": self._current_lock_info_uid, "lock_info": copy.deepcopy(self._current_lock_info), } return response @property def default_lock_key_path(self): """ Get/set path of the file with the default lock key. The default path is ``<user-home-dir>.config/qserver/default_lock_key.txt``. In some workflows it may be useful to set a different path. """ return self._default_lock_key_path @default_lock_key_path.setter def default_lock_key_path(self, lock_key_path): self._default_lock_key_path = lock_key_path def get_default_lock_key(self, new_key=False): """ Returns the default lock key. The key is stored in a file ``.config/qserver/default_lock_key.txt``. The key is load from disk each time the method is called. If the key (the file) does not exist or the method parameter ``new_key`` is ``True``, then the new key is generated and saved to file. A specific default key may be manually set and saved to file using ``set_default_lock_key()`` API. The default lock key is used for storage of the key so that it could be reused between sessions. The default key is not used directly by other API. Typically the initialization script for the session should initialize the current lock key with the default lock key:: RM.lock_key = RM.get_default_lock_key() Parameters ---------- new_key: boolean Set this parameter ``True`` to generate a new default lock key. Returns ------- str The default lock key. """ if not os.path.exists(self._default_lock_key_path) or new_key: lock_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(16) self.set_default_lock_key(lock_key) else: with open(self._default_lock_key_path, "rt") as f: lock_key = f.readlines()[0].strip() return lock_key def set_default_lock_key(self, lock_key): """ Set the default lock key. The lock key must be a non-empty string. The key is saved to a file on disk and loaded each time ``get_default_lock_key()`` method is called. See the description for ``get_default_lock_key()`` for more information. Parameters ---------- lock_key: str The new lock key. Returns ------- None Raises ------ IOError Error while saving the lock key to disk or the lock key is invalid. """ try: if not lock_key or not isinstance(lock_key, str): raise ValueError(f"'lock_key' must be a non-empty string: lock_key={lock_key!r}") lock_key_path, _ = os.path.split(self._default_lock_key_path) if os.path.exists(lock_key_path): if not os.path.isdir(lock_key_path): raise IOError(f"Path {lock_key_path!r} exists, but it is not a directory") else: os.makedirs(lock_key_path, exist_ok=True) with open(self._default_lock_key_path, "wt") as f: f.write(lock_key) except Exception as ex: raise IOError(f"Failed to save the default lock key: {ex}") from ex @property def lock_key(self): """ Get/set current lock key. The current lock key is used for locking/unlocking RE Manager unless the key is explicitly passed as ``lock_key`` parameter. The current key is also passed with other API if locked API are enabled (``enable_locked_api`` is ``True``). Setting the current lock key to ``None`` clears the lock key and disables access to locked API. A valid current lock key must be set before access to locked API is enabled. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid lock key. The key must be a non-empty string or ``None``. """ return self._lock_key @lock_key.setter def lock_key(self, lock_key): self._validate_lock_key(lock_key) if not lock_key: self.enable_locked_api = False self._lock_key = lock_key @property def enable_locked_api(self): """ Enable/disable access to locked API. When access to locked API is enabled, the current lock key (``RM.lock_key``) is automatically sent with API requests. The locked API may be called without enabling automatic access by explicitly sending the lock key with each request. A valid current lock key must be set before access could be enabled. The access is disabled when the lock key is cleared. Raises ------ TypeError Attempt to set to a value of non-boolean type. RuntimeError Current lock key is not set. """ return self._enable_locked_api @enable_locked_api.setter def enable_locked_api(self, enable_locked_api): if not isinstance(enable_locked_api, bool): raise TypeError("The property may be set only to boolean values") if not self.lock_key: raise RuntimeError("Failed to enable locked API: current lock key is not set") self._enable_locked_api = enable_locked_api