Source code for bluesky_queueserver_api.item

import copy
from import Iterable, Mapping

from .api_docstrings import _doc_BFunc, _doc_BInst, _doc_BItem, _doc_BPlan

[docs]class BItem: # docstring is stored separately _recognized_item_types = ("plan", "instruction", "function")
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # TODO: add validation code for the plan dictionary, probably based on ``jsonschema``. # Plan validation is important for item dictionaries created in user code. if (len(args) == 1) and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], Mapping): # The special case when the constructor accepts a dictionary of parameters self._item_dict = self._validate_item_dict(args[0]) elif (len(args) == 1) and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], BItem): # The special case when the constructor accepts another BItem object self._item_dict = args[0].to_dict() else: if len(args) == 0: raise KeyError("'item_type' and 'item_name' are missing in constructor arguments") if len(args) == 1: raise KeyError("'item_name' is missing in constructor arguments") item_type = args[0] item_name = args[1] self._item_dict = {} self.item_type = item_type = item_name if len(args) > 2: self.args = list(args[2:]) if kwargs: self.kwargs = kwargs self._add_optional_items()
def _add_optional_items(self): """ Add empty optional elements to ``self.item_dict`` if they do not exist. """ dict_optional_items = {"args": [], "kwargs": {}, "meta": {}} for k, v in dict_optional_items.items(): if k not in self._item_dict: self._item_dict[k] = v def _remove_optional_items_from_dict(self, item_dict): """ Remove optional elements from ``item_dict`` if they are empty. """ optional_items = ["args", "kwargs", "meta"] for k in optional_items: if (k in item_dict) and not item_dict[k]: del item_dict[k] def _validate_item_dict(self, item_dict): """ Perform validation of item dictionary. Convert mappings to dicts and iterables to lists. Returns the modified copy of the dictionary. The original dictionary is not modified. """ if not isinstance(item_dict, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Item dictionary is not a mapping: {type(item_dict)!r}") item_dict = copy.deepcopy(dict(item_dict)) # Required keys for k in ("item_type", "name"): if k not in item_dict: raise KeyError(f"Required {k!r} key is not found in the item dictionary {item_dict}") self._validate_item_type(item_dict["item_type"]) self._validate_name(item_dict["name"]) if "item_uid" in item_dict: self._validate_item_uid(item_dict["item_uid"]) valid_map = {"args": self._validate_args, "kwargs": self._validate_kwargs, "meta": self._validate_meta} for k, f in valid_map.items(): if k in item_dict: item_dict[k] = f(item_dict[k]) return item_dict def _validate_item_type(self, item_type): """ Check that type name is a string that matches one of the supported item types. """ if not isinstance(item_type, str): raise TypeError(f"Item type {item_type!r} is not a string: ({type(item_type)!r})") if item_type not in self.recognized_item_types: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported item type: {item_type!r}. Supported types: {self.recognized_item_types}" ) def _validate_name(self, name): """ Check that item name is a non-empty string. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError(f"Item name {name!r} is not a string: ({type(name)!r})") if not name: raise ValueError("Item name is an empty string") def _validate_item_uid(self, item_uid): """ Check that item uid is a non-empty string. """ if not isinstance(item_uid, str): raise TypeError(f"Item UID {item_uid!r} is not a string: ({type(item_uid)!r})") if not item_uid: raise ValueError("Item UID is an empty string") def _validate_args(self, item_args): """ Check that 'args' is iterable and convert it to a list. Returns the list. """ if not isinstance(item_args, Iterable) or isinstance(item_args, str): raise TypeError(f"Item args {item_args!r} must be iterable: ({type(item_args)!r})") return list(item_args) def _validate_kwargs(self, item_kwargs): """ Check that 'kwargs' is a mapping and convert it to dict. Returns the dict. """ if not isinstance(item_kwargs, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"Item kwargs {item_kwargs!r} must be a mapping: ({type(item_kwargs)!r})") return dict(item_kwargs) def _validate_meta(self, item_meta): """ Check that metadata is a mapping or an iterable. If it is a mapping, then it is converted to a dict. If it is an iterable, then it is converted to a list. For each element of the list the function checks if it is a mapping and converts it to a dict. Returns the list or a dict. """ if isinstance(item_meta, Mapping): item_meta = dict(item_meta) elif isinstance(item_meta, Iterable) and not isinstance(item_meta, str): item_meta = list(item_meta) for md in item_meta: if not isinstance(md, Mapping): raise TypeError(f"One of the elements of item metadata list is not a mapping ({type(md)})") md = dict(md) else: raise TypeError(f"Item metadata {item_meta!r} must be a mapping or an iterable: ({type(item_meta)!r})") return item_meta @property def recognized_item_types(self): """ The read-only property returns the list of item types recognized by the queue server. Item types include ``plan``, ``instruction`` and ``function``. """ return self._recognized_item_types @property def item_type(self): """ The property for read-write access to the item type. Item type is a mandatory item parameter represented as a string from the list retured by ``BPlan.recognized_item_types``. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the new value for item type is not in the list of recognized item types. """ return self._item_dict["item_type"] @item_type.setter def item_type(self, item_type): self._validate_item_type(item_type) self._item_dict["item_type"] = item_type @property def name(self): """ The property for read-write access to the item name. Item name is a mandatory item parameter that holds a string with the name of the existing plan, instruction or function. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if the new item name is not a string. ValueError Raised if the new item name is an empty string. """ return self._item_dict["name"] @name.setter def name(self, name): self._validate_name(name) self._item_dict["name"] = name @property def args(self): """ The read-write property sets or gets the list of item args. An empty list is returned if args are not set. """ return self._item_dict["args"] @args.setter def args(self, item_args): item_args = self._validate_args(item_args) if "args" not in self._item_dict: self._item_dict["args"] = [] self._item_dict["args"].clear() self._item_dict["args"].extend(copy.deepcopy(item_args)) @property def kwargs(self): """ The read-write property sets or gets the copy of the dictionary of item kwargs. An empty dictionary is returned if kwargs are not set. """ return self._item_dict["kwargs"] @kwargs.setter def kwargs(self, item_kwargs): item_kwargs = self._validate_kwargs(item_kwargs) if "kwargs" not in self._item_dict: self._item_dict["kwargs"] = {} self._item_dict["kwargs"].clear() self._item_dict["kwargs"].update(copy.deepcopy(item_kwargs)) @property def item_uid(self): """ The property for read-write access to the item uid. This is an optional parameter, which is typically not set by the user. In most cases the server will overwrite the UID set by the user. ``None`` is returned if UID is not set. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if the new value is not a string. """ return self._item_dict.get("item_uid", None) @item_uid.setter def item_uid(self, item_uid): self._validate_item_uid(item_uid) self._item_dict["item_uid"] = item_uid @property def meta(self): """ The read-write property that sets or gets the item metadata. Metadata is currenly used only for plans. Metadata set for instructions and functions is ignored. This is an optional parameter. An empty dictionary is returned if kwargs are not set. Metadata may be represented as a dictionary or a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries in the list are merged into a single dictionary before metadata is passed to the plan. Raises ------ TypeError Raised if the new value is not a dictionary. """ return self._item_dict["meta"] @meta.setter def meta(self, meta): meta = self._validate_meta(meta) if "meta" not in self._item_dict: self._item_dict["meta"] = {} self._item_dict["meta"].clear() self._item_dict["meta"].update(copy.deepcopy(meta))
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ The method returns the copy of the dictionary with item parameters, which is ready to be passed to the server. """ item_dict = copy.deepcopy(self._item_dict) self._remove_optional_items_from_dict(item_dict) return item_dict
[docs] def from_dict(self, item_dict): """ The method copies item parameters from a dictionary. All the existing item parameters are deleted. """ if isinstance(item_dict, BItem): dict_to_copy = item_dict.to_dict() elif isinstance(item_dict, Mapping): dict_to_copy = self._validate_item_dict(item_dict) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported type {type(item_dict)!r} of parameter ``item_dict``: " "BItem object or Mapping is accepted." ) self._item_dict.clear() self._item_dict.update(dict_to_copy) self._add_optional_items()
@property def dict_ref(self): """ The property returns reference to iternal item dictionary. """ return self._item_dict def __str__(self): return self.to_dict().__str__() def __repr__(self): return self.to_dict().__repr__()
class _BItemSpecialized(BItem): """ The class implements functionality for ``BPlan``, ``BInst`` and ``BFunc``. It is not part of the API. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The class serves as a base class for ``BPlan``, ``BInst`` and ``BFunc`` classes. # It cannot be instantiated or used by itself. init_from_dictionary = False if (len(args) == 1) and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], Mapping): # The special case when the constructor accepts a dictionary of parameters if "item_type" not in args[0]: raise KeyError(f"'item_type' key is not found in item parameter dictionary {args[0]}") if args[0]["item_type"] != self._class_item_type: raise ValueError( f"Item {self._class_item_type!r} can not be initialized " f"from a dictionary which represents {args[0]['item_type']!r}" ) init_from_dictionary = True elif (len(args) == 1) and not kwargs and isinstance(args[0], BItem): # The special case when the constructor accepts another BItem object if args[0].item_type != self._class_item_type: raise ValueError( f"Item {self._class_item_type!r} can not be initialized " f"from a class object which represents {args[0].item_type!r}" ) init_from_dictionary = True if init_from_dictionary: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) else: super().__init__(self._class_item_type, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BPlan(_BItemSpecialized): # docstring is stored separately _class_item_type = "plan" _recognized_item_types = [_class_item_type] __doc__ = _BItemSpecialized.__doc__
[docs]class BInst(_BItemSpecialized): # docstring is stored separately _class_item_type = "instruction" _recognized_item_types = [_class_item_type] __doc__ = _BItemSpecialized.__doc__
[docs]class BFunc(_BItemSpecialized): # docstring is stored separately _class_item_type = "function" _recognized_item_types = [_class_item_type] __doc__ = _BItemSpecialized.__doc__
BItem.__doc__ = _doc_BItem BPlan.__doc__ = _doc_BPlan BInst.__doc__ = _doc_BInst BFunc.__doc__ = _doc_BFunc