
REManagerAPI.apikey_delete(*, first_eight, token=None, api_key=None)

Delete an API key for the authorized principal. The API key is identified by first eight characters. For example, an API key


is identified as 66ccb3ca. The request is authorized using the default security key (set by REManagerAPI.set_authorization_key() or as a result of login). Alternatively, a different authorization key (an access token or an API key) can be passed as a parameter. This allows to delete API keys for other prinicipals without logging out or changing the default authorization key.

first_eight: str

First eight characters of the API key.

token, api_key: str or None, optional

Access token or an API key. The parameters are mutually exclusive: the API fails if both parameters are not None. A token or an API key overrides the default authentication key. Default: None.


Returns the dictionary {'success': True, 'msg': ''} in case of success.


Incorrect or insufficient parameters in the API call.

HTTPRequestError, HTTPClientError, HTTPServerError

Error while sending and processing HTTP request.