
REManagerAPI.re_runs(option=None, *, reload=False)

Request the list of active runs generated by the currently executed plans. The full list of active runs includes the runs that are currently open ("option": "open") and the runs that were already closed ("option": "closed"). Simple single-run plans will have at most one run in the list. Monitor run_list_uid RE Manager status field and retrieve the updated list once UID is changed. The UID of the retrieved list is included in the returned parameters.

option: str (optional, ‘active’, ‘open’ or ‘closed’)

Select between full list of active (default) runs, the list of open or closed runs.

response: dict

Dictionary keys:

  • success: boolean - success of the request.

  • msg: str - error message in case the request is rejected by RE Manager.

  • run_list: list(dict) - the requested list of runs. List items are dictionaries with the following keys: uid (str), is_open (boolean) and exit_status (str or None). See Bluesky documentation for values of exit_status.

  • run_list_uid: str - run list UID.

RequestTimeoutError, RequestFailedError, HTTPRequestError, HTTPClientError, HTTPServerError

All exceptions raised by send_request API.


function = BFunc("function_sleep", 10)

# Synchronous code (0MQ, HTTP)
reply = RM.re_runs()          # Returns all active runs
runs = reply["run_list"]

reply = RM.re_runs("active")  # Returns all active runs
reply = RM.re_runs("open")    # Returns open runs
reply = RM.re_runs("closed")  # Returns closed runs

# Asynchronous code (0MQ, HTTP)
reply = await RM.re_runs()          # Returns all active runs
runs = reply["run_list"]

reply = await RM.re_runs("active")  # Returns all active runs
reply = await RM.re_runs("open")    # Returns open runs
reply = await RM.re_runs("closed")  # Returns closed runs