

Unlock RE Manager. The manager may be unlocked using a valid lock key (used to lock the manager) or an emergency lock key (if set). The lock key using REManagerAPI.lock_key (current lock key) or passed as a parameter (overrides the current lock key). RuntimeError is raised if the key is not set.

lock_key: str (optional)

Valid lock key or emergency lock key (if set). If lock_key is missing or None, then the current key (REManagerAPI.lock_key property) is used. If neither keys are set, then RuntimeError (lock key is not set) is raised.

response: dict

Dictionary keys:

  • success: boolean - success of the request.

  • msg: str - error message in case the request is rejected by RE Manager or operation failed.

  • lock_info: dict - dictionary containing the information on the status of the lock. See the docstring for REManagerAPI.lock() for detailed description.

  • lock_info_uid: str UID of lock_info. The UID is also returned in RE Manager status and could be monitored to detect updates of lock_info.

RequestTimeoutError, RequestFailedError, HTTPRequestError, HTTPClientError, HTTPServerError

All exceptions raised by send_request API.


The lock key is not a non-empty string.


The lock key (lock_key parameter) is not passed and the current lock key (REManagerAPI.lock_key) is not set.