.. _manager_configuration: ======================== RE Manager Configuration ======================== Introduction ------------ The default settings of RE Manager are optimized for running basic tutorials and simple demos using built-in startup scripts with simulated plans and devices, and are not sufficient for development and production deployments. The parameter values may be passed to RE Manager using environment variables, config file(s) and CLI parameters. Parameters passed using config file(s) override the parameters passed using environment variables. Parameters passed using CLI override all other parameters. CLI Parameters -------------- Comprehensive list of CLI parameters of RE Manager may be found in the documentation for :ref:`start_re_manager_cli`. Note, that not setting parameters such as ``--keep-re`` or ``--use-persistent-metadata`` does not disable the respective features if they are enabled in the config file. Environment Variables --------------------- Several parameters can be passed to RE Manager using environment variables: - ``QSERVER_CONFIG`` - a path to a single config file or a directory containing multiple config files. The path can be also passed using ``--config`` CLI parameter. - ``QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER`` - address of the 0MQ REQ-REP socket used for control communication channel. The address may also be set in the config file or passed using ``--zmq-control-addr`` CLI parameter. - ``QSERVER_ZMQ_INFO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER`` - address of the 0MQ PUB-SUB socked used to publish console output. The address may also be set in the config file or passed using ``--zmq-info-addr`` CLI parameter. - ``QSERVER_EMERGENCY_LOCK_KEY_FOR_SERVER`` - emergency lock key used to unlock RE Manager if the lock key set by a user is lost. The key may also be set in the config file. - ``QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER`` - private key used to decrypt control messages sent by clients. **Using environment variables may be preferred way of setting the public key.** Alternatively, the private key may be set in the config file by referencing a different environment variable. Explicitly listing security keys in the config file is not recommended. - ``QSERVER_USE_IPYTHON_KERNEL`` - tells RE Manager whether to start tbe worker in IPython mode (start IPython kernel) or use plain Python worker. Boolean value. - ``QSERVER_IPYTHON_KERNEL_IP`` - sets IP address for IPython kernel opened in the worker process. The values are ``localhost``, ``auto`` (automatically find network IP address of the host running the worker) or valid network IP address of the host. If the address is ``localhost`` or ````, the clients running on remote hosts will not be able to connect to the kernel. Configuration Files ------------------- The example of a configuration file (e.g. ``qserver_config.yml``) that contains all sections and most of the supported parameters: .. code-block:: network: zmq_control_addr: tcp://*:60615 zmq_private_key: ${CUSTOM_EV_FOR_PRIVATE_KEY} zmq_info_addr: tcp://*:60625 zmq_publish_console: true redis_addr: localhost:6379 redis_name_prefix: qs_default startup: keep_re: true startup_dir: ~/.ipython/profile_collection/startup existing_plans_and_devices_path: ~/.ipython/profile_collection/startup user_group_permissions_path: ~/.ipython/profile_collection/startup operation: print_console_output: true console_logging_level: NORMAL update_existing_plans_and_devices: ENVIRONMENT_OPEN user_group_permissions_reload: ON_REQUEST emergency_lock_key: custom_lock_key worker: use_ipython_kernel: true ipython_kernel_ip: auto ipython_matplotlib: qt5 run_engine: use_persistent_metadata: true kafka_server: kafka_topic: custom_topic_name zmq_data_proxy_addr: localhost:5567 databroker_config: TST All the parameters are optional. The default values or values passed using environment variables are used for missing parameters. The configuration may be split into multiple YML files and the path to the directory containing the files passed to RE Manager. Assuming the configuration is saved in ``~/.config/qserver/qserver_config.yml``, RE Manager can be started as :: $ start-re-manager --config=~/.config/qserver/qserver_config.yml or :: $ QSERVER_CONFIG=~/.config/qserver/qserver_config.yml start-re-manager Additional CLI parameters override the respective configuration or default parameters. network +++++++ Parameters that define for network settings used by RE Manager: - ``zmq_control_addr`` - address of the 0MQ REQ-REP socket used for control communication channel. The address may also be set using environment variable ``QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER`` or passed using ``--zmq-control-addr`` CLI parameter. Address format: ``tcp://*:60615``. - ``zmq_private_key`` - private key used to decrypt control messages sent by clients (40 characters). The value should be a string referencing an environment variable (e.g. ``${CUSTOM_EV_NAME}``) or a string containing a public key (not recommended). The private key may also be set using environment variable ``QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER``. - ``zmq_info_addr`` - address of the 0MQ PUB-SUB socked used to publish console output. The address may also be passed using environment variable QSERVER_ZMQ_INFO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER or ``--zmq-info-addr`` CLI parameter. Address format: ``tcp://*:60625``. - ``zmq_publish_console`` - enable or disable publishing console output to the socket set using ``zmq_info_addr``. Accepted values are ``true`` and ``false``. The value can also passed using ``--zmq-publish-console`` CLI parameter. - ``redis_addr`` - the address of Redis server, e.g. ``localhost``, ````, ``localhost:6379``. The value may also be passed using ``--redis-addr`` CLI parameter. - ``redis_name_prefix`` - the prefix is appended to the Redis keys to differentiate between keys created by different instances of RE Manager. The value may also be passed using ``--redis-name-prefix`` CLI parameter. startup +++++++ Parameters that control opening the worker environment and handling of startup files: - ``keep_re`` - keep and use the instance of the Run Engine created in startup scripts (``true``) or delete the instance of the Run Engine created in startup scripts and create a new instance based on settings in :ref:`config_file_run_engine` (``false``). The built-in configuration options for Run Engine are very limited and it is assumed that Run Engine is created in startup scripts in production deployments. - ``startup_dir``, ``startup_profile``, ``startup_module`` and ``startup_script`` are mutually exclusive parameters that specify a path to startup directory, name of the startup IPython profile, name of installed Python module containing startup code or a path to startup script. The values may be passed using ``--startup-dir``, ``--startup-profile``, ``--startup-module`` or ``--startup-script`` CLI parameters. - ``existing_plans_and_devices_path`` - path to file that contains the list of existing plans and devices. The path may be a relative path to the directory containing startup files. If the path is directory, then the default file name 'existing_plans_and_devices.yaml' is used. The value may also be passed using ``--existing-plans-devices`` CLI parameter. - ``user_group_permissions_path`` - path to a file that contains lists of plans and devices available to users. The path may be a relative path to the profile collection directory. If the path is a directory, then the default file name 'user_group_permissions.yaml' is used. The value may also be passed using ``--user-group-permissions`` CLI parameter. operation +++++++++ The parameters that define run-time behavior of RE Manager: - ``print_console_output`` - enables (``true``) or disables (``false``) printing of console output in the terminal. The value may also be set using ``--console-output`` CLI parameter. - ``console_logging_level`` - sets logging level used by RE Manager. The accepted values are ``'SILENT'``, ``'QUIET'`` ``'NORMAL'`` (default) and ``'VERBOSE'``. The non-default value may also be selected using ``--silent``, ``--quiet`` and ``--verbose`` CLI parameters. - ``update_existing_plans_and_devices`` - select when the list of existing plans and devices stored on disk should be updated. The available choices are not to update the stored lists (``'NEVER'``), update the lists when the environment is opened (``'ENVIRONMENT_OPEN'``, default) or update the lists each the lists are changed (``'ALWAYS'``). The value may be set using ``--update-existing-plans-devices`` parameter. - ``user_group_permissions_reload`` - select when user group permissions are reloaded from disk. Options: ``'NEVER'`` - RE Manager never attempts to load permissions from disk file. If permissions fail to load from Redis, they are loaded from disk at the first startup of RE Manager or on request. ``'ON_REQUEST'`` - permissions are loaded from disk file when requested by 'permission_reload' API call. ``'ON_STARTUP'`` (default) - permissions are loaded from disk each time RE Manager is started or when 'permission_reload' API request is received. The value may be set using ``--user-group-permissions-reload`` CLI parameter. - ``emergency_lock_key`` - emergency lock key used to unlock RE Manager if the lock key set by a user is lost. The key may also be set using environment variable ``QSERVER_EMERGENCY_LOCK_KEY_FOR_SERVER``. .. _config_file_worker: worker ++++++ The parameters that define configuration of RE Worker. - ``use_ipython_kernel`` - enable/disable IPython mode (``true/false``, default ``false``). In IPython mode the worker creates IPython kernel used to run the worker environment. If IPython mode is disabled, the worker environment is run using plain Python. The option can also be set using ``--use-ipython-kernel`` CLI parameter or ``QSERVER_USE_IPYTHON_KERNEL`` environment variable. See :ref:`worker_ipython_kernel` for more details. - ``ipython_kernel_ip`` - set IP address of IPython kernel. The option is ignored if worker is running not in IPython mode. The supported values are ``localhost``, ``auto`` or valid network IP address of the host. If the IP address is ``localhost`` (default) or ````, the clients running on remote hosts can not connect to the kernel. If the value is ``auto``, the worker attempts to find network address of the host. The option can also be set using ``--ipython-kernel-ip`` CLI parameter or ``QSERVER_IPYTHON_KERNEL_IP`` environment variable. - ``ipython_matplotlib`` - set Matplotlib backend for IPython kernel. The parameter is ignored if the worker is not in IPython mode. The parameter accepts the set of values identical to the parameter ``--matplotlib`` of ``IPython``. Typical values are ``agg`` (default, disables plotting) or ``qt5`` (plotting using Qt5 backend). The option can also be set using ``--ipython-matplotlib`` CLI parameter. .. _config_file_run_engine: run_engine ++++++++++ The parameters that define configuration of Run Engine created by RE Manager and some basic subscriptions for the Run Engine. The configuration options are very limited and primarily intended for use in quick demos. It is assumed that in production systems, Run Engine and its subscriptions are fully defined in startup scripts and this section is skipped completely. - ``use_persistent_metadata`` - use msgpack-based persistent storage for scan metadata (``true/false``). The option can also be enabled using ``--use-persistent-metadata`` CLI parameter. - ``kafka_server`` - bootstrap server to for Kafka Run Engine callback, e.g. ````. The value can be set using ``--kafka-server`` CLI parameter. - ``kafka_topic`` - kafka topic of Kafka Run Engine callback. The value can also be set using ``--kafka-topic`` CLI parameter. - ``zmq_data_proxy_addr`` - address of ZMQ proxy used to publish data by ZMQ Run Engine callback. The value can also be set using ``--zmq-data-proxy-addr`` CLI parameter. - ``databroker_config`` - databroker configuration (e.g. ``'srx'``) used by Databroker callback. The value can also be set using ``--databroker-config`` CLI parameter. Using Redis ----------- RE Manager is using Redis as a persistent storage for plan queue, plan history and a few other parameters, that are expected to be preserved between RE Manager restarts. Starting from version v0.0.20, RE Manager is appending a prefix to each Redis key. The prefix can be used to identify the keys created by different instances of RE Manager (not necessarily running simultaneously, but maintaining different plan queue and history). The prefixed keys can also be easily distinguished from keys created by other applications using the same Redis server. The default prefix is ``qs_default``. Custom prefix can be passed using ``--redis-name-prefix`` CLI parameter or set in the config file using ``redis_name_prefix`` parameter in the ``network`` section. .. note:: It is recommended that Redis server is installed locally on the machine running the Queue Server Prior to version v0.0.20, RE Manager did not append any prefix to the keys. If it is desirable to continue using RE Manager without prefix, e.g. to access the plan queue and history created by the older version of RE Manager, pass `""` (empty string) as the parameter value.