Tracing with Opentelemetry ========================== .. role:: py(code) :language: python Bluesky is instrumented with [OpenTelemetry]( tracing span hooks on runs, and on potentially long-running RunEngine methods such as :py:`wait()` and :py:`collect()`. This can allow you to analyze where your plans are spending a lot of time. By itself, this doesn't do anything. To collect tracing output you should configure an exporter in your application or plan, and a collector to send the data to. You can find an example of how to do that [here]( Since the :py:`@start_as_current_span` decorator from the opentelemetry library doesn't work for generators, we also provide a :py:`@trace_plan` decorator in :py:`bluesky.tracing` Tracing messages from the :py:`RunEngine` are named :py:`"Bluesky RunEngine "`, e.g. :py:`"Bluesky RunEngine wait"`. Traces for runs are tagged with the :py:`success`, :py:`exit_status` as attributes, as well as the :py:`reason` if one is available. Traces for methods are tagged with the content of the message (:py:`msg.command`, :py:`msg.args`, :py:`msg.kwargs`, and :py:`msg.obj`). Traces for :py:`wait()` also log the :py:`group` if one was given, or set :py:`no_group_given` true if none was. Ophyd also has traces on :py:`Status` objects to easily record how long they live for. Examples: --------- Using the following script, which runs a simple scan and sends traces to the console: .. literalinclude:: :language: python We obtain this trace data. Note that the innermost spans are closed first, and therefore printed to the console first. You can see that the :code:`"parent_id"` of the :code:`Status` span corresponds to the :code:`"span_id"` of the :code:`set()` span, and so on. .. code-block:: JSON { "name": "Ophyd Status", "context": { "trace_id": "0x6a5abd70e7f74967975ecf64a863a12d", "span_id": "0x0f94466a988f72ea", "trace_state": "[]" }, "kind": "SpanKind.INTERNAL", "parent_id": "0x4d6e0e523cfdfec8", "start_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.378644Z", "end_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.378896Z", "status": { "status_code": "UNSET" }, "attributes": { "status_type": "MoveStatus", "settle_time": 0, "no_timeout_given": true, "object_repr": "MoveStatus(done=False, pos=motor1, elapsed=0.0, success=False, settle_time=0.0)", "device_name": "motor1", "device_type": "SynAxis", "kwargs": "{}", "target": 5, "start_time": 1718700056.37859, "start_pos ": 0, "unit": "mm", "positioner_name": "motor1", "positioner": "SynAxis(prefix='', name='motor1', read_attrs=['readback', 'setpoint'], configuration_attrs=['velocity', 'acceleration'])", "finish_time": 1718700056.3788693, "finish_pos": 5.0 }, "events": [], "links": [], "resource": { "attributes": { "": "bluesky-docs-example" }, "schema_url": "" } } { "name": "Bluesky RunEngine set", "context": { "trace_id": "0x6a5abd70e7f74967975ecf64a863a12d", "span_id": "0x4d6e0e523cfdfec8", "trace_state": "[]" }, "kind": "SpanKind.INTERNAL", "parent_id": "0x6d4272c02f6990f5", "start_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.378468Z", "end_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.378995Z", "status": { "status_code": "UNSET" }, "attributes": { "msg.command": "set", "msg.args": [ 5 ], "msg.kwargs": "{\"group\": null}", "msg.obj": "SynAxis(prefix='', name='motor1', read_attrs=['readback', 'setpoint'], configuration_attrs=['velocity', 'acceleration'])" }, "events": [], "links": [], "resource": { "attributes": { "": "bluesky-docs-example" }, "schema_url": "" } } { "name": "demo plan", "context": { "trace_id": "0x6a5abd70e7f74967975ecf64a863a12d", "span_id": "0x6d4272c02f6990f5", "trace_state": "[]" }, "kind": "SpanKind.INTERNAL", "parent_id": null, "start_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.378255Z", "end_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.379044Z", "status": { "status_code": "UNSET" }, "attributes": {}, "events": [], "links": [], "resource": { "attributes": { "": "bluesky-docs-example" }, "schema_url": "" } } { "name": "Bluesky RunEngine run", "context": { "trace_id": "0xedc3dae09fb45d4982e0af29f053141c", "span_id": "0xb54c64dcdebaa81a", "trace_state": "[]" }, "kind": "SpanKind.INTERNAL", "parent_id": null, "start_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.377673Z", "end_time": "2024-06-18T08:40:56.379335Z", "status": { "status_code": "UNSET" }, "attributes": { "msg.command": "open_run", "msg.args": [], "msg.kwargs": "{}", "msg.no_obj_given": true, "exit_status": "success", "reason": "" }, "events": [], "links": [], "resource": { "attributes": { "": "bluesky-docs-example" }, "schema_url": "" } }