.. currentmodule:: bluesky.run_engine RunEngine API Documentation =========================== The ``RunEngine`` ----------------- .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine The main user entry point tho the RunEngine is ``RE(my_plan(...))`` .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.__call__ The RunEngine maintains a callback registry of functions that receive any :doc:`documents` generated by plan execution. These methods add and remove functions from that registry. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.subscribe RunEngine.unsubscribe When the RunEngine is in a paused state, it can be resumed or stopped in :ref:`various ways ` using these methods: .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.resume RunEngine.abort RunEngine.stop RunEngine.halt The RunEngine can suspend and resume plan execution in response to external changes. See :ref:`suspenders`. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.install_suspender RunEngine.remove_suspender RunEngine.clear_suspenders These methods are used internally to pause or suspend the RunEngine. Typically the user accomplishes this with Ctrl+C or by installing suspenders, respectively. For special applicaitons, they can be called directly. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.request_pause RunEngine.request_suspend These methods may be used to register custom commands to supplement or replace the built-in commands recognized by the RunEngine. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.register_command RunEngine.unregister_command These methods may be used to list the commands available, or print a summary as to what they do. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngine.print_command_registry RunEngine.commands The ``RunEngineResult`` ----------------------- A :class:`RunEngineResult` will be returned if the RunEngine was created with ``call_returns_result=True``. The default is currently ``False``, so this behavior is opt-in for now, but will change to opt-out in the future. The :class:`RunEngineResult` class encapsulates useful information about the plan that was run, including the ultimate plan return value, run uids, exit status, and exceptions. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunEngineResult The ``Dispatcher`` ------------------ A RunEngine encapsulates a :class:`Dispatcher` for emitting any :doc:`documents` generated by plan execution. The methods :meth:`RunEngine.subscribe` and :meth:`RunEngine.unsubscribe`, documented above, are aliases to the corresponding methods on the RunEngine's Dispatcher. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated Dispatcher Dispatcher.subscribe Dispatcher.unsubscribe Dispatcher.unsubscribe_all Dispatcher.process The ``RunBundler`` ------------------ The RunEngine also creates `RunBundler`\s instances to encapsulate the logic and book keeping for generating events (and allow multiple runs to be open at once). In general you should not be directly working with a `RunBundler`. .. currentmodule:: bluesky.bundlers .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler The co-routines for opening and closing a run. .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.open_run RunBundler.close_run The co-routines for opening / filling / closing / dropping an Event .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.create RunBundler.read RunBundler.drop RunBundler.save The co-routines for managing flyers .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.kickoff RunBundler.collect RunBundler.backstop_collect Note: There is a ``complete`` plan stub and run engine call, which should be used after kickoff whose logic does not reside in the RunBundler. The co-routines for changing a device configuration .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.configure The co-routines for managing monitors .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.monitor RunBundler.suspend_monitors RunBundler.restore_monitors RunBundler.clear_monitors RunBundler.unmonitor The co-routines for checkpoint management .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.clear_checkpoint RunBundler.reset_checkpoint_state RunBundler.reset_checkpoint_state_coro RunBundler.rewind The co-routines to record interruptions .. autosummary:: :nosignatures: :toctree: generated RunBundler.record_interruption