- bluesky.plans.rel_list_scan(detectors, *args, per_step=None, md=None)[source]#
Scan over one variable in steps relative to current position.
- Parameters:
- detectorslist
list of ‘readable’ objects
- *args
For one dimension,
motor, [point1, point2, ....]
. In general:motor1, [point1, point2, ...], motor2, [point1, point2, ...], ..., motorN, [point1, point2, ...]
Motors can be any ‘settable’ object (motor, temp controller, etc.) point1, point2 etc are relative to the current location.
- motorobject
any ‘settable’ object (motor, temp controller, etc.)
- stepslist
list of positions relative to current position
- per_stepcallable, optional
hook for customizing action of inner loop (messages per step) Expected signature:
f(detectors, motor, step)
- mddict, optional