Source code for databroker_pack._pack

import collections
import functools
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import secrets
import shutil

import event_model
import databroker.core
from tqdm import tqdm
import yaml

from ._utils import root_hash
from ._version import get_versions

__all__ = (
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Write through tqdm to avoid overlapping with bars.
def print(*args):
    tqdm.write(" ".join(str(arg) for arg in args))

[docs]def export_uids( source_catalog, uids, directory, *, strict=False, external=None, no_documents=False, handler_registry=None, serializer_class=None, salt=None, ): """ Export Runs from a Catalog, given a list of RunStart unique IDs. Parameters ---------- source_catalog: Catalog uids: List[Str] List of RunStart unique IDs directory: Union[Str, Manager] Where files containing documents will be written, or a Manager for writing to non-file buffers. strict: Bool, optional By default, swallow erros and return a list of them at the end. Set to True to debug errors. external: {None, 'fill', 'ignore') If None, return the paths to external files. If 'fill', fill the external data into the Documents. If 'ignore', do not locate external files. no_documents: Bool, optional If True, do not write any files. False by default. handler_registry: Union[Dict, None] If None, automatic handler discovery is used. serializer_class: Serializer Expected to be a lossless serializer that encodes a format for which there is a corresponding databroker intake driver. Default (None) is currently ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer``, but this may change in the future. If you want ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer`` specifically, pass it in explicitly. salt: Union[bytes, None] We want to make hashes is unique to: - a root - a given batch of exported runs (i.e., a given call to this function) so that we can use it as a key in root_map which is guaranteed not to collide with keys from other batches. Thus, we create a "salt" unless one is specified here. This does not need to be cryptographically secure, just unique. Returns ------- artifacts, files, failures, file_uids Notes ----- * ``artifacts`` maps a human-readable string (typically just ``'all'`` in this case) to a list of buffers or filepaths where the documents were serialized. * ``files`` is the set of filepaths of all external files referenced by Resource documents, keyed on ``(root_in_document, root, unique_id)``. * ``failures`` is a list of uids of runs that raised Exceptions. (The relevant tracebacks are logged.) * ``file_uids`` is a dictionary of RunStart unique IDs mapped to a set of ``(root, filename)`` pairs. """ accumulated_files = collections.defaultdict(set) file_uids = {} accumulated_artifacts = collections.defaultdict(set) failures = [] if salt is None: salt = secrets.token_hex(32).encode() root_hash_func = functools.partial(root_hash, salt) with tqdm(total=len(uids), position=1, desc="Writing Documents", unit="runs") as progress: for uid in uids: try: run = source_catalog[uid] artifacts, files = export_run( run, directory, root_hash_func, external=external, no_documents=no_documents, handler_registry=handler_registry, root_map=source_catalog.root_map, serializer_class=serializer_class, ) file_uids[uid] = [] for root, set_ in files.items(): accumulated_files[root].update(set_) file_uids[uid].extend((root, filename) for filename in set_) for name, list_ in artifacts.items(): accumulated_artifacts[name].update(list_) except Exception: logger.exception("Error while exporting Run %r", uid) if strict: raise failures.append(uid) progress.set_description( f"Writing Documents ({len(failures)} failures)", refresh=False ) progress.update() return dict(accumulated_artifacts), dict(accumulated_files), failures, file_uids
[docs]def export_catalog( source_catalog, directory, *, strict=False, external=None, no_documents=False, handler_registry=None, serializer_class=None, salt=None, limit=None, ): """ Export all the Runs from a Catalog. Parameters ---------- source_catalog: Catalog directory: Union[Str, Manager] Where files containing documents will be written, or a Manager for writing to non-file buffers. strict: Bool, optional By default, swallow erros and return a list of them at the end. Set to True to debug errors. external: {None, 'fill', 'ignore') If None, return the paths to external files. If 'fill', fill the external data into the Documents. If 'ignore', do not locate external files. no_documents: Bool, optional If True, do not serialize documents. False by default. handler_registry: Union[Dict, None] If None, automatic handler discovery is used. serializer_class: Serializer Expected to be a lossless serializer that encodes a format for which there is a corresponding databroker intake driver. Default (None) is currently ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer``, but this may change in the future. If you want ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer`` specifically, pass it in explicitly. salt: Union[bytes, None] We want to make hashes is unique to: - a root - a given batch of exported runs (i.e., a given call to this function) so that we can use it as a key in root_map which is guaranteed not to collide with keys from other batches. Thus, we create a "salt" unless one is specified here. This does not need to be cryptographically secure, just unique. limit: Union[Integer, None] Stop after exporting some number of Runs. Useful for testing a subset before doing a lengthy export. Returns ------- artifacts, files, failures, file_uids Notes ----- * ``artifacts`` maps a human-readable string (typically just ``'all'`` in this case) to a list of buffers or filepaths where the documents were serialized. * ``files`` is the set of filepaths of all external files referenced by Resource documents, keyed on ``(root_in_document, root, unique_id)``. * ``failures`` is a list of uids of runs that raised Exceptions. (The relevant tracebacks are logged.) * ``file_uids`` is a dictionary of RunStart unique IDs mapped to a set of ``(root, filename)`` pairs. """ if limit is not None: if limit < 1: raise ValueError("limit must be None or a number 1 or greater") limit = int(limit) accumulated_files = collections.defaultdict(set) file_uids = {} accumulated_artifacts = collections.defaultdict(set) failures = [] if salt is None: salt = secrets.token_hex(32).encode() root_hash_func = functools.partial(root_hash, salt) with tqdm( total=limit or len(source_catalog), position=1, unit="runs", desc="Writing Documents" ) as progress: for i, (uid, run) in enumerate(source_catalog.items()): if i == limit: break try: artifacts, files = export_run( run, directory, root_hash_func, external=external, no_documents=no_documents, handler_registry=handler_registry, root_map=source_catalog.root_map, serializer_class=serializer_class, ) file_uids[uid] = [] for root, set_ in files.items(): accumulated_files[root].update(set_) file_uids[uid].extend((root, filename) for filename in set_) for name, list_ in artifacts.items(): accumulated_artifacts[name].update(list_) except Exception: logger.exception("Error while exporting Run %r", uid) if strict: raise failures.append(uid) progress.set_description( f"Writing Documents ({len(failures)} failures)", refresh=False ) progress.update() return dict(accumulated_artifacts), dict(accumulated_files), failures, file_uids
[docs]def export_run( run, directory, root_hash_func, *, external=None, no_documents=False, handler_registry=None, root_map=None, serializer_class=None, ): """ Export one Run. Parameters ---------- run: BlueskyRun directory: Union[Str, Manager] Where files containing documents will be written, or a Manager for writing to non-file buffers. external: {None, 'fill', 'ignore') If None, return the paths to external files. If 'fill', fill the external data into the Documents. If 'ignore', do not locate external files. no_documents: Bool, optional If True, do not serialize documents. False by default. handler_registry: Union[Dict, None] If None, automatic handler discovery is used. serializer_class: Serializer, optional Expected to be a lossless serializer that encodes a format for which there is a corresponding databroker intake driver. Default (None) is currently ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer``, but this may change in the future. If you want ``suitcase.msgpack.Serializer`` specifically, pass it in explicitly. Returns ------- artifacts, files Notes ----- * ``artifacts`` maps a human-readable string (typically just ``'all'`` in this case) to a list of buffers or filepaths where the documents were serialized. * ``files`` is the set of filepaths of all external files referenced by Resource documents, keyed on ``(root_in_document, root, unique_id)``. """ EXTERNAL_RELATED_DOCS = ("resource", "datum", "datum_page") if serializer_class is None: import suitcase.msgpack serializer_class = suitcase.msgpack.Serializer root_map = root_map or {} files = collections.defaultdict(set) if handler_registry is None: handler_registry = databroker.core.discover_handlers() with event_model.Filler( handler_registry, inplace=False, root_map=root_map ) as filler: with serializer_class( directory, file_prefix="documents/{start[uid]}" ) as serializer: with tqdm(position=0, unit="documents") as progress: for name, doc in run.canonical(fill="no"): if external == "fill": name, doc = filler(name, doc) # Omit Resource and Datum[Page] because the data was # filled in place. if name in EXTERNAL_RELATED_DOCS: progress.update() continue elif name == "resource": root = root_map.get(doc["root"], doc["root"]) unique_id = root_hash_func(doc["root"]) if external is None: if no_documents: root_in_document = doc["root"] else: root_in_document = root # - root_in_document is the 'root' actually in the # resource_document # - root may be different depending on the # source_catalog configuration, which can map the # recorded 'root' in the document to some other # location. This is where we should go looking for # the data if we plan to copy it. # - unique_id is unique to this (root, salt) # combination and used to place the data in a # unique location. key = (root_in_document, root, unique_id) files[key].update(run.get_file_list(doc)) if not no_documents: # Replace root with a unique ID before serialization. # We are overriding the local variable name doc here # (yuck!) so that serializer(name, doc) below works on # all document types. doc = doc.copy() doc["root"] = unique_id if not no_documents: serializer(name, doc) progress.update() return serializer.artifacts, dict(files)
[docs]def write_external_files_manifest(manager, unique_id, files): """ Write a manifest of external files. Parameters ---------- manager: suitcase Manager object unique_id: Str files: Iterable[Union[Str, Path]] """ name = f"external_files_manifest_{unique_id}.txt" with"manifest", name, "xt") as file: file.write("\n".join(sorted((str(f) for f in set(files)))))
[docs]def copy_external_files(target_directory, root, unique_id, files, strict=False): """ Make a filesystem copy of the external files. A filesystem copy is not always applicable/desirable. Use the external_file_manifest_*.txt files to feed other file transfer mechanisms, such as rsync or globus. This is a wrapper around shutil.copyfile. Parameters ---------- target_directory: Union[Str, Path] root: Str files: Iterable[Str] strict: Bool, optional By default, swallow erros and return a list of them at the end. Set to True to debug errors. Returns ------- new_root, new_files, failures Notes ----- * ``new_root`` is a Path to the new root directory * ``new_files`` is the list of filepaths to the files that were created. * ``failures`` is a list of uids of runs that raised Exceptions. (The relevant tracebacks are logged.) """ new_files = [] failures = [] for filename in tqdm(files, total=len(files), desc="Copying external files"): relative_path = pathlib.Path(filename).relative_to(root) new_root = pathlib.Path(target_directory, unique_id) dest = new_root / relative_path try: os.makedirs(dest.parent, exist_ok=True) new_files.append(shutil.copyfile(filename, dest)) except Exception: logger.exception("Error while copying %r to %r", filename, dest) if strict: raise failures.append(filename) return new_root, new_files, failures
[docs]def write_msgpack_catalog_file(manager, directory, paths, root_map): """ Write a YAML file with configuration for an intake catalog. Parameters ---------- manager: suitcase Manager object directory: Str Directory to which paths below are relative paths: Union[Str, List[Str]] Relative (s) of JSONL files encoding Documents. root_map: Dict """ # Ideally, the drivers should be able to cope with relative paths, # interpreting them as relative to the Catalog file. This requires changes # to intake (I think) so as a short-term hack, we make the paths aboslute # here but note the relative paths in a separate place. abs_paths = [str(pathlib.Path(directory, path).absolute()) for path in paths] metadata = { "generated_by": { "library": "databroker_pack", "version": get_versions()["version"], }, "relative_paths": [str(path) for path in paths], } source = { "driver": "bluesky-msgpack-catalog", "args": {"paths": abs_paths}, "metadata": metadata, } if root_map is not None: source["args"]["root_map"] = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in root_map.items()} sources = {"packed_catalog": source} catalog = {"sources": sources} FILENAME = "catalog.yml" # expected by unpack with"catalog_file", FILENAME, "xt") as file: yaml.dump(catalog, file)
[docs]def write_jsonl_catalog_file(manager, directory, paths, root_map): """ Write a YAML file with configuration for an intake catalog. Parameters ---------- manager: suitcase Manager object directory: Str Directory to which paths below are relative paths: Union[Str, List[Str]] Relative (s) of JSONL files encoding Documents. root_map: Dict """ # There is clearly some code repetition here with respect to # write_msgpack_catalog_file, but I expect they may diverge over time as # the suitcase implementation pick up format-specific options. # Ideally, the drivers should be able to cope with relative paths, # interpreting them as relative to the Catalog file. This requires changes # to intake (I think) so as a short-term hack, we make the paths aboslute # here but note the relative paths in a separate place. abs_paths = [str(pathlib.Path(directory, path).absolute()) for path in paths] metadata = { "generated_by": { "library": "databroker_pack", "version": get_versions()["version"], }, "relative_paths": [str(path) for path in paths], } source = { "driver": "bluesky-jsonl-catalog", "args": {"paths": abs_paths}, "metadata": metadata, } if root_map is not None: source["args"]["root_map"] = {str(k): str(v) for k, v in root_map.items()} sources = {"packed_catalog": source} catalog = {"sources": sources} FILENAME = "catalog.yml" with"catalog_file", FILENAME, "xt") as file: yaml.dump(catalog, file)
[docs]def write_documents_manifest(manager, directory, artifacts): """ Wirte the paths to all the files of Documents relative to the pack directory. Parameters ---------- manager: suitcase Manager object directory: Str Pack directory artifacts: List[Str] """ FILENAME = "documents_manifest.txt" abs_directory = pathlib.Path(directory).absolute() with"documents_manifest", FILENAME, "xt") as file: for artifact in artifacts: file.write(f"{pathlib.Path(artifact).relative_to(abs_directory)!s}\n")