=============== Release History =============== v0.3.0 (2020-06-05) ------------------- Changed +++++++ * In the Python API, the :func:`databroker_pack.export_catalog` and :func:`databroker_pack.export_uids` return an additional item: a mapping of Run uids to the set of files associated with them---specifically, the ``(root, filepath)`` pairs. v0.2.0 (2020-06-01) ------------------- Added +++++ * Separate pack directories can be unpacked into one catalog. * A pack directory can unpacked into MongoDB. * ``databroker-pack`` supports an optional ``--limit`` argument for conveniently exporting small test batches. * ``databroker-pack`` supports an optional ``--salt`` argument for specifying a non-random salt. Changed +++++++ * ``databroker-unpacked`` has a new required argument, which must be ``inplace`` or ``mongo_normalized``. * The internal directory structure has been changed. The files with the Documents are in ``documents/`` subdirectory, and the root hashes in the ``external_files`` subdirectories and the ``external_files_manifest_*`` files are computed differently. They are no longer deterministic between two export operations. Fixed +++++ The ``documents_manifest.txt`` contained duplicate entries. v0.1.4 (2020-04-20) ------------------- Fixed +++++ * Allow directory given to :func:`~databroker_pack.unpack` to be relative. * Fix bug that made :func:`~databroker_pack.unpack` unusable on Windows. v0.1.3 (2020-04-06) ------------------- Fixed +++++ * ``databroker-pack`` accepts a relative path as the target ``directory`` parameter Changed +++++++ * The (optional) copying invoked by ``databroker-pack ... --copy-external`` (commandline interface) and :func:`~databroker_pack.copy_external_files` (Python interface) now uses :func:`shutil.copyfile` instead of :func:`shutil.copy2`. This requires fewer permissions on the directory containing the file of interest. v0.1.2 (2020-04-06) ------------------- Fixed +++++ * Improved error messages. * Optionally tolerate failures during file copying. v0.1.1 (2020-04-03) ------------------- Fixed a critical packaging issue that made the CLI unusuable unless run from the root directory of the repository. v0.1.0 (2020-04-03) ------------------- Initial release