Source code for event_model.documents.event
from typing import Any, Dict, Union
from typing_extensions import Annotated, NotRequired, TypedDict
from .generate.type_wrapper import Field, add_extra_schema
EVENT_EXTRA_SCHEMA = {"additionalProperties": False}
class PartialEvent(TypedDict):
data: Annotated[Dict[str, Any], Field(description="The actual measurement data")]
filled: NotRequired[
Dict[str, Union[bool, str]],
description="Mapping each of the keys of externally-stored data to the "
"boolean False, indicating that the data has not been loaded, or to "
"foreign keys (moved here from 'data' when the data was loaded)"
time: Annotated[
description="The event time. This maybe different than the timestamps on "
"each of the data entries.",
timestamps: Annotated[
Dict[str, Any],
Field(description="The timestamps of the individual measurement data"),
class Event(PartialEvent):
"""Document to record a quanta of collected data"""
descriptor: Annotated[
str, Field(description="UID of the EventDescriptor to which this Event belongs")
seq_num: Annotated[
description="Sequence number to identify the location of this Event in the "
"Event stream",
uid: Annotated[str, Field(description="Globally unique identifier for this Event")]