================= Release History ================= 1.9.0 (2023-09-15) ================== Added ----- * New ``StableSubscriptionStatus``, client-side dead band * Support ``__contains__`` on ``AndStatus`` Fixes ----- * In v2, the fallback backends were implemented as functions, can could not be used as Enum members. They are now implemented as classes. 1.8.0 (2023-06-26) ================== Added ----- * Add support for EPICS area detector pvaDriver cam * Add status repr to ``WaitTimeoutError`` message Changes ------- * Make ``SynAxis`` produce an updating ``MoveStatus`` * Change ``make_dir_tree`` default dir mode to ``755`` Fixes ----- * Fix capture signal was always triggered * Fix ``SynAxisNoPosition`` API (v2) -------- * Ophyd v2 core implementation * Let channelsim work with enums * Add enum descriptor support to ChannelCa * Isinstance calls property success before status object is done * Fix some constantly failing tests * Add ``_exception`` to ``AsyncStatus`` to propagate errors through ``FailedStatus`` * Add dict support * Propagate errors through ``wait_for_connection`` * Initial p4p channel implementation * Make sim signal source look like real source * Make device class concrete * Add bool support for 2 element CA/PVA enums * Minor async status changes * Fix traceback of a failed ``AsyncStatus`` object * Remove monitor * Make stage/unstage async * Add ``set_and_wait_for_value()`` * Let ``SimSignalBackend`` accept ``npt.NDArray`` datatypes Documentation ------------- * Add a shutter example of a ``PVPositionerComparator`` * Use pydata docs theme and update docs building process * Make a space for v2 docs * Fix docs linking * Fix typos in the docs * Fix install instructions in README Project infrastructure ---------------------- * Adopt ``isort`` * Move settings to ``setup.cfg`` and use ``setuptools-scm`` * Make CI run on external PRs * Update LICENSE 1.7.0 (2022-08-04) ================== Added ----- * ``ophyd.utils.epics_pvs._wait_for_value`` * ``ophyd.pv_positioner.PVPositionerDone`` * ``ophyd.pv_positioner.PVPositionerIsClose`` * ``ophyd.signal.InternalSignal`` * ``ophyd.signal.EpicsSignalNoValidation`` * ``ophyd.sim.FakeEpicsPathSignal`` Changes ------- * Made ``Component`` a generic user-defined type ``Component[T]``, with the type parameter bound to ``OphydObject`` to allow for static analysis of ``Device`` classes and instantiated devices. * Set subscriptions only once per class to improve performance. * Reduced log level from INFO to DEBUG in ``ophyd.ophydobj``, ``ophyd.signal``, and ``ophyd.sim``. * Deprecated ``ophyd.utils.epics_pv.set_and_wait(obj, val)`` in favor of ``obj.set(val).wait()``. This ensures that the same logic is used to determine if the signal is set as requested when used in a plan (via ``yield from bps.abs_set(...)`` or ``yield from bps.mv(...)``) as from within ophyd methods. * Deprecated ``DetectorBase.dispatch`` in favor of newly added ``DetectorBase.generate_datum``. Fixes ----- * Resolved some warnings from tests in preparation for treating warnings as errors. * Removed test for removal of ``TRACE`` logging. * Tweaked DEBUG log output in ``ophyd.device.BlueskyInterface.stage()`` and ``ophyd.device.BlueskyInterface.unstage()``. * Fixed tutorial typos. * Wait for ``ophyd.sim.NullStatus`` to mark itself as finished. * Convert ``ophyd.areadetector.paths.EpicsPathSignal.set_and_wait_path(..., val, ...)`` input to string. * ``ophyd.areadetector.plugins.HDF5Plugin_V21.xml_file_name`` must be a string. 1.6.4 (2022-04-08) ================== Changes ------- * Improve ``ValueError`` from ``Signal.describe()`` to report signal name. * Added timeout arguments to FakeEpicsSignal. Fixes ----- * Fix versioneer compatability with python 3.11. 1.6.3 (2021-10-11) ================== Changes ------- * In case of a LimitError being raised by the ``mv()`` command, the error message will now specify which setpoint PV triggered the limit condition. * Added tests which check Ophyd objects against the new Bluesky protocols. * The requirement for the ``inflection`` package has been removed from general requirements and moved to ``requirements-dev.txt``. 1.6.2 (2021-08-31) ================== Fixes ----- * Prevent set_and_wait from accepting a failed read when tolerances are set. * Added missing _metadata_keys and kwargs to FakeEpicsSignal, to better mimick EpicsSignal. * EpicsMotor will now restore the ``SET`` field back to 0 if an error occurs during ``set_current_position``. * ``SequenceId`` PV on EigerDetectorCam is no longer read-only. * Fixed error message text in ``NDDerivedSignal.inverse``. Changes ------- * Improved error message in Signal.put when unsupported kwargs are passed in. * Added script to generate boilerplate code for new AD Detector and Cam classes. * Added Detector and Cam classes for ADPICam driver for Princeton Instruments detectors. * Added UnitConversionDerivedSignal class, which can automatically apply unit conversions when reading and writing. * Added documentation for ``init_pos`` parameter on SoftPositioner. * SignalRO now also directly exposed by top level ophyd package. * Added classes to support areaDetector Kafka plugin. * Added ``create_directory`` support to FileStorePluginBase, to control the directory creation behavior of AreaDetectors. * Improved documentation around ScalarCH, EpicsScalar and EpicsMotor. * Added classes to support ADUVC driver. 1.6.1 (2021-02-26) ================== Fixes ----- * Added a missing name argument to AreaDetector documentation. * Correctly propagate changes to the default ``connection_timeout`` setting via ``set_defaults``, instead of always defaulting to 1 second. Changes ------- * Expanded documentation for Fly-able Interface to include code examples and updated MockFlyer sim. * Changed ``update_rate`` and ``auto_count_update_rate`` signals in ``EpicsScalar`` to default to ``Kind.omitted`` instead of ``Kind.config``. 1.6.0 (2020-12-16) ================== Fixes ----- * The ``write_timeout`` specified for an :class:`EpicsSignalBase` is respected by its ``set()`` method unless overridden with ``set(..., timeout=TIMEOUT)``. * Area Detector PVs related to array shape have been given an order compatible with the numpy array index ordering of the array itself. * Thread the keyword ``EpicsSignal.get(..., use_monitor=True)`` down to the control system. This setting was previously supported but support was removed (years ago). We now view its removal as a mistake. * When area detector takes a series of images and ``num_capture`` is set to ``0``, this is now interpreted to mean "however many images the detector is configured to acquire" rather than "0 images". * Fixed EigerDetectorCam's ``photon_energy`` component's PV suffix spelling. * Motor limits HLS and LLS used ``EpicsSignal`` when they should be using ``EpicsSignalRO``. * ``EpicsSignal`` with ``string=True`` kwarg now correctly results in ``dtype='string'`` from ``.describe()`` method Added ----- * Support for Emergent Vision detectors. * The class-wide default for ``write_timeout`` is now configurable via :meth:`EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults`. It was previously only configurable on a per-instance basis at initialization time, with the class-wide default hard-coded to ``None``. The class-wide default is still ``None``, unchanged from the previous release. * The class-wide default for ``auto_monitor`` is now configurable via :meth:`EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults`. It was previously configurable on a per-instance basis at initialization time. The default value, ``False``, has not changed. Changes ------- * The logging has been tweaked to be less noisy, particularly at import time. Some log messages have been moved from ``'ophyd.object'`` to ``'ophyd.control_layer'``, and the level of messages emitted to ``'ophyd.control_layer'`` have been reduced from INFO to DEBUG. Some log messages have been removed entirely. * The method :meth:`EpicsSignalBase.set_default_timeout` has been renamed to :meth:`EpicsSignalBase.set_defaults` because it has been extended to include more than timeouts, as described above. The old name is still supported but issues a warning that it may be removed in the future. * Use auto-monitoring in more places in ``EpicsMotor``. This should drastically speed up ``motor.read_configuration()``. * Update ``ophyd.sim.MockFlyer`` to use its name as its stream name. * Capture the ``create_directory`` signal on Area Detector ``FilePlugin`` as configuration. Deprecations ------------ * :class:`EpicsSignalBase` previously ignored unrecognized keyword arguments passed to its method ``get()`` or ``get_setpoint()``. Now, any unrecognized keyword arguments will issue a ``DeprecationWarning``. In the future they will issue a ``UserWarning`` and eventually an error. 1.5.4 (2020-10-19) ================== Changes ------- * NDFile PVs implemented in FileBase instead of FilePlugin. Fixes ----- * Various doc fixes and improvements. Added ----- * ``OPHYD_SILENCE_VALUE_WARNING`` environment variable to silence ``.value`` warning. 1.5.3 (2020-08-26) ================== Changes ------- * Add a default value for ``ScalerCH.select_channels`` such that calling it without arguments selects all named channels. * Change a particularly verbose ophyd logger from INFO-level to DEBUG-level. Fixes ----- * Critical bug in EpicsMotor limits set low to high and high to low. * For area detector cameras, add ``num_images`` to the set of components recorded as configuration by default. 1.5.2 (2020-07-07) ================== Changes ------- * Default logging behavior will now be to print all log messages with level ``warning`` and higher. * ``ophyd.mca.SoftDXPTrigger`` now inherits from ``Device`` instead of ``BlueskyInterface``. This is to satisfy the requirement that classes which have Components must also inherit Device. * It was formerly the case that :meth:`~ophyd.signal.Signal.destroy` was always called at teardown---either manually by the user or automatically using one of Python mechanisms for running cleanup during garbage collection or process teardown. Now, *automatic* teardown only involves internal weakref finalizers and it does not call ``destroy``. The method is now only a user-facing hook for manually invoking those finalizers. It should not be used as an extension point for adding more code to be run at teardown; rather, additional finalizers should be set up in ``__init__`` and invoked in ``destroy``. See https://github.com/bluesky/ophyd/pull/865 for an example. This changed is in accordance with best practices recommended by the Python weakref documentation. Internals --------- * Fixed logging imports in debugging documentation. * Reset the internal ``_status`` in ``SingleTrigger`` to ``None`` when the trigger is completed. 1.5.1 (2020-06-12) ================== Fixes ----- * Updated required version of ``pyepics`` to ``3.4.2``, to ensure the included fix to libca shutdown is available, preventing crashes on Python shutdown. * The objects in ``ophyd.sim`` use threads to simulate delays due to movement, instead of conditionally attempting to integrate with the asyncio event loop. * Set attributes before invoking super in :class:`~ophyd.areadetector.base.NDDerivedSignal` to ensure describe method returns correct results. * Improved documentation of :class:`~ophyd.device.BlueskyInterface`. * Fixed intended ordering of areadetector plugins provided by ``component_names``. Internals --------- * Formatting fixes in Sphinx documentation. * Added epics-pypdb to test requirements. * Added Python 3.8 builds to continuous integration. * Added log message when an exception occurs in status callback threads. 1.5.0 (2020-05-01) ================== The API for Status objects has been reworked to be closer to its generic analog in the standard library, :class:`concurrent.futures.Future`. Most of the changes are extenions, but there are some deprecations and some minor backward-incompatible changes. Added ----- * Status objects can store an exception giving information about why the underlying action failed. This is set by :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.set_exception` and can be retrieved by :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.exception`. The method :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.set_finished` may be used to mark successful completion, in which case :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.exception` returns ``None``. * Status objects have a new :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.wait` method, which blocks until the Status finishes (in success or failure) or until an optional timeout is reached, whichever happens first. If it finishes in success, the method returns ``None``; if failure, the exception captured by :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.set_exception` is raised. Deprecated ---------- * Status objects take the parameters ``done`` and ``success``. These are deprecated and, if set to anything but ``None`` (the default) issue a warning suggesting a better approach. * The method :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase._finished` is deprecated in favor of :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.set_finished` (for success) and :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase.set_exception` (for failure). There are no plans to *remove* :meth:`~ophyd.StatusBase._finished`, given its wide use, but it may begin to issue warnings in future releases. Backward-incompatible Changes ----------------------------- * The function :func:`ophyd.status.wait` formerly raised on ``TimeoutError`` or ``RuntimeError``. It can now raise any ``Exception``. * The attributes :obj:`~ophyd.StatusBase.timeout` and :obj:`~ophyd.StatusBase.settle_time` have become read-only properties. Additionally, some unrelated bug fixes are included in this release. Fixed ----- * Fix a regression that broke ``describe()`` on some simulated hardware in ``ophyd.sim`` in certain circumstances. * Handle teardown more gracefully, avoiding error messages at shutdown time that arose in certain installations. v1.4.1 (2020-04-07) =================== Features -------- * Update HLM and LLM limits automatically on :class:`ophyd.EpicsMotor` when they are changed externally. * Added more descriptive error message when attempting to run setup under unsupported Python versions. API Changes ----------- * Added methods :func:`ophyd.EpicsMotor.set_lim` and :func:`ophyd.EpicsMotor.get_lim` to set and get limits on motors. * Added documentation for logging API. Fixes ----- * Improved documentation of :class:`ophyd.PVPositioner`. * Corrected path semantics behavior when interacting with an areadetector running on a different OS. Internals --------- * Refactored code to satisfy Flake8 requirements. Maximum line length set to 115 characters. * Improved scope of log messages emitted by ``OphydObj``. v1.4.0 (2020-03-13) =================== Features -------- * Version ophyd classes to support IOCs changing over time. This is currently implemented for AreaDetector plugins (releases 1-9 to 3-4). * Added :class:`ophyd.NDDerivedSignal`, which supplies a reshaped version of an input array signal. * Added :func:`ophyd.Component.subscriptions` decorator to set up default subscriptions on a component. * Added :func:`ophyd.device.create_device_from_components` to aid dynamic device generation. * Added :func:`ophyd.device.required_for_connection` decorator to mark the Components that must be connected for the overall Device to be considered connected. * Added a hook to be called on all ophyd object creation via the :func:`OphydObj.add_instantiation_callback` class method along with the :func:`.register_instances_keyed_on_name` and :func:`.register_instance_in_weakset` helper functions. * Added :attr:`OphydObj.dotted_name` property to get the full attribute name of a child component. * Added the properties ``read_access``, ``write_access``, ``metadata`` to the base signal class :class:`ophyd.Signal`. * Added metadata subscriptions for :class:`ophyd.Signal`. * Added :func:`OphydObj.destroy` method to all ophyd objects. * Added support for ADLambda X-Spectrum Lambda 750K camera. * Improved error message "Another set() call is still in progress" to include the name of the device that raised the error. * Allowed ``ophyd.FormattedComponent`` strings to be written like ``{prefix}{_ch_name}`` as well as the previously-supported and more verbose ``{self.prefix}{self._ch_name}``. * Made timeouts more configurable, including separately configurable connection timeout, write timeout, and read timeout. New method ``ophyd.EpicsSignal.set_default_timeout`` sets class-wide defaults. Timeouts can also be specified per-instance and in a specific action. API Changes ----------- * Dropped support for Python 3.5. * The optional dependency pyepics, if installed, must be above version 3.4.0 to be used. * If you are holding a reference to a pyepics.pv.PV that is shared with ophyd and all ophyd objects that use that PV are torn down, all callbacks on the PV will be cleared and the channel will be torn down. If this is a problem for you, please create a bug report. * Removed :mod:`ophyd.control_layer`. The "control layer" used to access EPICS can be controlled via :func:`ophyd.set_cl`. * :class:`ophyd.DynamicDeviceComponent` is now an :class:`ophyd.Component` sub-class * Changed argument name in :meth:`OphydObj.subscribe` from ``cb`` to ``callback``. * Removed :class:`ophyd.tests.conftest.FakeEpicsPV`, :class:`ophyd.tests.conftest.FakeEpicsWaveForm`, and associated helper functions. If you need this class, please vendor it from a previous version of ophyd - or please consider moving to ``make_fake_device`` or ``caproto``-based simulation IOCs. * Removed ``ophyd.tests.AssertTools`` and use standard pytest idioms throughout the test suite. * Overhauled objects in ``ophyd.sim`` to inherit from ``ophyd.Signal`` and ``ophyd.Device`` and thus behave more like true hardware-connected devices. * The ``ophyd.StatusBase.done`` attribute was formerly settable, but never intended to be. It should only be set by calling ``ophyd.StatusBase._finished()``. Now, if it is set from ``False`` to ``True`` is warns, and if it is set from ``True`` to ``False`` (which does not make sense) it raises. Fixes ----- * Skip erroneous limits check on ``EpicsMotor.set_current_position``. * Handle bug in dispatcher to allow ``functools.partial`` objects to be registered as callbacks. * Before shaping area detector image data, truncate any extra elements that exceed the declares waveform length. * Fix clipping in status progress updates. * Address numpy pickle CVE. Internals --------- * Switch from :class:`ophyd.Device` using meta-classes to using ``__init__subclass__``. There are now no meta-classes used in ophyd! * Completely overhauled how we connect to PVs at initialization and tear them down on destruction of the ophyd objects. * Completely overhauled how PV meta-data is handled. * Completely overhauled the dispatcher thread mechanism. * Removed our backport of ``enum``, as it is available on the minimum Python 3.6. * Refactor simulated text object ``SynAxisNoHints`` to be more realistic. v1.3.3 (2019-05-02) =================== Features -------- * Provide way to select all channels of ScalarCH. Bug Fixes --------- * Ensure that ScalarCH channels with empty names are not selected. v1.3.2 (2019-03-11) =================== Bug Fixes --------- * Update usage of ``collections`` module for Python 3.7. * Improve documentation of "hints". * Fix ``ophyd.log.logger`` which had erroneous name ``'bluesky'`` instead of ``'ophyd'``. * Fix typos in definition of area detector devices wherein ``BrukerDetector`` and ``PerkinElmerDetector`` had ``cam`` components from cameras of different brands than their own. * In area detector file plugins, do not touch 'Capture' PV if image mode is 'Single'. Doing so has no effect, and it generates an error (that should be a warning) from area detector noting that it has no effect. * Fix a typo in ``ScalerCH`` definition of its ``name_map``. v1.3.1 (2019-01-03) =================== Features -------- * Add :class:`~ophyd.FakeEpicsSignalWithRBV`, which is to :class:`~ophyd.FakeEpicsSignal` as :class:`~ophyd.EpicsSignalWithRBV` is to :class:`~ophyd.EpicsSignal`. * Add enum-spoofing to :class:`~ophyd.FakeEpicsSignal`. * A default handler is added to the ``'ophyd'`` logger at import time. A new convenience function, :func:`~ophyd.set_handler`, addresses common cases such as directing the log output to a file. Bug Fixes --------- * Always interpret simulated motor positions as floats, even if set to an integer position. * Accept numpy arrays in ``set_and_wait``. * Log errors with ``set_and_wait`` at the ERROR level rather than the (often silenced) DEBUG level. * Check limits on :class:`~ophyd.SoftPositioner`. * Produce consistent Datum documents in the old and new asset registry code paths in :class:`~ophyd.sim.SynSignalWithRegistry`. * Fix some missing imports in :mod:`ophyd.areadetector.plugins`. * The verification that the image plugin has received an array of nonzero size was implemented in a way that it would never be tripped. * Accept any tuple of the right length in :meth:`~ophyd.Device.put`. * :class:`~ophyd.AttributeSignal` now runs subscriptions when it processes an update. * Fix some bugs in :class:`~ophyd.FakeEpicsSignal`. v1.3.0 (2018-09-05) =================== Features -------- * Teach Area Detector classes how to display the DAG of their pipelines via :func:`~ophyd.areadetector.base.ADBase.visualize_asyn_digraph`. Bug Fixes --------- * :class:`~ophyd.signal.Signal.describe` correctly reports the type and shape of the data. * make :obj:`Device.component_names` an :class:`tuple` (instead of a :class:`list`) as it should not be mutable. * Fix issue with grand-children not correctly reporting as being in ``read_attrs`` or ``configuration_attrs``. v1.2.0 (2018-06-06) =================== Features -------- * On each Signal or Device, attach a Python logger attribute named ``log`` with a logger name scoped by module name and the ophyd ``name`` of the parent Device. * Signals and Devices now accept ``labels`` argument, a set of labels --- presumed but not (yet) forced to be strings --- which the user can use for grouping and displaying available hardware. The labels are accessible via a new attribute ``_ophyd_labels_``, so name to facilitate duck-typing across libraries. For example, the bluesky IPython "magics" use this to identify objects for the purpose of displaying them in labeled groups. * Added ``tolerated_alarm`` attribute to ``EpicsMotors``, a hook to increase alarm tolerance for mis-configured motors. * Ophyd is now fully tested to work against the experimental control layer, caproto, in addition to pyepics. The control layer can also be set to 'dummy' for testing without EPICS. This is configurable via the ``OPHYD_CONTROL_LAYER`` environment variable. * Added a ``kind`` attribute to each Signal and Device, settable interactively or via an argument at initiation time, which controls whether its parent Device will include it in ``read()``, ``read_configuration()``, and/or ``hints.fields``. This behavior was previously controlled by ``read_attrs``, ``configuration_attrs``, ``_default_read_attrs``, and ``_default_configuration_attrs`` on parent Devices. Those can still be used for *setting* the desired state, but the source of truth is now stored locally on each child Signal/Device, and ``read_attrs``/``configuration_attrs`` has been re-implemented as a convenience API. Documentation is forthcoming; until then we refer to you the `narrative-style tests of this feature `_. Also see three breaking changes, listed in a subsequent section of these release notes. The existing implementation contained buggy and surprising behavior, and addressing that made breaking *something* unavoidable. * Added ``make_fake_device`` factory function that makes a Device out of ``FakeEpicsSignal`` based on a Device that has real signals. * Add ``sum_all`` component to QuadEM. * Add a ``set`` method to the ROI plugin. * Validate that a Device or Signal's ``name`` is a string, and raise helpfully if it is not. Bug Fixes --------- * Allow ``DerivedSignal`` to accept a string name as its target component so that it can be used inside Device, where it must defer grabbing its target to initialization time. * Signals that start with underscores are now not renamed by ``namedtuple``. This causes issues when the ``.get`` method tries to fill the ``DeviceTuple``. * Add new ``ad_root`` ("area detector root") to remove the accidental assumption that ``ADBase`` is the root ancestor Device of all its subclasses. * ``ad_group`` generates Components that are lazy by default. * Catch various edge cases related to the data fed to progress bars from status objects. Deprecations ------------ * This release simplifies the flow of information out of ophyd. Fortunately, this major change can be made smoothly. In this transitional release, both old and new modes of operation are supported. Old configurations should continue to work, unchanged. Nonetheless, users are encouraged to update their configurations promptly to take advantage of the better design. The old mode of operation will cease to be supported in a future release. **How to upgrade your configuration:** Simply remove the ``reg=...`` parameter everywhere it occurs in area-detector-related configuration. **Background:** In the original design, bluesky's RunEngine collected *some* information (readings for Event and EventDescriptor documents) and dispatched it out to consumers, while ophyd itself pushed other information (Datum and Resource documents) directly into a database. There are two problems with this design. 1. Consumers subscribed to bluesky only see partial information. For example, to access the filepaths to externally-stored data, they have to perform a separate database lookup. There are no guarantees about synchronization: the consumer may receive references to objects that do not exist in the database yet. 2. Ophyd is responsible inserting information into a database, which means connection information needs to be associated with a Device. This seems misplaced. In the new design, ophyd merely *caches* Datum and Resource documents and leaves it up to bluesky's RunEngine to ask for them and dispatch them out to any consumers (such as that database that ophyd used to push to directly). Thus, all information flows through bluesky and to consumers in a guaranteed order. Ophyd does not need to know about database configuration. Ophyd's area detector "filestore" integration classes in ``ophyd.areadetector.filestore_mixins`` and ``ophyd.sim`` still *accept* a ``Registry`` via their optional ``reg`` parameter. If they receive one, they will assume that they are supposed to operate the old way: inserting documents directly into the ``Registry``. If the user is running bluesky v1.3.0, bluesky will collect these same documents and dispatch them out to consumers also. * The module ``ophyd.control_layer`` has been deprecated in favor of a top-level ``cl`` object. Breaking Changes ---------------- * The 'hints' feature was an experimental feature in previous releases of ophyd and is now being incorporated in a first-class way. To ensure internal consistency, the ``hints`` attribute of any ``Signal`` or ``Device`` is no longer directly settable. Instead of .. code-block:: python camera.hints = {'fields': [camera.stats1.total.name, camera.stats2.total.name]} do .. code-block:: python from ophyd import Kind camera.stats1.total.kind = Kind.hinted camera.stats2.total.kind = Kind.hinted or, as a convenient shortcut .. code-block:: python camera.stats1.total.kind = 'hinted' camera.stats2.total.kind = 'hinted' * The ``read_attrs`` / ``configuration_attrs`` lists will now contain all of the components touched when walking the Device tree. This also means that setting these lists may not always round trip: they may contain extra elements in addition to those explicitly set. * When adding "grandchildren" via ``read_attrs`` / ``configuration_attrs``, we no longer allow generation skipping and forcibly set up the state of all of the devices along the way to be consistent. Inconsistency arguably should never have been possible in the first place. * A Device's ``__repr__`` no longer includes ``read_attrs`` and ``configuration_attrs`` (because they are now so lengthy). This means that passing a Device's ``__repr__`` to ``eval()`` does not necessarily reconstruct a Device in exactly the same state. v1.1.0 (2017-02-20) =================== Features -------- * Add a new ``run`` keyword, which defaults to ``True``, which can be used to keep :class:`.SubscriptionStatus` objects from running callbacks immediately. * Add an :meth:`unsuscribe_all` method to OphydObj. * Support timestamps and subscriptions in the simulated motor :class:`.SynAxis` and related classes. * Extend :class:`.DynamicDeviceComponent` to accept optional ``default_read_attrs`` and ``default_configuration_attrs`` arguments, which it will assign as class attributes on the class it dynamically creates. * Systematically add ``default_read_attrs=(...)`` to every DDC on every Area Detector plugin. Now, for example, adding ``'centroid'`` to the read attributes of a :class:`.StatsPlugin` instance also effectively adds ``'centroid_x'`` and ``'centroid_y'``, which is presumably the desired result. * On :class:`.ScalerCH`, omit any channels whose name is ``''`` from the read attributes by default. * Add new ``random_state`` keyword to relevant simulated devices so that their randomness can be made deterministic for testing purposes. * Restore namespace-scraping utilities :func:`.instances_from_namespace` and :func:`.ducks_from_namespace` which had been moved in pyolog during previous refactor. Bug Fixes --------- * Fix race condition in :func:`.set_and_wait`. * Fix a bug in aforementioned namespace-scraping utilities. * Do not use deprecated API (``signal_names``, now called ``component_names``) internally. v1.0.0 (2017-11-17) =================== This tag marks an important release for ophyd, signifying the conclusion of the early development phase. From this point on, we intend that this project will be co-developed between multiple facilities. The 1.x series is planned to be a long-term-support release. Breaking Changes ---------------- * To access the human-friendly summary of a Device's layout, use ``device.summary()`` instead of ``print(device)``. The verbosity of the summary was overwhelming when it appeared in error messages and logs, so it was moved from ``Device.__str__`` this new method. Now ``Device.__str__`` gives the same result as ``Device.__repr__``, as it did before v0.7.0. * Add (empty) hints to ``ophyd.sim.SynSignalWithRegistry``. Bug Fixes --------- * Initiate :class:`~ophyd.sim.SynSignal` with a function that returns ``None`` if no ``func`` parameter is provided. * Make ophyd importable without pyepics and libca. v0.8.0 (2017-11-01) =================== Breaking Changes ---------------- * Make the ``name`` keyword to Device a required, keyword-only argument. This ensures that the names that appear in the read dictionary are always human-readable. * When a ``PseudoPositioner`` is set with only a subset of its parameters specified, fill in the unspecified values with the current *target* position, not the current *actual* position. Deprecations ------------ * The ``signal_names`` attribute of devices has been renamed ``component_names`` for clarity because it may include a mixture of Signals and Devices -- any Components. The old name now issues a warning when accessed, and it may be removed in a future release of ophyd. * Status objects' new ``add_callback`` method and ``callbacks`` attribute should be preferred over the ``finished_cb`` property, which only supports one callback and now warns if set or accessed. Features -------- * Add ``ophyd.sim`` module with various synthetic 'hardware' for testing and teaching. * The 'children' of a ``PseudoPositioner`` can now be simultaneously used as independent axes in a bluesky plan. * Add ``SubscriptionStatus``, which reports done when a Python function of the subscription returns ``True``. * It is possible to register more than one callback function to be called on completion of a Status object (i.e. when a Device is finished triggering or moving). * Status objects support ``__and__``, such that ``status1 & status2`` return a new status object that completes when both ``status1`` and ``status2`` are complete. * Do not require a ``prefix`` argument to ``Device``. It is not applicable in cases of synthetic 'hardware'. * Add ``MotorBundle`` for bundling ``EpicsMotors`` and automatically composing a useful combined hint. * Add hints to ``PseudoSingle``, ``PseudoPositioner``, and ``SoftPositioner``. * Make it possible to plug in a different "control layer" --- i.e. an interface to EPICS other than pyepics. This is experimental and may be changed in the future in a way that is not backward-compatible. Bug Fixes --------- * Avoid a race condition when timing out during a settle time. Internal Changes ---------------- * Reduce set_and_wait log messages to DEBUG level. * Refactor OphydObj callbacks to make the logic easier to follow. This change is fully backward-compatible. v0.7.0 (2017-09-06) =================== Breaking Changes ---------------- * The module :mod:`ophyd.commands`, a grab bag of convenient tools, has been entirely removed. The functionality is available in other ways: * The functions :func:`mov` and :func:`movr` ("move" and "move relative") have been replaced by IPython magics, provided in bluesky v0.10.0: .. code-block:: python %mov eta 3 temp 273 %movr eta 1 temp -5 * The function :func:`wh_pos` for surveying current positioners has also been supplanted by an IPython magic packaged with bluesky: ``%wa`` (short for "where all", an abbreviation borrowed from SPEC). .. code-block:: python %wa * The fucntionality of :func:`set_pos`---setting zero---is available via a device method :meth:`set_current_pos`, if applicable. * The functionality of :func:`set_lm` for altering limits has been removed. It is not something users should generally change, and now must be done directly via EPICS or pyepics. * The logging-related functionality, including all functions named ``log_*`` and also :func:`get_all_positioners` have been moved to `pyOlog `_. * The function ``setup_ophyd`` was merely a shim to :func:`ophyd.setup_ophyd`, which is still available as a top-level import. * When recursing through complex devices, ``read()`` in no longer called as part of ``read_configuration()``. For complex devices, the same child device may be used in both ``read_attrs`` and ``read_configuration``. Putting the read values into the configuration is generically not correct. For example, the mean_value of a stats plugin for Area Detector should be in the ``read()`` but not in the result of ``read_configuration()``. At the bottom, Signals fall back to ``read()`` for their read_configuration implementation. * The area detector 'EnableCallbacks' signal is set using its integer representation instead of its enum string. The string representation was changed on the NDPluginBase.template file in upstream Area Detector. The int value is stable (we hope). * Low-level changes related to integration between ophyd's area detector code and databroker/filestore: * Ophyd's optional dependency on filestore, which is now a deprecated package, has been replaced by an optional dependency on databroker. In area detector classes, the keyword argument and attribute ``fs`` has been changed to ``reg``, short for "registry". * The ``FileStoreBulkWrite`` mixin classes have been removed. Now that the Registry is generating the datum UIDs the 'stash, emit on read, and then insert on unstage' is no longer possible. This means we will never let a datum_id which is not in a Registry out into the EventSources. This change is driven by the need to support column based backends from Assets. * The method ``generate_datum`` on area detector file plugins requires an additional argument, ``datum_kwargs``. Features -------- * Many devices picked up a new ``hints`` property. Its goal is to highlight the most interesting or important fields---often a small subset of all the fields that are read---in support of automated visualization and processing. It does not affect what is read or recorded; nothing is permanently altered or lost if the hints are incorrect. The content of hints may be changed in future releases, as this feature is experimental. For now, ``hints`` is a dictionary with the key ``fields`` mapped to a list of field names. For movable devices, these fields are expected to represent the the independent axes of the device. For devices that are only readable, these fields represent the most interesting fields, i.e. the fields most likely to be desired in a table or plot. * The string representation of a device, accessible via ``str(...)`` or ``print(...)``, provides a human-readable summary of its attributes and fields. Example: .. code-block:: none In [5]: motor = EpicsMotor('XF:31IDA-OP{Tbl-Ax:X1}Mtr', name='motor') In [6]: print(motor) data keys (* hints) ------------------- *motor motor_user_setpoint read attrs ---------- user_readback EpicsSignalRO ('motor') user_setpoint EpicsSignal ('motor_user_setpoint') config keys ----------- motor_acceleration motor_motor_egu motor_user_offset motor_user_offset_dir motor_velocity configuration attrs ---------- motor_egu EpicsSignal ('motor_motor_egu') velocity EpicsSignal ('motor_velocity') acceleration EpicsSignal ('motor_acceleration') user_offset EpicsSignal ('motor_user_offset') user_offset_dir EpicsSignal ('motor_user_offset_dir') Unused attrs ------------ offset_freeze_switch EpicsSignal ('motor_offset_freeze_switch') set_use_switch EpicsSignal ('motor_set_use_switch') motor_is_moving EpicsSignalRO ('motor_motor_is_moving') motor_done_move EpicsSignalRO ('motor_motor_done_move') high_limit_switch EpicsSignal ('motor_high_limit_switch') low_limit_switch EpicsSignal ('motor_low_limit_switch') direction_of_travel EpicsSignal ('motor_direction_of_travel') motor_stop EpicsSignal ('motor_motor_stop') home_forward EpicsSignal ('motor_home_forward') home_reverse EpicsSignal ('motor_home_reverse') * The Area Detector plugins formerly always enabled themselves during staging. Now, this behavior is configurable using new methods, ``enable_on_stage()`` and ``disable_on_stage()``. After unstaging, devices are put into their original state, whether enabled or disabled. Additionally, there are methods to control blocking callbacks, ``ensure_blocking()`` and ``ensure_nonblocking()``. We recommend using blocking callbacks always to ensure that file names do not get out of sync with acquisitions. * A device's default read_attrs and configuration_attrs can be more succinctly specified via the class attributes ``_default_read_attrs`` and ``_default_configuration_attrs``. * Some status objects add a new method named ``watch`` which support bluesky's new progress bar feature. * The ``ScalerCH`` class has a new method, ``select_channels`` that coordinates several necessary steps of configuration in one convenient method. Bug Fixes --------- * The area detector plugin ports are validated after staging, giving the staging process the opportunity to put them into a valid state. Maintenance ----------- * Ophyd's automated tests are now included inside the Python package in the package ``ophyd.tests``. * Ophyd has many fewer dependencies. It no longer requires: * ``boltons`` * ``doct`` * ``ipython`` * ``prettytable`` * ``pyOlog`` (This was previous optional; now it is not used at all.) * :attr:`ophyd.AreaDetector.filestore_mixin.fs_root` has been deprecated in favor of :attr:`ophyd.AreaDetector.filestore_mixin.reg_root`. v0.6.1 (2017-05-22) =================== (TO DO) v0.6.0 (2017-05-05) =================== (TO DO) v0.5.0 (2017-01-27) =================== (TO DO) v0.4.0 (2016-11-01) =================== Enhancements ------------ * Allow ``set_and_wait`` to have a timeout. * Allow a plugin to have no port name. * Ensure trailing slashes are included in file plugin filepaths to avoid common user mistake. Breaking Changes ---------------- * The bluesky interface now expects the ``stop`` method to accept an optional ``success`` argument. v0.3.1 (2016-09-23) =================== Enhancements ------------ * Check alarm status of EpicsMotor to decide success/failure * Allow ``stage_sigs`` to be attribute *names* to enable lazy-loading. * Add ``target_initial_position`` parameter to ``PseudoSingle``. Fixes ----- * Add size-link to ROI plugin. * Fix QuadEM port name uniqueness. * Rename ``read`` attribute on MCA, which was shadowing ``read`` method, to ``force_read``. Add check to ``Device`` to avoid repeating this mistake in the future. v0.3.0 (2016-07-25) =================== Breaking Changes ---------------- * Area detector now checks that all plugins in the pipeline of anything that will be collected as part of ``read``. The configuration of all of the plugins in the processing chain will now be included in descriptor document. Tooling to inspect the asyn pipelines is now part of `ADBase` and `PluginBase`. New Features ------------ * Add ``pivot`` kwarg to ``MonitorFlyerMixin`` to optionally provide a single event as a time series rather than a time series of many events. * Add ``SignalPositionerMixin`` to turn a `Signal` into a positioner. * Add classes for PCO edge Bug Fixes --------- * Be more careful about thread safety around ``pyepics`` v0.2.3 (2016-05-05) =================== (TO DO) v0.2.2 (2016-03-14) =================== (TO DO) v0.2.1 (2016-02-23) =================== (TO DO) v0.2.0 (2016-02-10) =================== (TO DO)