Source code for tiled.structures.structured_array

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy

from ..media_type_registration import serialization_registry
from ..utils import modules_available, safe_json_dump_array
from .array import ArrayMacroStructure
from .array import MachineDataType as BuiltinType

[docs]@dataclass class Field: name: str dtype: Union[BuiltinType, "StructDtype"] shape: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] @classmethod def from_numpy_descr(cls, field): name, *rest = field if name == "": raise ValueError( f"You seem to have gotten descr of a base or subdtype: {field}" ) if len(rest) == 1: (f_type,) = rest shape = None else: f_type, shape = rest if isinstance(f_type, str): FType = BuiltinType.from_numpy_dtype(numpy.dtype(f_type)) else: FType = StructDtype.from_numpy_dtype(numpy.dtype(f_type)) return cls(name=name, dtype=FType, shape=shape) def to_numpy_descr(self): if isinstance(self.dtype, BuiltinType): base = [, self.dtype.to_numpy_str()] else: base = [, self.dtype.to_numpy_descr()] if self.shape is None: return tuple(base) else: return tuple(base + [self.shape]) @classmethod def from_json(cls, structure): name = structure["name"] if "fields" in structure["dtype"]: ftype = StructDtype.from_json(structure["dtype"]) else: ftype = BuiltinType.from_json(structure["dtype"]) return cls(name=name, dtype=ftype, shape=structure["shape"])
[docs]@dataclass class StructDtype: itemsize: int fields: List[Field] @classmethod def from_numpy_dtype(cls, dtype): # subdtypes push extra dimensions into arrays, we should handle these # a layer up and report an array with bigger dimensions. if dtype.subdtype is not None: raise ValueError(f"We do not know how to encode subdtypes: {dtype}") # If this is a builtin type, require the use of BuiltinType (nee .array.MachineDataType) if dtype.fields is None: raise ValueError(f"You have a base type: {dtype}") return cls( itemsize=dtype.itemsize, fields=[Field.from_numpy_descr(f) for f in dtype.descr], ) def to_numpy_dtype(self): return numpy.dtype(self.to_numpy_descr()) def to_numpy_descr(self): return [f.to_numpy_descr() for f in self.fields] def max_depth(self): return max( 1 if isinstance(f.dtype, BuiltinType) else 1 + f.dtype.max_depth() for f in self.fields ) @classmethod def from_json(cls, structure): return cls( itemsize=structure["itemsize"], fields=[Field.from_json(f) for f in structure["fields"]], )
[docs]@dataclass class StructuredArrayGenericStructure: macro: ArrayMacroStructure micro: StructDtype @classmethod def from_json(cls, structure): return cls( macro=ArrayMacroStructure.from_json(structure["macro"]), micro=StructDtype.from_json(structure["micro"]), )
[docs]@dataclass class ArrayTabularMacroStructure: """ Similar to ArrayMacroStructure, but must be 1D This is distinct from DataFrameMacoStructure because it knows its length and chunk sizes. Dataframes only know number of partitions. """ chunks: Tuple[Tuple[int]] shape: Tuple[int] @classmethod def from_json(cls, structure): return cls( chunks=tuple(map(tuple, structure["chunks"])), shape=tuple(structure["shape"]), )
[docs]@dataclass class StructuredArrayTabularStructure: macro: ArrayTabularMacroStructure micro: StructDtype @classmethod def from_json(cls, structure): return cls( macro=ArrayMacroStructure.from_json(structure["macro"]), micro=StructDtype.from_json(structure["micro"]), )
serialization_registry.register( "structured_array_generic", "application/octet-stream", lambda array, metadata: memoryview(numpy.ascontiguousarray(array)), ) serialization_registry.register( "structured_array_tabular", "application/octet-stream", lambda array, metadata: memoryview(numpy.ascontiguousarray(array)), ) if modules_available("orjson"): serialization_registry.register( "structured_array_generic", "application/json", lambda array, metadata: safe_json_dump_array(array), ) serialization_registry.register( "structured_array_tabular", "application/json", lambda array, metadata: safe_json_dump_array(array), )