# Architecture This is an overview of the major components of Tiled. (client-arch)= ## Client Tiled ships with a Python client. This is separable from the rest of the project, and could potentially someday be split off as a separate package. The client enables the user to navigate and access the data in a Tiled server using familiar Python item-lookup and slicing idioms, while it generates HTTP requests to transfer metadata and data. (connection-context-arch)= ### Connection _Context_ When the user connects, a **Context** object is created. The Context is shared by all client-side objects that use this connection. It wraps an [httpx HTTP client][httpx], which in turn wraps an HTTP connection pool and (if applicable) authentication-related state---either an API key or a pair of OAuth2 access and refresh tokens. Further Reading: * [`Context` reference](#context-ref) (client-side-caching-arch)= ### Client-side _Caching_ The Context also may hold an HTTP response **Cache**, similar to a web browser's cache. This is currently not enabled by default because it is experimental. Further Reading: * [Client HTTP Response Cache overview](#client-http-response-cache) * [`Cache` reference](#client-http-response-cache-ref) (server-arch)= ## Server The Tiled HTTP server is built using the framework [FastAPI][], which is built on [Starlette][]. A key feature of FastAPI is auto-generated [OpenAPI][] documentation, which Tiled serves at the `GET /docs` endpoint. FastAPI works with [Pydantic][] to parse and validate requests. (authentication-arch)= ### Authentication Most endpoints require authentication, unless the server is configured to be public. For single-user deployments, a single API key is specified or randomly generated at server startup. For multi-user deployments, an **Authentication Database** (PostgreSQL or SQLite) is used to store session information and to validate API keys. Further Reading: * [Security](#security) * [Login Tutorial](#login-tutorial) * [Authentication Details](#auth-details) * [Tiled Authentication Database](#tiled-authn-database) (accessing-data-and-metadata-arch)= ### Accessing Data and Metadata Endpoints that serve metadata or data resolve the URL path to identify the relevant [**Adapter**](#adapter-arch), which returns the data as a scientific data structure. It may be a "lazy" data structure, representing data that will be loaded later -- on demand and piecemeal. (content-negotiation-and-serializers-arch)= ### Content Negotiation and _Serializers_ The endpoint implements [content negotiation][], comparing the list of requested formats that are accepted by the client to those supported by the server for this particular dataset. It dispatches to a registry of **Serializers**, which convert the data structure into bytes which can be sent in a response by FastAPI. Custom serializers may be registered during server configuration. Further Reading: * [Custom Export Formats](#custom-export-formats) * [Media Type Format Registry reference](#media-type-registry-ref) (compression-arch)= ### Compression On its way, the response may be compressed, again using content negotiation to compare the list of compression schemes supported by the client (if any) to those the server deems appropriate to the dataset. (adapter-arch)= ## Adapter In Tiled, an **Adapter** provides a standard interface to data, regardless of how it is stored. Adapters that wrap different structure have different interfaces. For example, an array adapter implements `read_block` whereas a table adapter implements `read_partition`. But all array adapters are alike, and all table adapters are alike. They enable the server to abstract over the details of _how_ to get the data. Typically Adapters take a filepath or URI and, perhaps, some additional configuration. For development, test, or demonstration purposes, Adapters can wrap in-memory data, such as a numpy array. Several Adapters are included in the Tiled codebase, in the spirit of "batteries included," but Adapters can be defined in external modules, too, and operate on the same footing as the built-in ones. Further Reading: * [Adapters](#adapters-ref) (catalog-arch)= ## Catalog The Catalog is an Adapter that stores the metadata and structure for a potentially large number of datasets in a SQL database (PostgreSQL or SQLite). This enables it to efficiently respond to _metadata_ requests and _search_ requests without opening any data files. Requests for _data_ are then dispatched down to the appropriate [Adapter](#adapter-arch) which can load the data from the given storage medium and format. Not all Tiled servers are configured to use the Catalog: * Demo deployments wrapping a handful of datasets use data Adapters directly, with no need for a database. * Specialized deployments with custom Adapters may use a custom database or external service. But for most standard applications, including serving a directory of files or providing a writable data store, the Catalog is used. See {doc}`catalog` for an explanation of the database. [FastAPI]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/ [httpx]: https://www.python-httpx.org/ [Starlette]: https://www.starlette.io/ [OpenAPI]: https://www.openapis.org/ [Pydantic]: https://docs.pydantic.dev/ [content negotiation]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Content_negotiation