(tiled-authn-database)= # Set up a database for a scaled authenticated deloyment When Tiled is configured to use authentication provider(s), it employs a SQL database to store authenticaiton-related state, such as identities, sessions, and API keys. In single-process deployments, it creates a SQLite database automatically at startup. For scaled deployments, a proper scalable database should be used. Tiled supports any SQL dialect support by [SQLAlchemy](https://www.sqlalchemy.org/), but we recommend PostgreSQL for scaled deployments. ## Create a database and user for tiled Invent a strong password, such as via: openssl rand -hex 32 or python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))" Create a user and a database in PostgreSQL. For example: ``` $ sudo su postgres $ psql postgres=# CREATE USER 'tiled' WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD '...'; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE tiled ENCODING 'utf-8' OWNER tiled; ``` ## Configure and initialize the database Place the database URI in the configuration file, filling in the hostnmae in place of `...` below. Inject the password via an environment variable as shown; do not hard-code it in the configuration file. Be sure to quote the URI. ```yaml database uri: "postgresql://tiled:${TILED_DATABASE_PASSWORD}@.../tiled" ``` Initialize the database. Initialization only has to be done once ever. (If you run this on an existing database Tiled will notice and refuse to initialize it.) ``` $ tiled admin initialize-database postgresql://tiled:${TILED_DATABASE_PASSWORD}@.../tiled ``` The database is ready to use. ## Reference See `database` in {doc}`../reference/service-configuration` for comprehensive documentation of the options for tuning database performance and reliability.