--- orphan: true --- # Client Profiles Reference This is a comprehensive reference. See also {doc}`../how-to/profiles` for a practical guide with examples. A profiles YAML file must contain a mapping with one or more keys. The keys may be any string. The value of each entry is described below. The content below is automatically generated from a schema that is used to validate profiles when they are read. (schema_uri)= ## uri URI of a Tiled server, such as http://localhost:8000 (schema_username)= ## username For authenticated Trees. Optional unless the Tree requires authentication. (schema_auth_provider)= ## auth_provider Authentication provider. If unspecified and there are multiple providers supported by the server, the client will prompt the user to choose one. (schema_headers)= ## headers Extra HTTP headers (schema_direct)= ## direct In-line service configuration. See Service Configuration reference. (schema_structure_clients)= ## structure_clients Client to read structure into. Default ("numpy") uses numpy arrays, pandas DataFrames, and xarrays backed by numpy arrays. ```yaml structure_clients: "numpy" ``` The "dask" option uses the dask-based analogues of these. ```yaml structure_clients: "dask" ``` To use custom clients, map each structure family or spec you want to support to an import path: ```yaml structure_clients: array: "package.module:CustomArrayClient" dataframe: "package.module:CustomDataFrameClient" my_custom_spec: "package.module:CUstomClient" ``` (schema_cache)= ## cache (schema_cache.filepath)= ### cache.filepath Location of cache file on disk. Default location is `$XDG_CACHE_HOME/tiled/http_response_cache.db`. (schema_cache.capacity)= ### cache.capacity Maximum size (in bytes) that the cache may allocate for response bodies. The total size of a cache may be slightly higher. Default is 500 MB. For readability it is recommended to use `_` for thousands separators. Example: ```yaml capacity: 500_000_000 # 500 MB ``` (schema_cache.max_item_size)= ### cache.max_item_size Maximum size (in bytes) of any individual cached response body. This limit is designed to prevent one a couple very large responses from using up the entire capacity. For readability it is recommended to use `_` for thousands separators. Example: ```yaml capacity: 500_000 # 500 kB ``` (schema_cache.readonly)= ### cache.readonly Open the cache in read-only mode. Do not add, remove, or update contents. (schema_timeout)= ## timeout Configure timeouts for the HTTP client. Tiled sets read and write timeouts very high (30 seconds) by default to accommodate pulling ~100 MB chunks over a slow network connection. Units are seconds. For details see https://www.python-httpx.org/advanced/#timeout-configuration (schema_timeout.connection)= ### timeout.connection (schema_timeout.read)= ### timeout.read (schema_timeout.write)= ### timeout.write (schema_timeout.pool)= ### timeout.pool (schema_token_cache)= ## token_cache Filepath to directory of access tokens. Default location is usually suitable. It is in the tokens subdirectory of `TILED_CACHE_DIR`, which is system-dependent and can be inspected at `tiled.client.context.TILED_CACHE_DIR`. (schema_verify)= ## verify Set to False to disable SSL verification.