
REManagerAPI.send_request(*, method, params=None)

Send request to RE Manager and receive the response. The function directly passes the request to low-level Queue Server API (0MQ) or sends formatted request to the server (HTTP). The detailed description of available methods, including names, parameters and returned values, can be found in Queue Server API reference. The function raises RequestTimeoutError` in case of communication timeout. Depending on ``REManagerAPI configuration (request_fail_exceptions parameter), the API raises RequestFailedError if the request is rejected by the Queue Server or returns result to the calling function.

method: str, list or tuple

Name of the API method (e.g. 'status'`, 0MQ and HTTP requests) or a tuple (e.g. ``('GET', '/api/status'), only HTTP requests). Tuple should be used to call custom REST API that are not supported by the library.

params: dict or None, optional

Dictionary of API parameters or None if no parameters are passed.

headers: dict or None, optional

Header data (supported only for HTTP requests). Default: None.

data: dict or None, optional

Form data (supported only for HTTP requests). Default: None.

timeout: float or None, optional

Timeout in seconds (supported only for HTTP requests). If the value is zero or negative, then timeout is diabled. The default timeout is used if the value is None. Default: None.

auto_refresh_session: boolean, optional

Indicates if the session should be automatically refreshed if the token expired (supported only for HTTP requests). The session could be refreshed only if an expired access token and valid refresh token are available. The option to refresh session should be enabled for most API that require authentication. Default: True.


Dictionary with the returned results.


Communication timed out.


Request failed or rejected by the Queue Server (the response contains "success": False).

HTTPRequestError, HTTPClientError, HTTPServerError

Error while processing the request or communicating with the server. Raised only by HTTP requests.


# Synchronous code (0MQ)
from bluesky_queueserver_api.zmq import REManagerAPI
RM = REManagerAPI()
status = RM.send_request(method="status")

# Synchronous code (HTTP)
from bluesky_queueserver_api.http import REManagerAPI
RM = REManagerAPI()
status = RM.send_request(method="status")

# Asynchronous code (0MQ)
from bluesky_queueserver_api.zmq.aio import REManagerAPI
RM = REManagerAPI()
status = await RM.send_request(method="status")
await RM.close()

# Asynchronous code, (HTTP)
from bluesky_queueserver_api.http.aio import REManagerAPI
RM = REManagerAPI()
status = await RM.send_request(method="status")
await RM.close()