
REManagerAPI.status(*, reload=False)

Load status of RE Manager.

reload: boolean

Immediately reload status (True) or return cached status if it is not expired (False). Calling the API with "reload": True always initiates communication with the server. Note, that all API that are expected to change RE Manager status also invalidate local cache, so explicitly reloading status is rarely required.

status: dict

Copy of the dictionary with RE Manager status. See API documentation.

RequestTimeoutError, RequestFailedError, HTTPRequestError, HTTPClientError, HTTPServerError

All exceptions raised by send_request API.


# Synchronous code (0MQ and HTTP)
status = RM.status()
assert status["manager_state"] == "idle"

# Asynchronous code (0MQ and HTTP)
status = await RM.status()
assert status["manager_state"] == "idle"