Command-Line Tools

The CLI tools are installed with the bluesky-queueserver package:


The command starts Run Engine (RE) Manager on the workstation. If no parameters are specified, RE Manager is started in demo mode (built-in startup files with simulated devices and plans will be used). Demo mode is intended for evaluation and testing of Queue Server. The CLI parameters may be used to customize RE Manager and specify the location of beamline startup scripts.

Using a Configuration Files

RM Manager can be customized using a config file (YML). Combining the parameters in a single config file may be more convenient in production deployments. The path to config file is passed to the manager using environment variable QSERVER_CONFIG or using CLI parameter --config. CLI parameters passed to start-re-manager override the parameters set in config file or passed using environment variables.

Location of Startup Code

RE Manager may create RE Worker environments based based on startup code from IPython-style collection of startup scripts, Python script or Python module. The locations of autogenerated existing_plans_and_devices.yaml file (see Updating the List of Existing Plans and Devices and qserver-list-plans-devices) and user_group_permissions.yaml must also be specified. The existing_plans_and_devices.yaml file is optional and could be generated automatically by opening RE Worker environment, but the path to the file pointing to a location in existing directory must be properly specified. Alternatively, the file can be initially generated by qserver_list_plans_devices CLI tool.

IPython-style collection of startup scripts: Use the parameter --startup-dir to specify the directory path to the collection of startup file. Both .yaml files are expected to be located in the startup directory. If the location the .yaml files is different, use the parameters --existing-plans-devices and --user-group-permissions to specify the correct paths.

Ipython profile: If the collection of startup scripts is located in startup directory in one of the IPython profiles, the profile name may be passed to RE Manager using the parameter --startup-profile. This option is implemented for convenience and allows to avoid specifying long path to startup directory.

Python script: Use the parameter --startup-script to specify the path to Python script that contains startup code (.py file). Only the single script will be loaded. The script may contain imports from other scripts or modules. Since there is no obvious location for the .yaml files, the paths to the files must be explicitely specified using parameters --existing-plans-devices and --user-group-permissions.

Python module: Use the parameter --startup-module to specify the name of the installed module that contains startup code. Paths to both .yaml files must be explicitly specified.

Instances of Run Engine and Databroker

By default, RE Manager removes RE and db objects from RE Worker namespace and creates the new instances. In many cases, startup scripts contain the code that creates and configures instances RE and/or db. To disable the default behavior and keep instances of RE and db created in startup scripts, start RE Manager with the parameter --keep-re. RE Worker environment will fail to open if --keep-re is used and startup scripts do not create the instance of RE.

RE Manager supports a number of standard options of subscribing RE to callbacks. All the subscriptions can be performed in startup code, so those options are implemented mostly for convenience. The options work in cases when RE is created in startup script or RE Manager. (Note, that --keep-re must be used to preserve the instance of RE created in the startup script. The parameters supporting the subscription options:

  • --databroker-config subscribes RE to Data Broker with the given configuration name.

  • --zmq-data-proxy-addr address of 0MQ proxy for publishing documents generated by Run Engine.

  • --kafka-server and --kafka-topic for publishing documents generated by Run Engine.

  • --use-persistent-metadata enables msgpack-based persistent storage for scan metadata

Updating the List of Existing Plans and Devices

The --update-existing-plans-devices parameter determines when the lists of existing plans and devices stored in a disk file is updated by Queue Server. See notes on the location of the file with the lists of existing plans and devices in Using a Configuration Files. The lists are loaded from the disk file by RE Manager process at startup and used to generate the initial lists of allowed plans and devices. Those lists are used for validation of submitted plans, allowing user to submit plans to the queue before startup scripts are loaded. The lists are also distributed to clients and used for generating user interfaces. Therefore, it is important to keep the stored lists of existing plans and devices up to date. The parameter allows to select between the following modes for updating the lists:

  • NEVER - Queue Server never overwrites the existing file or create a new file if it is missing. Users need to update the file by manually running qserver-list-plans-devices CLI tool. Opening the RE Worker environment generates the lists of existing plans and devices that could be used during the current session, but it will not be saved to the file. The next time Queue Server is started, the original lists of existing plans and devices is loaded from disk. ‘permissions_reload’ 0MQ API called with parameter restore_plans_devices=True will also reload the original list from disk. Restarting the RE Manager process while the environment is open will not read the list of existing plans and devices from disk. This option may be used in workflows with ‘static’, rarely changed startup scripts where it is preferred that the lists of existing plans and devices is not dynamically changed.

  • ENVIRONMENT_OPEN (default) - Queue Server verifies if the lists of existing plans and devices are out of date each time RE Worker environment is opened and saves the new lists to the file when necessary. This ensures that the next time Queue Server is started, the latest up-to-date version of the lists is loaded. In this mode, it is not necessary to call use qserver-list-plans-devices to generate the lists. Instead it could be left to Queue Server to update the stored lists. Note, that Queue Server will not know about changes to startup code until the operation of opening RE Worker environment is successfully completed. qserver-list-plans-devices may still be useful for debugging the startup code or generating lists of existing plans and devices in cases when starting Queue Server is inconvenient.

  • ALWAYS - Queue Server updates the lists of existing plans and devices stored in file each time plans and devices are added to or removed from to RE namespace. This is option is not fully utilized yet and results in behavior identical to ENVIRONMENT_OPEN.

Console Ouput

RE Manager captures output to stdout and stderr produced by itself and running plans. The output may be printed to terminal and/or published to a 0MQ socket (different socket from the socket used for control communication).

  • --zmq-info-addr allows to set the address for the 0MQ ‘PUB’ socket.

  • Setting --zmq-publish-console ON enables publishing of the collected output to 0MQ socket.

  • Setting --console-output OFF disables printing to terminal.

Encryption for 0MQ Control Communication Channel

If the QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER environment variable contains a string that represents valid private key, the enryption for control channel is enabled. Clients must use correct public key from public/private key pair to communicate with RE Manager. Public/private key pair can be generated using qserver-zmq-keys.

Other Configuration Parameters

  • --zmq-control-addr is the address of 0MQ socket for the server. The server is managed by RE Manager and used to pass control commands from clients.

  • --redis-addr is the address of Redis server used by RE Manager as persistent storage.

  • --verbose, --quiet and --silent options modify logging verbosity level for RE Manager.

start-re-manager -h displays help information:

$ start-re-manager -h
usage: start-re-manager [-h] [--config CONFIG_PATH] [--zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR]
                        [--zmq-addr ZMQ_ADDR] [--startup-profile STARTUP_PROFILE]
                        [--startup-module STARTUP_MODULE | --startup-script STARTUP_SCRIPT |
                         --startup-dir STARTUP_DIR]
                        [--ignore-invalid-plans {ON,OFF}]
                        [--device-max-depth DEVICE_MAX_DEPTH]
                        [--existing-plans-devices EXISTING_PLANS_AND_DEVICES_PATH]
                        [--update-existing-plans-devices {NEVER,ENVIRONMENT_OPEN,ALWAYS}]
                        [--user-group-permissions USER_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_PATH]
                        [--user-group-permissions-reload {NEVER,ON_REQUEST,ON_STARTUP}]
                        [--redis-addr REDIS_ADDR] [--redis-name-prefix REDIS_NAME_PREFIX]
                        [--kafka-topic KAFKA_TOPIC] [--kafka-server KAFKA_SERVER]
                        [--zmq-data-proxy-addr ZMQ_DATA_PROXY_ADDR] [--keep-re]
                        [--use-ipython-kernel {ON,OFF}] [--ipython-dir IPYTHON_DIR]
                        [--ipython-matplotlib IPYTHON_MATPLOTLIB]
                        [--ipython-kernel-ip IPYTHON_KERNEL_IP]
                        [--databroker-config DATABROKER_CONFIG]
                        [--zmq-info-addr ZMQ_INFO_ADDR]
                        [--zmq-publish-console-addr ZMQ_PUBLISH_CONSOLE_ADDR]
                        [--zmq-publish-console {ON,OFF}] [--console-output {ON,OFF}]
                        [--verbose | --quiet | --silent]

Start Run Engine (RE) Manager
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20

Encryption for ZeroMQ communication server may be enabled by setting the value of
'QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER' environment variable to a valid private key
(z85-encoded 40 character string):

    export QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER='<private_key>'

A public/private key pair may be generated by running 'qserver-zmq-keys'. If RE Manager is
configured to use encrypted channel, the encryption must also be enabled at the client side
using the public key from the generated pair. Encryption is disabled by default.

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG_PATH
                    Path to a YML config file or a directory containing multiple config
                    files. The path passed as a parameter overrides the path set using
                    QSERVER_CONFIG environment variable. The config path must point to an
                    existing file or directory (may be empty), otherwise the manager can
                    not be started.
  --zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR
                    The address of ZMQ server (control connection). The parameter
                    overrides the address defined by the environment variable
                    QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER. The default address is used if
                    the parameter or the environment variable is not defined. Address
                    format: 'tcp://*:60615' (default: 'tcp://*:60615').
  --zmq-addr ZMQ_ADDR
                    The parameter is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
                    Use --zmq-control-addr instead.
  --startup-profile STARTUP_PROFILE
                    The name of IPython profile used to find the location of startup
                    files. Example: if IPython is configured to look for profiles in
                    '~/.ipython' directory (default behavior) and the profile name is
                    'testing', then RE Manager will look for startup files in
                    '~/.ipython/profile_testing/startup' directory. If IPython-based
                    worker is used, the code in the startup profile or the default profile
                    is always executed before running a startup module or a script
  --startup-module STARTUP_MODULE
                    The name of the module with startup code. The module is imported each
                    time the RE Worker environment is opened. Example:
                    'some.startup.module'. Paths to the list of existing plans and devices
                    (--existing-plans-and-devices) and user group permissions (--user-
                    group-permissions) must be explicitly specified if this option is
  --startup-script STARTUP_SCRIPT
                    The path to the script with startup code. The script is loaded each
                    time the RE Worker environment is opened. Example:
                    '~/startup/scripts/'. Paths to the list of existing plans
                    and devices (--existing-plans-and-devices) and user group permissions
                    (--user-group-permissions) must be explicitly specified if this option
                    is used.
  --startup-dir STARTUP_DIR
                    Path to directory that contains a set of startup files (*.py and
                    *.ipy). All the scripts in the directory will be sorted in
                    alphabetical order of their names and loaded in the Run Engine Worker
                    environment. The set of startup files may be located in any accessible
                    directory. The value is ignored if --startup-profile is specified.
  --ignore-invalid-plans {ON,OFF}
                    Ignore plans with unsupported signatures When loading startup code or
                    executing scripts. The default behavior is to raise an exception. If
                    the parameter is set, the message is printed for each invalid plan and
                    only plans that were processed correctly are included in the list of
                    existing plans (default: OFF).
  --device-max-depth DEVICE_MAX_DEPTH
                    Default maximum depth for devices included in the list of existing
                    devices: 0 - unlimited depth (full tree of subdevices is included for
                    all devices except areadetectors), 1 - only top level devices are
                    included, 2 - top level devices and subdevices are included, etc.
                    (default: 0).
  --existing-plans-devices EXISTING_PLANS_AND_DEVICES_PATH
                    Path to file that contains the list of existing plans and devices. The
                    path may be a relative path to the profile collection directory. If
                    the path is directory, then the default file name
                    'existing_plans_and_devices.yaml' is used.
  --update-existing-plans-devices {NEVER,ENVIRONMENT_OPEN,ALWAYS}
                    Select when the list of existing plans and devices stored on disk
                    should be updated. The available choices are not to update the stored
                    lists (NEVER), update the lists when the environment is opened
                    (ENVIRONMENT_OPEN) or update the lists each the lists are changed
                    (ALWAYS) (default: ENVIRONMENT_OPEN)
  --user-group-permissions USER_GROUP_PERMISSIONS_PATH
                    Path to file that contains lists of plans and devices available to
                    users. The path may be a relative path to the profile collection
                    directory. If the path is a directory, then the default file name
                    'user_group_permissions.yaml' is used.
  --user-group-permissions-reload {NEVER,ON_REQUEST,ON_STARTUP}
                    Select when user group permissions are reloaded from disk. Options:
                    'NEVER' - RE Manager never attempts to load permissions from disk
                    file. If permissions fail to load from Redis, they are loaded from
                    disk at the first startup of RE Manager or on request. 'ON_REQUEST' -
                    permissions are loaded from disk file when requested by
                    'permission_reload' API call. 'ON_STARTUP' - permissions are loaded
                    from disk each time RE Manager is started or when 'permission_reload'
                    API request is received (default: ON_STARTUP)
  --redis-addr REDIS_ADDR
                    The address of Redis server, e.g. 'localhost', '',
                    'localhost:6379' (default: localhost).
  --redis-name-prefix REDIS_NAME_PREFIX
                    The prefix for the names of Redis keys used by RE Manager (default:
  --kafka-topic KAFKA_TOPIC
                    The kafka topic to publish to.
  --kafka-server KAFKA_SERVER
                    Bootstrap server to connect (default:
  --zmq-data-proxy-addr ZMQ_DATA_PROXY_ADDR
                    The address of ZMQ proxy used to publish data. If the parameter is
                    specified, RE is subscribed to 'bluesky.callbacks.zmq.Publisher' and
                    documents are published via 0MQ proxy. 0MQ Proxy (see Bluesky 0MQ
                    documentation) should be started before plans are executed. The
                    address should be in the form '' or 'localhost:5567'.
                    The address is passed to 'bluesky.callbacks.zmq.Publisher'. It is
                    recommended to use Kafka instead of 0MQ proxy in production data
                    acquisition systems and use Kafka instead.
  --keep-re         Keep RE created in profile collection. If the flag is set, RE must be
                    created in the profile collection for the plans to run. RE will also
                    keep all its subscriptions. Also must be subscribed to the Data Broker
                    inside the profile collection, since '--databroker-config' argument is
  --use-ipython-kernel {ON,OFF}
                    Run the Run Engine worker in IPython kernel (default: OFF).
  --ipython-dir IPYTHON_DIR
                    The path to IPython root directory, which contains profiles. Overrides
                    IPYTHONDIR environment variable. The parameter is ignored if IPython
                    kernel is not used.
  --ipython-matplotlib IPYTHON_MATPLOTLIB
                    Default Matplotlib backend, typically 'qt5'. The parameter have the
                    same meaning and accepts the same values as --matplotlib parameter of
                    IPython. The value is passed directly to IPython kernel. The parameter
                    is ignored if the worker is running pure Python (--use-ipython-kernel
                    is OFF).
  --ipython-kernel-ip IPYTHON_KERNEL_IP
                    IP address for IPython kernel. The IP is passed to the IPython kernel
                    at startup and returned to clients as part of kernel connection info
                    ('config_get' API). Accepted values are 'localhost' (sets IP to
                    ''), 'auto' (attempts to automatically find network IP
                    address of the server), or an explicitly specified IP address of the
                    server. If the IP address is 'localhost' or '', the kernel
                    can not be accessed from remote machines. The parameter is ignored if
                    worker is not using IPython. Default: localhost.
                    Use msgpack-based persistent storage for scan metadata. Currently this
                    is the preferred method to keep continuously incremented sequence of
                    Run IDs between restarts of RE.
  --databroker-config DATABROKER_CONFIG
                    Name of the Data Broker configuration file.

Configure console output:
  The arguments allow to configure printing and publishing of the console output
  generated by RE Manager. The arguments allow to set the address of 0MQ socket
  and enable/disable printing and/or publishing of the console output.

  --zmq-info-addr ZMQ_INFO_ADDR
                    The address of ZMQ server socket used for publishing information on
                    the state of RE Manager and currently running processes. Currently
                    only the captured STDOUT and STDERR published in 'QS_Console' topic.
                    The parameter overrides the address defined by the environment
                    variable 'QSERVER_ZMQ_INFO_ADDRESS_FOR_SERVER'. The default address is
                    used if the parameter or the environment variable is not defined.
                    Address format: 'tcp://*:60625' (default: tcp://*:60625).
  --zmq-publish-console-addr ZMQ_PUBLISH_CONSOLE_ADDR
                    The parameter is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
                    Use --zmq-info-addr instead.
  --zmq-publish-console {ON,OFF}
                    Enable (ON) or disable (OFF) publishing of console output to 0MQ
                    (default: OFF).
  --console-output {ON,OFF}
                    Enable (ON) or disable (OFF) printing of console output in the Re
                    Manager terminal. (default: ON)

Logging verbosity settings:
  The default logging settings (loglevel=INFO) provide optimal amount of data to monitor
  the operation of RE Manager. Select '--verbose' option to see detailed data on received and
  sent messages, added and executed plans, etc. Use options '--quiet' and '--silent'
  to see only warnings and error messages or disable logging output.

  --verbose         Set logger level to DEBUG.
  --quiet           Set logger level to WARNING.
  --silent          Disables logging output.


qserver CLI tool allows to communicate with the server by typing commands in command line. The tool is primarily intended for testing or diagnostics of Queue Server and emergency use in production. The tool supports most of the Queue Server 0MQ API including submitting plans, opening and closing of RE Worker environment, starting and stopping the queue, etc. Refer to qserver help for the full list of supported commands.

If RE Manager 0MQ address is different from the default, use the optional --zmq-control-addr parameter or QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS to pass the address to qserver. If encryption is enabled at RE Manager, set the environment variable QSERVER_ZMQ_PUBLIC_KEY to a string representing valid public address of the 0MQ server. Use qserver-zmq-keys tool to generate a new public/private key pair or generate public key from known server private key.

qserver may used in monitoring mode (qserver monitor). In this mode the tool periodically requests and displays the status of Queue Server.

qserver -h displays help information:

$ qserver -h
usage: qserver [-h] [--zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR] [--address ADDRESS]
              [--lock-key LOCK_KEY]
              command [command ...]

Command-line tool for communicating with RE Monitor.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20.

positional arguments:
  command           a sequence of keywords and parameters that define the command

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR, -a ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR
                    Address of the control socket of RE Manager. The parameter overrides
                    the address set using the environment variable
                    QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS. The default value is used if the address
                    is not set using the parameter or the environment variable. Address
                    format: 'tcp://' (default: 'tcp://localhost:60615').
  --address ADDRESS
                    The parameter is deprecated and will be removed. Use --zmq-control-
                    addr instead.
  --lock-key LOCK_KEY, -k LOCK_KEY
                    Lock key. The key is an arbitrary string is used to lock and unlock RE
                    Manager ('lock' and 'unlock' API) and control the manager when the
                    environment or the queue is locked.

If RE Manager is configured to use encrypted ZeroMQ communication channel,
the encryption must also be enabled before running 'qserver' CLI tool by setting
the environment variable QSERVER_ZMQ_PUBLIC_KEY to the value of a valid public key
(z85-encoded 40 character string):

    export QSERVER_ZMQ_PUBLIC_KEY='<public_key>'

Encryption is disabled by default.

Examples of CLI commands
qserver -h       # Display help
qserver monitor  # Start 'qserver' in monitoring mode

qserver ping     # Send 'ping' request to RE Manager via ZMQ
qserver status   # Request status of RE Manager

qserver config   # Get RE Manager config

qserver environment open         # Open RE environment
qserver environment close        # Close RE environment
qserver environment destroy      # Destroy RE environment (kill RE worker process)

qserver environment update             # Update the worker state based on contents of worker namespace
qserver environment update background  # Update the worker state as a background task

qserver existing plans           # Request the list of existing plans
qserver existing devices         # Request the list of existing devices
qserver allowed plans            # Request the list of allowed plans
qserver allowed devices          # Request the list of allowed devices
qserver permissions reload       # Reload user permissions and generate lists of allowed plans and devices.
qserver permissions reload lists # Same, but reload lists of existing plans and devices from disk.

qserver permissions set <path-to-file>  # Set user group permissions (from .yaml file)
qserver permissions get                 # Get current user group permissions

qserver queue add plan '<plan-params>'                 # Add plan to the back of the queue
qserver queue add instruction <instruction>            # Add instruction to the back of the queue
qserver queue add plan front '<plan-params>'           # Add plan to the front of the queue
qserver queue add plan back '<plan-params>'            # Add plan to the back of the queue
qserver queue add plan 2 '<plan-params>'               # Insert plan at position 2
qserver queue add instruction 2 <instruction>          # Insert instruction at position 2
qserver queue add plan -1 '<plan-params>'              # Insert plan at position -1
qserver queue add plan before '<uid>' '<plan-params>'  # Insert the plan before the plan with given UID
qserver queue add plan after '<uid>' '<plan-params>'   # Insert the plan after the plan with given UID
NOTE: Position indices are 0-based. Inserting a plan to position 0 pushes it to the front of the queue.
      Negative position indices are counted from the back of the queue. Request for a plan with index -1
      returns the last plan of the queue. Inserting a plan at position -1 makes it previous to last.

qserver queue update plan <uid> '<plan-params>'         #  Update item with <uid> with a plan
qserver queue replace plan <uid> '<plan-params>'        #  Replace item with <uid> with a plan
qserver queue update instruction <uid> '<instruction>'  #  Update item with <uid> with an instruction
qserver queue replace instruction <uid> '<instruction>' #  Replace item with <uid> with an instruction

qserver queue execute plan '<plan-params>'              # Immediately execute the plan
qserver queue execute instruction <instruction>         # Immediately execute an instruction

Example of JSON specification of a plan:
    '{"name": "count", "args": [["det1", "det2"]], "kwargs": {"num": 10, "delay": 1}}'

Supported queue instructions:
    queue-stop  # stops execution of the queue

qserver queue get    # Request the list of items (plans or instructions) in the queue
qserver queue clear  # Clear the queue (remove all plans from the queue)

qserver queue item get           # Request the last item in the queue
qserver queue item get back      # Request the last item in the queue
qserver queue item get front     # Request the first item in the queue
qserver queue item get 2         # Request the item at position 2
qserver queue item get '<uid>'   # Request the item with given Item UID

qserver queue item remove          # Remove the last item from the queue
qserver queue item remove back     # Remove the last item from the queue
qserver queue item remove front    # Remove the first item from the queue
qserver queue item remove 2        # Remove the item at position 2
qserver queue item remove '<uid>'  # Remove the item with the given UID

qserver queue item move 2 5                             # Move item from position 2 to position 5 of the queue
qserver queue item move back front                      # Move item from the back to the front of the queue
qserver queue item move front -2                        # Move item from the front of the queue to position -2
qserver queue item move '<uid-src>' 5                   # Move item with UID <uid-src> to position 5
qserver queue item move 2 before '<uid-dest>'           # Place item at position 2 before an item with <uid-dest>
qserver queue item move 2 after '<uid-dest>'            # Place item at position 2 after an item with <uid-dest>
qserver queue item move '<uid-src>' before '<uid-dest>' # Place item with <uid-src> before item with <uid-dest>

qserver queue start        # Start execution of the queue
qserver queue stop         # Request execition of the queue to stop after current plan
qserver queue stop cancel  # Cancel request to stop execution of the queue

# Enable and disable autostart
qserver queue autostart enable
qserver queue autostart disable

# Change the queue mode. Enable/disable LOOP and IGNORE_FAILURES modes:
qserver queue mode set loop True
qserver queue mode set loop False
qserver queue mode set ignore_failures True
qserver queue mode set ignore_failures False

# The following requests are forwarded to the Run Engine:
qserver re pause           # Request to PAUSE currently executed plan at the next checkpoint
qserver re pause deferred  # Request to PAUSE currently executed plan at the next checkpoint
qserver re pause immediate # Request to immediately PAUSE currently executed plan
qserver re resume          # RESUME execution of a paused plan
qserver re stop            # STOP execution of a paused plan
qserver re abort           # ABORT execution of a paused plan
qserver re halt            # HALT execution of a paused plan

qserver re runs            # Get the list of active runs (runs generated by the currently running plans)
qserver re runs active     # Get the list of active runs
qserver re runs open       # Get the list of open runs (subset of active runs)
qserver re runs closed     # Get the list of closed runs (subset of active runs)

qserver history get        # Request plan history
qserver history clear      # Clear plan history

qserver function execute <function-params>             # Start execution of a function
qserver function execute <function-params> background  # ... in the background thread

Example of JSON specification of a function ("args" and "kwargs" are optional):
    '{"name": "function_sleep", "args": [20], "kwargs": {}}'

qserver script upload <path-to-file>              # Upload a script to RE Worker environment
qserver script upload <path-to-file> background   # ... in the background
qserver script upload <path-to-file> update-re    # ... allow 'RE' and 'db' to be updated
qserver script upload <path-to-file> keep-lists   # ... leave lists of allowed and existing plans and devices
                                                  #   unchanged (saves processing time)

qserver task result <task-uid>  # Load status or result of a task with the given UID
qserver task status <task-uid>  # Check status of a task with the given UID

qserver kernel interrupt            # Send interrupt (Ctrl-C) to IPython kernel
qserver kernel interrupt task       # ... if the manager is executing a task
qserver kernel interrupt plan       # ... if the manager is executing a plan
qserver kernel interrupt task plan  # ... if the manager is executing a plan or a task

qserver lock environment  -k 90g94                   # Lock the environment
qserver lock environment "Locked for 1 hr" -k 90g94  # Add a text note
qserver lock queue -k 90g94                          # Lock the queue
qserver lock all -k 90g94                            # Lock environment and the queue

qserver lock info                        # Load lock status
qserver lock info -k 90g94               # Load lock status and validate the key

qserver unlock -k 90g94                  # Unlock RE Manager

qserver manager stop           # Safely exit RE Manager application
qserver manager stop safe on   # Safely exit RE Manager application
qserver manager stop safe off  # Force RE Manager application to stop
NOTE: Exit with 'safe on' option will succeed only if RE Manager is in IDLE state (queue is not running).
If called with 'safe off' option, the request will force RE Manager to terminate RE Worker process and
exit even if a plan is running.

qserver manager kill test  # Kills RE Manager by stopping asyncio event loop. Used only for testing.


qserver-list-plans-devices loads the startup code and generates the lists of existing plans and devices. The tool may be used for the following purposes:

  • Validation of startup code. If startup code is successfully loaded by qserver-list-plans-devices it is very likely that it will be successfully loaded into the RE Worker environment.

  • Generation of the list of existing plans and devices (existing_plans_and_devices.yaml). Queue Server may be configured to automatically generate or update the file (see Updating the List of Existing Plans and Devices), but sometimes it may be more convenient to do it manually or as part of the installation script.

The lists of existing plans and devices must be updated each time new devices or plans are added to or removed from the startup code or signatures of the existing plans are modified (e.g. a parameter is added or removed, type annotation or text description is changed etc.), since those changes may affect other functionality such as plan validation or lists of allowed plans and devices distributed to clients.

The default name for the output file is existing_plans_and_devices.yaml. The file is always saved to the current directory unless a different path is specified using the --file-dir parameter. If the output file must have name different from the default, the new name can be specified using the --file-name parameter.

The tool may load startup code from IPython startup script collection, Python script or Python module. Use --startup-dir, --startup-script and --startup-module parameters to specify the path to the directory with startup files, the path to a startup script or module name respectively.

qserver-list-plans-devices -h displays help information:

$ qserver-list-plans-devices -h
usage: qserver-list-plans-devices [-h] [--file-dir FILE_DIR] [--file-name FILE_NAME]
                                  [--startup-profile STARTUP_PROFILE]
                                  [--startup-dir STARTUP_DIR | --startup-module STARTUP_MODULE_NAME |
                                  --startup-script STARTUP_SCRIPT_PATH]
                                  [--ipython-dir IPYTHON_DIR]
                                  [--use-ipython-kernel {ON,OFF}]
                                  [--ignore-invalid-plans {ON,OFF}]
                                  [--device-max-depth DEVICE_MAX_DEPTH]

CLI tool for generating the list of plans and devices from beamline startup scripts.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --file-dir FILE_DIR
                    Directory name where the list of plans and devices is saved. By
                    default, the list is saved to the file
                    'existing_plans_and_devices.yaml' in the current directory.
  --file-name FILE_NAME
                    Name of the file where the list of plans and devices is saved. Default
                    file name: 'existing_plans_and_devices.yaml'.
  --startup-profile STARTUP_PROFILE
                    The name of IPython profile used to find the location of startup
                    files. Example: if IPython is configured to look for profiles in
                    '~/.ipython' directory (default behavior) and the profile name is
                    'testing', then RE Manager will look for startup files in
                    '~/.ipython/profile_testing/startup' directory. If IPython-based
                    worker is used, the code in the startup profile or the default profile
                    is always executed before running a startup module or a script
  --startup-dir STARTUP_DIR
                    Path to directory that contains a set of startup files (*.py and
                    *.ipy). All the scripts in the directory will be sorted in
                    alphabetical order of their names and loaded in the Run Engine Worker
                    environment. The set of startup files may be located in any accessible
                    directory. For example, 'qserver-list-plans-devices --startup-dir .'
                    loads startup files from the current directory and saves the lists to
                    the file in current directory.
  --startup-module STARTUP_MODULE_NAME
                    The name of the module that contains the startup code. The module must
                    be installed in the current environment For example, 'qserver-list-
                    plans-devices --startup-module some.startup.module' loads startup code
                    from the module 'some.startup.module' and saves results to the file in
                    the current directory.
  --startup-script STARTUP_SCRIPT_PATH
                    The path to the script with startup code. For example, 'qserver-list-
                    plans-devices --startup-script ~/startup/scripts/' loads
                    startup code from the script and saves the results to the file in the
                    current directory.
  --ipython-dir IPYTHON_DIR
                    The path to IPython root directory, which contains profiles. Overrides
                    IPYTHONDIR environment variable.
  --use-ipython-kernel {ON,OFF}
                    Run the Run Engine worker in IPython kernel (default: OFF).
  --ignore-invalid-plans {ON,OFF}
                    Ignore plans with unsupported signatures When loading startup code or
                    executing scripts. The default behavior is to raise an exception. If
                    the parameter is set, the message is printed for each invalid plan and
                    only plans that were processed correctly are included in the list of
                    existing plans (default: OFF).
  --device-max-depth DEVICE_MAX_DEPTH
                    Default maximum depth for devices included in the list of existing
                    devices: 0 - unlimited depth (full tree of subdevices is included for
                    all devices except areadetectors), 1 - only top level devices are
                    included, 2 - top level devices and subdevices are included, etc.
                    (default: 0).


Use this tool to generate random public-private key pairs for securing 0MQ control communication channel used by RE Manager:

  • private key - set as a value of QSERVER_ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_SERVER environment variable at workstation or server running RE Manager

  • public key - set as a value of QSERVER_ZMQ_PUBLIC_KEY environment variable at the workstation(s) running the client application(s).

If server private key is know, the public key may be generated by passing the private key to qserver-zmq-keys using --zmq-private_key.

qserver-zmq-keys -h displays help information:

$ qserver-zmq-keys -h
usage: qserver-zmq-keys [-h] [--zmq-private-key ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY]

ZMQ security: Generate public-private key pair for ZeroMQ control communication channel.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20.

Generate new public-private key pair for secured 0MQ control connection between
RE Manager and client applications. If private key is passed as ``--zmq-private-key``
parameter, then the generated key pair is based on the provided private key.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --zmq-private-key ZMQ_PRIVATE_KEY
                    Private key used by RE Manager. If the private key is provided, then
                    the public key is generated based on the private key. This option
                    allows to create (recover) public key based on known private key. The
                    passed value should be 40 character string containing z85 encrypted


qserver-console-monitor is a simple application that subscribes to the console output (stdout and stderr) published by RE Manager via 0MQ and prints the received messages to terminal (to stdout). The console output printed by the monitor is expected to be identical to the output printed in RE Manager terminal. The monitor may be run on the same workstation as RE Manager or any computer, which can access the workstation running RE Manager over the network. If the address of the 0MQ socket is different from default, it can be passed to the monitor application as a parameter (--zmq-info-addr). RE Manager does not publishing the console output to 0MQ socket by default. Publishing can be enabled by starting RE Manager with the parameter --zmq-publish-console:

start-re-manager --zmq-publish-console ON

(see Console Ouput).

qserver-console-monitor -h displays help information:

$ qserver-console-monitor -h
usage: qserver-console-monitor [-h] [--zmq-info-addr ZMQ_INFO_ADDR]
                              [--zmq-subscribe-addr ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE_ADDR]

Queue Server Console Monitor:
CLI tool for remote monitoring of console output published by RE Manager.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --zmq-info-addr ZMQ_INFO_ADDR
                    The address of RE Manager socket used for publishing console output.
                    The parameter overrides the address set using QSERVER_ZMQ_INFO_ADDRESS
                    environment variable. The default value is used if the address is not
                    set using the parameter or the environment variable. Address format:
                    'tcp://' (default: tcp://localhost:60625).
  --zmq-subscribe-addr ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE_ADDR
                    The parameter is deprecated and will be removed. Use --zmq-info-addr


qserver-clear-lock allows to clear RE Manager lock stored in Redis. The manager lock is not cleared by restarting the manager: it must be explicitly cleared using a valid lock key (used to lock the manager) or an emergency lock key (optional). If the key is lost and the emergency lock key is not set or known, then the lock could be cleared by running qserver-clear-lock and restarting RE Manager application or service. The utility needs access to Redis server used by RE Manager. If Redis address is different from default, the correct address must be passed using the parameter --redis-addr.

$ qserver-clear-lock -h
usage: qserver-clear-lock [-h] [--redis-addr REDIS_ADDR]
                               [--redis-name-prefix REDIS_NAME_PREFIX]

Bluesky-QServer: Clear RE Manager lock.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20.

Recover locked RE Manager if the lock key is lost. The utility requires access to Redis
used by RE Manager. Provide the address of Redis service using '--redis-addr' parameter.
Restart the RE Manager service after clearing the lock.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --redis-addr REDIS_ADDR
                    The address of Redis server, e.g. 'localhost', '',
                    'localhost:6379' (default: localhost).
  --redis-name-prefix REDIS_NAME_PREFIX
                    The prefix for the names of Redis keys used by RE Manager (default:


Starts Jupyter Console connected to IPython kernel running in the worker process. RE Manager must be started with enabled --use-ipython-kernel option (using CLI parameter, config file parameter or the environment variable). The console can not be started if the worker environment is closed and the kernel is not running. Use Ctrl-D to exit the console. Typing quit or exit in the console will close the worker environment.

$ qserver-console -h
usage: qserver-console [-h] [--zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR]

Bluesky-QServer: Start Jupyter console for IPython kernel running in the worker process.
bluesky-queueserver version 0.0.20.

Requests IPython kernel connection info from RE Manager and starts Jupyter Console. The RE Worker
must be running (environment opened) and using IPython kernel. The address of 0MQ control port of
RE Manager can be passed as a parameter or an environment variable. If encryption of the control
channel is enabled, the public key can be passed by setting QSERVER_ZMQ_PUBLIC_KEY environment
variable. Use 'Ctrl-D' to exit the console. Typing 'quit' or 'exit' in the console will close
the worker environment.

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --zmq-control-addr ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR, -a ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDR
                    Address of the control socket of RE Manager. The parameter overrides
                    the address set using the environment variable
                    QSERVER_ZMQ_CONTROL_ADDRESS. The default value is used if the address
                    is not set using the parameter or the environment variable. Address
                    format: 'tcp://' (default: 'tcp://localhost:60615').


Starts Jupyter Qt Console connected to the IPython kernel running in the worker process. Jupyter Qt Console is extended Qt-based version of Jupyter Console. The command behaves similarly to qserver-console.