Using the Queue Server¶
Starting and Stopping Run Engine Manager¶
The core component of the Queue Server is the Run Engine manager, which could be started as an application or a service. Running RE Manager as an application is easy and recommended for evaluation, testing and demos. Production systems more likely to run RE Manager as a service.
Running RE Manager as an Application¶
Starting RE Manager as an application is demonstrated in tutorials Starting the Queue Server and
Starting the Queue Server and includes activating the Conda environment with installed Queue Server
and running start-re-manager with appropriate set of parameters. Activating some options may also
require environment variables to be set before start-re-manager
is started.
RE Manager is started with the default set of options by typing
$ start-re-manager
in the command prompt. The default options are sufficient for most demos, which are based on the simulated
startup code distributed with the package. If a demo involves remote monitoring of console output,
then activate publishing of console output to 0MQ socket by using --zmq-publish-console
$ start-re-manager --zmq-publish-console ON
The manager could be configured to load custom startup code by setting the path to the directory with code files:
$ start-re-manager --zmq-publish-console ON --startup-dir <path-to-directory-with-files>
RE Manager automaticaly creates instances of Bluesky Run Engine (RE
) and Data Broker (db
Production scripts typically create custom instances RE
and db
. In this case, RE Manager
must be called with the option --keep-re
to prevent RE Manager from overriding RE
and db
$ start-re-manager --zmq-publish-console ON --startup-dir <path-to-directory-with-files> --keep-re
This is the minimum configuration of RE Manager sufficient for practical use of Queue Server for experimental control. Configuring RE Manager for a production system may require additiona settings. See start-re-manager for detailed description of parameters.
Run Engine manager running as an application may be closed by pressing Ctrl-C in the terminal.
Running RE Manager as a Service¶
The following example demonstrates how to start RE Manager as a user service, which does not
require root access. The manager is started in the most basic configuration. Change the configuration
by setting by setting environment variables and additional parameters of start-re-manager
as needed.
Setting up the service requires two files: service configuration file and the script that starts
RE Manager. Replace <user-name>
in file paths and the script files with the correct user name.
It is also assumed that the Queue Server is installed in bs-qserver environment using miniconda3.
Modify the scripts and paths to reflect the system configuration.
Service configuration file:
# File: /home/<user-name>/.config/systemd/user/queue-server.service
Description=Bluesky Queue Server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash /home/<user-name>/
The script for starting RE Manager:
# File: /home/<user-name>/
source "/home/dgavrilov/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/"
conda activate bs-qserver
start-re-manager --zmq-publish-console ON --console-output OFF
Starting the service:
`$ systemctl --user start queue-server
Checking the status of the service:
`$ systemctl --user status queue-server
Stopping the service:
`$ systemctl --user stop queue-server
The Run Manager is configured not to print any console output, but instead to publish console output to 0MQ socket. See the section Remote Monitoring of Console Output and the tutorial Remote Monitoring of RE Manager Console Output for the instructions on how to view the console output remotely. The illustrated procedure can be modified to satisfy practical operational needs.
Closing RE Manager using API¶
RE Manager can be stopped programmatically by sending ‘manager_stop’ API request. The API parameter allows to select whether the operation is performed in safe mode (API request is rejected if RE Manager is not idle) or to disable safe mode (RE Manager is closed even if it is performing an operation, e.g. a plan is running). The API is mostly intended for automated system testing and should not be exposed to general users through client applications.
Monitoring of Status of RE Manager¶
Status of RE Manager may be loaded at any time using ‘status’ API. The API returns a dictionary with status parameters:
{'devices_allowed_uid': '0639bc7a-15c1-4bc2-bfeb-41f58a08a8b9',
'devices_existing_uid': '2fe9df70-5f0f-4c17-bb7b-cda8a0aa80b0',
'items_in_history': 0,
'items_in_queue': 0,
'lock': {'environment': False, 'queue': False},
'lock_info_uid': '2b438226-f715-4ed3-a057-400a42717bb0',
'manager_state': 'idle',
'msg': 'RE Manager v0.0.16.post28.dev0+ge2491ae',
'pause_pending': False,
'plan_history_uid': '5894c896-b2ea-42c1-9dd0-f4faaa52cb39',
'plan_queue_mode': {'loop': False},
'plan_queue_uid': '5589b7ac-01b9-4f51-a7f2-8e883c352053',
'plans_allowed_uid': '835a998a-e01e-439f-bb3a-b65817904f7a',
'plans_existing_uid': '609ec025-2552-4e06-aa54-5e9ae7b7ed2c',
'queue_stop_pending': False,
're_state': 'idle',
'run_list_uid': '0b088775-1cc3-46de-9563-b83e04c0e243',
'running_item_uid': None,
'task_results_uid': '846b6dd3-d9c2-4a12-bd03-b82580b8f742',
'worker_background_tasks': 0,
'worker_environment_exists': True,
'worker_environment_state': 'idle'}
The parameter msg contains the version information on currently running RE Manager. The states
of RE Manager and Run Engine are returned using parameters manager_state and re_state.
The latter represents true state of Run Engine that is is propagated from RE Worker environment
(there could be some short delay before the state is updated). The boolean parameter
worker_environment_exists is True
if the environment is opened and False
Parameters with names ending with ‘_uid’ (such as plan_queue_uid) contain UIDs of the respective objects that are changed each time the objects are updated. For example, plan_queue_uid is changed each time the queue is updated either in response to API request from a client or due to internal processes. Tracking changes in UIDs and downloading the respective objects only when the UIDs change is more efficient than continuously polling the objects themselves.
See documentation on ‘status’ API for detailed description of the status parameters.
Opening and Closing RE Worker Environment¶
The RE Worker environment must be opened before starting the queue, executing plans, functions or uploading script. The operation of opening the environment consists of creating a separate process (Worker process) and loading startup code. Once startup code is loaded, RE Manager updates the lists of existing and allowed devices and plans based on the contents of the Worker namespace. The process of opening the environment is initiated by sending ‘environment_open’ API request and if the request is accepted, then waiting for the process to complete.
The contents of the environment may be changed remotely by uploading and executing scripts using ‘script_upload’ API, which allows to add, remove or modify objects in the worker namespace. The changes introduced by uploaded scripts are lost once the environment is closed.
Similarly to opening the environment, the operation of closing or destroying the environment is initiated by sending ‘environment_close’ or ‘environment_destroy’ API requests and waiting for operation to complete. The ‘environment_close’ API is intended for use during normal operation. The environment can be closed only if RE Manager is idle, i.e. no plans or tasks are currently executed. The operation of destroying the environment allows to recover RE Manager in case the environment is stuck (e.g. executing an infinite loop) by killing the worker process. The operation is unsafe and should be used only as a last resort.
See the tutorial Opening and Closing RE Worker Environment.
Managing the Plan Queue¶
RE Manager supports operations on the queue allowing clients to add, move, remove and replace queue items. All queue operations may be executed at any time. The contents of the queue may be loaded using ‘queue_get’ API, which returns the list queue items (items) and the currently running item (running_item) if the queue is running. The running item is not considered part of the queue and can not be used in most of the queue operations.
The queue supports two types of items: plans (Bluesky plans executed in the worker environment)
and instructions. The instructions are used to control the queue. Currently only one instruction
) instruction is supported.
The operations of adding (‘queue_item_add’), moving (‘queue_item_move’) and removing (‘queue_item_remove’) items have batch equivalents ‘queue_item_add_batch’, ‘queue_item_move_batch’ and ‘queue_item_remove_batch’. The batch operations accept lists of items instead of single items and guaranteed to perform atomic operations on the queue.
Queue operations allow multiple modes of addressing queue items. Items may be addressed using item position
(parameter pos
), which could be positive or negative index of the item or a string literal ('front'
or 'back'
). While using pos='front'
or pos='back'
to insert or move items to the front or back of
the queue is guaranteed to produce the expected result, using indexes is reliable only if the queue is not
running (negative indexes should work reliably if the queue is running) and no other clients are in
the process of modifying the queue. Another mode of addressing is using item UID to uniquiely identify
the queue items. Queue operations allow to select items by UID and insert items before or after items with
a given UID (parameters uid
, before_uid
and after_uid
). Batch operations accept lists of
item UIDs (parameter uids
) to select and possibly reorder lists of existing items.
The queue may be cleared at any time using ‘queue_clear’ API. If the queue is running, clearing the queue does not affect currently running item or the state of the queue: if no new items are added by the time the currently running plan is completed, then the queue is automatically stopped.
See the full list of API in Supported Methods For ZMQ Communication API and tutorial Adding Items to Queue.
Managing the Plan History¶
Plan history contains a list of completed plans along with the results of execution (start and stop time, completion status, error message and traceback in case of failure). The plan history may be loaded using ‘history_get’ API and cleared using ‘history_clear’ API. Plan history is not designed to grow indefinitely and should be periodically cleared in order to avoid performance issues.
Controlling Execution of the Queue and the Plans¶
The plan queue can be started using ‘queue_start’ if RE Worker environment is open, otherwise the API request fails. The queue stops automatically once it runs out of plans. Users may request RE Manager to stop the queue by sending ‘queue_stop’ API request. Once RE Manager receives the request, it waits until the currently executed plan is completed and then stops the queue. The pending request to stop the queue is reflected in RE Manager status (queue_stop_pending) and may be cancelled at any time while the queue is still running by sending ‘queue_stop_cancel’ request.
The alternative way to stop the queue is to add 'queue_stop'
instruction to the desired position in
the queue. RE Manager pops the instruction from the queue and stops the execution. The queue execution may
be resumed at any time starting from the following item.
Execution of the currently running plan can be interrupted using ‘re_pause’ API request. The API allows to request deferred (the plan runs until the next checkpoint) or immediate pause. See Interruptions sections of Bluesky documentation for more details. The paused plan may be resumed, stopped, aborted or halted. Note, that stopped plan is considered successfully completed, while aborted and halted plans are considered failed.
Interrupting the current plan allows to stop the queue immediately: the plan may be paused by sending ‘re_pause’ API request (this will pause the execution of the plan, which may be sufficient to resolve some technical difficulties) and then stop using ‘re_stop’ or abort using ‘re_abort’ API (the latter API pushes the plan to the top of the queue).
The queue can operate with enabled/disabled LOOP mode (see ‘queue_mode_set’). If the LOOP mode is disabled (normal mode), the items are popped from the front of the queue and executed by in the Worker (plans) or the manager (instructions). The successfully completed plans (including stopped plans) are permanently removed from the queue and added to plan history upon completion. If a plan fails, is aborted and or halted, it is pushed to the front of the queue and added to the history along with execution results (error message and traceback) and the queue execution is automatically stopped. This behavior may be changed by enabling IGNORE_FAILURES mode, in which the server proceeds with execution of the next plan in the queue even after the current plan fails. The operation is slightly different if the LOOP mode is enabled: successfully executed (or stopped) plans and instructions are added to the back of the queue, allowing client to infinitely repeate a sequence of plans. The stopped plans are treated as successful in all modes. Stopping a plan also stops execution of the queue.
See the tutorials Starting and Stopping the Queue and Interacting with Run Engine.
Immediate Execution of Plans¶
RE Manager allows to execute plans without placing them in the queue. Plans can be submitted for immediate execution using ‘queue_item_execute’ API. The requests are accepted only if RE Manager is in the idle state, otherwise the request is rejected and the plan is discarded. Once the request is validated and accepted, the plan is passed to RE Worker for immediate execution. Similarly to items from the queue, the plan is assigned item UID and can be tracked using the same API. Upon completion, the plan is added to history along with the results of execution. The plan is never added to the queue, even if it fails or the queue is in the loop mode. If the queue contains other plans, its contents remain unchanged. Submitting a plan for immediate execution does not start execution of the existing queue.
See the tutorial Immediate Execution of Plans.
Executing Functions¶
RE Manager allows to start execution functions in RE Worker environment. The requests to start execution of functions could be submitted by clients using ‘function_execute’ API, which accepts function name and parameters in the format used for queue item. Clients may access only functions that exist in RE Worker namespace (e.g. defined in startup script or an uploaded script) and allowed by user group permissions (see Configuring User Group Permissions). The functions may access all objects in the namespace and used to change states of the objects or read the states of the objects and return the results to the client. While it is possible to corrupt the environment by running arbitrary code, permissions may be used to allow users access only to one or several carefully designed functions or block access to any functions (default), and the system may remain safe.
Once the API request is accepted by RE Manager, the task is assigned UID (task_uid
), which
is returned as one of the API response parameters. The task UID allows to track execution
of the task using ‘task_status’ and ‘task_result’ API. Once function
execution is completed, the task contains the return value of the function (in case of success)
and error message and traceback (in case of failure).
Functions may be started as foreground and background tasks. See Running Tasks for details on running and monitoring tasks.
See the tutorial Executing Functions.
Uploading Scripts¶
RE Manager provides users with ability to upload and execute Python scripts in the worker namespace.
The ‘script_upload’ API accepts the script represented as string, which is uploaded
to RE Manager over 0MQ, passed to the worker environment and executed. The script is
executed as a task and task_uid
returned by the API may be used to monitor the task status
and download results, indicating if the script was completed successfully and containing
the error message and the traceback in case of failure.
The script may contain arbitrary Python code, which is executed in the worker environment. The code has full access to the worker namespace and may modify, replace or create new objects, including functions, devices and plans. For example, an uploaded script may contain code for a new plan, which becomes available in the worker namespace or modified code for an existing plan, which replaces the plan in the namespace. By default, the lists of existing and allowed plans and devices are updated after execution of each script. The new plans and devices become immediately available to users who have appropriate permissions (see Configuring User Group Permissions).
The variables RE
and db
are reserved for instances of Bluesky Run Engine and Data Broker.
By default, the existing RE
or db
objects are not replaced in the worker namespace
even if the script contains the respective code (scripts are free to use those objects).
This restriction is implemented to prevent accidental changes to the namespace, which may cause
RE Manager to fail. In order to allow the script to replace RE
and db
, call the API
with update_re=True
. If the uploaded script does not contain new or modified plans or
devices, then there is no need to update the respective lists and the operation may be performed
more efficiently if the update_lists=False
Scripts may be executed as foreground and background tasks. See Running Tasks for details on running and monitoring tasks.
The scripts may contain arbitrary code. Users and developers should carefully consider what code is executed in the worker namespace and how it affects the state of the worker environment. For example, a script that executes a plan can be successfully started and completed as a foreground task, bypassing all mechanisms for queue management, but it is not advised to do so.
Uploaded scripts may import modules available on the server. Scripts may also contain
‘local’ imports. For example, if root directory contains a subdirectory mod
a Python file
, the code may be imported as
import mod.my_module
The root directory is the startup directory (directly passed to start-re-manager
determined based on passed or default IPython directory and/or profile name) or the directory
that contains startup script if the server was started with the respective option.
Relative imports (e.g. from .mod import my_module
) are not supported in the uploaded scripts.
See the tutorial Uploading scripts.
Running Tasks¶
Tasks are used for remote monitoring of execution of functions and scripts in RE Worker
namespace. Each task is assigned a UID (task_uid), which is returned by the API starting
the task and can be used to monitor status of the task and load the results after completion.
For example, ‘function_execute’ API call starting execution of
a function function_sleep
(defined in the demo startup code) returns
{'item': {'args': [30],
'item_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd',
'kwargs': {},
'name': 'function_sleep',
'user': 'qserver-cli',
'user_group': 'primary'},
'msg': '',
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd'}
Calling ‘task_status’ and ‘task_result’ with task UID
returns information on current status of the task
and the result of task execution after the task is completed:
# Status returned while the task is still running
{'msg': '',
'status': 'running',
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd'}
# Result returned while the task is still running
{'msg': '',
'result': {'run_in_background': False,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd',
'time_start': 1659709083.4135385},
'status': 'running',
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd'}
# Status returned after the task is completed
{'msg': '',
'status': 'completed',
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd'}
# Result returned after the task is completed
{'msg': '',
'result': {'msg': '',
'return_value': {'success': True, 'time': 30},
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd',
'time_start': 1659709083.4135385,
'time_stop': 1659709113.4742212,
'traceback': ''},
'status': 'completed',
'success': True,
'task_uid': '21ecccbe-df52-4478-a42b-3a94b4f54fcd'}
The return_value
is the return value of the function (always None
for a script),
and traceback
are the strings representing the error message and full
traceback in case the task fails.
Functions and scripts may be executed as foreground and background tasks. Foreground
tasks are executed in the main thread of RE Worker process. Foreground tasks could be
started only if RE Manager is idle, i.e. no other foreground tasks or plans are
running. As foreground task is started, RE Manager state is changed to 'executing_task'
which blocks other foreground tasks or plans from being started. Background tasks are
executed in separate background threads, could be started at any time and do not
block execution of foreground tasks or plans. Any reasonable number of background
tasks could be running at any time. The number of background tasks is returned
as a parameter of RE Manager ‘status’:
{ ...
'task_results_uid': '846b6dd3-d9c2-4a12-bd03-b82580b8f742',
'worker_background_tasks': 0,
... }
The parameter ‘task_results_uid’ is updated each time a new task is started or task execution is completed. An application waiting for completion of one or more tasks can wait for the UID to change and then check the status of each task. Considering that applications are likely to monitor the manager status for other purposes, monitoring ‘task_results_uid’ may be more efficient than continuously polling status of each task.
Task results are stored at the server for a limited time and then deleted. Currently the expiration time is 2 minutes after completion of the task, but could be parametrized in the future.
Background tasks are executed in background threads. It is responsibility of software or workflow developer to ensure thread safety. Foreground tasks could be executed in the main thread one at a time and do not introduce risks associated with thread safety.
See the tutorials Executing Functions and Uploading scripts.
Locking RE Manager¶
Users and client applications can temporarily lock RE Manager. When the manager is locked, users
can access certain groups of API only by pass a lock key with API requests. The lock key is
an arbitrary string selected by the user who locks RE Manager and stays valid until the manager
is unlocked. The key could be shared with other users who need to control the locked manager.
The lock status is stored in Redis. Restarting the manager does not reset the lock. If the manager
is locked, it needs to be unlocked using valid lock key. Optionally, the emergency key may be set
using the environment variable QSERVER_EMERGENCY_LOCK_KEY_FOR_SERVER
. The emergency key allows
to unlock the manager in case the lock key is lost. It can not be used to control the locked RE Manager.
The ‘lock’ API allows to lock the API that control RE Worker environment and/or the queue. The lock does not affect read-only API, therefore monitoring client applications will continue working when the manager is locked. The full list of API affected by locking the environment and the queue can be found in the documentation for ‘lock’ API.
The lock is not designed to be used for access control. The typical use case scenarios:
A beamline scientist or on-site user locks the environment before entering the hutch to change samples. This prevents remote users, autonomous agents etc. to open/close the environment, start the queue and execute plans and tasks. If necessary, the scientist who locked the environment may still perform those operations using the secret lock key without unlocking the manager. Since the queue is not locked, the remote users and autonomous agents are still free to edit the queue or add plans to the queue.
A beamline scientist is performing maintenance or calibration and locks both the environment and the queue to have exclusive control of the manager.
API for controlling and monitoring lock status of the manager:
‘lock’ - lock the environment and/or the queue using a lock key. The API also accepts the name of the user who locks the manager (required) and a text note to other users (optional). This information is returned as part of the lock info and included in all relevant error messages.
‘unlock’ - unlock the manager using the valid lock key (it must be the same key as for locking the manager) or the emergency lock key (if set). If the key is lost and the emergency key is not set or unknown, the lock can be cleared using qserver-clear-lock CLI tool and restarting RE Manager application or service.
‘lock_info’ - load the manager lock status. The lock status is assigned a UID, which is updated each time the status is changed. The UID is included in the manager status (‘status’ API), which simplifies monitoring of the lock status. The manager status also contains ‘lock’ parameter, which indicates if the environment and/or the queue are currently locked.
The operations of locking and unlocking RE Manager using CLI tool could be found in the tutorial Locking RE Manager.
The ‘lock’ API controls access to other API, not internal operation of the server. For example, if the server is executing the queue, the queue will continue running after the manager is locked until it runs out of plans or stopped.
Queue Autostart Mode¶
RE Manager supports queue autostart mode. In the autostart mode, the manager automatically starts execution of the queue whenever the queue is not empty and the manager and the worker are in the correct state. For example, if the autostart mode is enabled at the time when the queue is empty, adding a queue item will automatically start the queue execution. Once the queue runs out of items, the manager is switched to IDLE state, but the queue is automatically restarted once more items are added to the queue. If the manager is busy executing another task (a script or a function) when the plan is added, the queue is restarted once the current task is completed.
The autostart is enabled by calling ‘queue_autostart’ API with enable=True and disabled using the same API with enable=False. The mode can be enabled at any time, even when the queue can not be started (e.g. the environment is closed). The manager will automatically monitor the state start the queue when possible (e.g. once the environment is opened). The autostart is automatically disabled once the queue is stopped by the user (by inserting ‘queue_stop’ queue instruction or by calling ‘queue_stop’ API) or a plan is stopped/halted/aborted or failed (unless ignore_failures queue mode is enabled).
The autostart may be also enabled and disabled using CLI interface:
qserver queue autostart enable
qserver queue autostart disable
See documentation on ‘queue_autostart’ API for more details.
Running RE Worker with IPython Kernel¶
Queue Server can be configured to run worker execution environment in IPython kernel.
The kernel is created in the worker process and used to execute plans, functions and script.
In IPython mode, the worker can load startup code and scripts with IPython-specific
features, such as magics, user_ns
, etc. Users may also connect to the kernel directly
bypassing RE Manager using Jupyter Console.
Starting RE Manager in IPython Mode¶
RE Manager is configured to use IPython kernel by passing --use-ipython-kernel=ON
to start-re-manager
, setting config parameter worker/use_ipython_kernel: True
environment variable QSERVER_USE_IPYTHON_KERNEL=True
Specifying IPython Kernel IP Address¶
The IPython kernel IP address is set using --ipython-kernel-ip
parameter of
environment variable or
or by setting config parameter worker/ipython_kernel_ip
. The parameter values
are 'localhost'
(default), 'auto'
or a string represting valid network
IP address of the host running the kernel, such as
If the IP address is 'localhost'
(default) or
, the kernel does not accept
connections from other hosts. If the parameter is set to 'auto'
, Queue Server attempts
to automatically determine network IP address of the host and passes it to the kernel.
If the network IP address is determined correctly, the kernel will accept connections
from other hosts. If automatic mode fails, the correct IP address may be explicitly passed to
the server. The IP address passed to the kernel is returned as part of connection info,
which is used by client applications to connect to the kernel
(see ‘config_get’ API).
Specifying Location of Startup Code¶
In this mode, RE Worker starts embedded IPython kernel, loading the startup code, IPython
configuration and IPython history during kernel initialization. The location of the
startup code is determined based on --startup-profile
, --startup-module
and --startup-dir
parameters of start-re-manager
, startup/startup_module
, startup/startup_script
parameters in the config file). The kernel looks for the startup
code in <ipythondir>/profile_<profile_name>/startup
, where <ipythondir>
the value of the environment variable IPYTHONDIR
, which determines the location of
IPython profiles (default location is ~/.ipython
) and profile_name
the name passed using --startup-profile
parameter. The location of IPython profiles
may also be specified using --ipython-dir
parameter, which overrides IPYTHONDIR
environment variable. Alternatively, the location of startup profile may be specified
using --startup-dir
parameter. If RE Manager is configured to use IPython kernel,
the startup directory must match the standard pattern (<ipythondir>/profile_<profile_name>/startup
so that it could be successfully parsed to extract the profile name and IPython directory.
In addition to the startup code in IPython profile, the IPython kernel may also load
a startup script or a startup module if path to a script or a path to a module is specified.
This behavior is different from the behavior of the Python-based worker, which does not attempt
to load the profile startup files if a path to a script or module name is specified.
If loading of startup code is undesirable, create a profile with empty startup
and pass the profile name to RE Manager. If --startup-script
or --startup-module
is specified,
but no profile name is passed, then default IPython profile ($IPYTHONDIR/profile_default
) is loaded.
Setting Matplotlib Backend¶
If RE Manager is running on the local machine and IPython mode is enabled, the in-process live
plotting may be performed directly from the worker environment. This feature may be convenient
for users, who wish to keep the existing interactive IPython-based workflows, but may
want to mix REPL interactions with API control of the environment (e.g. for GUI or autonomous
control). In order to enable plotting, the appropriate Matplotlib backend must be set
using --ipython-matplotlib
parameter of start-re-manager
or worker/ipython_matplotlib
config parameter. The parameter is passed directly to IPython kernel and accepts the same
set of values as the --matplotlib
parameter of ipython
. The backend is set to agg
by default, which disables plotting and should be used when running RE Manager on a remote server.
Select another appriate backend (e.g. qt5
) to enable plotting.
Monitoring the State of IPython Kernel¶
The state of the running IPython kernel can be monitored by checking ip_kernel_state
parameter of RE Manager status (see ‘status’ API). The status parameter
indicates if the running kernel is ‘captured’ by RE Manager.
The parameter is True
if the kernel is running foreground task started by
the manager and False
otherwise. External clients can not interact with the kernel
while it is ‘captured’ by the manager. Both parameters are None if the environment is
not running or the worker is not using IPython kernel.
Downloading Kernel Connection Info¶
Connection info for a running IPython kernel can be downloaded at any time by sending
‘config_get’ API request to RE Manager (CLI command: qserver config
The connection info (ip_connect_info
key) is a dictionary, which contains network
IP address of the host running the kernel, numbers of 0MQ ports, etc. The connection
info dictionary is empty if the kernel is not running for any reason. Since the old
kernel is destroyed each time the environment is closed and a new kernel is created each
time the environment is opened, the updated connection info must be downloaded again
for the new environment. The qserver-console
CLI tool automatically loads
the connection info from RE Manager and starts Jupyter Console connected to the kernel.
Connecting to Running IPython Kernel Using Jupyter Console¶
Once IPython kernel is running in the worker process (RE Manager is started with enabled IPython option and the environment is open), users may connect to it directly using Jupyter Console by running qserver-console CLI tool, which loads connection info from RE Manager and passes it to Jupyter Console application.
If the kernel is running any foreground tasks (plans, functions, scripts) started by RE Manager, Jupyter Console will remain unresponsive until the task is complete and the ‘captured’ kernel is freed.
Jupyter Console works similarly to IPython terminal, except that closing the console does not interrupt tasks started from the console. For example, a plan started manually from the console will continue running after console is closed. The plan execution will not be managed by RE Manager, but the plan output will be included in RE Manager console output and streamed to all subscribed consumers.
Use Ctrl-D
to close the Jupyter Console. Typing quit
or exit
in Jupyter
console will close the kernel and cause the worker environment to close.
See documentation on qserver-console for more information.
Updating the Worker Environment Cache¶
Users connected directly to the IPython kernel via Jupyter Console may change the contents of the worker namespace, including operations such as adding, deleting or modifying plans and devices in the namespace. To make RE Manager aware of the changes and make the updated plans and devices reflected in the lists of existing/allowed plans and devices call the ‘environment_update’ API.
Interrupting the IPython Kernel¶
The IPython kernel can be interrupted (equivalent to Ctrl-C
) using ‘kernel_interrupt’
API. By default, the API fails if called while the RE Manager is executing a plan or a foreground task
(a script or a function) started via the manager. The API parameters interrupt_plan
of the API can be used to override the default behavior.
Though a plan can be paused by sending the interrupt once (deferred pause) or twice (immediate pause), using ‘re_pause’ API is a preferable way to pause a plan started via RE Manager or directly using Jupyter Console.