Source code for ophyd_async.core._device

"""Base device"""

import asyncio
import sys
from import Coroutine, Generator, Iterator
from functools import cached_property
from logging import LoggerAdapter, getLogger
from typing import (

from bluesky.protocols import HasName
from bluesky.run_engine import call_in_bluesky_event_loop, in_bluesky_event_loop

from ._utils import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, NotConnected, wait_for_connection

[docs] class Device(HasName): """Common base class for all Ophyd Async Devices. By default, names and connects all Device children. """ _name: str = "" #: The parent Device if it exists parent: Optional["Device"] = None # None if connect hasn't started, a Task if it has _connect_task: asyncio.Task | None = None # Used to check if the previous connect was mocked, # if the next mock value differs then we fail _previous_connect_was_mock = None def __init__(self, name: str = "") -> None: self.set_name(name) @property def name(self) -> str: """Return the name of the Device""" return self._name @cached_property def log(self): return LoggerAdapter( getLogger("ophyd_async.devices"), {"ophyd_async_device_name":} ) def children(self) -> Iterator[tuple[str, "Device"]]: for attr_name, attr in self.__dict__.items(): if attr_name != "parent" and isinstance(attr, Device): yield attr_name, attr
[docs] def set_name(self, name: str): """Set ```` and each ``"-child"``. Parameters ---------- name: New name to set """ # Ensure self.log is recreated after a name change if hasattr(self, "log"): del self.log self._name = name for attr_name, child in self.children(): child_name = f"{name}-{attr_name.rstrip('_')}" if name else "" child.set_name(child_name) child.parent = self
[docs] async def connect( self, mock: bool = False, timeout: float = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, force_reconnect: bool = False, ): """Connect self and all child Devices. Contains a timeout that gets propagated to child.connect methods. Parameters ---------- mock: If True then use ``MockSignalBackend`` for all Signals timeout: Time to wait before failing with a TimeoutError. """ if ( self._previous_connect_was_mock is not None and self._previous_connect_was_mock != mock ): raise RuntimeError( f"`connect(mock={mock})` called on a `Device` where the previous " f"connect was `mock={self._previous_connect_was_mock}`. Changing mock " "value between connects is not permitted." ) self._previous_connect_was_mock = mock # If previous connect with same args has started and not errored, can use it can_use_previous_connect = self._connect_task and not ( self._connect_task.done() and self._connect_task.exception() ) if force_reconnect or not can_use_previous_connect: # Kick off a connection coros = { name: child_device.connect( mock, timeout=timeout, force_reconnect=force_reconnect ) for name, child_device in self.children() } self._connect_task = asyncio.create_task(wait_for_connection(**coros)) assert self._connect_task, "Connect task not created, this shouldn't happen" # Wait for it to complete await self._connect_task
VT = TypeVar("VT", bound=Device)
[docs] class DeviceVector(dict[int, VT], Device): """ Defines device components with indices. In the below example, foos becomes a dictionary on the parent device at runtime, so parent.foos[2] returns a FooDevice. For example usage see :class:`~ophyd_async.epics.demo.DynamicSensorGroup` """ def children(self) -> Generator[tuple[str, Device], None, None]: for attr_name, attr in self.items(): if isinstance(attr, Device): yield str(attr_name), attr
[docs] class DeviceCollector: """Collector of top level Device instances to be used as a context manager Parameters ---------- set_name: If True, call ``device.set_name(variable_name)`` on all collected Devices connect: If True, call ``device.connect(mock)`` in parallel on all collected Devices mock: If True, connect Signals in simulation mode timeout: How long to wait for connect before logging an exception Notes ----- Example usage:: [async] with DeviceCollector(): t1x = motor.Motor("BLxxI-MO-TABLE-01:X") t1y = motor.Motor("pva://BLxxI-MO-TABLE-01:Y") # Names and connects devices here assert t1x.comm.velocity.source assert == "t1x" """ def __init__( self, set_name=True, connect=True, mock=False, timeout: float = 10.0, ): self._set_name = set_name self._connect = connect self._mock = mock self._timeout = timeout self._names_on_enter: set[str] = set() self._objects_on_exit: dict[str, Any] = {} def _caller_locals(self): """Walk up until we find a stack frame that doesn't have us as self""" try: raise ValueError except ValueError: _, _, tb = sys.exc_info() assert tb, "Can't get traceback, this shouldn't happen" caller_frame = tb.tb_frame while caller_frame.f_locals.get("self", None) is self: caller_frame = caller_frame.f_back assert ( caller_frame ), "No previous frame to the one with self in it, this shouldn't happen" return caller_frame.f_locals def __enter__(self) -> "DeviceCollector": # Stash the names that were defined before we were called self._names_on_enter = set(self._caller_locals()) return self async def __aenter__(self) -> "DeviceCollector": return self.__enter__() async def _on_exit(self) -> None: # Name and kick off connect for devices connect_coroutines: dict[str, Coroutine] = {} for name, obj in self._objects_on_exit.items(): if name not in self._names_on_enter and isinstance(obj, Device): if self._set_name and not obj.set_name(name) if self._connect: connect_coroutines[name] = obj.connect( self._mock, timeout=self._timeout ) # Connect to all the devices if connect_coroutines: await wait_for_connection(**connect_coroutines) async def __aexit__(self, type, value, traceback): self._objects_on_exit = self._caller_locals() await self._on_exit() def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback): if in_bluesky_event_loop(): raise RuntimeError( "Cannot use DeviceConnector inside a plan, instead use " "`yield from ophyd_async.plan_stubs.ensure_connected(device)`" ) self._objects_on_exit = self._caller_locals() try: fut = call_in_bluesky_event_loop(self._on_exit()) except RuntimeError as e: raise NotConnected( "Could not connect devices. Is the bluesky event loop running? See " "" "user/explanations/event-loop-choice.html for more info." ) from e return fut