Source code for ophyd_async.core._protocol

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import (

from bluesky.protocols import DataKey, HasName, Reading

    from ._status import AsyncStatus

[docs] @runtime_checkable class AsyncReadable(HasName, Protocol):
[docs] @abstractmethod async def read(self) -> Dict[str, Reading]: """Return an OrderedDict mapping string field name(s) to dictionaries of values and timestamps and optional per-point metadata. Example return value: .. code-block:: python OrderedDict(('channel1', {'value': 5, 'timestamp': 1472493713.271991}), ('channel2', {'value': 16, 'timestamp': 1472493713.539238})) """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def describe(self) -> Dict[str, DataKey]: """Return an OrderedDict with exactly the same keys as the ``read`` method, here mapped to per-scan metadata about each field. Example return value: .. code-block:: python OrderedDict(('channel1', {'source': 'XF23-ID:SOME_PV_NAME', 'dtype': 'number', 'shape': []}), ('channel2', {'source': 'XF23-ID:SOME_PV_NAME', 'dtype': 'number', 'shape': []})) """ ...
[docs] @runtime_checkable class AsyncConfigurable(Protocol):
[docs] @abstractmethod async def read_configuration(self) -> Dict[str, Reading]: """Same API as ``read`` but for slow-changing fields related to configuration. e.g., exposure time. These will typically be read only once per run. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod async def describe_configuration(self) -> Dict[str, DataKey]: """Same API as ``describe``, but corresponding to the keys in ``read_configuration``. """ ...
@runtime_checkable class AsyncPausable(Protocol): @abstractmethod async def pause(self) -> None: """Perform device-specific work when the RunEngine pauses.""" ... @abstractmethod async def resume(self) -> None: """Perform device-specific work when the RunEngine resumes after a pause.""" ...
[docs] @runtime_checkable class AsyncStageable(Protocol):
[docs] @abstractmethod def stage(self) -> AsyncStatus: """An optional hook for "setting up" the device for acquisition. It should return a ``Status`` that is marked done when the device is done staging. """ ...
[docs] @abstractmethod def unstage(self) -> AsyncStatus: """A hook for "cleaning up" the device after acquisition. It should return a ``Status`` that is marked done when the device is finished unstaging. """ ...
C = TypeVar("C", contravariant=True) class Watcher(Protocol, Generic[C]): @staticmethod def __call__( *, current: C, initial: C, target: C, name: str | None, unit: str | None, precision: float | None, fraction: float | None, time_elapsed: float | None, time_remaining: float | None, ) -> Any: ...