from abc import abstractmethod
from import Sequence
from typing import Generic, TypedDict, TypeVar, get_origin
import numpy as np
from bluesky.protocols import Reading
from event_model import DataKey, Dtype, Limits
from ._table import Table
from ._utils import Callback, StrictEnum
DTypeScalar_co = TypeVar("DTypeScalar_co", covariant=True, bound=np.generic)
"""A numpy dtype like [](#numpy.float64)."""
# To be a 1D array shape should really be tuple[int], but np.array()
# currently produces tuple[int, ...] even when it has 1D input args
Array1D = np.ndarray[tuple[int, ...], np.dtype[DTypeScalar_co]]
"""A type alias for a 1D numpy array with a specific scalar data type.
E.g. `Array1D[np.float64]` is a 1D numpy array of 64-bit floats."""
Primitive = bool | int | float | str
SignalDatatype = (
| StrictEnum
| Array1D[np.bool_]
| Array1D[np.int8]
| Array1D[np.uint8]
| Array1D[np.int16]
| Array1D[np.uint16]
| Array1D[np.int32]
| Array1D[np.uint32]
| Array1D[np.int64]
| Array1D[np.uint64]
| Array1D[np.float32]
| Array1D[np.float64]
| np.ndarray
| Sequence[str]
| Sequence[StrictEnum]
| Table
"""The supported [](#Signal) datatypes:
- A python primitive [](#bool), [](#int), [](#float), [](#str)
- A [](#StrictEnum) or [](#SubsetEnum) subclass
- A fixed datatype [](#Array1D) of numpy bool, signed and unsigned integers or float
- A [](#numpy.ndarray) which can change dimensions and datatype at runtime
- A sequence of [](#str)
- A sequence of [](#StrictEnum) or [](#SubsetEnum) subclass
- A [](#Table) subclass
# TODO: These typevars will not be needed when we drop python 3.11
# as you can do MyConverter[SignalType: SignalTypeUnion]:
# rather than MyConverter(Generic[SignalType])
PrimitiveT = TypeVar("PrimitiveT", bound=Primitive)
SignalDatatypeT = TypeVar("SignalDatatypeT", bound=SignalDatatype)
"""A typevar for a [](#SignalDatatype)."""
SignalDatatypeV = TypeVar("SignalDatatypeV", bound=SignalDatatype)
EnumT = TypeVar("EnumT", bound=StrictEnum)
TableT = TypeVar("TableT", bound=Table)
class SignalBackend(Generic[SignalDatatypeT]):
"""A read/write/monitor backend for a Signals."""
def __init__(self, datatype: type[SignalDatatypeT] | None):
self.datatype = datatype
def source(self, name: str, read: bool) -> str:
"""Return source of signal.
:param name: The name of the signal, which can be used or discarded.
:param read: True if we want the source for reading, False if writing.
async def connect(self, timeout: float):
"""Connect to underlying hardware."""
async def put(self, value: SignalDatatypeT | None, wait: bool):
"""Put a value to the PV, if wait then wait for completion."""
async def get_datakey(self, source: str) -> DataKey:
"""Metadata like source, dtype, shape, precision, units."""
async def get_reading(self) -> Reading[SignalDatatypeT]:
"""Return the current value, timestamp and severity."""
async def get_value(self) -> SignalDatatypeT:
"""Return the current value."""
async def get_setpoint(self) -> SignalDatatypeT:
"""Return the point that a signal was requested to move to."""
def set_callback(self, callback: Callback[Reading[SignalDatatypeT]] | None) -> None:
"""Observe changes to the current value, timestamp and severity."""
_primitive_dtype: dict[type[Primitive], Dtype] = {
bool: "boolean",
int: "integer",
float: "number",
str: "string",
def _datakey_dtype(datatype: type[SignalDatatype]) -> Dtype:
if (
datatype is np.ndarray
or get_origin(datatype) in (Sequence, np.ndarray)
or issubclass(datatype, Table)
return "array"
elif issubclass(datatype, StrictEnum):
return "string"
elif issubclass(datatype, Primitive):
return _primitive_dtype[datatype]
raise TypeError(f"Can't make dtype for {datatype}")
def _datakey_dtype_numpy(
datatype: type[SignalDatatypeT], value: SignalDatatypeT
) -> np.dtype:
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
# The value already has a dtype, use that
return value.dtype
elif (
get_origin(datatype) is Sequence
or datatype is str
or issubclass(datatype, StrictEnum)
# TODO: use np.dtypes.StringDType when we can use in structured arrays
return np.dtype("S40")
elif isinstance(value, Table):
return value.numpy_dtype()
elif issubclass(datatype, Primitive):
return np.dtype(datatype)
raise TypeError(f"Can't make dtype_numpy for {datatype}")
def _datakey_shape(value: SignalDatatype) -> list[int]:
if type(value) in _primitive_dtype or isinstance(value, StrictEnum):
return []
elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
return list(value.shape)
elif isinstance(value, Sequence | Table):
return [len(value)]
raise TypeError(f"Can't make shape for {value}")
def make_datakey(
datatype: type[SignalDatatypeT],
value: SignalDatatypeT,
source: str,
metadata: SignalMetadata,
) -> DataKey:
"""Make a DataKey for a given datatype."""
dtn = _datakey_dtype_numpy(datatype, value)
return DataKey(
# Ignore until
dtype_numpy=dtn.descr if len(dtn.descr) > 1 else dtn.str, # type: ignore