Source code for ophyd_async.core._table

from typing import TypeVar

import numpy as np
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, model_validator

TableSubclass = TypeVar("TableSubclass", bound="Table")

[docs] class Table(BaseModel): """An abstraction of a Table of str to numpy array.""" model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True, strict=False)
[docs] @staticmethod def row(cls: type[TableSubclass], **kwargs) -> TableSubclass: # type: ignore arrayified_kwargs = { field_name: np.concatenate( ( (default_arr := field_value.default_factory()), # type: ignore np.array([kwargs[field_name]], dtype=default_arr.dtype), ) ) for field_name, field_value in cls.model_fields.items() } return cls(**arrayified_kwargs)
def __add__(self, right: TableSubclass) -> TableSubclass: """Concatenate the arrays in field values.""" assert type(right) is type(self), ( f"{right} is not a `Table`, or is not the same " f"type of `Table` as {self}." ) return type(right)( **{ field_name: np.concatenate( (getattr(self, field_name), getattr(right, field_name)) ) for field_name in self.model_fields } )
[docs] @model_validator(mode="after") def validate_arrays(self) -> "Table": first_length = len(next(iter(self))[1]) assert all( len(field_value) == first_length for _, field_value in self ), "Rows should all be of equal size." if not all( np.issubdtype( self.model_fields[field_name].default_factory().dtype, # type: ignore field_value.dtype, ) for field_name, field_value in self ): raise ValueError( f"Cannot construct a `{type(self).__name__}`, " "some rows have incorrect types." ) return self