import inspect
from enum import Enum
from typing import Annotated, Sequence
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from pydantic import Field, field_validator, model_validator
from pydantic_numpy.helper.annotation import NpArrayPydanticAnnotation
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from ophyd_async.core import Table
class PandaHdf5DatasetType(str, Enum):
FLOAT_64 = "float64"
UINT_32 = "uint32"
class DatasetTable(TypedDict):
name: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
hdf5_type: Sequence[PandaHdf5DatasetType]
class SeqTrigger(str, Enum):
IMMEDIATE = "Immediate"
BITA_0 = "BITA=0"
BITA_1 = "BITA=1"
BITB_0 = "BITB=0"
BITB_1 = "BITB=1"
BITC_0 = "BITC=0"
BITC_1 = "BITC=1"
PydanticNp1DArrayInt32 = Annotated[
np.ndarray[tuple[int], np.int32],
data_type=np.int32, dimensions=1, strict_data_typing=False
Field(default_factory=lambda: np.array([], np.int32)),
PydanticNp1DArrayBool = Annotated[
np.ndarray[tuple[int], np.bool_],
data_type=np.bool_, dimensions=1, strict_data_typing=False
Field(default_factory=lambda: np.array([], dtype=np.bool_)),
TriggerStr = Annotated[
np.ndarray[tuple[int], np.unicode_],
data_type=np.unicode_, dimensions=1, strict_data_typing=False
Field(default_factory=lambda: np.array([], dtype=np.dtype("<U32"))),
class SeqTable(Table):
repeats: PydanticNp1DArrayInt32
trigger: TriggerStr
position: PydanticNp1DArrayInt32
time1: PydanticNp1DArrayInt32
outa1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outb1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outc1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outd1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
oute1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outf1: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
time2: PydanticNp1DArrayInt32
outa2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outb2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outc2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outd2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
oute2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
outf2: PydanticNp1DArrayBool
def row(
repeats: int = 1,
trigger: str = SeqTrigger.IMMEDIATE,
position: int = 0,
time1: int = 0,
outa1: bool = False,
outb1: bool = False,
outc1: bool = False,
outd1: bool = False,
oute1: bool = False,
outf1: bool = False,
time2: int = 0,
outa2: bool = False,
outb2: bool = False,
outc2: bool = False,
outd2: bool = False,
oute2: bool = False,
outf2: bool = False,
) -> "SeqTable":
sig = inspect.signature(cls.row)
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in locals().items() if k in sig.parameters}
if isinstance(kwargs["trigger"], SeqTrigger):
kwargs["trigger"] = kwargs["trigger"].value
elif isinstance(kwargs["trigger"], str):
return Table.row(cls, **kwargs)
@field_validator("trigger", mode="before")
def trigger_to_np_array(cls, trigger_column):
The user can provide a list of SeqTrigger enum elements instead of a numpy str.
if isinstance(trigger_column, Sequence) and all(
isinstance(trigger, SeqTrigger) for trigger in trigger_column
trigger_column = np.array(
[trigger.value for trigger in trigger_column], dtype=np.dtype("<U32")
elif isinstance(trigger_column, Sequence) or isinstance(
trigger_column, np.ndarray
for trigger in trigger_column:
) # To check all the given strings are actually `SeqTrigger`s
raise ValueError(
"Expected a numpy array or a sequence of `SeqTrigger`, got "
return trigger_column
def validate_max_length(self) -> "SeqTable":
Used to check max_length. Unfortunately trying the `max_length` arg in
the pydantic field doesn't work
first_length = len(next(iter(self))[1])
assert 0 <= first_length < 4096, f"Length {first_length} not in range."
return self