from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import pydantic_numpy.typing as pnd
from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypedDict
class PandaHdf5DatasetType(str, Enum):
FLOAT_64 = "float64"
UINT_32 = "uint32"
class DatasetTable(TypedDict):
name: npt.NDArray[np.str_]
hdf5_type: Sequence[PandaHdf5DatasetType]
class SeqTrigger(str, Enum):
IMMEDIATE = "Immediate"
BITA_0 = "BITA=0"
BITA_1 = "BITA=1"
BITB_0 = "BITB=0"
BITB_1 = "BITB=1"
BITC_0 = "BITC=0"
BITC_1 = "BITC=1"
class SeqTableRow:
repeats: int = 1
trigger: SeqTrigger = SeqTrigger.IMMEDIATE
position: int = 0
time1: int = 0
outa1: bool = False
outb1: bool = False
outc1: bool = False
outd1: bool = False
oute1: bool = False
outf1: bool = False
time2: int = 0
outa2: bool = False
outb2: bool = False
outc2: bool = False
outd2: bool = False
oute2: bool = False
outf2: bool = False
class SeqTable(TypedDict):
repeats: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayUint16]
trigger: NotRequired[Sequence[SeqTrigger]]
position: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayInt32]
time1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayUint32]
outa1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outb1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outc1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outd1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
oute1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outf1: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
time2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayUint32]
outa2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outb2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outc2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outd2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
oute2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
outf2: NotRequired[pnd.Np1DArrayBool]
def seq_table_from_rows(*rows: SeqTableRow):
Constructs a sequence table from a series of rows.
return seq_table_from_arrays(
repeats=np.array([row.repeats for row in rows], dtype=np.uint16),
trigger=[row.trigger for row in rows],
position=np.array([row.position for row in rows], dtype=np.int32),
time1=np.array([row.time1 for row in rows], dtype=np.uint32),
outa1=np.array([row.outa1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outb1=np.array([row.outb1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outc1=np.array([row.outc1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outd1=np.array([row.outd1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
oute1=np.array([row.oute1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outf1=np.array([row.outf1 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
time2=np.array([row.time2 for row in rows], dtype=np.uint32),
outa2=np.array([row.outa2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outb2=np.array([row.outb2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outc2=np.array([row.outc2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outd2=np.array([row.outd2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
oute2=np.array([row.oute2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
outf2=np.array([row.outf2 for row in rows], dtype=np.bool_),
T = TypeVar("T", bound=np.generic)
def seq_table_from_arrays(
repeats: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.uint16]] = None,
trigger: Optional[Sequence[SeqTrigger]] = None,
position: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.int32]] = None,
time1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.uint32]] = None,
outa1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outb1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outc1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outd1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
oute1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outf1: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
time2: npt.NDArray[np.uint32],
outa2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outb2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outc2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outd2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
oute2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
outf2: Optional[npt.NDArray[np.bool_]] = None,
) -> SeqTable:
Constructs a sequence table from a series of columns as arrays.
time2 is the only required argument and must not be None.
All other provided arguments must be of equal length to time2.
If any other argument is not given, or else given as None or empty,
an array of length len(time2) filled with the following is defaulted:
repeats: 1
trigger: SeqTrigger.IMMEDIATE
all others: 0/False as appropriate
assert time2 is not None, "time2 must be provided"
length = len(time2)
assert 0 < length < 4096, f"Length {length} not in range"
def or_default(
value: Optional[npt.NDArray[T]], dtype: Type[T], default_value: int = 0
) -> npt.NDArray[T]:
if value is None or len(value) == 0:
return np.full(length, default_value, dtype=dtype)
return value
table = SeqTable(
repeats=or_default(repeats, np.uint16, 1),
trigger=trigger or [SeqTrigger.IMMEDIATE] * length,
position=or_default(position, np.int32),
time1=or_default(time1, np.uint32),
outa1=or_default(outa1, np.bool_),
outb1=or_default(outb1, np.bool_),
outc1=or_default(outc1, np.bool_),
outd1=or_default(outd1, np.bool_),
oute1=or_default(oute1, np.bool_),
outf1=or_default(outf1, np.bool_),
outa2=or_default(outa2, np.bool_),
outb2=or_default(outb2, np.bool_),
outc2=or_default(outc2, np.bool_),
outd2=or_default(outd2, np.bool_),
oute2=or_default(oute2, np.bool_),
outf2=or_default(outf2, np.bool_),
for k, v in table.items():
size = len(v) # type: ignore
if size != length:
raise ValueError(f"{k}: has length {size} not {length}")
return table