Source code for ophyd_async.testing._assert

import asyncio
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
from typing import Any
from unittest.mock import Mock, call

import pytest
from bluesky.protocols import Reading
from event_model import DataKey

from ophyd_async.core import (

from ._utils import T

[docs] def approx_value(value: Any): """Allow any value to be compared to another in tests. This is needed because numpy arrays give a numpy array back when compared, not a bool. This means that you can't ``assert array1==array2``. Numpy arrays can be wrapped with `pytest.approx`, but this doesn't work for `Table` instances: in this case we use `ApproxTable`. """ return ApproxTable(value) if isinstance(value, Table) else pytest.approx(value)
[docs] async def assert_value(signal: SignalR[SignalDatatypeT], value: Any) -> None: """Assert that a Signal has the given value. :param signal: Signal with get_value. :param value: The expected value from the signal. """ actual_value = await signal.get_value() assert approx_value(value) == actual_value
[docs] async def assert_reading( readable: AsyncReadable, expected_reading: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: """Assert that a readable Device has the given reading. :param readable: Device with an async ``read()`` method to get the reading from. :param expected_reading: The expected reading from the readable. """ actual_reading = await _assert_readings_approx_equal(expected_reading, actual_reading)
def _assert_readings_approx_equal(expected, actual): assert expected.keys() == actual.keys() approx_expected_reading = { k: dict( v, value=approx_value(v["value"]), timestamp=pytest.approx(v["timestamp"], rel=0.1) if "timestamp" in v else actual[k]["timestamp"], alarm_severity=v.get("alarm_severity", actual[k]["alarm_severity"]), ) for k, v in expected.items() } assert actual == approx_expected_reading
[docs] async def assert_configuration( configurable: AsyncConfigurable, configuration: dict[str, dict[str, Any]], ) -> None: """Assert that a configurable Device has the given configuration. :param configurable: Device with an async ``read_configuration()`` method to get the configuration from. :param configuration: The expected configuration from the configurable. """ actual_configuration = await configurable.read_configuration() _assert_readings_approx_equal(configuration, actual_configuration)
[docs] async def assert_describe_signal(signal: SignalR, /, **metadata): """Assert the describe of a signal matches the expected metadata. :param signal: The signal to describe. :param metadata: The expected metadata. """ actual_describe = await signal.describe() assert list(actual_describe) == [] (actual_datakey,) = actual_describe.values() expected_datakey = DataKey(source=signal.source, **metadata) assert actual_datakey == expected_datakey
[docs] def assert_emitted(docs: dict[str, list[dict]], **numbers: int): """Assert emitted document generated by running a Bluesky plan. :param docs: A mapping of document type -> list of documents that have been emitted. :param numbers: The number of each document type expected. :example: ```python docs = defaultdict(list) RE.subscribe(lambda name, doc: docs[name].append(doc)) RE(my_plan()) assert_emitted(docs, start=1, descriptor=1, event=1, stop=1) ``` """ assert list(docs) == list(numbers) actual_numbers = {name: len(d) for name, d in docs.items()} assert actual_numbers == numbers
[docs] class ApproxTable: """For approximating two tables are equivalent. :param expected: The expected table. :param rel: The relative tolerance. :param abs: The absolute tolerance. :param nan_ok: Whether NaNs are allowed. """ def __init__(self, expected: Table, rel=None, abs=None, nan_ok: bool = False): self.expected = expected self.rel = rel self.abs = abs self.nan_ok = nan_ok def __eq__(self, value): approx_fields = { k: pytest.approx(v, self.rel, self.abs, self.nan_ok) for k, v in self.expected } expected = type(self.expected).model_construct(**approx_fields) # type: ignore return expected == value
[docs] class MonitorQueue(AbstractContextManager): """Monitors a `Signal` and stores its updates.""" def __init__(self, signal: SignalR): self.signal = signal self.updates: asyncio.Queue[dict[str, Reading]] = asyncio.Queue()
[docs] async def assert_updates(self, expected_value): # Get an update, value and reading update = await asyncio.wait_for(self.updates.get(), timeout=5) await assert_value(self.signal, expected_value) expected_reading = { { "value": expected_value, } } await assert_reading(self.signal, expected_reading) _assert_readings_approx_equal(expected_reading, update)
def __enter__(self): self.signal.subscribe(self.updates.put_nowait) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.signal.clear_sub(self.updates.put_nowait)
[docs] class StatusWatcher(Watcher[T]): """Watches an `AsyncStatus`, storing the calls within.""" def __init__(self, status: WatchableAsyncStatus) -> None: self._event = asyncio.Event() self.mock = Mock() """Mock that stores watcher updates from the status.""" def __call__( self, current: T | None = None, initial: T | None = None, target: T | None = None, name: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, precision: int | None = None, fraction: float | None = None, time_elapsed: float | None = None, time_remaining: float | None = None, ) -> Any: self.mock( current=current, initial=initial, target=target, name=name, unit=unit, precision=precision, fraction=fraction, time_elapsed=time_elapsed, time_remaining=time_remaining, ) self._event.set()
[docs] async def wait_for_call( self, current: T | None = None, initial: T | None = None, target: T | None = None, name: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, precision: int | None = None, fraction: float | None = None, # Any so we can use pytest.approx time_elapsed: float | Any = None, time_remaining: float | Any = None, ): await asyncio.wait_for(self._event.wait(), timeout=1) assert self.mock.call_count == 1 assert self.mock.call_args == call( current=current, initial=initial, target=target, name=name, unit=unit, precision=precision, fraction=fraction, time_elapsed=time_elapsed, time_remaining=time_remaining, ) self.mock.reset_mock() self._event.clear()