Models representing entities in a plot, including containers (Figure, Axes) and
artists (Line, Grid, Image).
We follow the pattern that parents know about their children but children do
not know about their parents: thus, Figures know about their Axes and Axes know
about their Artists.
import collections
import uuid as uuid_module
from ..utils.event import EmitterGroup, Event
from ..utils.list import EventedList
from ..utils.dict_view import UpdateOnlyDict, DictView
[docs]class BaseSpec:
"Just a class with a uuid attribute and some slots."
__slots__ = ("_uuid", "events", "__weakref__")
def __init__(self, uuid):
if uuid is None:
uuid = uuid_module.uuid4()
self._uuid = uuid
def uuid(self):
return self._uuid
[docs]class AxesSpec(BaseSpec):
Describes a set of Axes
lines : List[LineSpec], optional
images : List[ImageSpec], optional
title: String, optional
Axes title text
x_label: String, optional
Text label for x axis
y_label: String, optional
Text label for y axis
uuid : UUID, optional
Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure,
used internally to track it.
Note that plot entities like lines may be declared at init time:
>>> axes = AxesSpec(lines=[LineSpec(...)])
Or added later:
>>> axes = AxesSpec()
>>> axes.lines.append(LineSpec(...))
Or a mix:
>>> axes = AxesSpec(lines=[LineSpec(...)])
>>> axes.lines.append(LineSpec(...))
And they can be removed at any point:
>>> del axes.lines[0] # Remove the first one.
>>> del axes.lines[-1] # Remove the last one.
>>> axes.lines.clear() # Remove them all.
They may be accessed by type
>>> axes.lines # all lines
[LineSpec(...), LineSpec(...), ...]
Or by label
>>> axes.by_label["Scan 8"] # list of all plot entities with this label
[LineSpec(...)] # typically contains just one element
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
self._figure = None
self._lines = LineSpecList(lines or [])
self._images = ImageSpecList(images or [])
# A colleciton of all artists, mappping UUID to object
self._artists = {}
self._title = title
self._x_label = x_label
self._y_label = y_label
self.events = EmitterGroup(
source=self, title=Event, x_label=Event, y_label=Event
for line in self._lines:
for image in self._images:
def figure(self):
The Figure in which this Axes is located.
See Also
return self._figure
def lines(self):
"List of LineSpecs on these Axes. Mutable."
return self._lines
def images(self):
"List of ImageSpecs on these Axes. Mutable"
return self._images
def by_label(self):
Access artists as a read-only dict keyed by label.
Since two artists are allowed to have the same label, the values are
*lists*. In the common case, the list will have just one element.
Look up an object (e.g. a line) by its label and change its color.
>>> spec = axes_spec.by_label["Scan 3"]
>>> spec.style.update(color="red")
mapping = collections.defaultdict(list)
for artist in self._artists.values():
return DictView(dict(mapping))
def by_uuid(self):
Access artists as a read-only dict keyed by uuid.
# Return a copy to prohibit mutation of internal bookkeeping.
return DictView(self._artists)
def title(self):
"String for figure title. Settable"
return self._title
def title(self, value):
self._title = value
def x_label(self):
"String for x axes label. Settable."
return self._x_label
def x_label(self, value):
self._x_label = value
def y_label(self):
"String for y axes label. Settable."
return self._y_label
def y_label(self, value):
self._y_label = value
def _on_artist_added(self, event):
artist = event.item
def _adopt_artist(self, artist):
self._artists[artist.uuid] = artist
def _on_artist_removed(self, event):
artist = event.item
del self._artists[artist.uuid]
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lines={self.lines!r}, "
f"images={self.images!r}, title={self.title!r},"
f"x_label={self.x_label!r}, y_label={self.y_label!r}, "
[docs]class ArtistSpec(BaseSpec):
Describes the data, computation, and style for an artist (plot element)
func : callable
Expected signature::
func(run: BlueskyRun)
The expected return type varies by artist.
run : BlueskyRun
Contains data to be visualized.
label : String
Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec.
style : Dict, optional
Options passed through to plotting framework, such as ``color`` or
axes : AxesSpec, optional
This may be specified here or set later using :meth:`set_axes`. Once
specified, it cannot be changed.
uuid : UUID, optional
Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure,
used internally to track it.
__slots__ = ("_func", "_run", "_label", "_style", "_axes")
def __init__(self, func, run, label, style=None, axes=None, uuid=None):
self._func = func
self._run = run
self._label = label
self._style = UpdateOnlyDict(style or {})
self._axes = axes
self.events = EmitterGroup(source=self, label=Event, style_updated=Event)
# Re-emit updates. It's important to re-emit (not just pass through)
# because the consumer will need access to self.
lambda event: self.events.style_updated(
update=event.update, artist_spec=self
[docs] def set_axes(self, axes):
This is called by AxesSpec when the Artist is added to it.
It may only be called once.
if self._axes is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Axes may only be set once. The artist {self} already belongs "
f"to {self.axes} and thus cannot be added to {axes}."
self._axes = axes
def axes(self):
The Axes on which this Artist is drawn.
See Also
return self._axes
def func(self):
"Function that transforms BlueskyRun to plottble data. Immutable."
return self._func
def run(self):
"BlueskyRun that is the data source. Immutable."
return self._run
def label(self):
"Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec. Settable."
return self._label
def label(self, value):
self._label = str(value)
self.events.label(value=value, artist_spec=self)
def style(self):
Options passed to the artist.
This *is* settable but it has to be done like:
>>> spec.style.update({"color": "blue"})
Attempts to modify the contents will be disallowed:
>>> spec.style["color"] = blue # TypeError!
>>> del spec.style["color"] # TypeError!
return self._style
def style(self, update):
# Provide a more helpful error than the default,
# AttributeError: can't set attribute.
raise AttributeError(
f"can't set attribute. Use style.update({update!r}) "
f"instead of style = {update!r}."
def __repr__(self):
return (
f"{self.__class__.__name__}(func={self.func!r}, run={self.run!r}, "
f"label={self.label!r}, style={self.style!r}, axes={self.axes!r}"
[docs]class LineSpec(ArtistSpec):
Describes the data, computation, and style for a line
func : callable
Expected signature::
func(run: BlueskyRun) -> x: Array, y: Array
run : BlueskyRun
Contains data to be visualized.
label : String
Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec.
style : Dict, optional
Options passed through to plotting framework, such as ``color`` or
axes : AxesSpec, optional
This may be specified here or set later using :meth:`set_axes`. Once
specified, it cannot be changed.
uuid : UUID, optional
Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure,
used internally to track it.
__slots__ = ()
class ImageSpec(ArtistSpec):
"Describes an image stack (both data and style)"
# EventedLists for each type of spec. We plan to add type-checking to these,
# hence a specific container for each.
class FigureSpecList(EventedList):
__slots__ = ()
class AxesSpecList(EventedList):
__slots__ = ()
class LineSpecList(EventedList):
__slots__ = ()
class ImageSpecList(EventedList):
__slots__ = ()