API Reference

Run Tree


class bluesky_widgets.models.run_tree.RunTree(run=None)[source]

Tree viewer for the metadata in a BlueskyRun.

run: BlueskyRun or None, optional
property run

The currently-viewed Run. (None if empty.)



class bluesky_widgets.qt.run_tree.QtTreeView(model, parent=None)[source]

Tree view showing a run



Figures, Axes, and Plot Entities

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.FigureSpec(axes, *, title, uuid=None, short_title=None)[source]

Describes a Figure


Figure title text

uuidUUID, optional

Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure, used internally to track it.

short_title: String, optional

Shorter figure title text, used in (for example) tab labels. Views should fall back on title if this is None.

property axes

Tuple of AxesSpecs. Set at FigureSpec creation time and immutable.

Why is it immutable? Because rearranging Axes to make room for a new one is currently painful to do in matplotlib. This constraint might be relaxed in the future if the situation improves in matplotlib or if support for other plotting frameworks is added to bluesky-widgets.

property short_title

String for figure title tab label. Settable

property title

String for figure title. Settable.

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.AxesSpec(*, lines=None, images=None, title=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, uuid=None)[source]

Describes a set of Axes


Note that plot entities like lines may be declared at init time:

>>> axes = AxesSpec(lines=[LineSpec(...)])

Or added later:

>>> axes = AxesSpec()
>>> axes.lines.append(LineSpec(...))

Or a mix:

>>> axes = AxesSpec(lines=[LineSpec(...)])
>>> axes.lines.append(LineSpec(...))

And they can be removed at any point:

>>> del axes.lines[0]  # Remove the first one.
>>> del axes.lines[-1]  # Remove the last one.
>>> axes.lines.clear()  # Remove them all.

They may be accessed by type

>>> axes.lines  # all lines
[LineSpec(...), LineSpec(...), ...]

Or by label

>>> axes.by_label["Scan 8"]  # list of all plot entities with this label
[LineSpec(...)]  # typically contains just one element
property by_label

Access artists as a read-only dict keyed by label.

Since two artists are allowed to have the same label, the values are lists. In the common case, the list will have just one element.


Look up an object (e.g. a line) by its label and change its color.

>>> spec = axes_spec.by_label["Scan 3"]
>>> spec.style.update(color="red")
property by_uuid

Access artists as a read-only dict keyed by uuid.

property figure

The Figure in which this Axes is located.

See also

property images

List of ImageSpecs on these Axes. Mutable

property lines

List of LineSpecs on these Axes. Mutable.


This is called by FigureSpec when the Axes is added to it.

It may only be called once.

property title

String for figure title. Settable

property x_label

String for x axes label. Settable.

property y_label

String for y axes label. Settable.

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.LineSpec(func, run, label, style=None, axes=None, uuid=None)[source]

Describes the data, computation, and style for a line


Expected signature:

func(run: BlueskyRun) -> x: Array, y: Array

Contains data to be visualized.


Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec.

styleDict, optional

Options passed through to plotting framework, such as color or label.

axesAxesSpec, optional

This may be specified here or set later using set_axes(). Once specified, it cannot be changed.

uuidUUID, optional

Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure, used internally to track it.

Base Classes

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.ArtistSpec(func, run, label, style=None, axes=None, uuid=None)[source]

Describes the data, computation, and style for an artist (plot element)


Expected signature:

func(run: BlueskyRun)

The expected return type varies by artist.


Contains data to be visualized.


Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec.

styleDict, optional

Options passed through to plotting framework, such as color or label.

axesAxesSpec, optional

This may be specified here or set later using set_axes(). Once specified, it cannot be changed.

uuidUUID, optional

Automatically assigned to provide a unique identifier for this Figure, used internally to track it.

property axes

The Axes on which this Artist is drawn.

See also

property func

Function that transforms BlueskyRun to plottble data. Immutable.

property label

Label used in legend and for lookup by label on AxesSpec. Settable.

property run

BlueskyRun that is the data source. Immutable.


This is called by AxesSpec when the Artist is added to it.

It may only be called once.

property style

Options passed to the artist.

This is settable but it has to be done like:

>>> spec.style.update({"color": "blue"})

Attempts to modify the contents will be disallowed:

>>> spec.style["color"] = blue  # TypeError!
>>> del spec.style["color"]  # TypeError!
class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.BaseSpec(uuid)[source]

Just a class with a uuid attribute and some slots.



class bluesky_widgets.qt.figures.QtFigure(model: bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.FigureSpec, parent=None)[source]

A Qt view for a FigureSpec model. This always contains one Figure.

property axes

Read-only access to the mapping AxesSpec UUID -> MatplotlibAxes

class bluesky_widgets.qt.figures.QtFigures(model: bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.FigureSpecList, parent=None)[source]

A Jupyter (ipywidgets) view for a FigureSpecList model.

property figures

Read-only access to the mapping FigureSpec UUID -> QtFigure


class bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures.JupyterFigure(**kwargs)[source]

A Jupyter view for a FigureSpec model. This always contains one Figure.

property axes

Read-only access to the mapping AxesSpec UUID -> MatplotlibAxes

class bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures.JupyterFigures(**kwargs)[source]

A Jupyter (ipywidgets) view for a FigureSpecList model.

property figures

Read-only access to the mapping FigureSpec UUID -> JupyterFigure


class bluesky_widgets.headless.figures.HeadlessFigure(model: bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.FigureSpec)[source]

A Headless “view” for a FigureSpec model. This always contains one Figure.


Export the figure.

>>> headless = HeadlessFigure(model)
>>> headless.export("my-figure.png")
property axes

Read-only access to the mapping AxesSpec UUID -> MatplotlibAxes

export(filename, format='png', **kwargs)[source]

Export figure.

filenamestr | Path
formatstr, optional

Default is “png”.

**kwargs :

Passed through to matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig

class bluesky_widgets.headless.figures.HeadlessFigures(model: bluesky_widgets.models.plot_specs.FigureSpecList)[source]

A headless “view” for a FigureSpecList model.

It does not produce a graphical user interface. Instead, it provides methods for exporting figures as images.


Export all the figures to a directory. They will be named by their title. If there are duplciate titles, a counting number will appended like x-1.png, x-2.png.

>>> headless = HeadlessFigures(model)
>>> headless.export_all("path/to/directory/")

Control the format.

>>> headless.export_all("path/to/directory/", format="png")
>>> headless.export_all("path/to/directory/", format="jpg")
export_all(directory, format='png', **kwargs)[source]

Export all figures.

directorystr | Path
formatstr, optional

Default is “png”.

**kwargs :

Passed through to matplotlib.figure.Figure.savefig

property figures

Read-only access to the mapping FigureSpec UUID -> HeadlessFigure

Plot Builders

These are models which build a models.plot_specs.FigureSpec or a list of them. This is an example of a builder that creates one Figure:

from bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders import RecentLines
model = RecentLines(3, "motor", "det")
model.runs  # append Runs to this list

# Build a view by passing model.figure to any Figure view, e.g.
from bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures import JupyterFigure
view = JupyterFigure(model.figure)

And this is an example of a builder that creates a list of Figures:

from bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders import AutoRecentLines
model = AutoRecentLines(3)
model.runs  # append Runs to this list

# Build a view by passing model.figures to any Figures view, e.g.
from bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures import JupyterFigures
view = JupyterFigures(model.figures)

Builders with a Single Figure

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders.RecentLines(max_runs, x, y, stream_name='primary', func=None, axes=None)[source]

Plot y vs x for the last N runs.


Number of lines to show at once


Field name


Field name

stream_namestring, optional

Stream where fields x and y are found. Default is “primary”.

funccallable, optional

Expected signature:

func(run: BlueskyRun, stream_name: str, x: str, y: str) -> x: Array, y: Array


def func(run, stream_name, x, y):
    ds = run[stream_name].to_dask()
    return ds[x], ds[y]
axesAxesSpec, optional

If None, an axes and figure are created with default labels and titles derived from the x and y parameters.


>>> model = RecentLines(3, "motor", "det")
>>> from bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures import JupyterFigure
>>> view = JupyterFigure(model.figure)
>>> model.add_run(run)
>>> model.add_run(another_run, pinned=True)

Number of Runs to plot at once. This may be changed at any point. (Note: Increasing it will not restore any Runs that have already been removed, but it will allow more new Runs to be added.)


As runs are appended entries will be removed from the beginning of the last (first in, first out) so that there are at most max_runs.


Run uids of pinned runs.


Read-only access to x field name


Read-only access to y field name


Read-only access to stream name

add_run(run, pinned=False)[source]

Add a Run.


If True, retain this Run until it is removed by the user.


Discard a Run, including any pinned and unpinned.

If the Run is not present, this will return silently.

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders.Image(field, stream_name='primary', func=None, axes=None)[source]

Plot an image from a Run.

By default, higher-dimensional data is handled by repeatedly averaging over the leading dimension until there are only two dimensions.


Field name (“data key”) for this image

stream_namestring, optional

Stream where fields x and y are found. Default is “primary”.

funccallable, optional

Expected signature:

func(run: BlueskyRun, stream_name: str, x: str, y: str) -> x: Array, y: Array


def func(run, field):
    ds = run[stream_name].to_dask()
    data = ds[field].data
    # Reduce the data until it is 2D by repeatedly averaging over
    # the leading axis until there only two axes.
    while data.ndim > 2:
        data = data.mean(0)
    return data
axesAxesSpec, optional

If None, an axes and figure are created with default labels and titles derived from the x and y parameters.


>>> model = RecentLines(3, "motor", "det")
>>> from bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures import JupyterFigure
>>> view = JupyterFigure(model.figure)
>>> model.add_run(run)
>>> model.add_run(another_run, pinned=True)

The currently-viewed Run


Read-only access to x field name


Read-only access to y field name


Read-only access to stream name

Builders with a List of Figures

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders.AutoRecentLines(max_runs)[source]

Automatically guess useful lines to plot. Show the last N runs (per figure).


Number of Runs to plot at once, per figure


>>> model = AutoRecentLines(3)
>>> from bluesky_widgets.jupyter.figures import JupyterFigures
>>> view = JupyterFigures(model.figures)
>>> model.add_run(run)
>>> model.add_run(another_run, pinned=True)

Number of Runs to plot at once. This may be changed at any point. (Note: Increasing it will not restore any Runs that have already been removed, but it will allow more new Runs to be added.)


Read-only mapping of each key to the active RecentLines instance.

add_run(run, pinned=False)[source]

Add a Run.


If True, retain this Run until it is removed by the user.


Discard a Run, including any pinned and unpinned.

If the Run is not present, this will return silently. Also, note that this only affect “active” plots that are currently receive new runs. Inactive ones will be left as they are.

property keys_to_figures

Read-only mapping of each key to the active RecentLines instance.


Make a new RecentLine instance for a key.

If there is an existing one the instance and figure will remain but will no longer be updated with new Runs. Those will go to a new instance and figure, created here.

class bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders.PromptPlotter(builders)[source]

Produce Figures from BlueskyRuns promptly (as Run completion time).


A list of functions that accept a BlueskyRun and return FigureSpec(s).


Add or remove runs from this list.


Figures will be added to this list.


A list of functions with the expected signature:

f(run: BlueskyRun) -> FigureSpec


f(run: BlueskyRun) -> List{FigureSpec]

Add a Run.


Discard a Run.

If the Run is not present, this will return silently.


Streaming Utilities


Convert a flat stream of documents to “live” BlueskyRuns.


This will be called as add_run(run: BlueskyRun) each time a ‘start’ document is received.


This should be subscribed to a callback registry that calls it like callback(name, doc).


This is used for connecting something that emits a flat stream of documents to something that wants to receive BlueskyRuns.

Append to a plain list.

>>> from bluesky import RunEngine
>>> RE = RunEngine()
>>> runs = []
>>> RE.subscribe(stream_documents_into_runs(runs.append))

Or, more usefully to an observable list.

>>> from bluesky_widgets.models.utils import RunList
>>> runs = RunList()
>>> RE.subscribe(stream_documents_into_runs(runs.append))

Add runs to a model with an add_run method. For example, it might be a model that generates figures.

>>> from bluesky_widgets.models.plot_builders import AutoRecentLines
>>> model = AutoRecentLines(3)
>>> RE.subscribe(stream_documents_into_runs(model.add_run))
class bluesky_widgets.qt.zmq_dispatcher.RemoteDispatcher(address, *, prefix=b'', deserializer=<built-in function loads>, parent=None)[source]

Dispatch documents received over the network from a 0MQ proxy.

This is designed to be run in a Qt application.

addresstuple | str

Address of a running 0MQ proxy, given either as a string like '' or as a tuple like ('', 5567)

prefixbytes, optional

User-defined bytestring used to distinguish between multiple Publishers. If set, messages without this prefix will be ignored. If unset, no mesages will be ignored.

deserializer: function, optional

optional function to deserialize data. Default is pickle.loads


Print all documents generated by remote RunEngines.

>>> d = RemoteDispatcher(('localhost', 5568))
>>> d.subscribe(stream_documents_into_runs(model.add_run))
>>> d.start()  # launches periodic workers on background threads
>>> d.stop()  # stop launching workers
class bluesky_widgets.jupyter.zmq_dispatcher.RemoteDispatcher(address, *, prefix=b'', deserializer=<built-in function loads>)[source]

Dispatch documents received over the network from a 0MQ proxy.

This is designed to be run in a Jupyter kernel.

addresstuple | str

Address of a running 0MQ proxy, given either as a string like '' or as a tuple like ('', 5567)

prefixbytes, optional

User-defined bytestring used to distinguish between multiple Publishers. If set, messages without this prefix will be ignored. If unset, no mesages will be ignored.

deserializer: function, optional

optional function to deserialize data. Default is pickle.loads


Print all documents generated by remote RunEngines.

>>> d = RemoteDispatcher(('localhost', 5568))
>>> d.subscribe(stream_documents_into_runs(model.add_run))
>>> d.start()  # starts a thread and a long-running subprocess
>>> d.stop()  # stops them and blocks until they stop