The endpoints of the REST service are documented below.
- POST /valid#
Validate wether a ScanSpec[str] can produce a viable scan.
- Args:
spec: The scanspec to validate
- Returns:
- ValidResponse: A canonical version of the spec if it is valid.
An error otherwise.
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- POST /midpoints#
Generate midpoints from a scanspec.
A scanspec can produce bounded points (i.e. a point is valid if an axis is between a minimum and and a maximum, see /bounds). The midpoints are the middle of each set of bounds.
- Args:
request: Scanspec and formatting info.
- Returns:
MidpointsResponse: Midpoints of the scan
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- POST /bounds#
Generate bounds from a scanspec.
A scanspec can produce points with lower and upper bounds.
- Args:
request: Scanspec and formatting info.
- Returns:
BoundsResponse: Bounds of the scan
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- POST /gap#
Generate gaps from a scanspec.
A scanspec may indicate if there is a gap between two frames. The array returned corresponds to whether or not there is a gap after each frame.
- Args:
spec: Scanspec and formatting info.
- Returns:
GapResponse: Bounds of the scan
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error
- POST /smalleststep#
Smallest Step
Calculate the smallest step in a scan, both absolutely and per-axis.
Ignore any steps of size 0.
- Args:
spec: The spec of the scan
- Returns:
SmallestStepResponse: A description of the smallest steps in the spec
- Status Codes:
200 OK – Successful Response
422 Unprocessable Entity – Validation Error