Source code for tiled.readers.dataframe

import dask.base
import dask.dataframe

from ..server.object_cache import NO_CACHE, get_object_cache
from ..structures.dataframe import DataFrameMacroStructure, DataFrameMicroStructure
from ..utils import DictView

[docs]class DataFrameAdapter: """ Wrap a dataframe-like in a "Reader". Examples -------- >>> df = pandas.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]}) >>> DataFrameAdapter(dask.dataframe.from_pandas(df), npartitions=1) Read a CSV (uses dask.dataframe.read_csv). >>> DataFrameAdapter.read_csv("myfiles.*.csv") >>> DataFrameAdapter.read_csv("s3://bucket/myfiles.*.csv") """ structure_family = "dataframe" @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, *args, metadata=None, **kwargs): return cls(dask.dataframe.from_pandas(*args, **kwargs), metadata=metadata)
[docs] @classmethod def read_csv(cls, *args, metadata=None, **kwargs): """ Read a CSV. Internally, this uses dask.dataframe.read_csv. It forward all parameters to that function. See Examples -------- >>> DataFrameAdapter.read_csv("myfiles.*.csv") >>> DataFrameAdapter.read_csv("s3://bucket/myfiles.*.csv") """ ddf = dask.dataframe.read_csv(*args, **kwargs) # If an instance has previously been created using the same parameters, # then we are here because the caller wants a *fresh* view on this data. # Therefore, we should clear any cached data. cache = get_object_cache() if cache is not NO_CACHE: cache.discard_dask(ddf.__dask_keys__()) return cls(ddf, metadata=metadata)
read_csv.__doc__ = ( """ This wraps dask.dataframe.read_csv. Original docstring: """ + dask.dataframe.read_csv.__doc__ )
[docs] def __init__(self, ddf, metadata=None): self._metadata = metadata or {} self._ddf = ddf
def __repr__(self): return f"{type(self).__name__}({self._ddf!r})" @property def metadata(self): return DictView(self._metadata) def macrostructure(self): return DataFrameMacroStructure.from_dask_dataframe(self._ddf) def microstructure(self): return DataFrameMicroStructure.from_dask_dataframe(self._ddf) def read(self, columns=None): # TODO For the array reader we require returning a *lazy* object here. # Should rethink that. As is, this is inconsistent. # But we very intentionally do not support fancy row-slicing because # that becomes complex fast and it out of scope for Tiled. ddf = self._ddf if columns is not None: ddf = ddf[columns] # Note: If the cache is set to NO_CACHE, this is a null context. with get_object_cache().dask_context: return ddf.compute() def read_partition(self, partition, columns=None): partition = self._ddf.partitions[partition] if columns is not None: # Sub-select columns. partition = partition[columns] # Note: If the cache is set to NO_CACHE, this is a null context. with get_object_cache().dask_context: return partition.compute()