
This tutorial covers

  • Installation using pip

  • Installation from source

Standard Installation with pip

First, we strongly recommend creating a fresh software environment using venv, conda, or similar.

# with venv...
python3 -m venv try-tiled
source try-tiled/bin/activate

# with conda...
conda create -n try-tiled python pip
conda activate try-tiled

Install Tiled from PyPI using pip.

python3 -m pip install "tiled[all]"

If you are connecting to an existing to a tiled server as a client, there is not need to install all the server-related dependencies.

python3 -m pip install "tiled[client]"  # client only

Likewise, if you are deploying a tiled server but not using the client, you can skip a couple client-related dependencies.

python3 -m pip install "tiled[server]"  # server only

Minimal Installation (fewer dependencies)

To be even more selective about dependencies, you can install minimal-client and/or minimal-server. These do not install numpy, pandas, xarray, and other dependencies related to transporting them between server and client. This can be useful for a maximally-lean workflow that is only interested in exploring metadata.

python3 -m pip install "tiled[minimal-client]"
python3 -m pip install "tiled[minimal-server]"

See lists of dependencies in pyproject.toml in the repository root for details.


To install an editable installation for local development:

git clone
cd tiled
pip install -e ".[all]"

Web UI

Tiled includes a web front-end, based in React. A standard pip installation (i.e. installing from the published wheel) includes the web front-end pre-built—no further action required.

An installation from source will attempt to build the web front-end if an npm executable is found in the PATH. To opt out of this step, set TILED_BUILD_SKIP_UI=1. For details, see, at the root of the tiled source tree.