Source code for tiled.trees.files

import collections
import functools
import importlib
import mimetypes
import os
import queue
import re
import threading
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import cachetools
from watchgod.watcher import Change, RegExpWatcher

from ..structures.dataframe import XLSX_MIME_TYPE
from ..utils import CachingMap, OneShotCachedMap, import_object
from .in_memory import Tree as TreeInMemory

# The Adapter objects are light because any large data they stash should be
# placed in the global internal cache, not in the Adapter state itself.
# Therefore, we can afford to accumulate many of these.

DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = 0.2  # seconds

def strip_suffixes(filename):
    For use with key_from_filename parameter.

    This gives the 'base' as the key.

    >>> strip_suffixes("a.tif")

    >>> strip_suffixes("thing.tar.gz")
    path = Path(filename)
    # You would think there would be a method for this, but there is not.
    if len(path.suffixes):
        return str(path)[: -sum([len(s) for s in path.suffixes])]
        return filename

def identity(filename):
    For use with key_from_filename parameter.

    This give the full filename (with suffixes) as the key.
    return filename

[docs]class Tree(TreeInMemory): """ A Tree constructed by walking a directory and watching it for changes. Examples -------- >>> Tree.from_directory("path/to/directory") """ __slots__ = ( "_watcher_thread_kill_switch", "_index", "_subdirectory_trie", "_subdirectory_handler", "_directory", "_manual_trigger", ) # This maps MIME types (i.e. file formats) for appropriate Readers. # OneShotCachedMap is used to defer imports. We don't want to pay up front # for importing Readers that we will not actually use. DEFAULT_READERS_BY_MIMETYPE = OneShotCachedMap( { "image/tiff": lambda: importlib.import_module( "...readers.tiff", Tree.__module__ ).TiffReader, "text/csv": lambda: importlib.import_module( "...readers.dataframe", Tree.__module__ ).DataFrameAdapter.read_csv, XLSX_MIME_TYPE: lambda: importlib.import_module( "...readers.excel", Tree.__module__ ).ExcelReader.from_file, "application/x-hdf5": lambda: importlib.import_module( "...readers.hdf5", Tree.__module__ ).HDF5Reader.from_file, } ) # We can mostly rely on mimetypes.types_map for the common ones # ('.csv' -> 'text/csv', etc.) but we supplement here for some # of the more exotic ones that not all platforms know about. DEFAULT_MIMETYPES_BY_FILE_EXT = { # This is the "official" file extension. ".h5": "application/x-hdf5", # This is NeXus. We may want to invent a special media type # like 'application/x-nexus' for this, but I'll punt that for now. # Needs thought about how to encode the various types of NeXus # (media type arguments, for example). ".nxs": "application/x-hdf5", # These are unofficial but common file extensions. ".hdf": "application/x-hdf5", ".hdf5": "application/x-hdf5", } @classmethod def from_directory( cls, directory, *, ignore_re_dirs=None, ignore_re_files=None, readers_by_mimetype=None, mimetypes_by_file_ext=None, subdirectory_handler=None, key_from_filename=strip_suffixes, metadata=None, access_policy=None, authenticated_identity=None, error_if_missing=True, greedy=False, poll_interval=DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL, entries_stale_after=None, metadata_stale_after=None, **kwargs, ): """ Construct a Tree from a directory of files. Parameters ---------- ignore_re_dirs : str, optional Regular expression. Matched directories will be ignored. ignore_re_files : str, optional Regular expression. Matched files will be ignored. readers_by_mimetype : dict, optional Map a mimetype to a Reader suitable for that mimetype mimetypes_by_file_ext : dict, optional Map a file extension (e.g. '.tif') to a mimetype (e.g. 'image/tiff') subdirectory_handler : callable, optional Given a (relative) filepath to a direj key_from_filename : callable[str] -> str, Given a filename, return the key for the item that will represent it. By default, this strips off the suffixes, so "a.tif" -> "a". metadata : dict, optional, Metadata for the top-level node of this tree. access_policy : AccessPolicy, optional authenticated_identity : str, optional error_if_missing : boolean, optional If True (default) raise an error if the directory does not exist. If False, wait and poll for the directory to be created later. greedy : boolean, optional If False (default) instantiate nodes in the tree lazily, when first accessed. If True, instantiate them greedily when the underlying files are first found. poll_interval : float or False, optional Time in seconds between scans of the directory for removed or changed files. If False or 0, do not poll for changes. Default value is 0.2 seconds, subject to change without notice. entries_stale_after: timedelta This server uses this to communite to the client how long it should rely on a local cache before checking back for changes. metadata_stale_after: timedelta This server uses this to communite to the client how long it should rely on a local cache before checking back for changes. """ if error_if_missing: if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise ValueError( f"{directory} is not a directory. " "To run anyway, in anticipation of the directory " "appearing later, use error_if_missing=False." ) readers_by_mimetype = readers_by_mimetype or {} # If readers_by_mimetype comes from a configuration file, # objects are given as importable strings, like "package.module:Reader". for key, value in list(readers_by_mimetype.items()): if isinstance(value, str): readers_by_mimetype[key] = import_object(value) if isinstance(key_from_filename, str): key_from_filename = import_object(key_from_filename) if isinstance(subdirectory_handler, str): subdirectory_handler = import_object(subdirectory_handler) # User-provided readers take precedence over defaults. merged_readers_by_mimetype = collections.ChainMap( readers_by_mimetype, cls.DEFAULT_READERS_BY_MIMETYPE ) mimetypes_by_file_ext = mimetypes_by_file_ext or {} merged_mimetypes_by_file_ext = collections.ChainMap( mimetypes_by_file_ext, cls.DEFAULT_MIMETYPES_BY_FILE_EXT ) # Map subdirectory path parts, as in ('a', 'b', 'c'), to mapping of partials. # This single index represents the entire nested directory structure. (We # could have done this recursively, with each sub-Tree watching its own # subdirectory, but there are efficiencies to be gained by doing a single # walk of the nested directory structure and having a single thread watching # for changes within that structure.) mapping = CachingMap( {}, cache=cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=MAX_ADAPTER_CACHE_SIZE) ) index = {(): mapping} # Map key to set of filepaths that map to that key. collision_tracker = collections.defaultdict(set) # This is a trie for efficiently checking of a given subdirectory is # claimed by a subdirectory_handler. subdirectory_trie = {} # 1. Start watching directory for changes and accumulating a queue of them. # 2. Do an initial scan of the files in the directory. # 3. When the initial scan completes, start processing changes. This # will cover changes that occurred during or after the initial scan and # avoid a possibile a race condition. initial_scan_complete = [] watcher_thread_kill_switch = [] manual_trigger = queue.Queue() watcher_thread = threading.Thread( target=_watch, args=( directory, ignore_re_files, ignore_re_dirs, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, merged_readers_by_mimetype, merged_mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, initial_scan_complete, watcher_thread_kill_switch, manual_trigger, greedy, collision_tracker, poll_interval, ), daemon=True, name="tiled-watch-filesystem-changes", ) if poll_interval: watcher_thread.start() compiled_ignore_re_dirs = ( re.compile(ignore_re_dirs) if ignore_re_dirs is not None else ignore_re_dirs ) compiled_ignore_re_files = ( re.compile(ignore_re_files) if ignore_re_files is not None else ignore_re_files ) for root, subdirectories, files in os.walk(directory, topdown=True): parts = Path(root).relative_to(directory).parts # Skip this root if it corresponds to a directory managed by a handler. # TODO Let the top-level directory be managed by a handler? if parts: d = subdirectory_trie for part in parts: if part not in d: this_root_is_separately_managed = False break if not isinstance(d[part], dict): this_root_is_separately_managed = True break d = d[part] else: this_root_is_separately_managed = True if this_root_is_separately_managed: continue # Account for ignore_re_dirs and update which subdirectories we will traverse. valid_subdirectories = [] for d in subdirectories: if (ignore_re_dirs is None) or compiled_ignore_re_dirs.match( str(Path(*(parts + (d,)))) ): valid_subdirectories.append(d) subdirectories[:] = valid_subdirectories for subdirectory in subdirectories: _new_subdir( index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, root, parts, subdirectory, greedy, ) # Account for ignore_re_files and update which files we will traverse. valid_files = [] for f in files: if (ignore_re_files is None) or compiled_ignore_re_files.match( str(Path(*(parts + (f,)))) ): valid_files.append(f) files[:] = valid_files for filename in files: if (ignore_re_files is not None) and compiled_ignore_re_files.match( str(Path(*parts)) ): continue # Add items to the mapping for this root directory. key = key_from_filename(filename) filepath = Path(*parts, filename) if (*parts, key) in collision_tracker: # There is already a filepath that maps to this key! warnings.warn( COLLISION_WARNING.format( filepath=filepath, existing=[str(p) for p in collision_tracker[(*parts, key)]], key=key, ) ) index[parts].remove(key) else: try: reader_factory = _reader_factory_for_file( merged_readers_by_mimetype, merged_mimetypes_by_file_ext, Path(root, filename), ) except NoReaderAvailable: pass else: index[parts].set(key, reader_factory) if greedy: index[parts][key] collision_tracker[(*parts, key)].add(filepath) # Appending any object will cause bool(initial_scan_complete) to # evaluate to True. initial_scan_complete.append(object()) return cls( index[()], directory=directory, index=index, subdirectory_trie=subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler=subdirectory_handler, watcher_thread_kill_switch=watcher_thread_kill_switch, manual_trigger=manual_trigger, metadata=metadata, authenticated_identity=authenticated_identity, access_policy=access_policy, entries_stale_after=entries_stale_after, metadata_stale_after=metadata_stale_after, # The __init__ of this class does not accept any other # kwargs, but subclasses can use this to set up additional # instance state. **kwargs, )
[docs] def __init__( self, mapping, directory, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, watcher_thread_kill_switch, manual_trigger, metadata, access_policy, authenticated_identity, entries_stale_after=None, metadata_stale_after=None, must_revalidate=True, ): super().__init__( mapping, metadata=metadata, access_policy=access_policy, authenticated_identity=authenticated_identity, entries_stale_after=entries_stale_after, metadata_stale_after=metadata_stale_after, must_revalidate=must_revalidate, ) self._directory = directory self._index = index self._watcher_thread_kill_switch = watcher_thread_kill_switch self._manual_trigger = manual_trigger self._subdirectory_trie = subdirectory_trie self._subdirectory_handler = subdirectory_handler
def update_now(self): "Force an update and block until it completes." event = threading.Event() self._manual_trigger.put(event) # The worker thread will set this Event when processing completes. # Wait on that, and the return. event.wait() @property def directory(self): return self._directory def new_variation(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().new_variation( *args, watcher_thread_kill_switch=self._watcher_thread_kill_switch, manual_trigger=self._manual_trigger, directory=self._directory, index=self._index, subdirectory_trie=self._subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler=self._subdirectory_handler, **kwargs, ) def shutdown_watcher(self): # Appending any object will cause bool(self._watcher_thread_kill_switch) # to evaluate to True. self._watcher_thread_kill_switch.append(object())
def _watch( directory, ignore_re_files, ignore_re_dirs, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, initial_scan_complete, watcher_thread_kill_switch, manual_trigger, greedy, collision_tracker, poll_interval, ): watcher = RegExpWatcher(directory, re_files=ignore_re_files, re_dirs=ignore_re_dirs) queued_changes = [] event = None while not watcher_thread_kill_switch: changes = watcher.check() if initial_scan_complete: # Process initial backlog. (This only happens once, ever.) if queued_changes: _process_changes( queued_changes, directory, readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, greedy, collision_tracker, ) # Process changes just collected. _process_changes( changes, directory, readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, greedy, collision_tracker, ) else: # The initial scan is still going. Stash the changes for later. queued_changes.extend(changes) if event is not None: # The processing above was the result of a manual trigger. # Confirm to the sender that it has now completed. event.set() try: event = manual_trigger.get(timeout=poll_interval) except queue.Empty: event = None def _process_changes( changes, directory, readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, greedy, collision_tracker, ): ignore = set() # Map adapter for a subdirectory to list of (Change, Path) pairs # that it should be notified about. to_notify = collections.defaultdict(list) for kind, entry in changes: path = Path(entry) if path in ignore: # We have seen this before and could not find a Reader for it. # Do not try again. continue rel_path = path.relative_to(directory) parent_parts = d = subdirectory_trie subdir_parts = [] for part in if part not in d: within_separately_managed_subdir = False break if not isinstance(d[part], dict): subdir_parts.append(part) adapater = d[part] within_separately_managed_subdir = True break d = d[part] subdir_parts.append(part) else: adapater = d assert not isinstance(d, dict) within_separately_managed_subdir = True if within_separately_managed_subdir: to_notify[adapater].append( (kind, Path(*[len(subdir_parts) :])) # noqa: E203 ) continue if kind == Change.added: if path.is_dir(): _new_subdir( index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, directory, parent_parts,, greedy, ) else: key = key_from_filename( if collision_tracker.get((*parent_parts, key), False): # The collision tracker contains a nonempty set. # There is already a filepath that maps to this key! warnings.warn( COLLISION_WARNING.format( filepath=rel_path, existing=[ str(p) for p in collision_tracker[(*parent_parts, key)] ], key=key, ) ) index[parent_parts].remove(key) else: # We may observe the creation of a file before we observe the creation of its # directory. if parent_parts not in index: for i in range(len(parent_parts)): if parent_parts[: 1 + i] not in index: _new_subdir( index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, directory, parent_parts[:i], parent_parts[i], greedy, ) try: reader_factory = _reader_factory_for_file( readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, path ) except NoReaderAvailable: # Ignore this file in the future. # We already know that we do not know how to find a Reader # for this filename. ignore.add(path) else: index[parent_parts].set(key, reader_factory) if greedy: index[parent_parts][key] collision_tracker[(*parent_parts, key)].add(rel_path) elif kind == Change.deleted: if path.is_dir(): index.pop(parent_parts, None) else: key = key_from_filename( index[parent_parts].discard(key) collision_tracker[(*parent_parts, key)].discard(rel_path) if len(collision_tracker[(*parent_parts, key)]) == 1: # A key collision was resolved by the removal (or renaming) # of a conflicting file. (rel_path_with_newly_unique_key,) = collision_tracker[ (*parent_parts, key) ] collision_tracker[(*parent_parts, key)].clear() # Process the remaining file which now has a key that is unique. _process_changes( [(Change.added, directory / rel_path_with_newly_unique_key)], directory, readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, key_from_filename, index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, greedy, collision_tracker, ) elif kind == Change.modified: if path.is_dir(): # Nothing to do with a "modified" directory pass else: key = key_from_filename( # Why do we need a try/except here? A reasonable question! # Normally, we would learn about the file first via a Change.added # or via the initial scan. Then, later, when we learn about modification # we can be sure that we already know how to find a Reader for this # filename. But, during that initial scan, there is a race condition # where we might learn about Change.modified before we first add that file # to our index. Therefore, we guard this with a try/except, knowing # that this could be the first time we see this path. try: reader_factory = _reader_factory_for_file( readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, path ) except NoReaderAvailable: # Ignore this file in the future. # We already know that we do not know how to find a Reader # for this filename. ignore.add(path) else: index[parent_parts].set(key, reader_factory) if greedy: index[parent_parts][key] for adapter, changes in to_notify.items(): print(changes) if hasattr(adapter, "get_changes_callback"): changes_callback = adapter.get_changes_callback() if changes_callback is not None: changes_callback(changes) def _reader_factory_for_file(readers_by_mimetype, mimetypes_by_file_ext, path): ext = "".join(path.suffixes) # e.g. ".h5" or ".tar.gz" if ext in mimetypes_by_file_ext: mimetype = mimetypes_by_file_ext[ext] else: # Use the Python's built-in facility for guessing mimetype # from file extension. This loads data about mimetypes from # the operating system the first time it is used. mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) if mimetype is None: msg = ( f"The file at {path} has a file extension {ext} this is not " "recognized. The file will be skipped, pass in a mimetype " "for this file extension via the parameter " "Tree.from_directory(..., mimetypes_by_file_ext={...}) and " "pass in a Reader than handles this mimetype via " "the parameter Tree.from_directory(..., readers_by_mimetype={...})." ) warnings.warn(msg) raise NoReaderAvailable try: reader_class = readers_by_mimetype[mimetype] except KeyError: msg = ( f"The file at {path} was recognized as mimetype {mimetype} " "but there is no reader for that mimetype. The file will be skipped. " "To fix this, pass in a Reader than handles this mimetype via " "the parameter Tree.from_directory(..., readers_by_mimetype={...})." ) warnings.warn(msg) raise NoReaderAvailable return functools.partial(reader_class, str(path)) class NoReaderAvailable(Exception): pass def _new_subdir( index, subdirectory_trie, subdirectory_handler, root, parent_parts, subdirectory, greedy, ): "make a new mapping and a corresponding tree for this subdirectory." # Check whether this subdirectory should be separately managed as a whole, # or treated as individual files. if subdirectory_handler is not None: adapter = subdirectory_handler(Path(root, *parent_parts, subdirectory)) else: adapter = None if adapter is None: # Process the files in this directory individually. mapping = CachingMap( {}, cache=cachetools.LRUCache(maxsize=MAX_ADAPTER_CACHE_SIZE) ) index[parent_parts + (subdirectory,)] = mapping index[parent_parts].set(subdirectory, functools.partial(TreeInMemory, mapping)) if greedy: index[parent_parts][subdirectory] else: # Hand off management of this directory to the handler. d = subdirectory_trie for part in parent_parts: if part not in d: d[part] = {} d = d[part] d[subdirectory] = adapter index[parent_parts].set(subdirectory, lambda: adapter) if greedy: index[parent_parts][subdirectory] COLLISION_WARNING = ( "The file {filepath!s} maps to the key {key!r}. " "which collides with the file(s) {existing!r}. " "All files that map to this key will be ignored until the collision is resolved. " "To resolve this do one of the following: " "(1) Use the full, unique filename as the key, " "via the commandline flag --keep-ext " "or the configurable argument " "key_from_filename: 'tiled.trees.files:identity' # Use full filename as key " "(2) Remove or rename one of the files. " "(3) Use a custom key_from_filename that " "generates unique keys for this case." )