Source code for tiled.trees.in_memory

import itertools
from datetime import datetime

from ..queries import FullText
from ..query_registration import QueryTranslationRegistry
from ..utils import DictView, SpecialUsers, import_object
from .utils import UNCHANGED, IndexersMixin

[docs]class Tree(, IndexersMixin): """ A Tree backed by a mapping. """ __slots__ = ( "_access_policy", "_authenticated_identity", "_mapping", "_metadata", "_must_revalidate", "background_tasks", "entries_stale_after", "include_routers", "metadata_stale_after", ) # Define classmethods for managing what queries this Tree knows. query_registry = QueryTranslationRegistry() register_query = query_registry.register register_query_lazy = query_registry.register_lazy
[docs] def __init__( self, mapping, metadata=None, access_policy=None, authenticated_identity=None, entries_stale_after=None, metadata_stale_after=None, must_revalidate=True, ): """ Create a simple Tree from any mapping (e.g. dict, OneShotCachedMap). Parameters ---------- mapping : dict-like metadata : dict, optional access_policy : AccessPolicy, optional authenticated_identity : str, optional entries_stale_after: timedelta This server uses this to communite to the client how long it should rely on a local cache before checking back for changes. metadata_stale_after: timedelta This server uses this to communite to the client how long it should rely on a local cache before checking back for changes. must_revalidate : bool Whether the client should strictly refresh stale cache items. """ self._mapping = mapping self._metadata = metadata or {} if (access_policy is not None) and ( not access_policy.check_compatibility(self) ): raise ValueError( f"Access policy {access_policy} is not compatible with this Tree." ) self._access_policy = access_policy self._authenticated_identity = authenticated_identity self._must_revalidate = must_revalidate self.include_routers = [] self.background_tasks = [] self.entries_stale_after = entries_stale_after self.metadata_stale_after = metadata_stale_after super().__init__()
@property def must_revalidate(self): return self._must_revalidate @must_revalidate.setter def must_revalidate(self, value): self._must_revalidate = value @property def access_policy(self): return self._access_policy @access_policy.setter def access_policy(self, value): self._access_policy = value @property def authenticated_identity(self): return self._authenticated_identity @property def metadata(self): "Metadata about this Tree." # Ensure this is immutable (at the top level) to help the user avoid # getting the wrong impression that editing this would update anything # persistent. return DictView(self._metadata) def __repr__(self): return f"<{type(self).__name__}({set(self._mapping)!r})>" def __getitem__(self, key): return self._mapping[key] def __iter__(self): yield from self._mapping def __len__(self): return len(self._mapping) @property def metadata_stale_at(self): if self.metadata_stale_after is None: return return self.metadata_stale_after + datetime.utcnow() @property def entries_stale_at(self): if self.entries_stale_after is None: return return self.entries_stale_after + datetime.utcnow() def authenticated_as(self, identity): if self._authenticated_identity is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"Already authenticated as {self.authenticated_identity}" ) if self._access_policy is not None: tree = self._access_policy.filter_results(self, identity) else: tree = self.new_variation(authenticated_identity=identity) return tree def new_variation( self, *args, mapping=UNCHANGED, metadata=UNCHANGED, authenticated_identity=UNCHANGED, must_revalidate=UNCHANGED, **kwargs, ): if mapping is UNCHANGED: mapping = self._mapping if metadata is UNCHANGED: metadata = self._metadata if authenticated_identity is UNCHANGED: authenticated_identity = self._authenticated_identity if must_revalidate is UNCHANGED: must_revalidate = self.must_revalidate return type(self)( *args, mapping=mapping, metadata=self._metadata, access_policy=self.access_policy, authenticated_identity=self.authenticated_identity, entries_stale_after=self.entries_stale_after, metadata_stale_after=self.entries_stale_after, must_revalidate=must_revalidate, **kwargs, ) def search(self, query): """ Return a Tree with a subset of the mapping. """ return self.query_registry(query, self) # The following three methods are used by IndexersMixin # to define keys_indexer, items_indexer, and values_indexer. def _keys_slice(self, start, stop, direction): if direction > 0: yield from itertools.islice(self._mapping.keys(), start, stop) else: keys_to_slice = reversed( list( itertools.islice( self._mapping.keys(), 0, len(self._mapping) - start ) ) ) keys = keys_to_slice[start:stop] return keys def _items_slice(self, start, stop, direction): # A goal of this implementation is to avoid iterating over # self._mapping.values() because self._mapping may be a OneShotCachedMap which # only constructs its values at access time. With this in mind, we # identify the key(s) of interest and then only access those values. yield from ( (key, self._mapping[key]) for key in self._keys_slice(start, stop, direction) ) def _item_by_index(self, index, direction): if direction > 0: key = next(itertools.islice(self._mapping.keys(), index, 1 + index)) else: key = itertools.islice(self._mapping.keys(), len(self._mapping) - index) return (key, self._mapping[key])
def walk_string_values(tree, node=None): """ >>> list( ... walk_string_values( ... {'a': {'b': {'c': 'apple', 'd': 'banana'}, ... 'e': ['cat', 'dog']}, 'f': 'elephant'} ... ) ... ) ['apple', 'banana', 'cat', 'dog', 'elephant'] """ if node is None: for node in tree: yield from walk_string_values(tree, node) else: value = tree[node] if isinstance(value, str): yield value elif hasattr(value, "items"): for k, v in value.items(): yield from walk_string_values(value, k) elif isinstance(value, for item in value: if isinstance(item, str): yield item def full_text_search(query, tree): matches = {} text = query.text if query.case_sensitive: def maybe_lower(s): # no-op return s else: maybe_lower = str.lower query_words = set(text.split()) for key, value in tree.items(): words = set( word for s in walk_string_values(value.metadata) for word in maybe_lower(s).split() ) # Note that `not set.isdisjoint` is faster than `set.intersection`. At # the C level, `isdisjoint` loops over the set until it finds one match, # and then bails, whereas `intersection` proceeds to find all matches. if not words.isdisjoint(query_words): matches[key] = value return tree.new_variation(mapping=matches) Tree.register_query(FullText, full_text_search) class DummyAccessPolicy: "Impose no access restrictions." def check_compatibility(self, tree): # This only works on in-memory Tree or subclases. return isinstance(tree, Tree) def modify_queries(self, queries, authenticated_identity): return queries def filter_results(self, tree, authenticated_identity): return type(tree)( mapping=self._mapping, metadata=tree.metadata, access_policy=tree.access_policy, authenticated_identity=authenticated_identity, ) class SimpleAccessPolicy: """ A mapping of user names to lists of entries they can access. >>> SimpleAccessPolicy({"alice": ["A", "B"], "bob": ["B"]}) """ ALL = object() # sentinel def __init__(self, access_lists, public=None): self.access_lists = {} self.public = set(public or []) for key, value in access_lists.items(): if isinstance(value, str): value = import_object(value) self.access_lists[key] = value def check_compatibility(self, tree): # This only works on in-memory Tree or subclases. return isinstance(tree, Tree) def modify_queries(self, queries, authenticated_identity): return queries def filter_results(self, tree, authenticated_identity): # either list of paths or ALL access_list = self.access_lists.get(authenticated_identity, []) if (authenticated_identity is SpecialUsers.admin) or (access_list is self.ALL): mapping = tree._mapping else: allowed = set(access_list or []) | self.public mapping = {k: v for k, v in tree._mapping.items() if k in allowed} return type(tree)( mapping=mapping, metadata=tree.metadata, access_policy=tree.access_policy, authenticated_identity=authenticated_identity, )