
This document is slightly out of date, as the requirements have evolved in tandem with the exploratory implementation.

  • HTTP API that supports JSON and msgpack requests, with JSON and msgpack responses, as well as binary blob responses for chunked data

  • Be usable from any HTTP client and from languages other that Python. Avoid baking any Python-isms deeply into it. No pickle, no msgpack-python. (Those can be options, for the purpose of communicating with a Python client, but they should be privileged or default.)

  • Efficiently list and access entries, with pagination and random access.

  • Efficiently search entries using an extensible text of queries including broad ones like “full text search” and more application- and dataset-specific queries.

  • Access metadata cheaply.

  • Serve data from numpy arrays, DataFrames, and xarray structures in various formats in a tile-based (chunked, partitioned) fashion.

  • A Python client with rich proxy objects that do chunk-based access transparently (like Intake’s RemoteXarray and similar). But, differently from current Intake and Databroker, do not switch dask-vs-not-dask or dask-vs-another-delayed-framework at call time. Use a consistent delayed framework (or none at all) consistently within a given context. Your only option at call time should be read(). Whether that is in memory, dask, or something else should be set higher up—for example, on the client instance.

  • Usable performance without any intrinsic caching in the server. Objects may do some internal caching for optimization, but the server will not explicitly hang on to any state between requests.

  • Path toward adding state / caching in external systems (e.g. Redis, nginx)