WIP: save reflection information in stream#
See: bluesky/hklpy#158
from bluesky import RunEngine
from bluesky.callbacks.best_effort import BestEffortCallback
import bluesky.plans as bp
import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
import bluesky.preprocessors as bpp
import databroker
import hkl
from hkl import * # TODO: wildcard import, yikes!
import numpy as np
import pyRestTable
from ophyd import Component, Device, EpicsSignal, Signal
from ophyd.signal import AttributeSignal, ArrayAttributeSignal
from ophyd.sim import *
import pandas as pd
bec = BestEffortCallback()
cat = databroker.temp().v2
RE = RunEngine({})
RE.md["notebook"] = "tst_UB_in_stream"
RE.md["objective"] = "Demonstrate UB matrix save & restore in stream of bluesky run"
from collections import namedtuple
Lattice = namedtuple("LatticeTuple", "a b c alpha beta gamma")
Position = namedtuple("PositionTuple", "omega chi phi tth")
Reflection = namedtuple("ReflectionTuple", "h k l position")
class Holder:
samples = {}
class Reflections:
reflections = []
class MyDevice(Device):
uptime = Component(EpicsSignal, "gp:UPTIME", kind="normal")
apple = Component(Signal, value="Fuji", kind="omitted")
orange = Component(Signal, value="Valencia", kind="omitted")
octopus = Component(Signal, value="spotted", kind="omitted")
stream_name = Component(AttributeSignal, attr="_stream_name", doc="stream name", kind="omitted")
stream_attrs = Component(AttributeSignal, attr="_stream_attrs", doc="attributes in stream", kind="omitted")
_samples = {}
_stream_name = "bozo"
# _stream_attrs = "orange octopus samples stream_name stream_attrs".split()
_stream_attrs = "orange octopus stream_name stream_attrs".split()
# cannot make AttributeSignal from these that can be written by bluesky
paddle = Holder()
spots = Reflections()
def other_streams(self, label=None):
label = label or self._stream_name
yield from bps.create(name=label)
for attr in self._stream_attrs:
yield from bps.read(getattr(self, attr))
yield from bps.save()
yield from bps.create("fruit")
yield from bps.read(self.apple)
yield from bps.read(self.orange)
yield from bps.save()
yield from bps.create("animal")
yield from bps.read(self.octopus)
yield from bps.save()
nitwit = MyDevice("", name="nitwit")
nitwit.paddle.samples["main"] = Lattice(1,1,1,30,60,90)
nitwit.paddle.samples["second"] = Lattice(2,2,2, 2,2,2)
def try_it():
yield from bps.open_run()
yield from bps.create()
yield from bps.read(nitwit)
yield from bps.save()
yield from nitwit.other_streams()
yield from bps.close_run()
{'value': '11 days, 06:21:15', 'timestamp': 1655096814.592612})])
# RE(bp.count([nitwit]))
Transient Scan ID: 1 Time: 2022-06-13 00:06:55
Persistent Unique Scan ID: '8abd6968-1ce9-443d-a4ef-f9ad98f52d6c'
New stream: 'primary'
| seq_num | time |
| 1 | 00:06:55.2 |
New stream: 'bozo'
New stream: 'fruit'
New stream: 'animal'
generator try_it ['8abd6968'] (scan num: 1)
2022-06-13 00:06:55.235 -- 2022-06-13 00:06:55.253
* animal
* fruit
* primary
* bozo
run = cat[-1]
for stream in list(run):
print(f"{stream = }")
print(getattr(run, stream).read())
stream = 'animal'
Dimensions: (time: 1)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Data variables:
nitwit_octopus (time) <U7 'spotted'
stream = 'fruit'
Dimensions: (time: 1)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Data variables:
nitwit_orange (time) <U8 'Valencia'
nitwit_apple (time) <U4 'Fuji'
stream = 'primary'
Dimensions: (time: 1)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Data variables:
nitwit_uptime (time) <U17 '11 days, 06:21:15'
stream = 'bozo'
Dimensions: (time: 1, dim_0: 4)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0
Data variables:
nitwit_stream_attrs (time, dim_0) <U12 'orange' ... 'stream_attrs'
nitwit_octopus (time) <U7 'spotted'
nitwit_stream_name (time) <U4 'bozo'
nitwit_orange (time) <U8 'Valencia'
(1, 1, 1, 30, 60, 90)
{'nitwit_octopus': {'value': 'spotted', 'timestamp': 1655096815.1244874}}
for k, v in nitwit.paddle.samples.items():
print(f"{k = }")
print(f"{v[:] = }")
k = 'main'
v[:] = (1, 1, 1, 30, 60, 90)
k = 'second'
v[:] = (2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
sig = Signal(name="sig", value=dict(main=nitwit.paddle.samples["main"]._asdict()))
print(f"{sig.read() = }")
print(f"{nitwit.paddle.samples['main'] = }")
sig.read() = {'sig': {'value': {'main': {'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 1, 'alpha': 30, 'beta': 60, 'gamma': 90}}, 'timestamp': 1655096815.6220567}}
nitwit.paddle.samples['main'] = LatticeTuple(a=1, b=1, c=1, alpha=30, beta=60, gamma=90)
r = Reflection(4.0, 0., 0., Position(omega=-145.451, chi=0.0, phi=0.0, tth=69.0966))
(-145.451, 0.0, 0.0, 69.0966)
def read_soft_signal(key, value):
yield from bps.read(Signal(name=key, value=value))
def stream_dict(dictionary, label):
yield from bps.create(label)
for k, v in dictionary.items():
yield from read_soft_signal(k, v)
yield from bps.save()
def stream_samples(samples, label="samples"):
if len(samples):
yield from bps.create(label)
for sname, lattice in samples.items():
yield from read_soft_signal(sname, lattice[:])
yield from read_soft_signal("_keys", list(lattice._fields))
yield from bps.save()
# because you have to yield _something_
yield from bps.null()
def stream_test(reflections, label="reflections"):
if len(reflections):
yield from bps.create(label)
keys = []
for i, refl in enumerate(reflections):
key = f"r{i+1}"
yield from read_soft_signal(key, (*refl[:3], refl[3][:]))
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_hkl", refl[:3])
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_axis_values", refl[3])
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_wavelength", 2.101)
yield from read_soft_signal("_keys", keys)
yield from bps.save()
# because you have to yield _something_
yield from bps.null()
def stream_reflections(self, label="reflections"):
reflections = self.calc.sample._sample.reflections_get()
if len(reflections):
yield from bps.create(label)
orient_refls = self.calc.sample._orientation_reflections
keys = []
for i, refl in enumerate(reflections):
key = f"r{i+1}"
hkl_tuple = refl.hkl_get()
geom = refl.geometry_get()
yield from read_soft_signal(key, (*hkl_tuple[:], geom.axis_values_get(1)))
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_hkl", hkl_tuple[:])
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_axis_names", geom.axis_names_get(1))
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_axis_values", geom.axis_values_get(1))
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_wavelength", geom.wavelength_get(1))
yield from read_soft_signal(key+"_for_calcUB", refl in orient_refls)
# ignore `flag`, no documentation for it, always 1 (?used by libhkl's GUI?)
yield from read_soft_signal("_keys", keys)
yield from bps.save()
# because you have to yield _something_
yield from bps.null()
def stream_multi(label="multi"):
for i in range(3):
yield from bps.create(label)
yield from read_soft_signal("a", 1.2345 + i)
yield from read_soft_signal("b", f"4.{i}56")
yield from read_soft_signal("arr", [-1, i , 1.1])
yield from bps.save()
# because you have to yield _something_
yield from bps.null()
def streams():
yield from bps.open_run()
yield from stream_samples(nitwit.paddle.samples)
# yield from stream_reflections(
yield from stream_test(
Reflection(4.0, 0., 0., Position(omega=-145.451, chi=0.0, phi=0.0, tth=69.0966)),
Reflection(0., 4.0, 0., Position(omega=-145.451, chi=0.0, phi=90.0, tth=69.0966))
# yield from stream_multi()
yield from bps.close_run()
for nm, stream in cat[-1].items():
print(f"{nm = }")
Transient Scan ID: 2 Time: 2022-06-13 00:06:55
Persistent Unique Scan ID: '3554e9e1-2afc-4384-8d53-e4108099f85b'
New stream: 'samples'
New stream: 'reflections'
nm = 'samples'
Dimensions: (time: 1, dim_0: 6, dim_1: 6, dim_2: 6)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0, dim_1, dim_2
Data variables:
main (time, dim_0) int64 1 1 1 30 60 90
_keys (time, dim_1) <U5 'a' 'b' 'c' 'alpha' 'beta' 'gamma'
second (time, dim_2) int64 2 2 2 2 2 2
nm = 'reflections'
Dimensions: (time: 1, dim_0: 4, dim_1: 3, dim_2: 4, dim_3: 2, dim_4: 4,
dim_5: 3, dim_6: 4)
* time (time) float64 1.655e+09
Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0, dim_1, dim_2, dim_3, dim_4, dim_5, dim_6
Data variables:
r1 (time, dim_0) object 4.0 ... [-145.451, 0.0, 0.0, 69.0966]
r2_hkl (time, dim_1) float64 0.0 4.0 0.0
r2 (time, dim_2) object 0.0 ... [-145.451, 0.0, 90.0, 69.0966]
_keys (time, dim_3) <U2 'r1' 'r2'
r2_axis_values (time, dim_4) float64 -145.5 0.0 90.0 69.1
r1_hkl (time, dim_5) float64 4.0 0.0 0.0
r2_wavelength (time) float64 2.101
r1_wavelength (time) float64 2.101
r1_axis_values (time, dim_6) float64 -145.5 0.0 0.0 69.1
/home/prjemian/.conda/envs/training_2022/lib/python3.9/site-packages/dask/array/core.py:4333: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
a = np.asarray(a, dtype=dtype, order=order)
/home/prjemian/.conda/envs/training_2022/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bluesky_live/conversion.py:380: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray.
out[k] = numpy.asarray(out[k])
k = "r1"
r = cat[-1].reflections.read()[k+"_hkl"][0]
a = cat[-1].reflections.read()[k+"_axis_values"][0]
(*r.data, a.data)
(4.0, 0.0, 0.0, array([-145.451 , 0. , 0. , 69.0966]))