
hklpy provides ophyd diffractometer devices. Each diffractometer is a positioner which may be used with bluesky plans.

Hkl (documentation), from Synchrotron Soleil, is used as a backend library to convert between real-space motor coordinates and reciprocal-space crystallographic coordinates. Here, we refer to this library as libhkl to clarify and distinguish from other use of of the term hkl. Multiple source code repositories exist. hklpy uses the active development repository.

All diffractometers can be provisioned with simulated axes; motors from an EPICS control system are not required to use hklpy. A few diffractometer simulators are provided ready to use.

Diffractometer() is the base class from which all the different diffractometer geometries are built. Built on the ophyd.PseudoPositioner interface, it defines all the components of a diffractometer. The different geometries specify the names and order for the real motor axes.


Several terms used throughout are:

real axis (positioner)#

A positioner (whether simulated or attached to hardware) that operates in real space. Typically an instance of ophyd.EpicsMotor or ophyd.SoftPositioner.

pseudo axis (positioner)#

A positioner (whether simulated or attached to hardware) that operates in reciprocal space. Typically an instance of ophyd.PseudoSingle.

forward (transformation)#

Compute the values of the real positioners given values of the pseudo positioners. Additional constraints (limits on the real positioner and diffractometer mode) may be defined to limit the number of possible solutions.

inverse (transformation)#

Compute the values of the pseudo positioners given values of the real positioners.

libhkl support library#

The transformation between real and reciprocal (a.k.a., pseudo) space are passed (from modules diffract through calc) to a support library known here as libhkl (https://repo.or.cz/hkl.git), written in C.

Parts of a Diffractometer object#

A Diffractometer object has several parts:


The name of the Diffractometer() instance is completely at the choice of the user and conveys no specific information to the underlying Python support code.

One important convention is that the name given on the left side of the = matches the name given by the name="..." keyword, such as this example:

e4cv = E4CV("", name="e4cv")


The geometry describes the physical arrangement of real positioners that make up the diffractometer. The choices are limited to those geometries provided in geometries (which are the geometries provided by the libhkl support library). A geometry will provide a list of the real positioners. It is possible to use alternate names.


The calc attribute, set when the Diffractometer object is defined, connects with the underlying libhkl support library. While a user might call certain methods from this CalcRecip() object, it is usually not necessary. The most common term from this layer would be the actual wavelength used for computations. Using from the example above, DFRCT.calc.wavelength (where DFRCT is the diffractometer object, such as e4cv above), expressed in Angstrom units. Normally, the user will set the energy in the diffractometer object, DFRCT.energy, which will then set the wavelength.

The calc contains the methods that convert between energy and wavelength. To use this Python support at an instrument that does not use X-rays (such as a neutron source), re-write these methods and also redefine any classes that use CalcRecip().

wavelength (and energy)#

The energy of the diffractometer sets the wavelength (\(\lambda\)), [1] which is used when:

  1. computing forward() and inverse() transformations

  2. defining orientation reflections

  3. documenting the DiffractometerConfiguration


It is more common for X-ray users to describe the energy of the incident radiation than its wavelength. The high-level interface allows the X-ray photon energy to be expressed in any engineering units that are convertible to the expected units (keV). An offset may be applied, which is useful when connecting the diffractometer energy with a control system variable. (See the Control System Energy section.)


The point of a diffractometer is to position a sample for scientific measurements. The sample attribute is an instance of HklSample. Behind the scenes, the Diffractometer object maintains a dictionary of samples (keyed by name), each with its own Lattice and orientation (reflections) information.


Crystal samples have Lattice parameters defined by unit cell lengths and angles. (Units here are angstroms and degrees.)

This table describes the lattice of crystalline Vibranium [2]:
















The UB matrix describes the forward() and inverse() transformations that allow precise positioning of a crystalline sample’s atomic planes in the laboratory reference system of the diffractometer. Typically, the UB matrix is computed (by libhkl) from two orientation reflections. Two different methods are available to compute the UB matrix:




Busing & Levy computation with 2 reflections


Simplex refinement with more than 2 reflections

orientation reflections#

An orientation reflection consists of a set of matching pseudo axis (positioner) and real axis (positioner) values at a specified wavelength. These values may be measured or computed. It is not necessary that the real axis positions be within any of the constraints.

There are several use cases for a set of reflections:

  • Computation of the orientation matrix (for 2 or more non-parallel reflections).

  • Documentation of observed (or theoretical) reflection settings.

  • Reference settings so as to re-position the diffractometer.

  • Define a crystallographic zone or axis to guide the diffractometer for measurements.

Here is an example of three orientation reflections for a sample of crystalline vibranium [2] as mounted on a diffractometer with E4CV geometry:










































A forward() transformation can have many solutions. A Constraint can be applied:

  • to limit the range of solutions accepted for that positioner

  • to declare the value to use when the positioner should be kept constant

See the Constraints section for more information.


The forward() transformation can have many solutions. The diffractometer is set to a mode (chosen from a list specified by the diffractometer geometry) that controls how values for each of the real positioners will be controlled. A mode can control relationships between real positioners in addition to limiting the motion of a real positioner. Further, a mode can specify an additional reflection which will be used to determine the outcome of the forward() transformation.




mode selected now


list of possible modes

Here, DFRCT is the diffractometer object (such as e4cv above).

Steps to define a diffractometer object#

  1. Identify the geometry.

  2. Check that it is supported in the geometries module.

  3. Create a custom subclass for the diffractometer.

  4. Connect the real positioners with the control system motors.

  5. (optional) Connect energy to the control system.

  6. Define the diffractometer object from the custom subclass.

Use a Diffractometer with the bluesky RunEngine#

The positioners of a Diffractometer object may be used with the bluesky RunEngine with any of the pre-assembled plans or in custom plans of your own.

fourc = hkl.geometries.SimulatedE4CV("", name="fourc")
# steps not shown here:
#   define a sample & orientation reflections, and compute UB matrix

# record the diffractometer metadata to a run

# relative *(h00)* scan
RE(bp.rel_scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.h, -0.1, 0.1, 21))

# absolute *(0kl)* scan
RE(bp.scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.k, 0.9, 1.1, fourc.l, 2, 3, 21))

# absolute ``chi`` scan
RE(bp.scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.chi, 30, 60, 31))

Keep in mind these considerations:

  1. Don’t mix axis types (pseudos v. reals) in a scan. You can only scan with either pseudo axes (h, k, l, q, …) or real axes (omega, tth, chi, …) at one time. You cannot scan with both types (such as h and tth) in a single scan (because the forward() and inverse() methods cannot resolve). Example:

    # Cannot scan both ``k`` and ``chi`` at the same time.
    # This will raise a `ValueError` exception.
    RE(bp.scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.k, 0.9, 1.1, fourc.chi, 2, 3, 21))
  2. When scanning with pseudo axes (h, k, l, q, …), first check that all steps in the scan can be computed successfully with the forward() computation:

    fourc.forward(1.9, 0, 0)
  3. Include the diffractometer object as an additional detector to record the diffractometer metadata [3] as part of the scan. For example:

    fourc = hkl.geometries.SimulatedE4CV("", name="fourc")
    RE(bp.scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.h, 1.9, 2.1, 21))
  4. To save crystal orientation and reflections for later use, include the diffractometer object as an additional detector (as stated in consideration 3 above):

    RE(bp.scan([scaler, fourc], fourc.chi, 30, 60, 31))
    #                   ^^^^^
  5. To restore crystal lattice and orientation reflections from a previous run, first use the databroker to find the run. (The list_orientation_runs() function can list any recent runs with orientation information. It needs the databroker catalog object.) With the run, use run_orientation_info() to obtain the orientation information. Then call restore_orientation() with the run’s orientation information. Here is an example with the fourc object created above and a previous run with scan_id = 457:

    # find a run
    # get the run's orientation metadata
    info = hkl.util.run_orientation_info(cat[457])
    # restore the orientation
    hkl.util.restore_orientation(info["fourc"], fourc)
  6. You should only restore orientation reflections from a matching diffractometer geometry (such as E4CV). A ValueError exception will be raised if the geometry names (one of the names in geometries) do not match. To override this check (at your own risk), replace _check_geometry() with your own code.

  7. A sample lattice can be restored into any Diffractometer object, as long as it has not already been defined (by name) in that object:

    info = hkl.util.run_orientation_info(cat[457])
    hkl.util.restore_sample(info["fourc"], fourc)
  8. If you want to save other information during a run, or save this information in a different format, it is suggested to write that information as a separate stream using a custom plan.