- class bluesky.run_engine.RunEngine(md: dict | None = None, *, loop: | None = None, preprocessors: list | None = None, context_managers: list | None = None, md_validator: ~typing.Callable | None = None, md_normalizer: ~typing.Callable | None = None, scan_id_source: ~typing.Callable | None = <function default_scan_id_source>, during_task: ~bluesky.utils.DuringTask | None = None, call_returns_result: bool = False)[source]#
The Run Engine execute messages and emits Documents.
- Parameters:
- mddict-like, optional
The default is a standard Python dictionary, but fancier objects can be used to store long-term history and persist it between sessions. The standard configuration instantiates a Run Engine with historydict.HistoryDict, a simple interface to a sqlite file. Any object supporting __getitem__, __setitem__, and clear will work.
- loopasyncio event loop
- preprocessorslist, optional
Generator functions that take in a plan (generator instance) and modify its messages on the way out. Suitable examples include the functions in the module
with names ending in ‘wrapper’. Functions are composed in order: the preprocessors[f, g]
are applied likef(g(plan))
.- context_managerslist, optional
Context managers that will be entered when we run a plan. The context managers will be composed in order, much like the preprocessors. If this argument is omitted, we will use a user-oriented handler for SIGINT. The elements of this list will be passed this
instance as their only argument. You may pass an empty list if you would like aRunEngine
with no signal handling and no context managers.- md_validatorcallable, optional
a function that raises and prevents starting a run if it deems the metadata to be invalid or incomplete Expected signature: f(md) Function should raise if md is invalid. What that means is completely up to the user. The function’s return value is ignored.
- md_normalizercallable, optional
a function that, similar to md_validator, raises and prevents starting a run if it deems the metadata to be invalid or incomplete. If it succeeds, it returns the normalized/transformed version of the original metadata. Expected signature: f(md) Function should raise if md is invalid. What that means is completely up to the user. Expected return: normalized metadata
- scan_id_sourcecallable, optional
a function that will be used to calculate scan_id. Default is to increment scan_id by 1 each time. However you could pass in a customized function to get a scan_id from any source. Expected signature: f(md) Expected return: updated scan_id value
- during_taskreference to an object of class DuringTask, optional
Class methods:
to be run to block the main thread during RE.__call__The required signatures for the class methods
def block(ev: Threading.Event) -> None: "Returns when ev is set"
- The default value handles the cases of:
Matplotlib is not imported (just wait on the event)
Matplotlib is imported, but not using a Qt, notebook or ipympl backend (just wait on the event)
Matplotlib is imported and using a Qt backend (run the Qt app on the main thread until the run finishes)
Matplotlib is imported and using a nbagg or ipympl backend ( wait on the event and poll to push updates to the browser)
- call_returns_resultbool, default False
A flag that controls the return value of __call__ If
, theRunEngine
will return a :class:RunEngineResult
object that contains information about the plan that was run. IfFalse
, theRunEngine
will return a tuple of uids. Defaults toFalse
to preserve the oldRunEngine
behavior, but the default is expected to change toTrue
in the future.
- Attributes:
- md
Direct access to the dict-like persistent storage described above
- record_interruptions
False by default. Set to True to generate an extra event stream that records any interruptions (pauses, suspensions).
- state
{‘idle’, ‘running’, ‘paused’}
- suspenders
Read-only collection of bluesky.suspenders.SuspenderBase objects which can suspend and resume execution; see related methods.
- preprocessorslist
Generator functions that take in a plan (generator instance) and modify its messages on the way out. Suitable examples include the functions in the module
with names ending in ‘wrapper’. Functions are composed in order: the preprocessors[f, g]
are applied likef(g(plan))
.- msg_hook
Callable that receives all messages before they are processed (useful for logging or other development purposes); expected signature is
is abluesky.Msg
, a kind of namedtuple; default is None.- state_hook
Callable with signature
f(new_state, old_state)
that will be called whenever the RunEngine’s state attribute is updated; default is None- waiting_hook
Callable with signature
that will be called whenever the RunEngine is waiting for long-running commands (trigger, set, kickoff, complete) to complete. This hook is useful to incorporate a progress bar.- ignore_callback_exceptions
Boolean, False by default.
- call_returns_result
Boolean, False by default. If False, RunEngine will return uuid list after running a plan. If True, RunEngine will return a RunEngineResult object that contains the plan result, error status, and uuid list.
- loopasyncio event loop
- max_depth
Maximum stack depth; set this to prevent users from calling the RunEngine inside a function (which can result in unexpected behavior and breaks introspection tools). Default is None. For built-in Python interpreter, set to 2. For IPython, set to 11 (tested on IPython 5.1.0; other versions may vary).
- pause_msgstr
The message printed when a run is interrupted. This message includes instructions of changing the state of the RunEngine. It is set to
by default and can be modified based on needs.- commands:
The list of commands available to Msg.
- __init__(md: dict | None = None, *, loop: | None = None, preprocessors: list | None = None, context_managers: list | None = None, md_validator: ~typing.Callable | None = None, md_normalizer: ~typing.Callable | None = None, scan_id_source: ~typing.Callable | None = <function default_scan_id_source>, during_task: ~bluesky.utils.DuringTask | None = None, call_returns_result: bool = False)[source]#
([md, loop, preprocessors, ...])abort
([reason])Stop a running or paused plan and mark it as aborted.
Uninstall all suspenders.
(name, doc)emit_sync
(name, doc)Process blocking callbacks and schedule non-blocking callbacks.
()Stop the running plan and do not allow the plan a chance to clean up.
(suspender)Install a 'suspender', which can suspend and resume execution.
([verbose])This conveniently prints the command registry of available commands.
(name, func)Register a new Message command.
(suspender)Uninstall a suspender.
([defer])Command the Run Engine to pause.
(fut, *[, pre_plan, ...])Request that the run suspend itself until the future is finished.
()Clean up caches and unsubscribe subscriptions.
()Resume a paused plan from the last checkpoint.
()Stop a running or paused plan, but mark it as successful (not aborted).
(func[, name])Register a callback function to consume documents.
(name)Unregister a Message command.
(token)Unregister a callback function its integer ID.
The list of commands available to Msg.
The property returns
if deferred pause was requested, but not processed.ignore_callback_exceptions
i.e., can the plan in progress by rewound