Source code for tiled.adapters.tiff

import builtins

import numpy as np
import tifffile

from ..structures.array import ArrayStructure, BuiltinDtype
from ..structures.core import StructureFamily
from ..utils import path_from_uri
from .resource_cache import with_resource_cache

[docs]class TiffAdapter: """ Read a TIFF file. Examples -------- >>> TiffAdapter("path/to/file.tiff") """ structure_family = StructureFamily.array
[docs] def __init__( self, data_uri, *, structure=None, metadata=None, specs=None, access_policy=None, ): if not isinstance(data_uri, str): raise Exception filepath = path_from_uri(data_uri) cache_key = (tifffile.TiffFile, filepath) self._file = with_resource_cache(cache_key, tifffile.TiffFile, filepath) self.specs = specs or [] self._provided_metadata = metadata or {} self.access_policy = access_policy if structure is None: if self._file.is_shaped: shape = tuple(self._file.shaped_metadata[0]["shape"]) else: arr = self._file.asarray() shape = arr.shape structure = ArrayStructure( shape=shape, chunks=tuple((dim,) for dim in shape), data_type=BuiltinDtype.from_numpy_dtype(self._file.series[0].dtype), ) self._structure = structure
def metadata(self): # This contains some enums, but Python's built-in JSON serializer # handles them fine (converting to str or int as appropriate). d = { tag.value for tag in self._file.pages[0].tags.values()} d.update(self._provided_metadata) return d def read(self, slice=None): # TODO Is there support for reading less than the whole array # if we only want a slice? I do not think that is possible with a # single-page TIFF but I'm not sure. Certainly it *is* possible for # multi-page TIFFs. arr = self._file.asarray() if slice is not None: arr = arr[slice] return arr def read_block(self, block, slice=None): # For simplicity, this adapter always treat a single TIFF file as one # chunk. This could be relaxed in the future. if sum(block) != 0: raise IndexError(block) arr = self._file.asarray() if slice is not None: arr = arr[slice] return arr def structure(self): return self._structure
class TiffSequenceAdapter: structure_family = "array" @classmethod def from_uris( cls, data_uris, structure=None, metadata=None, specs=None, access_policy=None, ): filepaths = [path_from_uri(data_uri) for data_uri in data_uris] seq = tifffile.TiffSequence(filepaths) return cls( seq, structure=structure, specs=specs, metadata=metadata, access_policy=access_policy, ) def __init__( self, seq, *, structure=None, metadata=None, specs=None, access_policy=None, ): self._seq = seq # TODO Check shape, chunks against reality. self.specs = specs or [] self._provided_metadata = metadata or {} self.access_policy = access_policy if structure is None: shape = (len(self._seq), * structure = ArrayStructure( shape=shape, # one chunks per underlying TIFF file chunks=((1,) * shape[0], *[(i,) for i in shape[1:]]), # Assume all files have the same data type data_type=BuiltinDtype.from_numpy_dtype(, ) self._structure = structure def metadata(self): # TODO How to deal with the many headers? return self._provided_metadata def read(self, slice=Ellipsis): """Return a numpy array Receives a sequence of values to select from a collection of tiff files that were saved in a folder The input order is defined as: files --> vertical slice --> horizontal slice --> color slice --> ... read() can receive one value or one slice to select all the data from one file or a sequence of files; or it can receive a tuple (int or slice) to select a more specific sequence of pixels of a group of images. """ if slice is Ellipsis: return self._seq.asarray() if isinstance(slice, int): # e.g. read(slice=0) -- return an entire image return tifffile.TiffFile(self._seq.files[slice]).asarray() if isinstance(slice, builtins.slice): # e.g. read(slice=(...)) -- return a slice along the image axis return tifffile.TiffSequence(self._seq.files[slice]).asarray() if isinstance(slice, tuple): if len(slice) == 0: return self._seq.asarray() if len(slice) == 1: return[0]) image_axis, *the_rest = slice # Could be int or slice (0, slice(...)) or (0,....); the_rest is converted to a list if isinstance(image_axis, int): # e.g. read(slice=(0, ....)) arr = tifffile.TiffFile(self._seq.files[image_axis]).asarray() elif image_axis is Ellipsis: # Return all images arr = tifffile.TiffSequence(self._seq.files).asarray() the_rest.insert(0, Ellipsis) # Include any leading dimensions elif isinstance(image_axis, builtins.slice): arr = arr = np.atleast_1d(arr[tuple(the_rest)]) return arr def read_block(self, block, slice=None): if any(block[1:]): # e.g. block[1:] != [0,0, ..., 0] raise IndexError(block) arr =[0], block[0] + 1)) if slice is not None: arr = arr[slice] return arr def structure(self): return self._structure