Run Tiled Server from the Helm chart

There is an official Tiled helm chart image for use with Helm and Kubernetes.


This quickstart guide installs the Tiled server configured with a single API key with permissions to write and access all data. It is not intended for production use, and is just a useful default with minimal configuration.

Installing the Helm chart with default values:

helm install tiled oci://

This Helm chart additionally refers to, but does not create, a Secret that contains the value to use as the API key. It is highly recommended to use a SealedSecret if kubeseal is available on the cluster you are installing into.

See the Docker documentation for instructions on creating a secure key.

# This will only decrypt in your namespace, in your cluster, and is safe to commit
$ echo -n <key> | kubeseal --raw --namespace <your namespace> --name tiled-secrets

Use the result as the body of a SealedSecret:

kind: SealedSecret
  name: tiled-secrets

Apply the SealedSecret to the cluster with kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f secret.yaml

Further Configuration

A common pattern for managing the configuration of a Helm chart is to wrap the config as another layer of chart, with the bundled instance configuration and the dependent charts kept under source control.

  | Chart.yaml
  | values.yaml
  | \templates
    | secret.yaml
  | .git

The dependent chart(s): tiled and any other services that should live and die with the tiled instance can be referenced from the Chart.yaml:

apiVersion: v2
name: my-install-of-tiled
description: tiled configured for use at...

version: 0.1.0
appVersion: v0.1.0b12

type: application

# Fetches the tiled Helm chart with version 0.1.0
  - name: tiled
    version: "0.1.0"
    repository: "oci://"

While overrides for the bundled values.yaml in each dependency chart can be passed as part of the values.yaml.

Note that the name in the dependencies in the Chart.yaml give the top-level key to use in the values.yaml:

  # This is mounted as config.yaml to the tiled container
  # Replacing `config` value in the helm/tiled/values.yaml file in this repository
  config: {}

Additional templates to be deployed alongside the tiled server can be defined- for example the SealedSecret defined above.